CPAC: Speaker pledges end of American democracy to wild applause.

Then you're a complete fool that doesn't understand how our government works. 10 year olds have a better grasp of it just attending civics and social studies classes in school. You've lost the plot. How embarrassing for you, magaturd. :rolleyes:
dude I just gave you two links that show the difference in the two systems,,

your choice to remain ignorant is on you not me,,

but as we see your mental malfunction is TDS inflicted,, so really theres no hope for you,,

have a nice day,,
/---/ Wrong again, gun grabber.
The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people's arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it.
why do you keep calling me a gun grabber when I am advocating that the people are allowed all types of weapons under the 2nd A???

and it doesnt matter what phrase was in common use,,
what matters is whats written in the 2nd A,,

and its clear that we need a well regulated militia to secure the security of a free state and the way we get that is by not infringing on the peoples right to keep and bear arms,,

me saying well supplied and trained is the same as saying "in working order"
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dude I just gave you two links that show the difference in the two systems,,

your choice to remain ignorant is on you not me,,

but as we see your mental malfunction is TDS inflicted,, so really theres no hope for you,,

have a nice day,,
So? Your links only seem to differ in that a constitution is involved clarifying a separation of powers prevent the tyranny of one individual holding all the power in a republic. Duh. :rolleyes: Constitutions can also be ratified to eliminate democratically elected leadership as well.

Fortunately, our representatives are still democratically elected, and I give zero fucks how you feel about democracy .:rolleyes:
/----/ "Then you're a complete fool that doesn't understand how our government works."
From the Libtards who think presidents control spending, who believe the popular vote chooses the president, and EVs are enviro friendly.
Are you attributing those 'libtard' beliefs to me? If so, show where my content has ever made such assertions even once. Otherwise, go pound sand. :rolleyes:
why do you keep calling me a gun grabber when I am advocating that the people are allowed all types of weapons under the 2nd A???

and it doesnt matter what phrase was in common use,,
what matters is whats written in the 2nd A,,

and its clear that we need a well regulated militia to secure the security of a free state and the way we get that is by not infringing on the peoples right to keep and bear arms,,

so instead of just saying I am wrong and calling me a gun grabber, why not explain what I got wrong using the 2nd A as I did??
/---/ Then I apologize. Most gun grabbers refer to the "well regulated militia" as restricting gun ownership to the military. In combat, this would be called friendly fire. I deleted my post.
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/---/ Then I apologize. Most gun grabbers refer to the "well regulated militia" as restricting gun ownership to the military.
how you got that out of what I said I have no idea,,
I implied if not outright said everytime that under the 2nd A we are allowed to have any weapon that may be used against us,,,
especially military grade weapons,,

but as long as youre clear in my position now we are all good,,

RPGs for everyone,,
/——/ Yeah, conflating democracy with republic is a popular commie talking point used to undermine our electoral college.
No one is conflating it, we are a constitutional Republic, through and through.

Our Republic is also democratic republic because we the people govern through our own picked representation, which is a democracy as well.

We are not the same as other Republics, such as...

The Peoples Republic of China

they are a Republic, but NOT a form of democracy.
No one is conflating it, we are a constitutional Republic, through and through.

Our Republic is also democratic republic because we the people govern through our own picked representation, which is a democracy as well.

We are not the same as other Republics, such as...

The Peoples Republic of China

they are a Republic, but NOT a form of democracy.
I thought for just a second you had a brain in that shriveled up head of yours,,,

how can we be two things at once??

we are a constitutional republic but we are also a democratic republic???


we dont need a democracy label for the people to govern through our reps,, thats covered in the definition of a republic,

let me break it down for you,,

we are a constitutional republic that uses a democratic process to elect our reps and a very few other things as laid out in our CONSTITUTION,,,

and if you think china is anything other than a totalitarian dictatorship youre lost in a void only you can save yourself from,,

them and north korea can call themselves anything they like but a republic they are not,,
how you got that out of what I said I have no idea,,
I implied if not outright said everytime that under the 2nd A we are allowed to have any weapon that may be used against us,,,
especially military grade weapons,,

but as long as youre clear in my position now we are all good,,

RPGs for everyone,,
/---/ It was a knee-jerk reaction to what I've dealt with for two decades from gun grabbers' idiotic posts. Here is an example:

Smokin' OP said:
Can you read?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

In order to drive a vehicle, do you need to FIRST................... START the vehicle?
Maybe not.

from Otto 145 April 13, 2024
A well regulated militia under the supervision of the government.

And this classic idiotic post
  1. Why doesn't the DOJ Civil Rights Division defend the 2nd?

    "well regulated" appears to have been a typo or something that the founders wrote to "pwn the libs? " those colonial militia captains and sgts would take one look as these cosplay bozos and break their damn flintlocks over their ears. .........
Conservative activist Jack Posobiec joyfully hailed the “end of democracy” at the Conservative Political Action Conference, further emphasizing Republicans’ apparent desire to completely overthrow America as we know it.

Now MAGA are not even hiding their contempt for our democratic institutions.

As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Note: I know one of the first posts from a MAGA will be we are not a democracy. Yes, that is the exact sentiment I would expect from someone who doesn't care if our democratic institutions are eliminated.

This is a very sad commentary on the complete ruination of conservative thought.
Good. Our form of "democracy" no longer works. It's 3 wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. It's open season on free speech, it's open season on freedom to do anything, it's creeping totalitarianism - a dictatorship of stupid voters (gazillions of them) AND an alliance with corrupt politicians, the media, and 1%ers.

Basically - leaving middle class working people, blue collar and white collar - of all races - who play by the rules - out of luck.
/---/ It was a knee-jerk reaction to what I've dealt with for two decades from gun grabbers' idiotic posts. Here is an example:

Smokin' OP said:
Can you read?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

In order to drive a vehicle, do you need to FIRST................... START the vehicle?
Maybe not.

from Otto 145 April 13, 2024
A well regulated militia under the supervision of the government.

And this classic idiotic post
  1. Why doesn't the DOJ Civil Rights Division defend the 2nd?

    "well regulated" appears to have been a typo or something that the founders wrote to "pwn the libs? " those colonial militiacaptains and sgts would take one look as these cosplay bozos and break their damn flintlocks over their ears. .........
you can fix stupid,,
I thought for just a second you had a brain in that shriveled up head of yours,,,

how can we be two things at once??

we are a constitutional republic but we are also a democratic republic???


let me break it down for you,,

we are a constitutional republic that uses a democratic process to elect our reps and a very few other things as laid out in our CONSTITUTION,,,

and if you think china is anything other than a totalitarian dictatorship youre lost in a void only you can save yourself from,,

them and north korea can call themselves anything they like but a republic they are not,,
No I don't think China, or North Korea are the same type of Republic as we are.... with our Constitution, our Republic falls under being democratic....not authoritarian or totalitarian.
No I don't think China, or North Korea are the same type of Republic as we are.... with our Constitution, our Republic falls under being democratic....not authoritarian or totalitarian.
they arent any type of republic,,

our republic is a constitutional republic that uses a democratic process as laid out in our CONSTITUTION,,,
Thom Hartmann:
If we fail to honor democratic principles to make and keep voting safe, easy, and convenient for all Americans — the way it works in every other advanced democracy in the world — we risk the entire American experiment.

Which appears to be exactly what the Trump-aligned Republicans and neofascist media figures want.

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