Covid Vaccine To Be Given To 20 Million People By December

Give or force a vaccine? They can force me to take it- when I'm pushing up daisies- not one second prior-
You going to get vaccinated?

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Give or force a vaccine? They can force me to take it- when I'm pushing up daisies- not one second prior-
You going to get vaccinated?

You could not get me to do this unless I'm dead and have no idea...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Show us where he said it would be before the election

August 6, 2020
Trump said on Thursday it was possible the United States would have a coronavirus vaccine before the Nov. 3 election...
This was after his numerous fake claims over the past 10+ months, a period during which the Trump-led United States has soared to #1 globally:
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Here are but a few of his false claims (excluding his hyping crackpot cures) from February through April alone:

“Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April.”

“China is getting it more and more under control. So I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away.”

“Again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
"It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear!"

“It’ll go away.”
“We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”
"It’s going to go away. It’s going to go way."
“It will go away. You know it — you know it is going away, and it will go away. And we’re going to have a great victory. … I want to have our country be calm and strong, and fight and win, and it will go away.”
“It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that.”

“It is going to go away. It is going away. … I said it’s going away, and it is going away.”
“I think what happens is it’s going to go away. This is going to go away.”
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Show us where he said it would be before the election

August 6, 2020
Trump said on Thursday it was possible the United States would have a coronavirus vaccine before the Nov. 3 election...
This was after his numerous fake claims over the past 10+ months, a period during which the Trump-led United States has soared to #1 globally:
Here are but a few of his false claims (excluding his hyping crackpot cures) from February through April alone:

“Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April.”

“China is getting it more and more under control. So I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away.”

“Again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
"It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear!"

“It’ll go away.”
“We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”
"It’s going to go away. It’s going to go way."
“It will go away. You know it — you know it is going away, and it will go away. And we’re going to have a great victory. … I want to have our country be calm and strong, and fight and win, and it will go away.”
“It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that.”

“It is going to go away. It is going away. … I said it’s going away, and it is going away.”
“I think what happens is it’s going to go away. This is going to go away.”
Possible is not a promise. The issue is vaccine, not the virus might go away. Hopefully is not a promise. You dumbocrat fuckers can't read English.
Possible is not a promise. The issue is vaccine, not the virus might go away. Hopefully is not a promise. You dumbocrat fuckers can't read English.
You are free to quibble if you need to pretend that your deity has not minimized, distorted, and misrepresented the now-raging deadly pandemic continually, of course.

I see his phony statements in the context of his "birther" nonsense, his fake promise to release his income taxes, his fraudulent insistence that he would repeal 'ObamaCare' "immediately!" and replace it with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vow to build a "big, beautiful wall" and make Mexico pay for it, and his repeated tantrumps concerning his political opponents being "locked up." I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Hunter Biden, etc. would have been prosecuted by his administration during the past four years if there had been credible evidence of criminal activities and he had not been lying.

His inveterate bum kissers can believe all of those falsehods, of course, free of any realistic assessment or a critical examination of merit.

I am especially amused by his more hysterical effusions such as Biden's elimination of windows in the suburbs.

The self-proclaimed "p*ssy grabber" (who had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives) proclaiming that President-elect Biden was "against God!" was especially mirthful.

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Trump claimed... that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden -- a practicing Catholic -- is "against God" in a series of false attacks made during a rally-style address to supporters gathered on Cleveland's airport tarmac...

That's the response to Biden stating he hasn't gotten briefed and needs info on the vaccines, (so he used his CNN briefings) and stated "he knew" there were low stockpiles. *L*
Remember he didn't know operation warp speed existed, so his unawareness of pre producing & stockpiling vaccines and specialty freezers to be ready day 1 of approval has to do with his basement dwelling, news sources, poor staff informing him, and poor memory.
I believe his feeble mind is confusing the one using antibodies which are harder thus slower to produce, not the other methods and types of vaccines. This is what happens when you prop up a corpse as your candidate.

Scary to think, if he was downplaying stockpiles to excuse the stockpiles he'll slip out the backdoor to China and such like he said should be done. "Not my President!" The guy is corrupt enough to be impeached day 1. My Resist movement will be called "Pushback".
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That's the response to Biden stating he hasn't gotten briefed and needs info on the vaccines, (so he used his CNN briefings) and stated "he knew" there were low stockpiles. *L*
Remember he didn't know operation warp speed existed, so his unawareness of pre producing & stockpiling vaccines and specialty freezers to be ready day 1 of approval has to do with his basement dwelling, news sources, poor staff informing him, and poor memory.
I believe his feeble mind is confusing the one using antibodies which are harder thus slower to produce, not the other methods and types of vaccines. This is what happens when you prop up a corpse as your candidate.
View attachment 418143

Scary to think, if he was downplaying stockpiles to excuse the stockpiles he'll slip out the backdoor to China and such like he said should be done. "Not my President!" The guy is corrupt enough to be impeached day 1. My Resist movement will be called "Pushback".
In my best Joe Biden C’Mon Man .“ I really don’t need that info because I am going to resign and let Kamala run things“...At least in the tale of Pinocchio it was his nose that grew with each lie he told but that little wooden doll turned little boy had nothing on our JoePetto or is it “ pedo” I am so Conned Fussed.....
The nation's medical professionals, epidemiologist, virologists, and public health officials will, undoubtedly, celebrate the return to respect for science and scientific expertise.

President Biden will not be raving about injecting bleach or shining a light up the ol' trumper.
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"Biden never run no casinos or had
his own
reality teevee show!
What's he know 'bout pandemics?"

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