CoVid - shaming

We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Nope. They shouldn't even be getting medical care for it. Fuck'em. Let them die and raise the average IQ in the US.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie
or your OP is so ridiculous we cant think of anything else to say,,,
No, it’s not ridiculous. You are a triggered snowflake . It was a very simple question. And if y’all had read the link article, it would have known that most agree any medical shaming is cruel.
but whos shaming people for getting sick???
Read. The. Article.
the article says shaming people that dont wear masks,,,

why would you want to do that???
I don’t.
clearly you can’t read for comprehension
then whos shaming people???

I haven't seen this behavior anywhere,,,
{{{shrug}}} You should crawl out from under your maga hat more and take a look in the mirror
I didnt vote for trump,,,but your TDS is noted and mocked,,,
You sure do act like a trumpists - with all the usual propaganda
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination

Those who continue to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020, and those who worse, demand that others do so as well, and comply with the abuses being perpetrated in connection therewith, should be shamed.

Your kind have done quite enough damage as it is. You've destroyed the economy, and you've destroyed basic, essential freedoms, all in fear over a hyperbolized flu outbreak.

Fuck you and every one of your degenerate kind. May you die painfully, starving, homeless, on the streets, the very fate that you've happily worked to inflict on others.
Excellent well spoken,I could not have said it any better myself word for word,notice that only one poster,one of USMBs resident trolls gave a negative alert to this post and that only a couple we’ll known trolls liked the post of the

the only thing I will add on to this excellent truthful post and best post on this thread issomehow patriotic whistleblower doctors who have come out and put their careers and livilhoods on the line telling facts the cdc inflates the numbers by ruling practically every kind of death like fatal car accident or gunshot wound to the head as a result of corona,are not credible to these trolls like the op and the two that liked his post,only what their wonderful corruptgovernment they worship as the gospel truth is all that matters to them as truth.

they are a disgrace to the doctors that have put their careers on the line to get the truth out that it is no worse than the common flu. That the actual fatality rate is extremely very low.less than the flu virus.
All that conspiracy theory is nice and all but that’s not the topic of the OP

This place must not have a rule about thread hijacking ?
the topic is a conspiracy theory cause it isnt happening,,,
No, the topic is “covid shaming” Its right in the title of the OP
and yet theres never been a recorded case of that happening,,,

just another conspiracy theory from a nutjob,,,
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Nope. They shouldn't even be getting medical care for it. Fuck'em. Let them die and raise the average IQ in the US.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie
or your OP is so ridiculous we cant think of anything else to say,,,
No, it’s not ridiculous. You are a triggered snowflake . It was a very simple question. And if y’all had read the link article, it would have known that most agree any medical shaming is cruel.
but whos shaming people for getting sick???
Read. The. Article.
the article says shaming people that dont wear masks,,,

why would you want to do that???
I don’t.
clearly you can’t read for comprehension
then whos shaming people???

I haven't seen this behavior anywhere,,,
{{{shrug}}} You should crawl out from under your maga hat more and take a look in the mirror
I didnt vote for trump,,,but your TDS is noted and mocked,,,
You sure do act like a trumpists - with all the usual propaganda

What soggy little Prog trash heap fermented you, hun? If you think is going to bonus you for trolling here, you're going to be very disappointed.
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Nope. They shouldn't even be getting medical care for it. Fuck'em. Let them die and raise the average IQ in the US.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie
or your OP is so ridiculous we cant think of anything else to say,,,
No, it’s not ridiculous. You are a triggered snowflake . It was a very simple question. And if y’all had read the link article, it would have known that most agree any medical shaming is cruel.
but whos shaming people for getting sick???
Read. The. Article.
the article says shaming people that dont wear masks,,,

why would you want to do that???
I don’t.
clearly you can’t read for comprehension
then whos shaming people???

