COVID-positive Vermonters with no symptoms clog up ERs

How do you know if you exposed yourself to someone with active COVID if they're all asymptomatic? You don't.

If you're "vaccinated" shouldn't you be protected against COVID already? That's what you've been told, right?

But you know they lied to you, you know you're not protected, and that's the reason you testing yourself like crazy, imagining you're sick.

You know you're dumb fuck, you screwed up, but like every other dumb fuck leftie, you won't admit it.

Now run for another booster...

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Not everyone is asymptomatic, obviously.
The vaccinated also don't want to spread COVID to other people. What a bunch of losers, being all considerate. So unAmerican.
People that don't want to spread COVID to others.

I know that individualism is an American trait, but is inconsiderate one of those too?
No, that's not reason why they're in ERs.

Every country so far reported that effects of Omicron are mild. Clinically, "mild" just means "does not require hospitalization". And what do we have? People are scarred shitless that they're gonna die, because they've been conditioned by the government and MSM to believe COVID is death sentence. That's why they're clogging up ERs.
Frantic panic or you are a terrible human being and not an American
Not everyone is asymptomatic, obviously.
The vaccinated also don't want to spread COVID to other people. What a bunch of losers, being all considerate. So unAmerican.

A lot of them are idiots like you who fell for Joe Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid. You're all killing people with that lie.
Frantic panic or you are a terrible human being and not an American
The ER at every hospital is getting held up with people who have mild symptoms or are even asymptomatic right now because they are afraid they’re going to die from this thing. A lot of these people never managed to contact the virus these past couple years and they think it’s because of their "vaccines" and boosters and masks and what not. They’re absolutely freaking out right now since every other person seems to have an omicron cold. They want antibody treatments and an ICU stay because they have a runny nose and their governments and media have drilled into their heads that COVID is a death sentence.

The only ones gaining from this panic are politicians. Democratic politicians, to be precise. Just as two years ago, the same thing is happening right now. They're probably planning a new round of lockdowns, while printing "mail-in-ballots" and preparing new changes in election procedures. They did it once, nobody seriously challenged them on it, no reason not to do it again.
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A lot of them are idiots like you who fell for Joe Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid. You're all killing people with that lie.
Dr. Biden (Joe, not Jill) told many lies aver the time in DC, and that's kind of expected from him.

What is not expected is, that pharma will work with politicians cover for each other. It's like... politician saying to pharma, as long you keep this going and I say in power, I'll protect you and let you milk it for all money you need. It sounds like conspiracy, but... Why "vaccine" that is so "safe and effective" still have immunity under EUA?

A lot of them are idiots like you who fell for Joe Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid. You're all killing people with that lie.
Why would people be getting tested if they "fell for the lie"?
A sane person who was exposed to someone with active COVID would get a test.

That's because sane people know that asymptomatic spread is a thing and want to prevent themselves from making others sick.
Let me get this straight, so if the shot is supposed to lesson your symptoms, otherwise it therefore could make a person Asymptomatic, then are these the asymptomatic people that you claim are running around infecting everyone ?? Does the shot make people Asymptomatic, because it doesn't cure you of the disease (i.e. you can still catch it, and still spread it), so how about getting your bull crap right before you go labeling people, and attacking people.
Let me get this straight, so if the shot is supposed to lesson your symptoms, otherwise it therefore could make a person Asymptomatic, then are these the asymptomatic people that you claim are running around infecting everyone ?? Does the shot make people Asymptomatic, because it doesn't cure you of the disease (i.e. you can still catch it, and still spread it), so how about getting your bull crap right before you go labeling people, and attacking people.
You're so selfish! :laughing0301:
The ER at every hospital is getting held up with people who have mild symptoms or are even asymptomatic right now because they are afraid they’re going to die from this thing.
Pure fantasy. They just want to be tested to better know if they are infected. Because it affects the choices they have to make to stay away from work and to protect their friends and family.

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