
Yeah I believe you over the Wall Street Journal, which has facts behind their report. You got nothing.

i believe the scientific experts, who btw said the same thing
that i did. ...within your article that has a pay wall. perhaps you can post the rest to show where i am wrong?

lol .... sure you will.

Preliminary findings by Israeli health officials suggest about 90% of new infections were likely caused by the Delta variant, according to Ran Balicer, who leads an expert advisory panel on Covid-19 for the government. Children under 16, most of whom haven’t been vaccinated, accounted for about half of those infected, he said.
good, we agree.

i didn't get the sense they were saying that at all.

like i said - seniors would be dropping like flies already. they don't have the wherewithall to combat a side effect like that en masse.

do not speak for me - ever.

I will when you are defending the trolling nature of the Op while not correcting the individual that the vaccine is not a cure nor is it actually approved by the FDA and was released early because of the danger of the virus China refused to contain.

Let be clear and the left propaganda can be as dangerous as the right and it is fucking pathetic to blame Trump for everything when it is clear China could have prevented all this if they had been honest from the damn start!
I've seen many stories about this kind of thing, and it's just tragic.

It demonstrates how otherwise well-meaning people are being conned by folks whose top priorities are listeners, views and clicks, not people.

Then it gets worse, when fans of these people spread the disinformation.
Could you provide the USMB forum with a specific example of what you claim is disinformation?
No, because you don't believe it's disinformation.


Then provide it for me or will you make the same claim?

Fact is the Vaccine is still consider experimental and has yet to get the final approval from the FDA and no one is sure how long the vaccine will last or will it fight new variants of the virus.

Also people with health conditions that have immune issues may not be able to take the vaccine because it could kill them, and yet this is never discussed by either side.

Finally, there is disinformation from all sides about Covid, it mutation rate and the effectiveness and side effects of the vaccine and yet you focus solely on the right stupidity while never combating the left!
No, because you don't believe it's disinformation.

Neither myself, nor the rest of the USMB forum, can reasonably make that judgement until you provide a specific example of the alleged "disinformation" you are talking about.
I saw a news story about today where a young boy died from covid new strain.
His parents very distraught obviously, were asked why they had not vaccinated.
The reply was astonishing. Both declared they thought covid was a hoax.
So many have died unnecessarily as a consequence of blind faith in political ideologues rather than respect for medical science in a matter of medical science.

The inescapable empirical data is so compelling that all but the most incorrigible, hardcore zealots are finally, begrudgingly. come around:

Screen Shot 2021-07-19 at 8.00.13 AM.png

"I got the shot, my family got the shot," Pence told his Republican audience in Texas. "I want to encourage anyone here who hasn't gotten the shot, who is eligible, to go get it. And if you're not sure about it, go ask your doctor and get the very best advice that you can."
Pence joins the ranks of GOP officials who have come out in recent weeks in support of the vaccine...
Pence is not the only GOP lawmaker voicing support for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell is using his campaign funds to run ads in Kentucky to encourage more people to get the COVID-19 jab.
Tennessee state GOP Rep. David Byrd, who last June voted for a resolution that accused the media of sensationalizing COVID-19, is also now encouraging people to get the vaccine. Byrd experienced organ failure and spent 55 days on a ventilator after catching the virus around Thanksgiving last year...

Also, among those scrambling onto the Biden "Get vaccinated!" juggernaut are Republican politicians Steve Scalese, Kay Ivy, Ron DeSantis, Asa Hutchinson, etc., etc., etc.
So many have died unnecessarily as a consequence of blind faith in political ideologues rather than respect for medical science in a matter of medical science.

The inescapable empirical data is so compelling that all but the most incorrigible, hardcore zealots are finally, begrudgingly. come around:

"I got the shot, my family got the shot," Pence told his Republican audience in Texas. "I want to encourage anyone here who hasn't gotten the shot, who is eligible, to go get it. And if you're not sure about it, go ask your doctor and get the very best advice that you can."
Pence joins the ranks of GOP officials who have come out in recent weeks in support of the vaccine...
Pence is not the only GOP lawmaker voicing support for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell is using his campaign funds to run ads in Kentucky to encourage more people to get the COVID-19 jab.
Tennessee state GOP Rep. David Byrd, who last June voted for a resolution that accused the media of sensationalizing COVID-19, is also now encouraging people to get the vaccine. Byrd experienced organ failure and spent 55 days on a ventilator after catching the virus around Thanksgiving last year...

Also, among those scrambling onto the Biden "Get vaccinated!" juggernaut are Republican politicians Steve Scalese, Kay Ivy, Ron DeSantis, Asa Hutchinson, etc., etc., etc.

What annoys me is there are still idiots out there who refuse the jab because Biden is advising to. Millions still believe there is a microchip in it thanks to gates.
Others are guided by their ridiculous belief God will protect them.
Whilst all those reasons are justifiable to them only but none have supporting evidence.
Those recalitrants are responsible for the spread of the virus. The more they disregard the advice, the greater the chance to get it. In fact, the sooner they get it the better for everyone.

Those people are nothing short of a blight on the human race.
I saw a news story about today where a young boy died from covid new strain.
His parents very distraught obviously, were asked why they had not vaccinated.
The reply was astonishing. Both declared they thought covid was a hoax.

It stunned me. After 700k deaths the myth spread by trump is still rampant.
How can anyone else be blamed for this?
There must be thousands like that.
Alternatively it's indicative of the low intelligence of people who would prefer maintaining their political beliefs instead of their family.
It's breath taking the impression trump had on poor ignorant people that worshipped the idiot. Yet that attitude is still out there and being promoted by ratbag republicans.
Where's the link?

Your thread is just another Leftist LIE !!!!

Just like the Hoax Race Crimes.

If you psycho Leftist can't find a story to meet your narrtive you fabricate one.

Any questions folks about Leftism being a Mental Disorder?
What annoys me is there are still idiots out there who refuse the jab because Biden is advising to. Millions still believe there is a microchip in it thanks to gates.
Others are guided by their ridiculous belief God will protect them.
Whilst all those reasons are justifiable to them only but none have supporting evidence.
Those recalitrants are responsible for the spread of the virus. The more they disregard the advice, the greater the chance to get it. In fact, the sooner they get it the better for everyone.

Those people are nothing short of a blight on the human race.

Sure thing butt wheat, you're a legend in your own mind.
Sure thing butt wheat, you're a legend in your own mind.
Is that the best you've got?
You seem upset when faced with facts. Do you chose to adopt any if my scenarios because you childish reaction indicate it hit a nerve?
What annoys me is there are still idiots out there who refuse the jab because Biden is advising to. Millions still believe there is a microchip in it thanks to gates.
Others are guided by their ridiculous belief God will protect them.
Whilst all those reasons are justifiable to them only but none have supporting evidence.
Those recalitrants are responsible for the spread of the virus. The more they disregard the advice, the greater the chance to get it. In fact, the sooner they get it the better for everyone.

Those people are nothing short of a blight on the human race.
Ideologues have the right to rage against medical science and behave as stupidly as their dogma dictates. Stupid is legal. But, it the harm they thereby inflict on others that makes their irresponsibility unacceptable.

It is reminiscent of tobacco addicts who whined that they had the right to indulge in their addiction anywhere at any time, regardless of the consequences for their hapless victims.

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