I haven't seen this behavior anywhere,,,
{{{shrug}}} You should crawl out from under your maga hat more and take a look in the mirror
I didnt vote for trump,,,but your TDS is noted and mocked,,,
I did not vote for Trump either sense the facts are both parties are corrupt and one in the same,I wanted gary Johnson in,only wanting trump to get elected sense the alternative of the clintons,mass murderers immune from prosecution would have been much worse.because of that I was Grateful he was elected, i will vote for him this time sense it is the same story again,the alternative is much worse the fact biden went along with the corruption of mass murderer Obama.
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Nope. They shouldn't even be getting medical care for it. Fuck'em. Let them die and raise the average IQ in the US.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie
or your OP is so ridiculous we cant think of anything else to say,,,
No, it’s not ridiculous. You are a triggered snowflake . It was a very simple question. And if y’all had read the link article, it would have known that most agree any medical shaming is cruel.
but whos shaming people for getting sick???
Read. The. Article.
the article says shaming people that dont wear masks,,,

why would you want to do that???
I don’t.
clearly you can’t read for comprehension
then whos shaming people???

I haven't seen this behavior anywhere,,,
{{{shrug}}} You should crawl out from under your maga hat more and take a look in the mirror
I didnt vote for trump,,,but your TDS is noted and mocked,,,
You sure do act like a trumpists - with all the usual propaganda
how so??
I havent said trumps name once,,but you sure brought him up,,,
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination

Those who continue to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020, and those who worse, demand that others do so as well, and comply with the abuses being perpetrated in connection therewith, should be shamed.

Your kind have done quite enough damage as it is. You've destroyed the economy, and you've destroyed basic, essential freedoms, all in fear over a hyperbolized flu outbreak.

Fuck you and every one of your degenerate kind. May you die painfully, starving, homeless, on the streets, the very fate that you've happily worked to inflict on others.
Excellent well spoken,I could not have said it any better myself word for word,notice that only one poster,one of USMBs resident trolls gave a negative alert to this post and that only a couple we’ll known trolls liked the post of the

the only thing I will add on to this excellent truthful post and best post on this thread issomehow patriotic whistleblower doctors who have come out and put their careers and livilhoods on the line telling facts the cdc inflates the numbers by ruling practically every kind of death like fatal car accident or gunshot wound to the head as a result of corona,are not credible to these trolls like the op and the two that liked his post,only what their wonderful corruptgovernment they worship as the gospel truth is all that matters to them as truth.

they are a disgrace to the doctors that have put their careers on the line to get the truth out that it is no worse than the common flu. That the actual fatality rate is extremely very low.less than the flu virus.
All that conspiracy theory is nice and all but that’s not the topic of the OP

This place must not have a rule about thread hijacking ?
the topic is a conspiracy theory cause it isnt happening,,,
No, the topic is “covid shaming” Its right in the title of the OP
and yet theres never been a recorded case of that happening,,,

just another conspiracy theory from a nutjob,,,
Very well spoken,you took the troll to school and owned his sorry
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination

Those who continue to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020, and those who worse, demand that others do so as well, and comply with the abuses being perpetrated in connection therewith, should be shamed.

Your kind have done quite enough damage as it is. You've destroyed the economy, and you've destroyed basic, essential freedoms, all in fear over a hyperbolized flu outbreak.

Fuck you and every one of your degenerate kind. May you die painfully, starving, homeless, on the streets, the very fate that you've happily worked to inflict on others.
You want people to die a painful death because they are trying to stay healthy and want others to follow Trumps CDC guidelines? Wow, that’s pretty whacked out. Something is seriously wrong with you
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination

Those who continue to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020, and those who worse, demand that others do so as well, and comply with the abuses being perpetrated in connection therewith, should be shamed.

Your kind have done quite enough damage as it is. You've destroyed the economy, and you've destroyed basic, essential freedoms, all in fear over a hyperbolized flu outbreak.

