COVID-positive Vermonters with no symptoms clog up ERs

Is anyone surprised? Look at who they vote for.

Some Vermonters who are able to find antigen tests and then test positive are clogging up emergency rooms.
The emergency department at the Rutland Regional Medical Center has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic folks.
Dr. Rick Hildebrant is RRMC’s medical director. He says some people who test positive with a rapid test go to the emergency room looking for a PCR test.
The Vermont Hospital Association says it’s hearing similar stories from other parts of the state.
Hildebrant says those who are asymptomatic and receive a positive antigen test should stay home and reach out to their primary care provider.
He says the only time to go to the ER is if you have a positive test and are very sick.
Hildebrant says the flood of asymptomatic people is preventing others in need of immediate care from getting it.

THIS is how we got the "overcrowded hospital" lie the left has been telling for two years!
Be honest
How many of you numb nuts have been tested 3 times or more?
This is more of the pathology of victimization than anything real.
Hair on fire over “Positives” when Real Fact Issue is what do the symptoms do to you. Fake that the previous strains were, this one is So Mild that only 1 out of 10 feel any ill effect. So we are hiding and running from test results rather than being directed by what the effect is. Panic Pussy Nation needs some big boy britches.
It is more than Vermont.
The biggest problems at the ER in the hospital my daughter works at is not so much asymptomatic Covid positive, but mild symptomatic people coming in even after there have been NUMEROUS press releases and signs all over the ER entries to STAY HOME if you have covid and are not seriously ill. The ER is a mess there because they are a county hospital so they can't not see people... so they waste enormous time dealing with people who are not that sick.... just to tell them to go home.
It is more than Vermont.
The biggest problems at the ER in the hospital my daughter works at is not so much asymptomatic Covid positive, but mild symptomatic people coming in even after there have been NUMEROUS press releases and signs all over the ER entries to STAY HOME if you have covid and are not seriously ill. The ER is a mess there because they are a county hospital so they can't not see people... so they waste enormous time dealing with people who are not that sick.... just to tell them to go home.

That's what happens when Big Left pushes the lie that this virus is deadly to a large segment of the population. Dumb people believe it.
I'd say it's a bigger problem when people get a COVID positive test and they act like it's a hoax, meaning they keep going and doing whatever they want and not stay home like they should.

Even worse, people like Joe Biden and you are pushing the Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or transmit Covid, so infected people are running around thinking they are immune.

"You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations." - Joe Biden, 2021
Even worse, people like Joe Biden and you are pushing the Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get or transmit Covid, so infected people are running around thinking they are immune.

"You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations." - Joe Biden, 2021
The only infected people running around with active COVID are the ones who believe it's a hoax.
I'd say it's a bigger problem when people get a COVID positive test and they act like it's a hoax, meaning they keep going and doing whatever they want and not stay home like they should.
I would say not.
That person is not likely to go get tested at all.
The MUCH LARGER problem is repeat testers.... called frequent flyers. People hoping they can get a positive test so they don't have to work.
Look at the CDC data... many areas have less than 5% positive results. WAAAAY too many people going in and out in and out.
People simply want to know if they have covid. People's jobs don't allow them just to "stay home", if they think they might have covid, and still get paid. There is a one-off FMLA provision for those who have covid or care for someone who has covid, but that is a one-time benefit. Nobody wants to use that up without knowing if they have covid.

This shows a failure in our testing programs/availability in this country. These are lessons we should be learning for next time.
I would say not.
That person is not likely to go get tested at all.
The MUCH LARGER problem is repeat testers.... called frequent flyers. People hoping they can get a positive test so they don't have to work.
Look at the CDC data... many areas have less than 5% positive results. WAAAAY too many people going in and out in and out.
How are the people who get COVID and refuse to get tested not a big problem?

Screw those people. They're the ones most perpetuating the pandemic.
They're less likely to get COVID. But when they do, they're smart enough to go into isolation.

The people who get positive tests and keep going about their business are the ones who think it's a hoax.

Actually, it appears to be people who fell for Joe Biden's lie that vaccinated people can't spread Covid. They're the ones spreading it right now. Are you one of them?
I'd say it's a bigger problem when people get a COVID positive test and they act like it's a hoax, meaning they keep going and doing whatever they want and not stay home like they should.
Yes well we know you imbeciles want to regulate what people “should be doing” so you can be all bossy and cozy in your safe space
What makes it "appear" to be the case?

Well, only the exceptionally dumb are buying into Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't transmit Covid, so it would make sense those same dumb people are running around spreading it. Are you one of them? Do you believe Joe Biden's claim that "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations"?

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