Crazy Bernie goes ga-ga over China: "Done more than any country in civilization to address poverty"

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"Sure, the Chinese Communists have wrongfully imprisoned & tortured millions, and they have murdered over 65 million people, but Bernie may have a point: when you’re dead, your poverty’s solved, right?" - senator cruz
actually true-----and Mussolini made the trains run on time------and ADOLF
encouraged female gymnastics
Embracing entrepreneurship, capitalism and stealing IP lifted the Commies out of poverty.

Bernie needs to live in Venezuela

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.
It's been pointed out more than once how much the Democratic Party and its base just loves the dickens out of Red China and its policies. They love the abortions, and they're absolutely ecstatic over how the Red Chinese arrest Da Evul Xians and use them to stock their organ legging farms that are so lucrative for them.

There are no downsides to Red China as far as Democrats and their core base of genocidal racist sociopaths is concerned.
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Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

Indeed; they're just shallow little psychotics, is all. No need to take anything they say seriously.

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

I'd rather be poor in the United States than poor in China.

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

He uses the Appalachia because he can not point to Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, or California as Democratic Utopias...

Dean love China right now with the hope they crash our economy and get Warren elected...
Even Harry Reid knows ‘Medicare for all’ is a disaster

"But Reid’s sensibility isn’t shared by the Democratic electorate. A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll out this week found that nearly two-thirds of Democratic primary voters would be more likely to support a presidential candidate who favors "Medicare for all" than one who wants to build on the Affordable Care Act."

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

He asks a good question, but fails to recognize that the D Party has done nothing for poor minorities in our inner cities.
Even Harry Reid knows ‘Medicare for all’ is a disaster

"But Reid’s sensibility isn’t shared by the Democratic electorate. A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll out this week found that nearly two-thirds of Democratic primary voters would be more likely to support a presidential candidate who favors "Medicare for all" than one who wants to build on the Affordable Care Act."
Medicare for all would cheaper and more effective than the current system. This has been proven by the Koch Brothers study. Makes sense too, since the current system is so ridiculously expensive and ineffective. However, it does enrich a lot of very wealthy people and they hold sway on our corrupt government.

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

He asks a good question, but fails to recognize that the D Party has done nothing for poor minorities in our inner cities.

I would say take a look at the Republican party and take a look at the Democratic Party. And which party looks like America.

You have African-Americans and hispanics everywhere. How much of that was because of policies that started with the Democratic Party?

What have Republicans done for the people in Appalachia. Squat shit on them?

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

He asks a good question, but fails to recognize that the D Party has done nothing for poor minorities in our inner cities.

I would say take a look at the Republican party and take a look at the Democratic Party. And which party looks like America.

Skin color is of no consequence. Democrats lean Communist. That does not look at all like America.
Probably 50% of Chinese companies are zombies, kept alive by printing some 20 trillion in yuans. The interest on all that U.S. debt is their major source of solid currency for foreign purchases. If they screw up enough and we stop payments on them for their blatant criminality and treaty breaking, they have nothing to trade with.

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Singing the praises of murderous, genocidal, autocratic conquistador -like communist regimes?

My nomination for the most glaringly obvious culturally-suicidal Leftist of the Week...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana


Your Honor... the Prosecution rests.

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