Crazy Bernie applauds Food Lines

Take a look right now how Democrat contenders for President are talking about reparations. The ONLY reason they are bringing it up is in hopes of getting record black vote to get them in which time of course there will be no reparations. That is and will always be DOA. It would never-ever pass. And they know it.

The problem that Kamala, Pocahontas, et al are going to have in 2020 is to convince Black voters that if they are elected, their reparations ship has come in-----while at the same time winking to convince enough Honky voters they aren't serious.

It's all about gaining power. It is all they want. It's not about helping anyone, it is about riding around in Limo's and possessing power over other people. I said right here in this forum months ago that AOC is a power whore. If one can't see that, then they are blind. She wants to be in the driver seat. She reminds me of Hillary in that way.
There are few things I am more sick of than multi-multi-millionaire liberal capitalists who spew their hatred of capitalism and push socialism as the wave of the future. Britain's stupidest celebrity, horse's ass Russell Brand, is rather legendary for this same level of bullshit.
He has never been a capitalist or even attempted to be. He has always been on the public dole one way or the other.
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Socialist leaders are the greediest fucks on the planet; they take control of EVERYTHING

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