Fuck you and every one of your degenerate kind. May you die painfully, starving, homeless, on the streets, the very fate that you've happily worked to inflict on others.
Excellent well spoken,I could not have said it any better myself word for word,notice that only one poster,one of USMBs resident trolls gave a negative alert to this post and that only a couple we’ll known trolls liked the post of the

the only thing I will add on to this excellent truthful post and best post on this thread issomehow patriotic whistleblower doctors who have come out and put their careers and livilhoods on the line telling facts the cdc inflates the numbers by ruling practically every kind of death like fatal car accident or gunshot wound to the head as a result of corona,are not credible to these trolls like the op and the two that liked his post,only what their wonderful corruptgovernment they worship as the gospel truth is all that matters to them as truth.

they are a disgrace to the doctors that have put their careers on the line to get the truth out that it is no worse than the common flu. That the actual fatality rate is extremely very low.less than the flu virus.
All that conspiracy theory is nice and all but that’s not the topic of the OP

This place must not have a rule about thread hijacking ?
the topic is a conspiracy theory cause it isnt happening,,,
No, the topic is “covid shaming” Its right in the title of the OP
and yet theres never been a recorded case of that happening,,,

just another conspiracy theory from a nutjob,,,
Very well spoken,you took the troll to school and owned his sorry
I highly doubt its a man,,,sounds more like an ugly women that couldnt get laid if her life depended on it,,,
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination

Those who continue to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020, and those who worse, demand that others do so as well, and comply with the abuses being perpetrated in connection therewith, should be shamed.

Your kind have done quite enough damage as it is. You've destroyed the economy, and you've destroyed basic, essential freedoms, all in fear over a hyperbolized flu outbreak.

Fuck you and every one of your degenerate kind. May you die painfully, starving, homeless, on the streets, the very fate that you've happily worked to inflict on others.
Excellent well spoken,I could not have said it any better myself word for word,notice that only one poster,one of USMBs resident trolls gave a negative alert to this post and that only a couple we’ll known trolls liked the post of the

the only thing I will add on to this excellent truthful post and best post on this thread issomehow patriotic whistleblower doctors who have come out and put their careers and livilhoods on the line telling facts the cdc inflates the numbers by ruling practically every kind of death like fatal car accident or gunshot wound to the head as a result of corona,are not credible to these trolls like the op and the two that liked his post,only what their wonderful corruptgovernment they worship as the gospel truth is all that matters to them as truth.

they are a disgrace to the doctors that have put their careers on the line to get the truth out that it is no worse than the common flu. That the actual fatality rate is extremely very low.less than the flu virus.
All that conspiracy theory is nice and all but that’s not the topic of the OP

This place must not have a rule about thread hijacking ?
the topic is a conspiracy theory cause it isnt happening,,,
No, the topic is “covid shaming” Its right in the title of the OP
and yet theres never been a recorded case of that happening,,,

just another conspiracy theory from a nutjob,,,
Really. You actually think that. You think no one at all has ever shamed (made fun of ) another person who wears a mask, maintains social distance, etc... or believes that it should be taken seriously. You know of no one like that ?
That’s your final answer ?
If we had enough masks for our own citizens and first responders EARLY on, and enough mass testing, to identify the infection spreaders, and isolate them....

The economy, and citizens, would not have needed to be shut down.... much like South Korea, and Germany etc.

We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination

Those who continue to fall for the #CoronaHoax2020, and those who worse, demand that others do so as well, and comply with the abuses being perpetrated in connection therewith, should be shamed.

Your kind have done quite enough damage as it is. You've destroyed the economy, and you've destroyed basic, essential freedoms, all in fear over a hyperbolized flu outbreak.

Fuck you and every one of your degenerate kind. May you die painfully, starving, homeless, on the streets, the very fate that you've happily worked to inflict on others.
Excellent well spoken,I could not have said it any better myself word for word,notice that only one poster,one of USMBs resident trolls gave a negative alert to this post and that only a couple we’ll known trolls liked the post of the

the only thing I will add on to this excellent truthful post and best post on this thread issomehow patriotic whistleblower doctors who have come out and put their careers and livilhoods on the line telling facts the cdc inflates the numbers by ruling practically every kind of death like fatal car accident or gunshot wound to the head as a result of corona,are not credible to these trolls like the op and the two that liked his post,only what their wonderful corruptgovernment they worship as the gospel truth is all that matters to them as truth.

they are a disgrace to the doctors that have put their careers on the line to get the truth out that it is no worse than the common flu. That the actual fatality rate is extremely very low.less than the flu virus.
All that conspiracy theory is nice and all but that’s not the topic of the OP

