COVID: What's next?

So yes, it's Joe's fault you won't take your shots and you don't care how stupid and selfish you sound.

It would be a good start.

No need to be modest when you're 100% correct. The vaccine is incredibly effective. Not taking it is dumb and irresponsible. elected a billionaire who hired other billionaires to fix the system that made them billionaires.

Yeah, you're pretty dumb.

Because true facts aren't on their side.

If a conservative can't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.

Oh I see. We have to post every caveat in every statement to make dishonest assholes like you happy.

Very very FEW die who have been vaccinated
There goes another establishment talking point. It isn’t just Trumpers refusing the jab. Lol. The NY Times no less. Lol

Glenn Greenwald:
This is a good, deeply reported article by NYT on who the people are who are hesitant to get the vaccine or who refuse it. It avoids the popular simplistic partisan script and shows how complex and diverse this group is and how varied is the rationale:


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I'm going to hope that we can stay on topic here. There are already more than enough threads on vaccine efficacy.

It's becoming more and more clear that we're not going to get enough people vaccinated to create a "herd immunity", or whatever the hell we were hoping for. Those who are against this -- whatever their reasons -- appear to have won. Their individual "freedom" and their "liberty" remain intact, and the rest will be able to avoid it for whatever reason it is that scares them.

All that excitement about getting the vaccines available is over. Wasted.

So let's get real: Now that we have decided the virus and its future variants and mutations aren't going away, how do you think this plays out in terms of public health? In terms of how it affects the economy?

What's next? How do you see this playing out?

I'm going to hope that we can stay on topic here. There are already more than enough threads on vaccine efficacy.

It's becoming more and more clear that we're not going to get enough people vaccinated to create a "herd immunity", or whatever the hell we were hoping for. Those who are against this -- whatever their reasons -- appear to have won. Their individual "freedom" and their "liberty" remain intact, and the rest will be able to avoid it for whatever reason it is that scares them.

All that excitement about getting the vaccines available is over. Wasted.

So let's get real: Now that we have decided the virus and its future variants and mutations aren't going away, how do you think this plays out in terms of public health? In terms of how it affects the economy?

What's next? How do you see this playing out?
Vaccinations will continue to increase, as programs targeting access bear fruit and as more people see loved ones and friends get ill and die. Delta will spread like wildfire for a while and plateau, as immunity increases. Sometime in the next year scientists will start alluding to herd immunity, as we approach 80% infected or vaccinated. Then we will assess the variants and the vaccines, with an eye on the need for boosters and annual covid shots.
There goes another establishment talking point. It isn’t just Trumpers refusing the jab. Lol. The NY Times no less. Lol

Glenn Greenwald:
This is a good, deeply reported article by NYT on who the people are who are hesitant to get the vaccine or who refuse it. It avoids the popular simplistic partisan script and shows how complex and diverse this group is and how varied is the rationale:
Greenwald is the biggest asshole on the planet. Next
So it's Joe's fault the immigrants are vaccinated at a far higher rate than white male republicans?
First, they are not legal immigrants but just ordinary illegal aliens cheaters

second, there's no reliable data on who is vaccinated and who isnt

but we know that at least 30% of the illegal aliens released inside America are actual Typhoid Mary’s
Vaccinations will continue to increase, as programs targeting access bear fruit and as more people see loved ones and friends get ill and die. Delta will spread like wildfire for a while and plateau, as immunity increases. Sometime in the next year scientists will start alluding to herd immunity, as we approach 80% infected or vaccinated. Then we will assess the variants and the vaccines, with an eye on the need for boosters and annual covid shots.

So you are saying another year of masks?

I think its going to be longer, the Biden Variant will be around until 2024 so that the country will be pressed to keep the easily finangled voting system the left established.
There goes another establishment talking point. It isn’t just Trumpers refusing the jab. Lol. The NY Times no less. Lol

Glenn Greenwald:
This is a good, deeply reported article by NYT on who the people are who are hesitant to get the vaccine or who refuse it. It avoids the popular simplistic partisan script and shows how complex and diverse this group is and how varied is the rationale:
More tRump-hUmpers than anyone else.
Racists and xenophobes like to hide their fetishes behind the code of law. By their hamhanded, simpleton fraud, simply making them legal would remove the frauds' ostensible opposition to letting them live here. Of course it wouldn't, because that is not the actual reason. I for one wont legitimize this childish intellectual fraud.
First, they are not legal immigrants but just ordinary illegal aliens cheaters

second, there's no reliable data on who is vaccinated and who isnt

but we know that at least 30% of the illegal aliens released inside America are actual Typhoid Mary’s
Nope. Poster I responded to claimed 30% refused the vaccine. That implies that 70% didn't.

They are vaccinated at higher rates than you orange lipped fools.

You FAILED math!!!​

Coronavirus Cases: = 198,846,807​

Deaths: = 4,238,160​

Moron, 4,233,160 Americans did not die of covid. I care nothing of the 'claims' by lesser nations. Mortality rate in America is less than 1%.
Moron, 4,233,160 Americans did not die of covid. I care nothing of the 'claims' by lesser nations. Mortality rate in America is less than 1%.
Well that's quite the childish argument you have there: cry that all the facts are wrong and your fantasies are fact. Good luck with that.
Lol republicans, who voted for Trump because they despise the majority of the country with every ounce of their being, are saying Berry is bad because they think she hates America? Too stupid.

Trump’s Chief Of Staff Feared President Was Going To Die When He Had Covid, New Book Alleges

Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff, was scared the former president was going to die when he had Covid-19 last October, according to a new book.

Well that's quite the childish argument you have there: cry that all the facts are wrong and your fantasies are fact. Good luck with that.
I can trust in the CDC for statistics, if you are dumb enough to think third world shitholes are giving honest reporting on their numbers, you are a fool. Global numbers do not reflect the American reality. Only a dishonest dirtbag would attempt to muddy the waters with inaccurate nonsense.
I can trust in the CDC for statistics, if you are dumb enough to think third world shitholes are giving honest reporting on their numbers, you are a fool. Global numbers do not reflect the American reality. Only a dishonest dirtbag would attempt to muddy the waters with inaccurate nonsense.
No need to repeat yourself. You are stuck defending a freakish delusion, and the facts do not support it. So you are left in the absurd position of saying the facts are all lies and pretending you know the "real" facts, which, of course, don't exist and will be whatever you decide to invent.
No need to repeat yourself. You are stuck defending a freakish delusion, and the facts do not support it. So you are left in the absurd position of saying the facts are all lies and pretending you know the "real" facts, which, of course, don't exist and will be whatever you decide to invent.
The facts absolutely support my argument. Your 'global' silly numbers do not reflect what is happening in America, according to CDC. Do the math, then run away when you realize just how wrong you are. I'll help you out, go to CDC's website.
Greenwald is the biggest asshole on the planet. Next

Does he go around saying stupid shit like not knowing it's HOT in Florida and we don't go outside in the summer, we go outside in the winter when it's nice?

No wait, that's you ...

I can't believe you didn't know most transmissions are INDOORS you stupid fuck
The facts absolutely support my argument.
Sorry. You reject the facts of the number of covid dead. This is due to a silly political fetish that was long ago proven to be baseless and idiotic. And you are stuck defending it, because you dont have the emotional matirity to admit you got fooled by paid liars.

So here you sit, calling the scientists liars, calling the coroners and medical examiners liars, and basically inventing your own reality sourced on uneducated slobs on facebook and paid right wing liars who butter their bread with your childish behavior and credulity.

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