
You sir are a fucking retard

You’re an idiot. STFU!

The deaths around the World is because of your beloved China and WHO that failed to warn about the Virus when it started to spread and contain it, but Communist propagandist like yourself are not allow to spew the truth but instead twist it to fit your agenda…

Trump failed in many ways but all these deaths could have been prevented had China and the WHO did their job which they did not…

Also seeing Warp Speed that helped create the vaccine was started when Trump was in office should tell you not to take the experimental vaccine that has yet to be given full FDA approval…
Go away. You're still harping about China.
Trump was a complete failure in every respect and internationally regarded as the killer if thousands unnnecessaryly.
It would've been the same if Nigeria had invented the virus . He woyldnt change anything because he suggested it was a hoax.
How can you defend that idiot and blame someone else? He's a disgrace but you ratbag Republican hang off his every breath like he was Jesus Christ. Cover for his mistakes, hoping for his return.
The country only needs one nut case like him ever and never again.
Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. Interest has grown in these vaccines because they can be developed in a laboratory using readily available materials. This means the process can be standardized and scaled up, making vaccine development faster than traditional methods of making vaccines.

mRNA vaccines have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). As soon as the necessary information about the virus that causes COVID-19 was available, scientists began designing the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein into an mRNA vaccine.

Future mRNA vaccine technology may allow for one vaccine to provide protection for multiple diseases, thus decreasing the number of shots needed for protection against common vaccine-preventable diseases.

Beyond vaccines, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells.

and tramp knew in FEB.

Again you stupid bitch the Covid Vaccine is not FDA approved and you writing about the research does not change that fact!

Why is it that the left keep on lying about reality while bashing Trump all the damn time?

Simple, clueless posters like the OP and Penelope bash Trump not because he is Trump but he became a Republican!

The Vaccine is not a cure and is still in experimental stages which is why it only has a emergency allowance because of the danger of Covid but it has yet to get full clearance from the FDA and nothing you post will change that reality and let be clear if millions of people start dying from the vaccine you will quickly blame Trump for Warp Speed that you give Biden credit for right now!
Why hasn’t the FDA approved them?

because it's for emergency use - meaning the data they have shows the bennies far outweigh the risks. seniors were vastly the ones being affected in the immediate - that's why they were approved for EU first. & then the next age group etc.... that's why those under 12 aren't yet, because testing & research is being conducted now to make sure it's safe enough.

seniors - the first ones to be vaxxed, & being the most vulnerable for the obvious reasons - have been getting vaxxed; & would all have been dropping like flies en masse if it was as terrible as you claim.
since it's been 18 mos since they started the program. they haven't.

& when full testing/research has concluded, then the vaccines will be approved for across the board & the military & schools will be mandated.
Wow, you just bitched about another poster telling you to shut the fuck up and then demand another poster to leave your thread and you will never see the hypocrisy!

Where did the Virus originated from?


Which Country arrested it doctor’s when they were trying to inform the World about the virus?


Which Country knew about the virus in November of 2019?


So tell me again why you deny reality?

Also can you and Penelope or any leftist show me where the Vaccine has full FDA approval and is no longer under emergency usage?

I know you can not but you will lie like she tried!
because it's for emergency use - meaning the data they have shows the bennies far outweigh the risks. seniors were vastly the ones being affected in the immediate - that's why they were approved for EU first. & then the next age group etc.... that's why those under 12 aren't yet, because testing & research is being conducted now to make sure it's safe enough.

seniors - the first ones to be vaxxed, being the most vulnerable for the obvious reasons have been getting vaxxed would all have been dropping like flies en masse since it's been 18 mos since they started the program. they haven't. & when full testing/research has concluded, then the vaccines will be approved for across the board & the military & schools will be mandated.

Wow, still experimental meaning we do not know if the vaccine is safe or dangerous at this point and just crossing our fingers with the hope it does not kill that many!
I saw a news story about today where a young boy died from covid new strain.
His parents very distraught obviously, were asked why they had not vaccinated.
The reply was astonishing. Both declared they thought covid was a hoax.

