COVID-positive Vermonters with no symptoms clog up ERs

Now you're PhD too?

OK Doc, if Omicron is mild, and nobody is dying from it, "vaxxed" or "unvaxxed", saying that "vaccine is working" against Omicron is the same as saying "not taking vaccine is working against Omicron". So please explain, what exactly "vaccine" does against Omicron, that not getting jabbed doesn't?
Wrong, the unwashed & unvaccinated are the ones dying and clogging the hospitals.
Wrong, the unwashed & unvaccinated are the ones dying and clogging the hospitals.
You are in thread about COVID-positive Vermonters clogging up ERs. If they're "unvaccinated" article would clearly state that, and you would be screaming about it. Since article is talking about asymptomatic, you know they're talking about "vaccinated", because no sane person without symptoms of being sick would run antigen test.
Is anyone surprised? Look at who they vote for.

Some Vermonters who are able to find antigen tests and then test positive are clogging up emergency rooms.

The emergency department at the Rutland Regional Medical Center has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic folks.

Dr. Rick Hildebrant is RRMC’s medical director. He says some people who test positive with a rapid test go to the emergency room looking for a PCR test.

The Vermont Hospital Association says it’s hearing similar stories from other parts of the state.

Hildebrant says those who are asymptomatic and receive a positive antigen test should stay home and reach out to their primary care provider.

He says the only time to go to the ER is if you have a positive test and are very sick.

Hildebrant says the flood of asymptomatic people is preventing others in need of immediate care from getting it.


If there's no vacinne, why should anyone be surprised? How about Republican controlled cities? Do they have vacinnes to waste? No you fool. Fuck off with your propaganda and lies.
You are in thread about COVID-positive Vermonters clogging up ERs. If they're "unvaccinated" article would clearly state that, and you would be screaming about it. Since article is talking about asymptomatic, you know they're talking about "vaccinated", because no sane person without symptoms of being sick would run antigen test.
A sane person who was exposed to someone with active COVID would get a test.

That's because sane people know that asymptomatic spread is a thing and want to prevent themselves from making others sick.
So here we have the bitter, rotten fruit of this Moral Panic. Fully vaccinated, probably boosted Americans feel great, "test positive" for a respiratory virus, and then GO TO THE ER to...what? Confirm dx?

If you get a + on an antigen test you can assume you are +. If you get a little bit sick, or even moderately sick, oh well. Monitor yourself, get a pulse ox, watch your temp, drink lots of fluids. BIG DEAL. Maybe call your doctor.

If you get very short of breath, feel confused, or your pulse ox drops and stays dropped, THEN go to the ER.

This used to be "common sense" but no one has it anymore. Instead, idiot Democrats honestly think HALF the people dx with Covid end up in the hospital. Yes, they do. That's how misinformed and frankly stupid they are.
If you get a + on an antigen test you can assume you are +.
Trump didn't. Dude went around like nothing happened.

(On a related note, a lot of people don't have pulse oximeters, so they would go to be evaluated at a place like an urgent care or ER)
A sane person who was exposed to someone with active COVID would get a test.

That's because sane people know that asymptomatic spread is a thing and want to prevent themselves from making others sick.
A sane person, knowing he's been exposed, would immediately quarantine himself.
Fake fear hoax has people scurrying for a test every other day, driving alone wearing a mask, witless that if others don’t do exactly as they are doing then all will be deathly ill. These attempts at behavior control are insidious.
I just refused to provide a vax card and told them to call the cops and sat off by myself and listened to the speaker. I was told how inconsiderate I was to not let others fears overwhelm me
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Why expose others on the way to get a test kit? A test kit that isn't 100% accurate.
Expose who?
A sane person who was exposed to someone with active COVID would get a test.

That's because sane people know that asymptomatic spread is a thing and want to prevent themselves from making others sick.

How do you know if you exposed yourself to someone with active COVID if they're all asymptomatic? You don't.

If you're "vaccinated" shouldn't you be protected against COVID already? That's what you've been told, right?

But you know they lied to you, you know you're not protected, and that's the reason you testing yourself like crazy, imagining you're sick.

You know you're dumb fuck, you screwed up, but like every other dumb fuck leftie, you won't admit it.

Now run for another booster...

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