COVID Stimulus has passed......Thank a Democrat

When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding
I will tell that to my unborn grandchildren when theyre born that the debt they need to pay was put on them by democrats,,,
Democrats? Were you asleep for the last four years?

You mean how the Republicans had massive spending and Democrats kept attacking them for not spending more? Yes, that was pathetic.

At least Trump did slash spending on Obama's endless wars. Remember when you pretended you were against wars?
Stupid tax cuts for rich people, walls we don't need, and so on.

Google is you friends, so here's a link from you friend.
God, back to "tax cuts for the rich!"

Yeah, who needs a fucking job. That's what government is for
Whut? How does that relate?

How does that relate to your "tax cuts for the rich! tax cuts for the rich" leftist talking point? Seriously?

You don't need no estinking job. You have government!
I have a job, you moron. I still think tax cuts for the 1% is a terrible idea. If you had a brain you would too.

The federal govt can do without and fall apart. Everyone's taxes should be lowered.

The only thing I would disagree on is that no one should pay no taxes. It removes their concern over spending since they think it doesn't affect them

I agree with that. We all need to pay taxes but they're excessive currently.

Agreed, that's why I said the "only think" I would disagree on is that. I got your main point and totally agree. Taxes are too high. And even worse, they are spent buying government to oppress us even more
And why would anyone thank a commie when 91% of the spending is commie pork that has nothing to do with the pandemic?
Commie this mutherfucker. 99% of this bill was in the original CARES act passed by huge bi-partisan majority last year. All commies huh?
Demoquacks: "I got grandchildren can pay for it"
You didn't give two shits about the exact same amount of money added to the debt by Trump in his tax cut BEFORE the pandemic. Save us the hypocritical debt scold horse shit

Of course you have a reliable link for that, right?

You're right. It's not thesame cost.

Trump's tax cut added 2.3 Trillion to the debt

Not a single Republican voted for the American Rescue Plan

First, because they don’t love America
Second because they don’t want Biden to be the one to rescue it

Yes, dems hate america and this bill was the pinnacle for this admin. Why do dems hate america so much?

Imagine passing a bill to help Americans during the COVID crisis?

Republicans who supported the same things under Trump REFUSED to vote for it under Biden

They hate Americans

Wrong, the dems showed their hate for america under trump. They will not get one ounce of support. Nada.

We saw Republicans do the same thing under Obama.
Same playbook.

Vote against programs under Obama that they supported under Bush

It is the Obama must fail playbook
Read: two wrongs equals right.

Helping America fight COVID is never wrong.

Not a single Republicans supported helping Americans
Republicans tried to save your Democrat ass from your own stupidity. 2 TRILLION DOLLARS. It's past time to stop this insanity

Especially when there still a trillion unspent from previous bills.

The top 1% pay almost 50% of taxes now, it's sick.
That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes. If you look at everything everyone pays to the government, the distribution isn’t nearly so lopsided.

The top 1% pay way more than their share of other taxes too.

And seriously, "That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes." So you fascists seriously think that makes it OK then?
No, I just think if you’re going to allude to the fairness of the tax code, you’d best make a fair assessment of who actually pays what. Taking into account just one of many taxes is not fair.

I say this as a 1%er.
The country was closed so no one was taking the bus to work, open the country back up and the problem will take care of itself.
It doesn’t make up for the months or decreases ridership and heightened costs of mitigation.
Not a single Republican voted for the American Rescue Plan

First, because they don’t love America
Second because they don’t want Biden to be the one to rescue it

Yes, dems hate america and this bill was the pinnacle for this admin. Why do dems hate america so much?

Imagine passing a bill to help Americans during the COVID crisis?

Republicans who supported the same things under Trump REFUSED to vote for it under Biden

They hate Americans

Wrong, the dems showed their hate for america under trump. They will not get one ounce of support. Nada.

We saw Republicans do the same thing under Obama.
Same playbook.

Vote against programs under Obama that they supported under Bush

It is the Obama must fail playbook
Read: two wrongs equals right.

Helping America fight COVID is never wrong.

Not a single Republicans supported helping Americans
Haha.... you are entertaining I will give you that.

A sad truth about today’s Republicans......Party over country

Note how Democrats supported COVID relief under Trump

It's not covid relief if the money isn't being spent till 2023-2028.

The top 1% pay almost 50% of taxes now, it's sick.
That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes. If you look at everything everyone pays to the government, the distribution isn’t nearly so lopsided.

