Covid Relief Bill Overwhelmingly Popular

It’s only popular because they don’t know what’s really in it.
I am well aware of the PORK and bailouts.
So tell us what's in it that would make it worthwhile to stop it or hold it up indefinitely.

Show us this pork...and remember...nickels and dimes ain't the issue. You're going to have to point out BAGS of nickels and dimes that add up to HUNDREDS of billions. And (here comes the tough part) you've got to be honest

You dont even know what's in the bill and you're defending it?
What a fool.

Well we can start with NY bridge to Canada $1.5M, $350 Billion to assist state and local governments in bailing them out for their fiscal irresponsibility, then $100 million for the Pelosi underground rail link from SF to Silicon Valley, then $129 Billion for k-12 that would not be needed, if at all, until 2022-2024, then $4 billion for overseas vaccine aid, $7 Billion for broadband grants, funding for the arts, museums, libraries, universities (that continue to charge tuition).....cha Ching..cha Ching.....Cha Ching.........and the actual people that need assistance receive... pause.. a whopping $560 Billion, less than 30% of the entire spending package., talk about getting screwed by the swamp. Not to mention those that live in responsibly run states, and pay taxes, end up providing the latex gloves!
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?

Yep, overwhelmingly popular with the overwhelmingly stupid.
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?

Yep, overwhelmingly popular with the overwhelmingly stupid.
So you fuckers represent the 28% who oppose covid relief.

76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?

Yep, overwhelmingly popular with the overwhelmingly stupid.
So you fuckers represent the 28% who oppose covid relief.


Only when 9% of the relief bill is actually for COVID relief...dumbass.
The House legislation would provide $350 billion to state and local governments, as well as tribes and territories.
States and the District of Columbia would receive $195.3 billion, while local governments would be sent $130.2 billion to be divided evenly between cities and counties. Tribes would get $20 billion and territories $4.5 billion.
Additional assistance to states has been among the most controversial elements of the congressional rescue packages, with Democrats looking to add to the $150 billion in the March legislation and Republicans resisting such efforts. The December package ultimately dropped an initial call to include $160 billion.
Vaccines and testing
The House bill provides $14 billion to research, develop, distribute, administer and strengthen confidence in vaccines. It would also put $46 billion towards testing, contact tracing and mitigation, including investing in laboratory capacity, community-based testing sites and mobile testing units, particularly in medically underserved areas.
It would also allocate $7.6 billion to hire 100,000 public health workers to support coronavirus response.
The President's plan called for investing $20 billion in a national vaccination program.
$350 billion to state and local governments
The House bill provides $14 billion to research, develop, distribute, administer and strengthen confidence in vaccines.
It would also put $46 billion towards testing, contact tracing and mitigation, including investing in laboratory capacity, community-based testing sites and mobile testing units,
More to follow
Stimulus checks
The House bill would provide direct payments worth up to $1,400 per person. A family of four could receive up to $5,600.

Individuals earning less than $75,000 a year and married couples earning less than $150,000 would be sent the full amount.
But not everyone who received a previous stimulus check would be eligible for this round. The payments would phase out faster and completely cut off individuals earning more than $100,000 and families earning more than $200,000.
The payment will be calculated based on either 2019 or 2020 income. Unlike the previous two rounds, adult dependents would be eligible for the payments.
Unemployment assistance
The House bill would extend two key pandemic unemployment programs through August 29. It would also increase the federal weekly boost to $400, from the current $300, and continue it for the same time period.
It would lengthen the duration of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program to up to 74 weeks, from 50 weeks, and the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program to 48 weeks, from 24 weeks.
The former provides benefits to freelancers, gig workers, independent contracts and certain people affected by the pandemic, while the latter increases the duration of payments for those in the traditional state unemployment system
1 Billion for racial justice sudies for farmers.

Did they ask about that in this poll?
If a bill is presented to address a singular issue it’s likelihood of bipartisan support is greater than when it’s stuffed with paybacks ,crap, and non related appropriations is Bull Shit!
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?

So is a $30 Trillion national debt overwhelmingly popular.

Thank you tRump!!!!

Overwhelmingly popular for democratic politicians but not so for everyone else
If a bill is presented to address a singular issue it’s likelihood of bipartisan support is greater than when it’s stuffed with paybacks ,crap, and non related appropriations is Bull Shit!
9% goes to COVID relief.

Morons cheer!
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?
That tells me that 76% of Americans and 60% of Republicans do not know what's in the covid relief bill. If you look at all the extraneous spending in that bill, the covid relief bill appears to have more to do with other spending projects than covid relief.

This bill is just named covid relief, and a little covid spending is put in there, as a way to get all the other pork spending projects approved.

This is why I think ALL bills should be single issue, and stop all of this attaching inflated pork spending to important bills as a way of getting them pushed through.
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?
How many pages and how many have actually read the entire bill?
5900 pages?

Watch this:

HR 2

A bill to provide relief to Americans who have been adversely affected by the covid 19 virus.

This bill will provide stimulus checks in the amount of $1400 to all single Americans making less that $75,000 per year, and $2800 to each married couple making less than $150,000 per year combined. Each child will also be granted an additional $500.

Signature of the President _____________

I just wrote the stimulus bill in less than 3 paragraphs, on a smartphone........
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?
How many pages and how many have actually read the entire bill?
5900 pages?

Watch this:

HR 2

A bill to provide relief to Americans who have been adversely affected by the covid 19 virus.

This bill will provide stimulus checks in the amount of $1400 to all single Americans making less that $75,000 per year, and $2800 to each married couple making less than $150,000 per year combined. Each child will also be granted an additional $500.

Signature of the President _____________

I just wrote the stimulus bill in less than 3 paragraphs, on a smartphone........
H.R.2 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Moving Forward Act | | Library of Congress
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?
How many pages and how many have actually read the entire bill?
5900 pages?

Watch this:

HR 2

A bill to provide relief to Americans who have been adversely affected by the covid 19 virus.

This bill will provide stimulus checks in the amount of $1400 to all single Americans making less that $75,000 per year, and $2800 to each married couple making less than $150,000 per year combined. Each child will also be granted an additional $500.

Signature of the President _____________

I just wrote the stimulus bill in less than 3 paragraphs, on a smartphone........
H.R.2 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Moving Forward Act | | Library of Congress
I was using HR 2 as an example, it could have been HR 15,455...

The point was, 5900 pages for...any bill, is ridiculous.
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?

So is a $30 Trillion national debt overwhelmingly popular.
I suspect workers saw the McConnell tax cuts for the 1% and will take their slop now.
76% of Americans including 60% of Republicans favor this bill and it will get ZERO support from Republican legislators

Could the GOP Congress be MORE out of step with he nation?
How many pages and how many have actually read the entire bill?
5900 pages?

Watch this:

HR 2

A bill to provide relief to Americans who have been adversely affected by the covid 19 virus.

This bill will provide stimulus checks in the amount of $1400 to all single Americans making less that $75,000 per year, and $2800 to each married couple making less than $150,000 per year combined. Each child will also be granted an additional $500.

Signature of the President _____________

I just wrote the stimulus bill in less than 3 paragraphs, on a smartphone........
H.R.2 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Moving Forward Act | | Library of Congress
I was using HR 2 as an example, it could have been HR 15,455...

The point was, 5900 pages for...any bill, is ridiculous.
Congress has no choice but to please all of their constituents.
That's why I will not run for any office.
It's also why Presidents who want to target laws have to do it via EOs.

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