Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Which is why the kid if filing a lawsuit. I don't need to go back and dredge up the news media coverage that was made about the covington kids. Thats all well enough known. I guess you don't remember that the school had to close down because of the coverage and there were threats against sandman? .. because well meaning leftists standing up for native americans went insane with anger over the kid

Then how come you can't QUOTE that coverage? How come you can't screenshot it? How come you can't link it?

Here in the real world you can do all those things. Because those things "exist".

I'm afraid "Feewings" from an echobubble don't count as "reality". You'll need evidence.

It's not easy finding youtube clips of CNN but you can check it out in this video starting from about the 38 second mark. The reporting was one sided... I can clearly remember and the short montage here, though short gives you a clear picture of what was being said about Sandman and his class mates. Again, if the coverage by the news media was fair and they did their job... why did the school have to be closed because of threats?

then watch what really happened and get back to us.

I don't get what your point is here. I checked the 38 second mark of both videos (neither of which appear to be NBC) and there's nothing there that applies.

Again, the story at the time was "there's this viral video going around" --- which was TRUE --- and they showed the video.

--------------- AND???

You can't allege "defamation" for passing on a video that already exists. What's the point?

Your two videos posted here also go on tangents about the Black Hebrew Israelites or whatever they're called. That too is irrelevant. Although it does put the lie to post 90 above.

So ................. what's your point?

What do you mean? the first video clearly shows clips from NBC, CNN and msnbc.... in the CNN one the kids are referred to as a mob, on MSNBC they were pulling the race card on the kids, ..and those were just very short clips.
sorry... i cant find every news report made by CNN, MSNBC, NBC... i dont have the time, and its not all kept handy to find on the internet... not everything is.

They describe what they see on the available video

Mama and papa of hat boy are really pimping out Junior.

Except Mama and Papa have a great case. The media was completely irresponsible and put this kid's life in jeopardy while pushing their false narrative.

As I see it, the kid was irresponsible.

Irresponsible how?

He could of moved.

He wasn't obligated to move. They approached him, not the other way around.

Where were the chaperones? Nothing like instigating and the smirk on his face, I'd like to see someone wipe it off.

What exactly did he instigate? And he started smirking after Phillips got in his face.

Did you even watch the videos?
It's not easy finding youtube clips of CNN but you can check it out in this video starting from about the 38 second mark. The reporting was one sided... I can clearly remember and the short montage here, though short gives you a clear picture of what was being said about Sandman and his class mates. Again, if the coverage by the news media was fair and they did their job... why did the school have to be closed because of threats?

then watch what really happened and get back to us.

I don't get what your point is here. I checked the 38 second mark of both videos (neither of which appear to be NBC) and there's nothing there that applies.

Again, the story at the time was "there's this viral video going around" --- which was TRUE --- and they showed the video.

--------------- AND???

You can't allege "defamation" for passing on a video that already exists. What's the point?

Your two videos posted here also go on tangents about the Black Hebrew Israelites or whatever they're called. That too is irrelevant. Although it does put the lie to post 90 above.

So ................. what's your point?

What do you mean? the first video clearly shows clips from NBC, CNN and msnbc.... in the CNN one the kids are referred to as a mob, on MSNBC they were pulling the race card on the kids, ..and those were just very short clips.
sorry... i cant find every news report made by CNN, MSNBC, NBC... i dont have the time, and its not all kept handy to find on the internet... not everything is.

They describe what they see on the available video

There were more complete videos available at the time, if the Media would have looked for them. And the fact that these were minor children as well as non public figures, that gave them more responsibility to do exactly that. I don't know what 12 angry men in Kentucky will say, but if I were Bezos, I'd cut a check and offer a couple hundred million to see this go away. Better that than have jury give a $50 Billion judgment.

Once AGAIN no jury is going to award Defamation damages on the basis of literally nothing.