The top 1% pay way more than their share of other taxes too.

And seriously, "That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes." So you fascists seriously think that makes it OK then?
No, I just think if you’re going to allude to the fairness of the tax code, you’d best make a fair assessment of who actually pays what. Taking into account just one of many taxes is not fair.

I say this as a 1%er.

The 1% pay way, way, way more than their share, which is about 20% of income earned.

The rich pay way more FICA taxes. They pay business taxes. It goes on and on.

I don't have wealth envy like you do and I don't think we should send 1% of the country half our bills just because we can.

It directly harms us as we should all be paying our bills so people take the cost seriously instead of that the rich can afford everything. 1% only earn about 20% of the income, again, fascist. Sending them 50% of the bills is absurd
The top 1% pay almost 50% of taxes now, it's sick.
That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes. If you look at everything everyone pays to the government, the distribution isn’t nearly so lopsided.

The top 1% pay way more than their share of other taxes too.

And seriously, "That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes." So you fascists seriously think that makes it OK then?
No, I just think if you’re going to allude to the fairness of the tax code, you’d best make a fair assessment of who actually pays what. Taking into account just one of many taxes is not fair.

I say this as a 1%er.
thats a deflection,, we should look at them one at a time,,
and as for income tax most in this country pay little to nothing while a very small minority pay the majority of them,,
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When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

What a crock! The Democrats just passed a nearly 2 Trillion dollar pork fest that added a mountain of new debt to what every single American owes and in return gave us a $1,400 check! It's like someone took your credit card...ran up ten grand worth of charges on clothes, dining out and trips to the strip club and then gave you $140 cash! You'd go ballistic if someone did that on a micro level like that but you think it's WONDERFUL when they do it on a macro level! You're one of the clueless ones that they know they can pull this shit on and not catch hell for it!

Show me $2 trillion of pork

I will wait

Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
To start I will posy more as I look over the bill
A. Money to state governments is across the board (red state and blue) to make up for lost covid revenue and....wait for keep local taxes from going through the roof and keep cops and fire fighters etc. working

B. The remaining 45 billion (a rounding error in a 1.9 Trillion bill) goes for airports and transit as mentioned.

That was a lame complaint
When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

Still busy thanking a Republican for when the Unemployment was 3.5 percent and gas prices were well under $3.00. With that, how long will $1,400 go? A month? Sounds like the Democrats said “Go Fuck Yourselves and suck on this.”

Nice attempt at diversion
This thread is about COVID relief Republicans voted against

9 percent is gong to Covid Relief. Where is the rest going? For starters, the speaker is getting a $148M subway tunnel. I am happy the Republicans voted against that. You people think that is good for COVID????

You, along with other's commenting here apparently haven't read the final version. Oh, well keep commenting and making fools out of yourself.
Well you seem to have an inside track to the correct information, so tell us wise one are we still sending millions to Pakistan for Gender Studies?

WTH are you talking about? Nothing like that in this bill.

View attachment 465065

What's the date on this propaganda? Also schools are already open in most of the country.

When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

What a crock! The Democrats just passed a nearly 2 Trillion dollar pork fest that added a mountain of new debt to what every single American owes and in return gave us a $1,400 check! It's like someone took your credit card...ran up ten grand worth of charges on clothes, dining out and trips to the strip club and then gave you $140 cash! You'd go ballistic if someone did that on a micro level like that but you think it's WONDERFUL when they do it on a macro level! You're one of the clueless ones that they know they can pull this shit on and not catch hell for it!

Show me $2 trillion of pork

I will wait

Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
To start I will posy more as I look over the bill
A. Money to state governments is across the board (red state and blue) to make up for lost covid revenue and....wait for keep local taxes from going through the roof and keep cops and fire fighters etc. working

B. The remaining 45 billion (a rounding error in a 1.9 Trillion bill) goes for airports and transit as mentioned.

That was a lame complaint
AHHH the ole firefighters and police speech,, you left out teachers,,,
When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

/——/ Thank democRATs for this while you’re at it.

Death-row murderers and terrorists are getting $1,400 stimulus checks from the package passed by the Senate on Saturday, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., tweeted in condemnation.

Read Newsmax: Sen. Cotton Decries Death-Row Murderers Getting Stimulus Checks
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now!
The top 1% pay almost 50% of taxes now, it's sick.
That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes. If you look at everything everyone pays to the government, the distribution isn’t nearly so lopsided.

The top 1% pay way more than their share of other taxes too.

