COVID-positive Vermonters with no symptoms clog up ERs

You actually think that their won't be enough conservatives left to get out an vote, and end the clown show that's got the whole world laughing or worse crying for us ?
Um, that was ended around the beginning of the year.
Is anyone surprised? Look at who they vote for.

Some Vermonters who are able to find antigen tests and then test positive are clogging up emergency rooms.
The emergency department at the Rutland Regional Medical Center has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic folks.
Dr. Rick Hildebrant is RRMC’s medical director. He says some people who test positive with a rapid test go to the emergency room looking for a PCR test.
The Vermont Hospital Association says it’s hearing similar stories from other parts of the state.
Hildebrant says those who are asymptomatic and receive a positive antigen test should stay home and reach out to their primary care provider.
He says the only time to go to the ER is if you have a positive test and are very sick.
Hildebrant says the flood of asymptomatic people is preventing others in need of immediate care from getting it.

Democrats WANT us to be a nation of cowards and very dependent. Its a damn disgrace
All going according to plan.....Just wait till those home test kits arrive in America's mailbox. It's just another gambit by the dems to shut the country down again and manipulate the 2022 election.

Fun times ahead.

Sounds like kind of a good problem to have.

Better than ERs clogged with very ill patients.
What a farce. Maybe some of this rich guy's friends can just "call their doctor", but that is not how healthcare works for most people.

The reason they are coming to the ER is because they CAN'T just "call their doctor" and say they need a PCR test right away.

Healthcare in this country is a farce.
STop FORT...

If you have or don't have Covid with no symptoms or mild at best---you stay your fucking ass home (allowing the real sick to get care.)

Most who get covid don't have any or have very little symptoms---these assholes don't need to be in the emergency room.

If you think you have it, but aren't suffering anything life threatening ---take your ass to your primary care.

Only when you have heart and lung trouble do you need to go to the emergency room. Buy a cheap ass pulse ox at walmart or online along with a blood pressure cuff----neither cost much. If your pulse ox goes below 95%, you should be a little alarmed....UNDER 90%, take your ass to your emergency room. Healthy normal is 100% if that helps. Everyone's blood pressure is different------you should know what your resting norm is ---if your blood pressure and heart rate jump out of your norm----take your ass down. The pulse OX is the BIGGGGGGGG one to watch. Trouble breathing is how the virus kills. My 102 then a 101 grandmother beat Covid with very little issue--pretty sure most other people do the same.

Amazon product ASIN B00ZQWPJNK
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Can contact my DR thru mychart. Would bet there is something similar nationwide
Yeah me too.

Get a response from a staffer next business day, typically. Usually amounts to, "we can make you an appointment on _______. If this is a serious problem, go to the emergency rom."

These people don't want to wait for days or weeks. Understandably. They were trying to figure out if they were going to spread covid to their family, friends, and coworkers. To their credit.
If you have or don't have Covid with no symptoms or mild at best---you stay your fucking ass home (allowing the real sick to get care.)
Yes, we get the perfect t world scenario.

Everyone just stays home until a week after symptoms disappear.

But that is not realistic for a lot of people. And it doesn't take many to overwhelm an ER or hospital.
Yeah me too.

Get a response from a staffer next business day, typically. Usually amounts to, "we can make you a appointment on _______. If this is a serious problem, go to the emergency rom."

These people don't want to wait for days or weeks. Understandably. They were trying to figure out if they were going to spread covid to their family, friends, and coworkers. To their credit.

No way!

"Vaccinated" are spreading COVID?

Who would have thought of that?
STop FORT...

If you have or don't have Covid with no symptoms or mild at best---you stay your fucking ass home (allowing the real sick to get care.)

Most who get covid don't have any or have very little symptoms---these assholes don't need to be in the emergency room.

If you think you have it, but aren't suffering anything life threatening ---take your ass to your primary care.

Only when you have heart and lung trouble do you need to go to the emergency room. Buy a cheap ass pulse ox at walmart or online along with a blood pressure cuff----neither cost much. If your pulse ox goes below 95%, you should be a little alarmed....UNDER 90%, take your ass to your emergency room. Healthy normal is 100% if that helps. Everyone's blood pressure is different------you should know what your resting norm is ---if your blood pressure and heart rate jump out of your norm----take your ass down. The pulse OX is the BIGGGGGGGG one to watch. Trouble breathing is how the virus kills. My 102 then a 101 grandmother beat Covid with very little issue--pretty sure most other people do the same.

Amazon product ASIN B00ZQWPJNK
My then 83 year old husband and I had it at the same time. I was sick for 10 days. He was over it in two.
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What a farce. Maybe some of this rich guy's friends can just "call their doctor", but that is not how healthcare works for most people.

The reason they are coming to the ER is because they CAN'T just "call their doctor" and say they need a PCR test right away.

Healthcare in this country is a farce.
They're going to the ER, without symptoms, because they're morons. Only a moron, believing he is carrying covid, would go out in public and expose others to the virus. The fucking idiots should stay home, unless they're showing symptoms and then, only if they're in distress.
Only everyone, a year ago. Some are smart enough to undestand the vaccines still offer protection. And some aren't.
Not you.

These are your posts.

The early data shows vaccinated people are protected against the variants.
The science says that vaccinated people are more protected from infection and from transmitting it to someone else. You are lying via half truth, idiotic existential statements.
That's not what the experts say or what the data so far shows. Both indicate that the vaccines help protect the vaccinated from infection and from spreading it to others.
In what the rest of us call "reality", the vaccines have been shown to provide protection against the variants.
Both lies. Vaccines absolutely do provide protection from infection. Are you saying, they don't provide 100% protection, forever? Well no shit, who ever said they did? Thank you, Captain Obvious.

You keep referring to science, but all I see you keep repeating what you heard from Dr. Don Lemon and Dr. Chris Cuomo.

Not you.

These are your posts.

You keep referring to science, but all I see you keep repeating what you heard from Dr. Don Lemon and Dr. Chris Cuomo.

View attachment 580410
All accurate. Your inability to think beyond the most shallow of statements is your problem, not mine.

"Vaccinated people are catching covid!"

And people wearing seat belts sometimes die in car accidents, you terminal idiot.

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