Covid & Vaccination Deaths vs Climate Change

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
OK, so lately we've had several studies which now link Covid vaccinations to deaths. The huge majority of people dying unexpectedly have been vaccinated. Facts also show that the huge majority of those hospitalized have been vaccinated and the huge majority of people dying of Covid have been vaccinated. And yet the left screams at the top of their lungs that while, yes, those facts are true, causation can't be proven and that it just happens to all be a coincidence and taken out of proper context to use for political advantage.

But, when it comes to Climate Change, the left are doing the exact same thing in taking facts out of context to prove causation to use for their political advantage. The Earth has had several warming periods since it's birth, even when no humans were on the planet. It may very well be just a coincidence that the current warming of the Earth just happens to be coinciding with human's ever increasing industrialization. Just as one side try to prove causation with the Covid vaccine deaths with their "facts", the other side try to prove Climate Change causation with their "facts". Are the left now saying that we shouldn't be using cherry picked "facts" without using proper context to prove a causation when a causation can't really be proven?

Maybe Climate Change really is due to human activity. Or, maybe it isn't.

Maybe Covid vaccines are not working and killing people. Or, maybe they are working and not killing people.
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"No causation, all a coincidence" is the go to response from the scared masses that know in the back of their minds they made a big mistake but can't quite bring themselves to admit it.

They pick & choose which science to follow & which evidence is legit based on their conditioning.
They chose a point in time right after an mini ice age ended to use as the baseline for the "global warming" natural trend they have manipulated with cherry picked data & outright fabrications.

Both of these are psyops designed to scare the sheeple into the false reality that the "experts" are going to save us if we only give them anything they want.
This is the way you strip away freedom for the reset.
They'll be doing it with monetary collapses & cyber attacks soon enough.
OK, so lately we've had several studies which now link Covid vaccinations to deaths. The huge majority of people dying unexpectedly have been vaccinated. Facts also show that the huge majority of those hospitalized have been vaccinated and the huge majority of people dying of Covid have been vaccinated. And yet the left screams at the top of their lungs that while, yes, those facts are true, causation can't be proven and that it just happens to all be a coincidence and taken out of proper context to use for political advantage.

But, when it comes to Climate Change, the left are doing the exact same thing in taking facts out of context to prove causation to use for their political advantage. The Earth has had several warming periods since it's birth, even when no humans were on the planet. It may very well be just a coincidence that the current warming of the Earth just happens to be coinciding with human's ever increasing industrialization. Just as the right try to prove causation with the Covid vaccine deaths with their "facts", the left try to prove Climate Change causation with their "facts". Are the left now saying that we shouldn't be using cherry picked "facts" to prove a causation when a causation can't really be proven? Are they now willing to recant their Climate Change nonsense because they now admit they are using phony causation taken out of context to use for their political advantage?

Maybe Climate Change really is due to human activity. Or, maybe it isn't.

Maybe Covid vaccines are not working and killing people. Or, maybe they are working and not killing people.
Seems pretty clear to me. . Many or most on the left want to be thought of as righteous and the good guys, even though they are well aware the facts on the ground say otherwise. . And this "human induced" climate change bullshit. . I never thought it would be that easy for the evil powers in the air to have their way with government leaders and the masses. . Did the Bible predict this grand deception?
"No causation, all a coincidence" is the go to response from the scared masses that know in the back of their minds they made a big mistake but can't quite bring themselves to admit it.

They pick & choose which science to follow & which evidence is legit based on their conditioning.
They chose a point in time right after an mini ice age ended to use as the baseline for the "global warming" natural trend they have manipulated with cherry picked data & outright fabrications.