And seriously, "That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes." So you fascists seriously think that makes it OK then?
No, I just think if you’re going to allude to the fairness of the tax code, you’d best make a fair assessment of who actually pays what. Taking into account just one of many taxes is not fair.

I say this as a 1%er.

The 1% pay way, way, way more than their share, which is about 20% of income earned.

The rich pay way more FICA taxes. They pay business taxes. It goes on and on.

I don't have wealth envy like you do and I don't think we should send 1% of the country half our bills just because we can.

It directly harms us as we should all be paying our bills so people take the cost seriously instead of that the rich can afford everything. 1% only earn about 20% of the income, again, fascist. Sending them 50% of the bills is absurd
Of course the rich pay more and they always will. And want to know a secret? They’ll stay rich even after they do.

But they don’t pay half of the bill. That’s a gross exaggeration.

Here’s the effective tax rates.
The top 1% pay almost 50% of taxes now, it's sick.
That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes. If you look at everything everyone pays to the government, the distribution isn’t nearly so lopsided.

The top 1% pay way more than their share of other taxes too.

And seriously, "That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes." So you fascists seriously think that makes it OK then?
No, I just think if you’re going to allude to the fairness of the tax code, you’d best make a fair assessment of who actually pays what. Taking into account just one of many taxes is not fair.

I say this as a 1%er.

The 1% pay way, way, way more than their share, which is about 20% of income earned.

The rich pay way more FICA taxes. They pay business taxes. It goes on and on.

I don't have wealth envy like you do and I don't think we should send 1% of the country half our bills just because we can.

It directly harms us as we should all be paying our bills so people take the cost seriously instead of that the rich can afford everything. 1% only earn about 20% of the income, again, fascist. Sending them 50% of the bills is absurd
You can suck all the rich cock you want. I'll pass
When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

/——/ Thank democRATs for this while you’re at it.

Death-row murderers and terrorists are getting $1,400 stimulus checks from the package passed by the Senate on Saturday, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., tweeted in condemnation.

Read Newsmax: Sen. Cotton Decries Death-Row Murderers Getting Stimulus Checks
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now!
Newsmax? Tom fuckin Cotton?

Get fucked
How about convicts?

Inmates are included among those who receive stimulus checks, just as they were in both of the previous Covid relief bills that offered $1,200 and $600 checks.

Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., Cotton and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, offered an amendment on the floor Saturday to block checks from prisoners. It failed on a party-line vote, 49-50. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., argued that prisoners’ children could be affected by withholding the money from them.

“Prisoners have all their living and medical expenses paid for by the taxpayer, they don’t pay taxes, they don’t contribute to the tax base, they can’t be unemployed. Inmates are not economically impacted by Covid,” Cassidy argued.
When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding
I will tell that to my unborn grandchildren when theyre born that the debt they need to pay was put on them by democrats,,,
Democrats? Were you asleep for the last four years?

You mean how the Republicans had massive spending and Democrats kept attacking them for not spending more? Yes, that was pathetic.

At least Trump did slash spending on Obama's endless wars. Remember when you pretended you were against wars?
Stupid tax cuts for rich people, walls we don't need, and so on.

Google is you friends, so here's a link from you friend.

The current flood at the southern border proves walls are needed.

  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
The top 1% pay almost 50% of taxes now, it's sick.
That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes. If you look at everything everyone pays to the government, the distribution isn’t nearly so lopsided.

The top 1% pay way more than their share of other taxes too.

And seriously, "That’s only true if you limit your definition of “taxes” to federal income taxes." So you fascists seriously think that makes it OK then?
No, I just think if you’re going to allude to the fairness of the tax code, you’d best make a fair assessment of who actually pays what. Taking into account just one of many taxes is not fair.

I say this as a 1%er.

The 1% pay way, way, way more than their share, which is about 20% of income earned.

The rich pay way more FICA taxes. They pay business taxes. It goes on and on.

I don't have wealth envy like you do and I don't think we should send 1% of the country half our bills just because we can.

It directly harms us as we should all be paying our bills so people take the cost seriously instead of that the rich can afford everything. 1% only earn about 20% of the income, again, fascist. Sending them 50% of the bills is absurd
Of course the rich pay more and they always will. And want to know a secret? They’ll stay rich even after they do.

But they don’t pay half of the bill. That’s a gross exaggeration.

Here’s the effective tax rates.
View attachment 465114
why dont you post all the facts where it shows the poor get their money back and end up paying nothing and in some cases even get back more than they paid in,,,

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