Covid isn't killing me. The governments reaction to it is.

but what else could cause the "surge"?
Uh, holidays where people travel and spend time together indoors.

So you are one of those who blame the people, not the virus.

Because you can make laws against the people, make their lives more miserable than they would have been without government in the picture at all, but there is nothing you can do to stop the viruses: they laugh at your "science," your laws, your tyrannical, illegal, unconstitutional dictates. Only people are made miserable and hungry and oppressed by those.
You asked a question as to what could explain the surge. Human behavior is the reason.
You asked a question as to what could explain the surge. Human behavior is the reason.

So you think the virus has nothing to do with this, no matter how fast the new variant evolved to spread. It's all these bad, bad humans, who just won't OBEY, OBEY, OBEY their rightful masters, the politicians.

That people could just stop all this disease stuff in a minute if they would simply "follow the science" and obey, obey, obey.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
This lock down is inexplicable. People die in car accidents every day, we accept it as the price of progress. I know people that had Covid19 and they say its like a bad case of the flu. Anecdotal, true. But common sense says "authorities" are over reacting and in the process, destroying our economy. Over what amounts to a bad case of the flu.
You asked a question as to what could explain the surge. Human behavior is the reason.

So you think the virus has nothing to do with this, no matter how fast the new variant evolved to spread. It's all these bad, bad humans, who just won't OBEY, OBEY, OBEY their rightful masters, the politicians.

That people could just stop all this disease stuff in a minute if they would simply "follow the science" and obey, obey, obey.
I think human activity is perfectly capable of explaining a spike in cases without believing that the mutated virus identified in England is primarily or even partly to blame especially there’s basically no evidence that I’ve seen (or you’ve provided) to believe the mutated strain is present in this country in any noticeable amount.
Sounds like little experience in epidemiology and population health which is more relevant here.

No one is saying that COVID is the most deadly or contagious virus ever, but it has enough of both to wreak havoc in communities that don’t actively mitigate it.

Masks aren’t intended to be a cure all, but when combined with other actions can have a significant difference.

And how is Los Angeles doing in the mitigation business? We've been locked down and masked up since April. How's that going?

They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
This lock down is inexplicable. People die in car accidents every day, we accept it as the price of progress. I know people that had Covid19 and they say its like a bad case of the flu. Anecdotal, true. But common sense says "authorities" are over reacting and in the process, destroying our economy. Over what amounts to a bad case of the flu.

Apples and Zebras ^^^ Please try to put together a rational comparison,
That kind of information would personally identify me. I have an MD. What do you have?

Translation: you have-exactly-zero expertise in respiratory protection. Therefore, nothing you say matters.

I have statements from someone who absolutely is an expert in the field (including but not limited to teaching it for more than ten years, and certified to testify in Federal courts), author Mike Williamson.
These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
That is no substitute for being a multiple casino bankrupt and faded reality-tv performer when it comes to matters of medical science and public health.

I don't wear one nor will I start to wear one. There is proof beyond doubt when you look at the virus and contrast it with pore spaces in the fabric of masks. All the rest is just the liberal media, politics, agenda, and propaganda.
The virus isn't just floating around in a vapor cloud. It is in droplets. The masks stop the droplets. You aren't risking yourself by not wearing the mask, you are selfishly risking others.

Im not sick and I'm not putting anyone else at risk. If I were sick, I'd stay at home.

We have been dealing with this for a year. How is ignorance stll so prevalent?

There is no empirical evidence to support that claim.
It's scientific evidence. Proven beyond a doubt.

That kind of information would personally identify me. I have an MD. What do you have?

Translation: you have-exactly-zero expertise in respiratory protection. Therefore, nothing you say matters.

I have statements from someone who absolutely is an expert in the field (including but not limited to teaching it for more than ten years, and certified to testify in Federal courts), author Mike Williamson.

So where are these statements you "have"? An expert in what field?
No one claims that "flattening the cuve" can possibly reduce deaths.
Even Fauci admitted that only delays the deaths.
So we should not be "flattening the curve" at all because all that does is prevent herd immunity.
Herd immunity is what ends all epidemics, like with Ebola, where the virus dies because it runs out of local hosts.
But by "flattening the curve", we conserve local hosts, ensuring the virus never can die out.
That results in the largest possible death toll.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us

That is to much common sense. They can't have that kind of thing and people thinking for themselves.

No one claims that "flattening the cuve" can possibly reduce deaths.
Even Fauci admitted that only delays the deaths.
So we should not be "flattening the curve" at all because all that does is prevent herd immunity.
Herd immunity is what ends all epidemics, like with Ebola, where the virus dies because it runs out of local hosts.
But by "flattening the curve", we conserve local hosts, ensuring the virus never can die out.
That results in the largest possible death toll.

One could begin to think that they want people to get sick and stay sick on purpose.

Well, because the goal all along was to give the vaccine. First the problem they created in the first place, then the reaction by the people, "help us" and then the solution they wanted to give all along.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us

So what are you prepared to do about it, Gramps? That is the real question everyone wants answered—but not necessarily with words.
I am an ex convict. I have to give an ID to buy bullets for my kids so what are my odds of getting a gun to defend my rights with?
My opportunities long passed me by because of my own mistakes.
I guess I could walk into home depot without a mask but that gets me fuck all of nothing.
Black market, or build your own.

I plan on getting a black market covid pass since I'm not participating in this idiocy.
You are the idiocy. The rest of us a dragging you along as dead weight.

Nope, I don't cower down to a virus with a 99.7 recovery rate. I don't live in fear.

I think most of the people that still live in fear of this are the people that watch the mainstream media and believe what they say. If you turn CNN and Faux off and begin to do your own research. Your whole world changes.

The common cold has about the same chance of killing you as covid is.

The only what I can say to such a totally absurde nonsense: Learn to use your ears, learn to use your eyes and overcome your egocentralism. Or what else could be an understandable reason why you say such an unbelievable nonsense? What - for heavens sake - is your intention?
I know many are having a terrible time, some lost loved ones. I do my part and I dont wanna be killing others or loved ones...I'm enjoying and loving this as I've slowed down, enjoying my family and nature.
Medical professionals with a wealth of experience in epidemiology have arrived at one conclusion based upon empirical data derived from extensive controlled studies.

One????? Really?

Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in ...

U.S. health officials say Americans shouldn’t wear face ...

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 ...

"Masks help" say some million doctors and nurses worldwide.

The common cold has about the same chance of killing you as covid is.

The only what I can say to such a totally absurde nonsense: Learn to use your ears, learn to use your eyes and overcome your egocentralism. Or what else could be an understandable reason why you say such an unbelievable nonsense? What - for heavens sake - is your intention?

And for you, learn to read and type correctly in English.
People die. Such is the thing we call life. ...

Why do you fight for this damned virus? Life is life - life is wonderful. Death is bullshit.
I guess the six people I know who have checked out after being totally ruined by the shutdown are "less dead" than the people Cuomo murdered with biological warfare in the nursing homes of New York?

What for heavens sake do you say here? Did you notice that hundreds of thousands died in the USA because of covid-19? This means millions of people lost a beloved family member. And why were this six people "ruined" - whatever this means concrete? Because of what exactly? Which help do they need? And it is a joke to create a picture like "economy is not possible because of a fight against a pandemic". Some people earn a lot now - Amazon for example wan an unbelievable amount of money worldwide because of Corona. Corona-19 is a natural catastrophe. It is normal that people who win, because of a natural catastrophe, help others, who lose, because of a natural catastrophe. Human beings are social beings. Not to help people, who need help, is not any solution for anything. And to fight for a deadly virus is an absolutelly wrong way.
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