"More complete videos" is irrelevant. The viral video was not about Black Hebrew Israelites. The viral video was not about Indians. The viral video was about a kid smirking in a severely limited personal space. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

All this bullshit ''waddabout this" and "waddabout that" is just that ----- bullshit trying to take the spotlight off the smirking kid. It's not selling and it never did.

Actually Nathan Philips approached that kid the way that’s not even his real name you fucking retard

Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of Nazi demagogues than NBC.
I hope the kid wins. What the leftist media did to him was abhorrent and shouldn’t go unpunished.
The kid acted like an ass
standing there keeping his mouth shut while being called names and harassed is acting like an ass???
you need to get out more,,,
He was not being harassed at the time

Kid should have stepped aside, it would have saved him much grief
so a grown man walking up to him pounding a drum inches from his face is not harassment???
and step aside from what??? the indian came up to him for the purpose of harassing him,,,he would have just followed him,,,
Step aside out of respect
I would have instead of blocking his path with a stupid grin
That toothless Indian activist deserves no respect you fucking retard. If you watch the whole video you would see that he approached that kid
It's not easy finding youtube clips of CNN but you can check it out in this video starting from about the 38 second mark. The reporting was one sided... I can clearly remember and the short montage here, though short gives you a clear picture of what was being said about Sandman and his class mates. Again, if the coverage by the news media was fair and they did their job... why did the school have to be closed because of threats?

then watch what really happened and get back to us.

I don't get what your point is here. I checked the 38 second mark of both videos (neither of which appear to be NBC) and there's nothing there that applies.

Again, the story at the time was "there's this viral video going around" --- which was TRUE --- and they showed the video.

--------------- AND???

You can't allege "defamation" for passing on a video that already exists. What's the point?

Your two videos posted here also go on tangents about the Black Hebrew Israelites or whatever they're called. That too is irrelevant. Although it does put the lie to post 90 above.

So ................. what's your point?

What do you mean? the first video clearly shows clips from NBC, CNN and msnbc.... in the CNN one the kids are referred to as a mob, on MSNBC they were pulling the race card on the kids, ..and those were just very short clips.
sorry... i cant find every news report made by CNN, MSNBC, NBC... i dont have the time, and its not all kept handy to find on the internet... not everything is.

They describe what they see on the available video

There were more complete videos available at the time, if the Media would have looked for them. And the fact that these were minor children as well as non public figures, that gave them more responsibility to do exactly that. I don't know what 12 angry men in Kentucky will say, but if I were Bezos, I'd cut a check and offer a couple hundred million to see this go away. Better that than have jury give a $50 Billion judgment.

Sandmann will have to prove in court that the media acted maliciously and with intent to harm him

Good luck

I don't get what your point is here. I checked the 38 second mark of both videos (neither of which appear to be NBC) and there's nothing there that applies.

Again, the story at the time was "there's this viral video going around" --- which was TRUE --- and they showed the video.

--------------- AND???

You can't allege "defamation" for passing on a video that already exists. What's the point?

Your two videos posted here also go on tangents about the Black Hebrew Israelites or whatever they're called. That too is irrelevant. Although it does put the lie to post 90 above.

So ................. what's your point?

What do you mean? the first video clearly shows clips from NBC, CNN and msnbc.... in the CNN one the kids are referred to as a mob, on MSNBC they were pulling the race card on the kids, ..and those were just very short clips.
sorry... i cant find every news report made by CNN, MSNBC, NBC... i dont have the time, and its not all kept handy to find on the internet... not everything is.
They describe what they see on the available video

There were more complete videos available at the time, if the Media would have looked for them. And the fact that these were minor children as well as non public figures, that gave them more responsibility to do exactly that. I don't know what 12 angry men in Kentucky will say, but if I were Bezos, I'd cut a check and offer a couple hundred million to see this go away. Better that than have jury give a $50 Billion judgment.

Once AGAIN no jury is going to award Defamation damages on the basis of literally nothing.

