CPAC: Speaker pledges end of American democracy to wild applause.

/----/ They were the same weapons.
Furthermore, eighteenth century civilians routinely kept at home the very same weapons they would need if called to serve in the militia, while modern soldiers are equipped with weapons that differ significantly from those generally thought appropriate for civilian uses. Civilians no longer expect to use their household weapons for militia duty, although they still keep and bear arms to defend against common criminals (as well as for hunting and other forms of recreation).
in the beginning this was true,, but later on some guns were made for military use and some for civilian use,,

and whats fake about the 2nd A being specifically for military grade weapons??

its right there in the first 4 words of it,,
Conservative activist Jack Posobiec joyfully hailed the “end of democracy” at the Conservative Political Action Conference, further emphasizing Republicans’ apparent desire to completely overthrow America as we know it.

Now MAGA are not even hiding their contempt for our democratic institutions.

As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Note: I know one of the first posts from a MAGA will be we are not a democracy. Yes, that is the exact sentiment I would expect from someone who doesn't care if our democratic institutions are eliminated.

This is a very sad commentary on the complete ruination of conservative thought.
Your post is disgraceful. It is a grossly misleading spin on Posobiec's factual point that we are a republic, not a democracy. He was engaging in some hyperbole that was based on the underlying fact that America was not founded as a democracy but as a republic.

You know, ". . . and to the republic, for which it stands. . . ." That's from the Pledge of Allegiance. The founding fathers viewed democracy as a dangerous form of government because it has no checks and balances on the will of the majority. It's pure majority rule.

That's why the founding fathers established the electoral college for the election of the President. That's why they had each state's two Senators selected by that state's legislature, a wise provision that we foolishly abandoned with the 17th Amendment.
/----/ "( aka today's National Guard )" NOPE. that's your gun-grabbing opinion.
Actually it's the position of most historians. The founding fathers were committing treason against the crown by rebelling . They feared what a federal military could do to them if we lost the war. That is why they took special measures to ensure that each state had well-regimented militias. In those days the likelihood of the states combining their forces to attack the founding fathers was extremely unlikely. FYI : Those founding fathers enacted one of the broadest sweeping gun roundups in history by forbidding the Torries from gun ownership. It affecting between 20 - 30% of the colonists.
/---/ And those military-grade weapons are illegal for citizens to own. I have no problem with that.
not according to the 2nd A when it clearly states "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA"

well regulated meant fully supplied and trained and a militia is a civilian army,,

that sure sounds like military grade weapons to me,,
We are a representative Republic.

These "democratic institutions" are?

It is the left that hates the Constitution, so your projection is natural for your ilk.
beings a republic is a representative style of government all youre doing is repeating yourself,,

we are a constitutional republic,,
not according to the 2nd A when it clearly states "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA"

well regulated meant fully supplied and trained and a militia is a civilian army,,

that sure sounds like military grade weapons to me,,
/—-/ As posted earlier, gun grabber, the militia supplied their own weapons and ammunition.
/—-/ As posted earlier, gun grabber, the militia supplied their own weapons and ammunition.
that has nothing to do with what I said,, I never said who would supply them..

and how am I a gun grabber when I am saying we should have any and all arms whether they are military grade or not??

thats the opposite of a gun grabber,,
Actually it's the position of most historians. The founding fathers were committing treason against the crown by rebelling . They feared what a federal military could do to them if we lost the war. That is why they took special measures to ensure that each state had well-regimented militias. In those days the likelihood of the states combining their forces to attack the founding fathers was extremely unlikely. FYI : Those founding fathers enacted one of the broadest sweeping gun roundups in history by forbidding the Torries from gun ownership. It affecting between 20 - 30% of the colonists.
/——/ I already proved this wrong, gun grabber.
no its not,,
one has a constitution that limits what the government can do the other doesnt,,

in a democratic republic they can just vote to do what ever they want,,
Not true, and yes it is. We elect representatives democratically. I don't care if you're allergic to the word democracy.

Damn, you're a fucking simpleton. :rolleyes:
Not true, and yes it is. We elect representatives democratically. I don't care if you're allergic to the word democracy.

Damn, you're a fucking simpleton. :rolleyes:
it would help if you read up on the difference before you make a stand,,

I am not only allergic to the word democracy but fear it beyond any other form of government short of a dictatorship,,

its a system that allows slavery and every other horror known to man,,

Not true, and yes it is. We elect representatives democratically. I don't care if you're allergic to the word democracy.

Damn, you're a fucking simpleton. :rolleyes:
/---/ We elect them democratically (majority), but they legislate as a republic.
In a democracy, third-trimestser abortions would be outlawed by 80% majority.
I am not only allergic to the word democracy but fear it beyond any other form of government short of a dictatorship,,
Then you're a complete fool that doesn't understand how our government works. 10 year olds have a better grasp of it just attending civics and social studies classes in school. You've lost the plot. How embarrassing for you, magaturd. :rolleyes:

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