Both of these are psyops designed to scare the sheeple into the false reality that the "experts" are going to save us if we only give them anything they want.
This is the way you strip away freedom for the reset.
They'll be doing it with monetary collapses & cyber attacks soon enough.
I've also noted that many on the left bitching about income inequality attack those on the right for believing in creationism and yet these very same people seem to claim that the Earth came into existence in 1968. That is their baseline whine griping about income inequality.
OK, so lately we've had several studies which now link Covid vaccinations to deaths. The huge majority of people dying unexpectedly have been vaccinated. Facts also show that the huge majority of those hospitalized have been vaccinated and the huge majority of people dying of Covid have been vaccinated. And yet the left screams at the top of their lungs that while, yes, those facts are true, causation can't be proven and that it just happens to all be a coincidence and taken out of proper context to use for political advantage.

But, when it comes to Climate Change, the left are doing the exact same thing in taking facts out of context to prove causation to use for their political advantage. The Earth has had several warming periods since it's birth, even when no humans were on the planet. It may very well be just a coincidence that the current warming of the Earth just happens to be coinciding with human's ever increasing industrialization. Just as one side try to prove causation with the Covid vaccine deaths with their "facts", the other side try to prove Climate Change causation with their "facts". Are the left now saying that we shouldn't be using cherry picked "facts" without using proper context to prove a causation when a causation can't really be proven?

Maybe Climate Change really is due to human activity. Or, maybe it isn't.

Maybe Covid vaccines are not working and killing people. Or, maybe they are working and not killing people.

Maybe you are insane and Maybe.......Nah, you are nutz.
just happens to all be a coincidence and taken out of proper context to use for political advantage.

Maybe Climate Change really is due to human activity. Or, maybe it isn't.

Maybe Covid vaccines are not working and killing people. Or, maybe they are working and not killing people.

There is no such thing as coincidence in a useful sense .
But there is correlation .
And Correlation becomes relevant at a defined level of probability and with a defined level of confidence -- usually95%

People need to learn that one to one causation is just a special case of correlation -- 100% .
There are no binary questions that make sense . Rather, you need to understand things on a scale between 0 and100% for reliability and confidence .

So . The chance of vaxxing causing adverse reactions from minor to death is certain statistically and the likelihood that significant climate change is being caused by human actions is extremely low statistically . And regardless , the key forces behind Climate Change are so ginormous that there is nothing we can do which can have any bearing on altering them .

If you think otherwise , name one cause that we can control in any meaningful way , say above 2% . And , How .
There is no such thing as coincidence in a useful sense .
But there is correlation .
And Correlation becomes relevant at a defined level of probability and with a defined level of confidence -- usually95%

People need to learn that one to one causation is just a special case of correlation -- 100% .
There are no binary questions that make sense . Rather, you need to understand things on a scale between 0 and100% for reliability and confidence .

So . The chance of vaxxing causing adverse reactions from minor to death is certain statistically and the likelihood that significant climate change is being caused by human actions is extremely low statistically . And regardless , the key forces behind Climate Change are so ginormous that there is nothing we can do which can have any bearing on altering them .

If you think otherwise , name one cause that we can control in any meaningful way , say above 2% . And , How .
I'm on your side regarding climate change. Yes, the Earth is indeed warming. That is undeniable. Maybe it is due to human activity, maybe it isn't. But, assuming that it is due to human activity, only fools believe that we can meaningfully change it and only fools believe we can get the whole world to go back to wearing animal skins and eating berries. Even the leftists themselves omit their very own fine print where they tacitly admit without admitting it that the best we can so is limit the increases in global temps, basically admitting that no matter what we do, temps will still rise. It's in their very own fine print but they don't mention that fine print to the Borg collective.
The demented LEFT have always strived to create crisises and then come up with "solutions" all in their never ending quest for CONTROL.
That's what both climate change and Covid are all about.

I see climate change everyday. And I have lost a couple of head in ass friends to covid. They refused the shots. Meanwhile, I have a few friends that got the shots and Covid who just go real sick and moved on when it left. Bad news, a couple of those have long lasting conditions that is normal for Covid.