"More complete videos" is irrelevant. The viral video was not about Black Hebrew Israelites. The viral video was not about Indians. The viral video was about a kid smirking in a severely limited personal space. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

All this bullshit ''waddabout this" and "waddabout that" is just that ----- bullshit trying to take the spotlight off the smirking kid. It's not selling and it never did.
Actually Nathan Philips approached that kid the way that’s not even his real name you fucking retard

Actually I didn't even bring up his name, and actually Philips walked between the kids --- who were moving toward the Black Hebrew Israelites --- and the BLIs, in order to get between them and defuse what could have become an ugly situation.

Which he did.

Way back in post 144 "progressive hunter" posted a video that lays out the whole timeline.

Here it is.

Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Too bad he is a nobody.

Who will hopefully teach the press a nice lesson. The press has a responsibility to report the news not make up stories that can harm people.
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Too bad he is a nobody.

Who will hopefully teach the press a nice lesson. The press has a responsibility to report the news not make up stories that can harm people.

What did the press "make up"?

Does anyone have a responsibility to not make up stories about the press making up stories?
Oh, i didnt realize you were so uninformed on this topic, but im not surprised.

Nick Sandmann's Lawyer Targeting Nathan Phillips with Defamation Suit

Again --- not an answer, is it.

Let's review, since gazing up four lines of text is so much work and shit.

You claimed, and I quote:
"the toothless indian just went on national TV in [sic] made up lies"

I axed you, what are these "lies".

Apparently you have no idea. What a surprise that is.

if you jump to about 1;00 mark you will see the indian lie through his tooth

Okay, went to 1:00. He's saying the Black Hebrew Israelites reminded him of the Westboro Batshit Church.

----------------------------------------------- and??

and youre a self inflicted ignorant dumbass,,,

How exactly is relating one's impressions a "lie"? Can you prove those were NOT his impressions?

Actually I let the video roll from Philips' description, which is most informative. It sounds like the kids were moving en masse toward the BHIs in a confrontational move, with the half-naked tribal kid etc ----- which would explain the woman bystander's comment "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on". Actually it would fit perfectly.

Then, Philips says, he advanced between them to prevent that confrontation from developing --- which again synchs with what he said at the time.

If that's true, Philips should be hailed as a peacemaker. And Smirk-boi's smirking is just tone-deaf irrelevance.

Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Too bad he is a nobody.

Who will hopefully teach the press a nice lesson. The press has a responsibility to report the news not make up stories that can harm people.

What did the press "make up"?

Does anyone have a responsibility to not make up stories about the press making up stories?

The lawsuit will lay it all out and when it is done, we will see won’t we?
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Rotsa ruck with this grandstanding shit. :rofl:

I put out the challenge here, back in mid-January, for anyone anywhere to come up with an example of any media outlet committing libel.

After let's see three and a half months we have a total of ...........


One thing you have to understand about the legal system. Attention-whore attorneys can and will file frivolous suits for no other purpose than paid propaganda. It only works on the gullible. Basically a very expensive way to publicly say "I got caught being an asshole and I'm butthurt about it".

Sluggo, you are one DUMB motherfucker.

The Little Goebbels of the Nazi Press are being sued for DEFAMATION.

Slander and Libel Definition

What is Slander? What is Libel? Libel and slander are both types of defamation. Libel is an untrue defamatory statement that is made in writing. Slander is an untrue defamatory statement that is spoken orally. The difference between defamation and slander is that a defamatory statement can be made in any medium. It could be in a blog comment or spoken in a speech or said on television. Libelous acts only occur when a statement is made in writing (digital statements count as writing) and slanderous statements are only made orally.

You may have heard of seditious libel. The Sedition Act of 1798 made it a crime to print anything false about the government, president, or Congress. The Supreme Court later modified this when it enacted the rule that a statement against a public figure is libel only if it known to be false or the speaker had a reckless disregard for the truth when making it.

