Covid Three Years On--Our Response Was a Disaster

I have told you 10 times or more now.

Because I do not feel they are necessary, the virus has mutated and is not as deadly as it was.

I do not take any medication I do not find necessary.

So your money is NOT where your mouth is.

Got it, and knew it
Actually, the first round of COVID was the most lethal
Subsequent rounds were more infectious but less deadly

Those who were vaccinated were many more times likely to survive COVID than the unvaccinated
It was deadly to old people, which we knew relatively early in the pandemic. Masking/isolating people who were not at risk (anyone under 50) from the virus just elongated the timeline we dealt with it. That's pretty well accepted at this point. Also vaccinating people while a pandemic is going on causes mutations. Mutations that defeat the vaccination you're giving people. And it makes zero sense to vaccinate young people then or now. Anyone under 50 who's getting vaccinated isn't looking at the readily available data. The virus just isnt a threat to them, unless there have some underlying condition that changes that calculus for them.
Those who were vaccinated were many more times likely to survive COVID than the unvaccinated

More lies from two years ago that you're still going with, while todays data shows completely opposite.

It seems your switch is stuck on one of two positions it has, "stupid" and "stupid".

You keep repeating the same talking points from "health officials", Democrats and MSM, that are not just outdated, but completely false.

Speaking of "public health experts", there is really no such thing. Since the beginning of COVID hysteria, we’ve been told to listen to the "public health experts" and those are identified by the governments and the corporate media as individuals with complete authority over the subject, that nobody... absolutely nobody has a right to question their opinion. That's how we get someone like Dr. Fauci, Rachel Levine, Tedros Adhanom, and even Bill Gates, and groups like CDC, WHO, Gates Foundation, Imperial College, etc, that are supposedly the best resources out there for dealing with pandemics and disease spread. Want to know about how to deal with COVID-19? Follow orders from the omniscient "public health experts", we’re told.

And being mindless drone who follow orders, you and your ilk did it without even raising an eyebrow. You, and like you, were in full support of lockdowns, mask mandates, refusing services to people, denying them entry to hospitals, or to travel, and proposing they should be fired, all while celebrating whenever MSM announce dead of someone who is unvaccinated. Even now, you keep saying that masks and social distancing saved millions of lives, when every new study categorically negate that.

Well, we’re now over a three years into this thing, the free world is in shambles, and virtually everything recommended by these supposed world-class experts has resulted in complete chaos and devastation. The “public health experts” told us that lockdowns were the key to our salvation. When that didn’t work, they did the same thing with masks, curfews, social distancing, and the like. They had it all figured out, until they didn’t, and destroyed tens of millions of lives in their attempts to resolve a virus problem. So how could these highly-touted, government hand picked “experts” get everything so catastrophically wrong? Even more, how they could get so many people to unconditionally trust them and support them, even three years after it all started. Well, the answer is quite simple. There are so many with their switches stuck on "stupid".
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You said NO infections or deaths. I have shown that you lied.

What do you have next?

And you understood it so plainly...

You know, from the young age I was prepared for the world to be evil and cruel, but I was never prepared for it also be this gay and stupid.
But in my defense, nobody could possibly foreseen stupidity on the levels of the progressive, socialist left.
Stupidity such as yours was never considered to be possible. And you proved - it exists.
Read your own words: "prepared to ship ... within 48 hours of the issuance of an Emergency Use Authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration."

"prepared to ship"

1. Not my words. The words of Trump executive branch...which of course shows support of EUA.
They were ready to ship, if EUA came, and it didn't.

Yeah. And Trump called the FDA "deep state" for slowing down EUA approval.

Product wasn't properly tested, results were bad, data was corrupted, trials were faked... Everything they were trying to hide under Trump came to fruition when Biden got into office. CDC and FDA commissioners are sacked, new ones installed, data from trials suddenly shows "100 safe and effective" results, and Biden's FDA approved it.
So what your saying is it's everyone's fault except Trump's? So why would you support him? Evidently Trumps staff easily manipulates and tells Trump what to do. Is Trump a bitch or what?

Trump praised china...repeatedly.

Trump told Woodward COVID was very bad, worse then the flu but Trump told Americans it was no big deal.

Trump ignored Fauci's advice on EUA.

It is transparent that you shamelessly defend Trump any way you can. An arguement could perhaps be made that others share some responsibility. Yet trumpers won't admit, regardless of the evidence, that Trump as president, was ultimately responsible in any way except for "being manipulated by the deep state" derp.

Honestly you could always find a way to blame someone in the executive so using that logic, no president could ever be held accountable for decisions because ...such and such employee.

Of course this is how propaganda works.
And you understood it so plainly...

You know, from the young age I was prepared for the world to be evil and cruel, but I was never prepared for it also be this gay and stupid.
But in my defense, nobody could possibly foreseen stupidity on the levels of the progressive, socialist left.
Stupidity such as yours was never considered to be possible. And you proved - it exists.

The stupidity of people around me was a real eye-opener for me. It happened so quickly. Everyone fell so easily for the propaganda.

Shows you are a victim of the misinformation and fear campaign that Sweet Sue was engaging in.
what about the 'misinfo & fear' campaign our own government engaged in up to and including censorship RW'er?

And you understood it so plainly...

You know, from the young age I was prepared for the world to be evil and cruel, but I was never prepared for it also be this gay and stupid.
But in my defense, nobody could possibly foreseen stupidity on the levels of the progressive, socialist left.
Stupidity such as yours was never considered to be possible. And you proved - it exists.

You know, Iran and Iraq are two different countries.

I did not claimed picture is from the US, you did.

My claim is that pandemic is fake, and designed to scare people into submission. It worked with you, didn't it?
So there was no virus and people weren't getting sick?
I don't see it as "our" response.

It was a response forced upon us by the global elites who are working towards the great reset.
It worked fine. You have to understand the purpose. It wasn't saving lives, it was keeping the hospitals from being overcrowded.

Now the hospitals have young inpatients with heart and neurological problems so, great.
That the vaccine is death in a vial and causing a massive number of deaths.

Never said that. It's a terrible vaccine though, they lied about it, and entirely too many people have been harmed by it. Drugs have been rightly pulled for far, far less.

Truth is, I didn't fall for the propaganda, so your pic took up a lot of bandwidth but was inaccurate

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