It stunned me. After 700k deaths the myth spread by trump is still rampant.
How can anyone else be blamed for this?
There must be thousands like that.
Alternatively it's indicative of the low intelligence of people who would prefer maintaining their political beliefs instead of their family.
It's breath taking the impression trump had on poor ignorant people that worshipped the idiot. Yet that attitude is still out there and being promoted by ratbag republicans.
I believe this, at least in part, is why folks like Hannity, McConnell, and scalise are suddenly telling folks to get vaccinated and take the virus seriously. They realize they are gonna get the blame for the next (current) wave of death and shutdowns.
Again you stupid bitch the Covid Vaccine is not FDA approved and you writing about the research does not change that fact!

Why is it that the left keep on lying about reality while bashing Trump all the damn time?

Simple, clueless posters like the OP and Penelope bash Trump not because he is Trump but he became a Republican!

The Vaccine is not a cure and is still in experimental stages which is why it only has a emergency allowance because of the danger of Covid but it has yet to get full clearance from the FDA and nothing you post will change that reality and let be clear if millions of people start dying from the vaccine you will quickly blame Trump for Warp Speed that you give Biden credit for right now!

I was right in the OP and am still right.
Imagine where it would be if there were no vaccine.
You're snorting spit declaring the vaccine isn't registered but you said nothing but promoted trumps snake oil and was silent when he suggested injecting disinfectant.
Oh the irony if your hypocrisy.
You need to have memory exercises before to take the high moral ground.
Wow, still experimental meaning we do not know if the vaccine is safe or dangerous at this point and just crossing our fingers with the hope it does not kill that many!

if you were drowning & had a lifeline that might have a hole in it - do you say nope - not gonna use it cause it might not work?

as history has shown with meds & vaccines in its experimental stages, any side affects usually show up fairly quickly. especially with seniors. problems have arisen - & they are being addressed.

& there are breakthrus - no one has said they are 100% effective- but the vast majority of those breakthrus are revealing that the symptoms aren't full blown & hospitalization/intubations aren't occurring for those fully vaccinated.
Wow, still experimental meaning we do not know if the vaccine is safe or dangerous at this point and just crossing our fingers with the hope it does not like that many!
I was right in the OP and am still right.
Imagine where it would be if there were no vaccine.
You're snorting spit declaring the vaccine isn't registered but you said nothing but promoted trumps snake oil and was silent when he suggested injecting disinfectant.
Oh the irony if your hypocrisy.
You need to have memory exercises before to take the high moral ground.

Fuck off because I have many responses in different threads bashing Trump and his base but unlike you I live in fucking reality you worthless lying troll!

also your thread should be moved seeing you did not provide a link to support your op!

Finally, Trump like Pelosi, De Bozo and many others failed to take the virus seriously when it started to spread but the cause of death for millions around the World is China Government and no one else and you claiming otherwise is just you being a pathetic loser as usual!
if you were drowning & had a lifeline that might have a hole in it - do you say nope - not gonna use it cause it might not work?

as history has shown with meds & vaccines in its experimental stages, any side affects usually show up fairly quickly. especially with seniors. problems have arisen - & they are being addressed.

& there are breakthrus - no one has said they are 100% effective- but the vast majority of those breakthrus are revealing that the symptoms aren't full blown & hospitalization/intubations aren't occurring for those fully vaccinated.

Again, then Vaccine is not FDA approved except in emergency usage and while it is the best we have it shouldn’t be consider the cure the Op and Penelope think it is and I will bet if many deaths result from it down the road then you can bet you, the OP and Penelope will blame Trump!
I'm wont be taking instructions off ratbag Republican fascists like you dickhead
You're not a patriots arsehole. Take you commie bashing shit elsewhere. You know nothing but hate. Fuck off wanker.

Yeah, I voted for Biden!

So I guess you lose again!

China Government caused the deaths of millions around the World when they hid the severity of the virus and refused to isolate the people that were contaminated, but you will deny this like the Communist drone you are!