I don't know what reality you live in but please just shut the door on your back to it.
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I'm on your side regarding climate change. Yes, the Earth is indeed warming. That is undeniable. Maybe it is due to human activity, maybe it isn't. But, assuming that it is due to human activity, only fools believe that we can meaningfully change it and only fools believe we can get the whole world to go back to wearing animal skins and eating berries. Even the leftists themselves omit their very own fine print where they tacitly admit without admitting it that the best we can so is limit the increases in global temps, basically admitting that no matter what we do, temps will still rise. It's in their very own fine print but they don't mention that fine print to the Borg collective.

I agree that it's cyclic. But we can help it by doing nothing (dumping harmful gases is something).
I see climate change everyday. And I have lost a couple of head in ass friends to covid. They refused the shots. Meanwhile, I have a few friends that got the shots and Covid who just go real sick and moved on when it left. Bad news, a couple of those have long lasting conditions that is normal for Covid.

I don't know what reality you live in but please just shut the door on your back to it.
I live on a GIANT GLACIAL MORAINE in NY called Long Island.
My point: climate indeed does change. Blaming Humans for CAUSING it is preposterous!
The covid shots are NOT VACCIENES despite the gaslighting "brought to you by Physer"

I live on a GIANT GLACIAL MORAINE in NY called Long Island.
My point: climate indeed does change. Blaming Humans for CAUSING it is preposterous!
The covid shots are NOT VACCIENES despite the gaslighting "brought to you by Physer"


You either need to get out more or burn that computer. Try getting out more. I've been to all but one US State. I have mixed feelings on every state by the way I was treated. But I like to remember the best of each. One thing I know is, losing your home X number of times to a pissed off Mother Nature means that the Insurance company is going to cancel your policy after so many.
I agree that it's cyclic. But we can help it by doing nothing (dumping harmful gases is something).
I'm not against doing something as long as it doesn't overregulate businesses, cost money, or put an undo burden on people.
That pretty well excludes everything.
Why are the left in favor of hurting the poor and increasing income inequality and social injustice? Most green policies hurt the poor more than the rich. And, take cars, for example. If they prohibit the sale of gasoline cars then we will get to the point where there will be more poor people and blacks having to take public transportation because they won't be able to afford EV's while the better off will be the only ones who will be able to afford vehicles. And, it hurts not only the poor but will increase social injustice because it will all hurt blacks to a higher degree than whites. Democrats are nothing but words and false promises. They talk a good game but their policies actually do the exact opposite of what comes out of their mouths.
Why are the left in favor of hurting the poor and increasing income inequality and social injustice? Most green policies hurt the poor more than the rich. And, take cars, for example. If they prohibit the sale of gasoline cars then we will get to the point where there will be more poor people and blacks having to take public transportation because they won't be able to afford EV's while the better off will be the only ones who will be able to afford vehicles. And, it hurts not only the poor but will increase social injustice because it will all hurt blacks to a higher degree than whites. Democrats are nothing but words and false promises. They talk a good game but their policies actually do the exact opposite of what comes out of their mouths.

Actually, if you reduce the cost of the EV to 5000 bucks and give up all the bells and whistles poor can afford them. The poor needs to get to the grocery store and back and forth to work. The 5000 buck EV only needs to go 100 miles per charge. It needs a heater and not much else. Think of this. Take it back to the Model A from Ford.
Actually, if you reduce the cost of the EV to 5000 bucks and give up all the bells and whistles poor can afford them. The poor needs to get to the grocery store and back and forth to work. The 5000 buck EV only needs to go 100 miles per charge. It needs a heater and not much else. Think of this. Take it back to the Model A from Ford.
Ummmm, maybe you can link to where that is happening.
I really dislike attempting to have a discussion with the function illiterate.

Here is that link that you are either too stupid or lazy to be aware of.

All I got out of that video was woulda coulda shoulda. Can you link to where I can buy one right now? Also, will it work for a family of four and bringing home your groceries?

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