COVID-positive Vermonters with no symptoms clog up ERs

"Vaccines" are free.
Test kits are free.

When something is free, you are the product.

By the way, what kind of test kits is he talking about?
We're afraid it's the kind of test you have to send off to be diagnosed yes or no ------ so then they've got EVERYTHING about you datamined.

We're not going to do it. They won't have them out till May anyway, if then: watch and see.
Since you all live to preach about how we are health responsible to one another then the surest method of security is for you to stay home. Be responsible to yourself. But, your emotions won’t permit responsibility therefore you fakely empower yourself with the ability to try and order others as to what to do.
Yes. Order people to be sober when they drive or they’ll put you in prison like a bunch of authoritarian thugs.
Yes. Order people to be sober when they drive or they’ll put you in prison like a bunch of authoritarian thugs.
Because retard drunk driving and impairment and danger thereof has been Factually proven for 50 years. Your apples to dog shit miss is entirely unproven with No historical fact backing
Because retard drunk driving and impairment and danger thereof has been Factually proven for 50 years. Your apples to dog shit miss is entirely unproven with No historical fact backing
Drunk driving is dangerous?

So is getting COVID.

Stay home. Stay scared.
Remember Fauci:
March 2020... "wear a mask if it make you feel better, but it doesn't stop the virus from spreading"
When actually told the truth for a moment..........not so much anymore as they move the goal post every few months.

And Biden with his 'free' 500 million test kits just exacerbated that.
Event worse, it got revealed that the contract for those kits hadn’t even been signed yet. Does he truly believe that 500 million kits will just appear overnight? Sadly, yes he probably does.
All accurate. Your inability to think beyond the most shallow of statements is your problem, not mine.

"Vaccinated people are catching covid!"

And people wearing seat belts sometimes die in car accidents, you terminal idiot.
And everyone not wearing a seatbelt in an accident---swear up and down that they were wearing their seatbelts to avoid getting tickets.

(Seatbelts sometimes cause the deaths of accident victims btw.)

Seriously PULSE OXs are the great soother-----knowing that you still getting enough Oxygen can greatly relieve the stress of having covid.
Is anyone surprised? Look at who they vote for.

Some Vermonters who are able to find antigen tests and then test positive are clogging up emergency rooms.
The emergency department at the Rutland Regional Medical Center has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic folks.
Dr. Rick Hildebrant is RRMC’s medical director. He says some people who test positive with a rapid test go to the emergency room looking for a PCR test.
The Vermont Hospital Association says it’s hearing similar stories from other parts of the state.
Hildebrant says those who are asymptomatic and receive a positive antigen test should stay home and reach out to their primary care provider.
He says the only time to go to the ER is if you have a positive test and are very sick.
Hildebrant says the flood of asymptomatic people is preventing others in need of immediate care from getting it.

People are stoooooopid.

Yes. Order people to be sober when they drive or they’ll put you in prison like a bunch of authoritarian thugs.
When I was young (not proud of it), but most of us could drive drunk, and if the law stopped us, then they just told us to get on home. We did exactly what they said do. LOL.

Not sure, but it seemed we could do things without incident back in the day, but slowly we saw the generational change taking place, and it seemed that it got worse and worse, and the laws got more strict and more strict. The camaraderie between police and citizen began to die over time as well. They lost trust in the citizen's, because they didn't know what to expect anymore.
Very emotionally addled people equate drunk driving laws with voluntary Covid submission shots .
Sounds like kind of a good problem to have.

Better than ERs clogged with very ill patients.
COVID patients are only allowed in the ER by appointment only here in dem run NM. And the majority are sent home to treat themselves. And I have heard this is true all over the country. So…they are not “clogging” anything.
Yes, yes they do.
Now you're PhD too?

OK Doc, if Omicron is mild, and nobody is dying from it, "vaxxed" or "unvaxxed", saying that "vaccine is working" against Omicron is the same as saying "not taking vaccine is working against Omicron". So please explain, what exactly "vaccine" does against Omicron, that not getting jabbed doesn't?

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