This place must not have a rule about thread hijacking ?
the topic is a conspiracy theory cause it isnt happening,,,
No, the topic is “covid shaming” Its right in the title of the OP
and yet theres never been a recorded case of that happening,,,

just another conspiracy theory from a nutjob,,,
Really. You actually think that. You think no one at all has ever shamed (made fun of ) another person who wears a mask, maintains social distance, etc... or believes that it should be taken seriously. You know of no one like that ?
That’s your final answer ?
shaming and making fun of are two different things sweetcakes,,,
Ah, now it’s “your kind”
you think I did this to you lol

Again, you are either willfully complicit in this abuse, or a useful idiot for those who are.

Either way, fuck you. It is very clear that you do not care how many lives you fuck up, or how badly, to assuage your irrational fear of an overhyped flu bug.

Again, may you die painfully, homeless, in the streets, of starvation, the same fate you are so happy to inflict on others.
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Nope. They shouldn't even be getting medical care for it. Fuck'em. Let them die and raise the average IQ in the US.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie
or your OP is so ridiculous we cant think of anything else to say,,,
No, it’s not ridiculous. You are a triggered snowflake . It was a very simple question. And if y’all had read the link article, it would have known that most agree any medical shaming is cruel.
but whos shaming people for getting sick???
Read. The. Article.
the article says shaming people that dont wear masks,,,

why would you want to do that???
I don’t.
clearly you can’t read for comprehension
then whos shaming people???

I haven't seen this behavior anywhere,,,
{{{shrug}}} You should crawl out from under your maga hat more and take a look in the mirror
I didnt vote for trump,,,but your TDS is noted and mocked,,,
You sure do act like a trumpists - with all the usual propaganda

What soggy little Prog trash heap fermented you, hun? If you think is going to bonus you for trolling here, you're going to be very disappointed.
Awww bless your itty bitty lil orange heart, darlin.
you could have asked me in my intro why I joined and I would have told you. But it’s not for what you have cooked in your little brain.
I'm so fucking sick of the Mask Nazis
When you get COVID, would it be okay when someone says, Good! You deserve it?
They get whatever they deserve, too bad for their loved ones.
it was a topic question. You don’t need to take it is personal.

When you do this much to destroy our basic freedoms, as well as even our ability to make a living, to keep food on our tables and a roof over our heads, then it is personal.

Talk to the senate about this, McConnell.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie

Of course the irony escapes you, of someone who is ignorant enough to have fallen so completely for the #CoronaHoax2020, accusing anyone else of being ignorant.
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Nope. They shouldn't even be getting medical care for it. Fuck'em. Let them die and raise the average IQ in the US.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie
or your OP is so ridiculous we cant think of anything else to say,,,
No, it’s not ridiculous. You are a triggered snowflake . It was a very simple question. And if y’all had read the link article, it would have known that most agree any medical shaming is cruel.
but whos shaming people for getting sick???
Read. The. Article.
the article says shaming people that dont wear masks,,,

why would you want to do that???
I don’t.
clearly you can’t read for comprehension
then whos shaming people???

I haven't seen this behavior anywhere,,,
{{{shrug}}} You should crawl out from under your maga hat more and take a look in the mirror
I didnt vote for trump,,,but your TDS is noted and mocked,,,
I did not vote for Trump either sense the facts are both parties are corrupt and one in the same,I wanted gary Johnson in,only wanting trump to get elected sense the alternative of the clintons,mass murderers immune from prosecution would have been much worse.because of that I was Grateful he was elected, i will vote for him this time sense it is the same story again,the alternative is much worse the fact biden went along with the corruption of mass murderer Obama.
So I was correct. You do have a maga hat, it’s just a new one. Did you spring for the new camo version so you could be in trumps army ? I betcha did !
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Nope. They shouldn't even be getting medical care for it. Fuck'em. Let them die and raise the average IQ in the US.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie
or your OP is so ridiculous we cant think of anything else to say,,,
No, it’s not ridiculous. You are a triggered snowflake . It was a very simple question. And if y’all had read the link article, it would have known that most agree any medical shaming is cruel.
but whos shaming people for getting sick???
Read. The. Article.
the article says shaming people that dont wear masks,,,

why would you want to do that???
I don’t.
clearly you can’t read for comprehension
then whos shaming people???