Damages for Defamation

Suing for slander, libel, or defamation brings a civil suit in a state court and alleges that under the slander laws or libel laws of that state the person who brought about the lawsuit was damaged by the conduct of the person who made the false statement. A libel or slander lawsuit seeks monetary damages for harm caused by the statement, such as pain and suffering, damage to the plaintiff’s reputation, lost wages or a loss of ability to earn a living, and personal emotional reactions such as shame, humiliation, and anxiety.}

Differences Between Defamation, Slander, and Libel

Now run along and pretend you didn't just get humiliated again. You are a mental midget who attempts to cover your intellectual deficiency with arrogance.

It ain't working.
step aside from what???

he was there to confront him and not walk past him
A man banging a cerimonial drum
The kid chose to hold his ground and was criticized for it
so he wasnt a pussy,,,good for him,,
if it were me I would have shoved that drum up his ass,,,
Because when a douchebag starts banging a drum right in your face, you should always smack the living shit out of him. Being a douchebag his whole life is how he lost all those teeth.
He is not a douchebag
He is a man celebrating his culture

Blocking his path is the act of a douchebag
Actually is not look up Nathan Phillips he’s a fucking squad and a piece of shit Indian activist...
He has zero credibility and should be mocked endlessly.
Native American activist Nathan Phillips has violent criminal record and escaped from jail as teenager
so he wasnt a pussy,,,good for him,,
if it were me I would have shoved that drum up his ass,,,
Because when a douchebag starts banging a drum right in your face, you should always smack the living shit out of him. Being a douchebag his whole life is how he lost all those teeth.
He is not a douchebag
He is a man celebrating his culture

Blocking his path is the act of a douchebag
If his culture consists of uninspired music with terrible singing, his culture is fucking lame. Also, he wasnt blocked by anyone, which is why Nick is going to be a mega millionaire while toothless wonder will be couch surfing. :laugh:
He was blocked by a smirking jerk
Watch the whole video you fucking moron
Because when a douchebag starts banging a drum right in your face, you should always smack the living shit out of him. Being a douchebag his whole life is how he lost all those teeth.
He is not a douchebag
He is a man celebrating his culture

Blocking his path is the act of a douchebag
but his destination was the kid,,,so his path had ended,,,
It was?
I imagine the kid can prove that in court
well he does have the video evidence to back it up,,,
How does he know what the mans destination was
He ended up in front of a smirking kid who refused to move
Again --- not an answer, is it.

Let's review, since gazing up four lines of text is so much work and shit.

You claimed, and I quote:
"the toothless indian just went on national TV in [sic] made up lies"

I axed you, what are these "lies".

Apparently you have no idea. What a surprise that is.

if you jump to about 1;00 mark you will see the indian lie through his tooth

Okay, went to 1:00. He's saying the Black Hebrew Israelites reminded him of the Westboro Batshit Church.

----------------------------------------------- and??

and youre a self inflicted ignorant dumbass,,,

How exactly is relating one's impressions a "lie"? Can you prove those were NOT his impressions?

Actually I let the video roll from Philips' description, which is most informative. It sounds like the kids were moving en masse toward the BHIs in a confrontational move, with the half-naked tribal kid etc ----- which would explain the woman bystander's comment "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on". Actually it would fit perfectly.

Then, Philips says, he advanced between them to prevent that confrontation from developing --- which again synchs with what he said at the time.

If that's true, Philips should be hailed as a peacemaker. And Smirk-boi's smirking is just tone-deaf irrelevance.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeallly don't know what kind of a pathetic non-life you must have to think anybody is going to sit here and watch two hours of video.

Here, I'll give ya one and I'll cue you right to the spot. It'll take ten seconds.

Go to 2:21 and you hear a voice say something about "what's going on?". I woman in the crowd says "you guys are acting like a mob, that's what's going on. Fucking mob mentality. (Camera pans to her on the right) -- that's awesome, you guys are what? Sixteen? How old are you?" then she rolls her eyes.

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