The vaccine is still experimental and even one poster on the left has admitted it and let be clear Warp Speed started under Trump and the vaccine you are worshipping is from Trump era, so seeing you hate Trump so much how can you be so sure this vaccine is not dangerous?
it is the best we have it

good, we agree.

shouldn’t be consider the cure the Op and Penelope think it is

i didn't get the sense they were saying that at all.

and I will bet if many deaths result from it down the road

like i said - seniors would be dropping like flies already. they don't have the wherewithall to combat a side effect like that en masse.

then you can bet you, the OP and Penelope will blame Trump!

do not speak for me - ever.
I saw a news story about today where a young boy died from covid new strain.
His parents very distraught obviously, were asked why they had not vaccinated.
The reply was astonishing. Both declared they thought covid was a hoax.

It stunned me. After 700k deaths the myth spread by trump is still rampant.
How can anyone else be blamed for this?
There must be thousands like that.
Alternatively it's indicative of the low intelligence of people who would prefer maintaining their political beliefs instead of their family.
It's breath taking the impression trump had on poor ignorant people that worshipped the idiot. Yet that attitude is still out there and being promoted by ratbag republicans.
If it is all true, people like you would have thrown the lad in a dumpster right before being born and not given it a second thought.

Are you upset because you can't harvest his organs now?
because it's for emergency use - meaning the data they have shows the bennies far outweigh the risks. seniors were vastly the ones being affected in the immediate - that's why they were approved for EU first. & then the next age group etc.... that's why those under 12 aren't yet, because testing & research is being conducted now to make sure it's safe enough.

seniors - the first ones to be vaxxed, & being the most vulnerable for the obvious reasons - have been getting vaxxed; & would all have been dropping like flies en masse if it was as terrible as you claim.
since it's been 18 mos since they started the program. they haven't.

& when full testing/research has concluded, then the vaccines will be approved for across the board & the military & schools will be mandated.
It doesn’t work very well either. Even mainstream government controlled media outlets agree…

Delta Variant Outbreak in Israel Infects Some Vaccinated Adults​

TEL AVIV—About half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in Israel were fully inoculated with the Pfizer Inc. vaccine, prompting the government to reimpose an indoor mask requirement and other measures to contain the highly transmissible strain.

Preliminary findings by Israeli health officials suggest about 90% of new infections were likely caused by the Delta variant, according to Ran Balicer, who leads an expert advisory panel on Covid-19 for the government. Children under 16, most of whom haven’t been vaccinated, accounted for about half of those infected, he said.

Delta Variant Outbreak in Israel Infects Some Vaccinated Adults
It doesn’t work very well either. Even mainstream government controlled media outlets agree…

Delta Variant Outbreak in Israel Infects Some Vaccinated Adults​

TEL AVIV—About half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in Israel were fully inoculated with the Pfizer Inc. vaccine, prompting the government to reimpose an indoor mask requirement and other measures to contain the highly transmissible strain.

Preliminary findings by Israeli health officials suggest about 90% of new infections were likely caused by the Delta variant, according to Ran Balicer, who leads an expert advisory panel on Covid-19 for the government. Children under 16, most of whom haven’t been vaccinated, accounted for about half of those infected, he said.

Delta Variant Outbreak in Israel Infects Some Vaccinated Adults

wrong. the delta virus - which already has been determined to be much more transmissible is getting thru with some vaxxed people due to their immune response to the vaccine to begin with.

BUT those that are fully vaxxed aren't getting as sick & hospitalized & dying - than those not vaxxed.

why do you keep forgetting that fact?
wrong. the delta virus - which already has been determined to be much more transmissible is getting thru with some vaxxed people due to their immune response to the vaccine to begin with.

BUT those that are fully vaxxed aren't getting as sick & hospitalized & dying - than those not vaxxed.

why do you keep forgetting that fact?
Yeah I believe you over the Wall Street Journal, which has facts behind their report. You got nothing.

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