I haven't seen this behavior anywhere,,,
{{{shrug}}} You should crawl out from under your maga hat more and take a look in the mirror
I didnt vote for trump,,,but your TDS is noted and mocked,,,
You sure do act like a trumpists - with all the usual propaganda

What soggy little Prog trash heap fermented you, hun? If you think is going to bonus you for trolling here, you're going to be very disappointed.
Awww bless your itty bitty lil orange heart, darlin.
you could have asked me in my intro why I joined and I would have told you. But it’s not for what you have cooked in your little brain.

Blah blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

You're just another garden variety boring libtard. It's not like we haven't seen hundreds of you come and go over the years.

We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Here's an idea you probably hadn't thought of: mind your own fucking business in any case.
Let put some facts into the hyperbole that is this thread.

This virus, when dry, is about 0.2 microns in size and can live for up to 12 hours in this state. Even an N-95 mask can not stop this virus in its dry state. Thankfully this virus is usually wet and thus the N-95 masks are able to stop it (N-95 is 0.5 micron filtration) as the virus wet, is generally 0.6-1.5 microns in size due to the water around it.

In its dry or almost totally dry state this virus can float 300+ yards or more depending on wind speed.

There is so much disinformation on this virus and its capabilities its scary... A cloth mask will not stop this virus and only slows the virus you expel. Dr's wearing N-95 masks, doing intubations, contracted the disease through their masks as it was arosolized and almost dry. All the masks do is slow it down a little depending on its physical state.

Masks do very little to protect you but do catch larger droplets if you are the one ill. The tazing or shaming because one refuses to wear a mask is overkill..
Exactly,something the op troll and the other gullible trolls that have swallowed this propaganda hoax by the government hook,line,and sinker,is they are too ignorant and stupid to understand if this virus was as deadly as they want you to believe,a mere mask would be useless.comedy gold,the only way you would be safe from it is you would have to wear a special suit like you see in the movies on movies where a deadly virus has been released.pretty much the whole world would be dead by now if the virus was as deadly as they claim it to be,hee hee,greatest hoax ever pulled over the gullible sheep in the

beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
We’ve all seen it, the public shaming of people who wear face masks, keeping social distance, etc... the people asserting COVID is no worse than the flu. And then they get CoVid. Or a family member gets CoVid. And there they are back on social media asking for thoughts and prayers . But what they get is a healthy dose of public shaming .
I wonder, if you shame others for following cdc guidelines and flaunt those suggestions and then end up sick, is turn around really fair play ?
An article on a similar topic Social media and COVID shaming: Fighting a toxic combination
Nope. They shouldn't even be getting medical care for it. Fuck'em. Let them die and raise the average IQ in the US.
After reading the replies to me from these folks, I’m slightly inclined to consider that however they are ignorant albeit very angry fools. And I’m thinking they are just having fun trolling the Newbie
or your OP is so ridiculous we cant think of anything else to say,,,
No, it’s not ridiculous. You are a triggered snowflake . It was a very simple question. And if y’all had read the link article, it would have known that most agree any medical shaming is cruel.
but whos shaming people for getting sick???
Read. The. Article.
the article says shaming people that dont wear masks,,,

why would you want to do that???
I don’t.
clearly you can’t read for comprehension
then whos shaming people???

I haven't seen this behavior anywhere,,,
{{{shrug}}} You should crawl out from under your maga hat more and take a look in the mirror
I didnt vote for trump,,,but your TDS is noted and mocked,,,
You sure do act like a trumpists - with all the usual propaganda

What soggy little Prog trash heap fermented you, hun? If you think is going to bonus you for trolling here, you're going to be very disappointed.
Awww bless your itty bitty lil orange heart, darlin.
you could have asked me in my intro why I joined and I would have told you. But it’s not for what you have cooked in your little brain.

Blah blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

You're just another garden variety boring libtard. It's not like we haven't seen hundreds of you come and go over the years.

Amen to that.

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