Covid isn't killing me. The governments reaction to it is.

How do you know he knows what heā€™s talking about?

You donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about so you just believe whoever says what you want to hear.

I're not too bright, so I guess I have to lead you by the nose. For the slow kid: he knows what he is talking about because respiratory protection was his field of expertise for almost twenty years. He taught it for more than a decade, and has credentials to testify in Federal court as an expert witness about it.
Yes. Iā€™m sure heā€™s great about knowing how to protect people from sawdust and industrial waste.

But since we arenā€™t talking about OSHA regulations and instead talking about infections diseases, Iā€™ll stick with my training in virology, infectious diseases, immunology, and epidemiology.

This is the problem with appeals to authority. Itā€™s a weak argument. You just pick the expert you like and ignore the experts you donā€™t.

But EVERY actual virologist, immunologist, epidemiologist, etc., says that herd immunity is what ends all established epidemics.
There has NEVER been one ended by "flattening the curve", and "flattening the curve" clearly results in a much larger death toll because it makes the epidemic last essentially forever, and allows a much wider spread over time.

Look at any epidemic, like Polio, Ebola, Avian flu, etc.
They all ended through herd immunity, where they spike so fact, they use up the local hosts available too quickly, and then die off from a lack of local hosts.
Go look it up.
Flattening the curve never works.
It was only tried once, in 1918, and was a disaster, stretching out a minor seasonal flu for over 2 years, killing over 20 times what it should have normally.
What in the world are you talking about 1918? This is absolute nonsense. Flattening the curve mitigates the massive deaths. Our health system would not be able to tolerate the influx of infections if the curve was not flattened.

Furthermore, epidemics are often ended by means other than herd immunity. Avian Flu was isolated and managed without herd immunity. Ebola was not managed by herd immunity, which is an insane assertion given it has a mortality of up to 90%. SARS same story. No herd immunity.

Let's talk about the Spanish flu, shall we?

In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first ā€œSpanish Fluā€ case was reported.

WW1 Draft = Human Test Subjects

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ā€˜Rockefeller Institute for Medical Researchā€™, had something they never had before ā€“ a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. militaryā€™s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine: The Killing Field

Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a ā€œFLUā€ at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ā€˜bacterial meningitis vaccineā€™, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a ā€œkilling fieldā€. Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.

Thanks for fringe opinion of some random chiropractor who is clearly just making shit up because thatā€™s what happens on the internet.
Sure. Youā€™re believing some rando on the internet with zero medical knowledge who just happens to be paid to testify the way lawyers want him to simply because he says what you want.

No, that's wrong.

You never heard of this guy before. Youā€™ll never hear of him after. Heā€™s a nobody and thatā€™s assuming he exists at all, which you donā€™t actually know either.

No, that's wrong.

Iā€™ll stick with the doctors who actually do the hard work of researching these topics. Those trained in actual medicine, not OSHA guidelines. But more importantly, Iā€™ll trust their research with contradicts the opinions of nobodies like you or your supppsed expert who has done none of this. Just giving his opinion which makes about as much difference as a fart in the wind.

No, that's wrong. You got the hat trick!
Sure. Youā€™re believing some rando on the internet with zero medical knowledge who just happens to be paid to testify the way lawyers want him to simply because he says what you want.

No, that's wrong.

You never heard of this guy before. Youā€™ll never hear of him after. Heā€™s a nobody and thatā€™s assuming he exists at all, which you donā€™t actually know either.

No, that's wrong.

Iā€™ll stick with the doctors who actually do the hard work of researching these topics. Those trained in actual medicine, not OSHA guidelines. But more importantly, Iā€™ll trust their research with contradicts the opinions of nobodies like you or your supppsed expert who has done none of this. Just giving his opinion which makes about as much difference as a fart in the wind.

No, that's wrong. You got the hat trick!
Be honest, did you ever hear of this dude before you read his anti-mask article on the internet?
Be honest, did you ever hear of this dude before you read his anti-mask article on the internet?

It wasn't an article, it was a FB post. And yes, about 15 years ago. (He's an author, that's why I followed him on FB.)
Oh, Facebook. Gotcha. Iā€™m not really finding anything about this dude to be honest. I thought you were referring to someone else.

Can I get a link to this supposed expert?

(Heā€™s not a science fiction author, is he?)
It wasn't an article, it was a FB post. And yes, about 15 years ago. (He's an author, that's why I followed him on FB.)
Oh, god. It is the science fiction author.

Does this guy even have a college degree?
Oh, god. It is the science fiction author.

Does this guy even have a college degree?

I don't think so...not that it matters at all. He learned (and taught) respiratory protection during his 20+ years in the US Army. Irrelevant distraction, not a good one. 2/10 at best.
I don't think so...not that it matters at all. He learned (and taught) respiratory protection during his 20+ years in the US Army. Irrelevant distraction, not a good one. 2/10 at best.
Air Force, mostly. 5 years active duty and 17 years in national guard. It is an absolute joke if you think that makes you an expert in virology, epidemiology, and infection control. He has no college degree, no scientific education, no medical expertise, zero relevant experience.

Your source is way worse than I assumed it would be.
Air Force, mostly. 5 years active duty and 17 years in national guard. It is an absolute joke if you think that makes you an expert in virology, epidemiology, and infection control. He has no college degree, no scientific education, no medical expertise, zero relevant experience.

Your source is way worse than I assumed it would be. more time: your distraction is now feeble. (1.5/10 at best.) The only thing at issue is, in fact, respiratory protection. That's it! And yet again (use your reading finger), he taught it for many years-and can testify as an expert witness in Federal court. You cannot. Thus, nothing you say matters!
Air Force, mostly. 5 years active duty and 17 years in national guard. It is an absolute joke if you think that makes you an expert in virology, epidemiology, and infection control. He has no college degree, no scientific education, no medical expertise, zero relevant experience.

Your source is way worse than I assumed it would be. more time: your distraction is now feeble. (1.5/10 at best.) The only thing at issue is, in fact, respiratory protection. That's it! And yet again (use your reading finger), he taught it for many years-and can testify as an expert witness in Federal court. You cannot. Thus, nothing you say matters!
What did he teach? To who? What was his education? We donā€™t know. Just supposed to take your word for it

Name a case he testified in.

I just donā€™t think being enlisted in the Air Force gives one the credibility to override the expertise of medical professionals when it comes to medical topics. My education on this topic far exceeds his. I have an actual medical degree. He has zero.
What did he teach?

Respiratory protection, for at least the fifth time. Are you fucking STUPID, boy?!

To who? What was his education? We donā€™t know. Just supposed to take your word for it

Name a case he testified in.

I just donā€™t think being enlisted in the Air Force gives one the credibility to override the expertise of medical professionals when it comes to medical topics. My education on this topic far exceeds his. I have an actual medical degree. He has zero.

Yet again, for the REALLY slow child: he was an instructor in respiratory protection for the US Army. Your medical degree (if you have one, which I rather doubt) means, exactly, nothing.

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