Cracker Barrel

While the Crack a barrel is I’ll put you into a carb coma, greasy Waffle House food will oil your colon down. Though, as between the two I would probably go for the Waffle House if there were only 2 choices.

There’s nothing like eating some greasy eggs and grits at 4:00 am then being hit with acute gastrointestinal trauma at 8:00 am while 20’ up in a deer stand. You are forced to make the unpleasant decision whether to climb down out of your tree to drop a watery, angry deuce in the bushes or to just let it rip from up in the tree. Then your colon takes over and makes the decision for you.

Eventually, I stopped eating anything before going hunting or fishing. Instead I just packed a lunch.
I am not really going to talk about Cracker Barrel. I just wanted to see how many views a post with “Cracker Barrel” would get at USMB given the advanced age of most of its users.
Woke or Not?

We need to know
Waffle House makes the best Hash Browns

I gotta agree on that one. And, the thing I like about them is that you can order them a whole bunch of different ways, depending on your mood. Me? I like 'em with jalapenos, ham and cheese. Makes for a good late night meal.

Dunno how they do it, must be the grease that they use, but they are about the only ones I know of that can get them just the right texture, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Only thing I don't like about the current Waffle House is that they have seriously increased their prices from the times I used to eat there regularly. Used to be a good cheap meal, but now, their prices are on par with just about everyone else's.
Thing I like best about Cracker Barrell? You know pretty much how their food is gonna taste, no matter where you go, and it's always been quality chow wherever I've been. Never had a bad meal there, which is why it's the place I look for when traveling.
It's a great place, especially since Canucks are discouraged from eating there.

I haven't been to a Perkins recently, but when I was there, I had no complaints. What is so bad about the place these days?

God bless you always!!!

when I still lived in Ohio, Perkins was a second choice behind BOb Evans
^^^ I lived just south of Cincinnati from 1986-1996 and we had Bob Evans there too. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The closest one to me now in east TN is the one in Johnson City which is an hour east of me. I guess that the one in Pigeon Forge closed.
The only time we eat at Cracker Barrel is when we are traveling.

The food is OK but not great. However, it is convenient and you pretty well know what you are getting every time. It is a no hassle place to eat after a long day on the road.

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