Why didn't they gun this jerk down like they do all the unarmed black kids?

He should have been locked up and the key thrown away.

what did he do that he should have been locked up? yes, he was a jerk about it, but tell me, what law did he break Howey troll?
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.
I think Leftist Statists like you are chomping at the bit to take people's guns and don't need an excuse. I don't for a second believe any of you when you say you respect people's right to carry guns.

It doesn't really matter what you think. In the long run, crazies like you won't win anyway. I certainly don't respect the right of idiots like that to carry guns. Stupid to think a goober like that, looking for a confrontation should be armed.
Open carry demonstrations are nothing more than trying to instigate a confrontation.
Open carry demonstrations are a form of peaceful protest. Texas has OC-rifle demonstrations to thank for it.s pending OC-handgun legislation.
open carry is fine , designed to get people used to seeing Americans exercising their RIGHTS . I like them because they might scare foreign tourists into staying in their homelands . I hear that open carry demonstrations in Texas has helped new governor Greg Abbot of Texas decide to support 'Open Carry' in Texas .
open carry is fine , designed to get people used to seeing Americans exercising their RIGHTS . I like them because they might scare foreign tourists into staying in their homelands . I hear that open carry demonstrations in Texas has helped new governor Greg Abbot of Texas decide to support 'Open Carry' in Texas .

Im ok with OC. 99% of them are not confrontational dicks like the one in the video.

I dont particularly think OC is smart. Too many crazies can see the gun and go for it. I prefer concealed. But if they're peaceful then go for it.
I don't do it Bucs but I like seeing it . Course a demonstration is ok to pressure public servants and all others that its legal or should be legal . Where I'm at you will see open carry once in awhile but most people carry concealed or if a long gun then its usually cased .
but I remember as a kid carrying my uncased .22 rifle through Meadville Pennsylvania to go shooting after school at the 'K of C' or 'MASONS' basement shooting range [I forget] . Year was about 63 and I was13 years old .I'd take it to school on the school bus , give it and my 50 round box of .22 ammo to Mr. Hack and pick it up after school . He kept it in his 'principals' office .
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.
I think Leftist Statists like you are chomping at the bit to take people's guns and don't need an excuse. I don't for a second believe any of you when you say you respect people's right to carry guns.

It doesn't really matter what you think. In the long run, crazies like you won't win anyway. I certainly don't respect the right of idiots like that to carry guns. Stupid to think a goober like that, looking for a confrontation should be armed.

He didn't break any laws and the fact you want to take away somebody's gun rights because they're obnoxious proves my point incontrovertably. All you Leftists are gun grabbers, especially the ones that pretend otherwise.

And the police initiated the confrontation. There was no doubt they would make contact sooner or later.
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.
I think Leftist Statists like you are chomping at the bit to take people's guns and don't need an excuse. I don't for a second believe any of you when you say you respect people's right to carry guns.

It doesn't really matter what you think. In the long run, crazies like you won't win anyway. I certainly don't respect the right of idiots like that to carry guns. Stupid to think a goober like that, looking for a confrontation should be armed.

He didn't break any laws and the fact you want to take away somebody's gun rights because they're obnoxious proves my point incontrovertably. All you Leftists are gun grabbers, especially the ones that pretend otherwise.

And the police initiated the confrontation. There was no doubt they would make contact sooner or later.

If nobody made contact when he was prancing around a school with that gun, there would be something to worry about. The man was begging for confrontation. Stupid teabagger gun nut behavior.
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.
I think Leftist Statists like you are chomping at the bit to take people's guns and don't need an excuse. I don't for a second believe any of you when you say you respect people's right to carry guns.

It doesn't really matter what you think. In the long run, crazies like you won't win anyway. I certainly don't respect the right of idiots like that to carry guns. Stupid to think a goober like that, looking for a confrontation should be armed.

He didn't break any laws and the fact you want to take away somebody's gun rights because they're obnoxious proves my point incontrovertably. All you Leftists are gun grabbers, especially the ones that pretend otherwise.

And the police initiated the confrontation. There was no doubt they would make contact sooner or later.

If nobody made contact when he was prancing around a school with that gun, there would be something to worry about. The man was begging for confrontation. Stupid teabagger gun nut behavior.
If the police didn't show up to confront him, there would have been no confrontation. I can do this all day. The fact remains undislodged that you want to take away the guns of anyone you find obnoxious. That makes you a gun grabber. Well, you being a Leftist, that was already established. But like all lying Leftists, you're lies are easily exposed.

Stop lying, Leftists!
This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.
I think Leftist Statists like you are chomping at the bit to take people's guns and don't need an excuse. I don't for a second believe any of you when you say you respect people's right to carry guns.

It doesn't really matter what you think. In the long run, crazies like you won't win anyway. I certainly don't respect the right of idiots like that to carry guns. Stupid to think a goober like that, looking for a confrontation should be armed.

He didn't break any laws and the fact you want to take away somebody's gun rights because they're obnoxious proves my point incontrovertably. All you Leftists are gun grabbers, especially the ones that pretend otherwise.

And the police initiated the confrontation. There was no doubt they would make contact sooner or later.

If nobody made contact when he was prancing around a school with that gun, there would be something to worry about. The man was begging for confrontation. Stupid teabagger gun nut behavior.
If the police didn't show up to confront him, there would have been no confrontation. I can do this all day. The fact remains undislodged that you want to take away the guns of anyone you find obnoxious. That makes you a gun grabber. Well, you being a Leftist, that was already established. But like all lying Leftists, you're lies are easily exposed.

Stop lying, Leftists!

Perfect right wing logic. Stupid, but exactly along the party line.
I think Leftist Statists like you are chomping at the bit to take people's guns and don't need an excuse. I don't for a second believe any of you when you say you respect people's right to carry guns.

It doesn't really matter what you think. In the long run, crazies like you won't win anyway. I certainly don't respect the right of idiots like that to carry guns. Stupid to think a goober like that, looking for a confrontation should be armed.

He didn't break any laws and the fact you want to take away somebody's gun rights because they're obnoxious proves my point incontrovertably. All you Leftists are gun grabbers, especially the ones that pretend otherwise.

And the police initiated the confrontation. There was no doubt they would make contact sooner or later.

If nobody made contact when he was prancing around a school with that gun, there would be something to worry about. The man was begging for confrontation. Stupid teabagger gun nut behavior.
If the police didn't show up to confront him, there would have been no confrontation. I can do this all day. The fact remains undislodged that you want to take away the guns of anyone you find obnoxious. That makes you a gun grabber. Well, you being a Leftist, that was already established. But like all lying Leftists, you're lies are easily exposed.

Stop lying, Leftists!

Perfect right wing logic. Stupid, but exactly along the party line.

It's kind of hard to refute when you people prove me right all the time, as you just did.
Too many crazies can see the gun and go for it.
I bet you have no data to back that up, because every-time I've ever asked someone to prove that very superstition, they can't. Give it a shot; post a link to credible data demonstrating that OCers are more prone to be a victim of a crime than CCers.

Logic dictates that, if anything, CC'ing would make you more prone to be a victim since the CCers more looks like a victim, but I'll wait to see the data you've already reviewed before making your post. I never know, you just might know something about this subject, but I doubt it.
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