Covid: Thousands of summer holidays could be ruined by the ‘pingdemic’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Stupid peoples of the planet shall grasp Corona criminals will never allow them to became free again. They will invent and apply continuously new tortures until the last masked and inoculated sheep dies.
The Corona gang knows Nuremberg 2.0 ( in the best case ) expects for them.

Also, they must kill us all to survive themselves.

The great stay-at-home UK summer is thrown into chaos as half a million in England and Wales are told to isolate by NHS Covid tracing app
Thousands of British holidaymakers face losing their longed-for summer breaks – including domestic holidays that were assumed to be a safer option – as the “pingdemic” spreads across the UK.
Around 530,000 people in England and Wales were sent isolation alerts by the NHS Covid-19 tracing app in the first week of July, advising them to self-isolate for up to 10 days. Rates of infection have soared since then, meaning the number of people “pinged” in the run-up to the start of school holidays this weekend will be significantly higher. More than 1 million children in England were out of school for Covid-related reasons in the week of 12-16 July, according to the latest figures from the Department for Education. Analysis carried out by the BBC earlier this month suggested 4.5 million people could be asked to self-isolate by 16 August, after which the fully vaccinated will no longer be asked to isolate.
Many families are now counting down the days, hoping to make it to the end of the week without a positive case in their children’s class, which would force them into self-isolation and put holiday plans in jeopardy. Some parents are reportedly keeping children at home to ping-proof their holidays as cases spread.
Adding to the anxiety is widespread confusion about the implications of a Covid-19 notification. Those contacted by NHS test and trace, or those who test positive, are legally required to self-isolate for 10 full days and cannot go on holiday. However, being “pinged” by the NHS app does not carry a legal obligation and is technically only advisory, though both the government and NHS say people should self-isolate if pinged in order to stop the spread of the virus.

Ministers themselves appear conflicted on this issue. On Tuesday morning Paul Scully, the business minister, said that it was up to individuals to make informed decisions about whether to isolate when pinged by the app. No 10 then moved rapidly to contradict him, saying it was “crucial” to isolate if pinged

This is a great idea. I heard about it a couple of months ago. Good to see it put in practice.

Where will hide inventors of such 'ideas' after fooled inoculated morons finally grasp they're gonna die?
On Mars or in the bunker of Jones?

70% of population will die in UK within few years due to numerous side effects of vaccination.
What will do politicians, cops, intel, presstitutes, grocery owners, snitches, doctors etc. ( in the case their didn't get the jab ) after furious mob decided to visit their houses?
It is very probably no one insane sadistic psychopath invents similar 'delishes' tortures and executions which all of them will probably 'cost'
It will be revenge of grieving fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, aunts, neighbors, friends etc. who'd already lost loved ones and are themselves going to die.

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