Crazy Jeff Sessions to rescind policy allowing legal marijuana in states w/out federal intervention

Sessions must be in some Cartels pocket.

Wouldn't it be fun if Mueller found millions in payments to Little Jiffy from El Chapo Guzmán? :)

The Keebler Elf is creating uncertainty - in California people have hundreds of millions invested already and recreational weed now legal.
Fucker is dangerous - lock his ass up Mueller!
But thankfully for California, the AG Xavier Becerra is a Dem .. he ain't gonna do jack
Report: AG Sessions to rescind Cole Memo, creating uncertainty for marijuana businesses


But thankfully for California, the AG Xavier Becerra is a Dem .. he ain't gonna do jack”

So true...that barely legal anchor baby is all about feeding the fire of all filthy cockroaches from the brown south, they love them some low class society...don’t they?

.....And you have proven over and over to me why your id is BROKE LOSER, lowlife. Although it may be legal out there now this step of Sessions is not about the lowlife you spew about over and over. You must be one of those good christians out there on the west coast.

Although you said a lot...I can’t put together what you said. Can you repeat it in English please?
Dear Jeff Sessions:

There are greater issues facing America than marijuana. If the states have decided to legalize it for medical or recreational use, that's their right.

Instead, focus on the illegals committing crimes & killing Americans in sanctuary cities & sanctuary states
Attorney General Sessions to end Obama-era policy that let legal pot flourish

Come on Jeff Sessions. Leave marijuana alone. Leave it up to the states. If booze is legal, weed should be legal.

All you people have to do is LEGALIZE it in congress. You can do that also with open borders, amnesty for illegals, sanctuary cities/states. JUST DO IT, and quit whining.

If you don't like federal laws. then change them! It doesn't take rocket science! Get your peeps in congress together, have them put their political careers on the line, and demand action!

Remember------>his job is to ENFORCE federal law, not what he wants to do, not what you want him to do, not what I want him to do.
All you people have to do is LEGALIZE it in congress. You can do that also with open borders, amnesty for illegals, sanctuary cities/states. JUST DO IT, and quit whining.

If you don't like federal laws. then change them! It doesn't take rocket science! Get your peeps in congress together, have them put their political careers on the line, and demand action!

Despite the likely bloodbath in 2019 Trump (assuming he's still around - 50/50) would veto. But it definitely will happen in 2021 when all of Trump's executive orders and Jiffy Sessions' stupidity are shit-canned :laugh:
Sessions should have never been confirmed in the first place. He was a terrible pick for AG

His avid support for civil asset forfeiture was an automatic deal-breaker for me.
Civil asset forfeture has stolen more money from americans than all crime put together in the past couple of years. Where is the constatutionalists on this one. All about second ammendment as am I but I remember why we have the second amendment. To protect our other amendments like no unreasonable search and seziure.l Funny how the right wnants cops to be able to shoot you and take your shit, until they investigate a republican then all of a sudden the FBI are the bad guys!
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That move was a buzz kill for marijuana stocks. They're down about 35%. Sessions is a dinosaur who thinks marijuana is only slightly less harmful than heroine and yeah, he thinks it's addictive and blames it for an increase in violent crime. LOL Somebody needs to educate that redneck on the medical benefits and advances marijuana promises us for life threatening diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. Donald, tell him he's FIRED.
Sessions should have never been confirmed in the first place. He was a terrible pick for AG

His avid support for civil asset forfeiture was an automatic deal-breaker for me.
Civil asset forfeture has stolen more money from americans than all crime put together in the past couple of years. Where is the constatutionalists on this one. All about second ammendment as am I but I remember why we have the second amendment. To protect our other amendments like no unreasonable search and seziure.l Funny how the right wnants cops to be able to shoot you and take your shit, until they investigate a republican then all of a sudden the FBI are the bad guys!

For a long time I've been pointing out the irony of the law-and-order Constitutional conservative crowd.
Once California legalized marijuana there is no going back

Sessions would need an army of drug agents and would tie up the courts for a decade
All you lazy stoners complaining about federal law need to put the weed down and try to get your shit together and lobby to have it removed as a controlled substance. Anything else is mindless stoner whining.
Sessions should have never been confirmed in the first place. He was a terrible pick for AG

His avid support for civil asset forfeiture was an automatic deal-breaker for me.
Civil asset forfeture has stolen more money from americans than all crime put together in the past couple of years. Where is the constatutionalists on this one. All about second ammendment as am I but I remember why we have the second amendment. To protect our other amendments like no unreasonable search and seziure.l Funny how the right wnants cops to be able to shoot you and take your shit, until they investigate a republican then all of a sudden the FBI are the bad guys!

Where are constitutionalist on this one, civil asset forfeiture has absolute nothing to do with the 4th Amendment, but is a clear violation of the takings clause and the 5th and 14th Amendments. But hey, it's you regressives think the courts are gods and can do no wrong. You depend on them to force other unconstitutional crap down our throats, so stop crying when they allow your toes to be stepped on.

Another thing the federal government has every right to shut the doors on legal marijuana and seize all revenues generated by it, along with all the property and assets gained from those revenues under our criminal statutes. You little bitches just love the supremacy clause when it's used to enable faghadist marriage and are crying now when it can be used to take away your weed. Ever heard the old saying, what goes around comes around? Hypocrites.

Attorney General Sessions to end Obama-era policy that let legal pot flourish

Come on Jeff Sessions. Leave marijuana alone. Leave it up to the states. If booze is legal, weed should be legal.

All you people have to do is LEGALIZE it in congress. You can do that also with open borders, amnesty for illegals, sanctuary cities/states. JUST DO IT, and quit whining.

If you don't like federal laws. then change them! It doesn't take rocket science! Get your peeps in congress together, have them put their political careers on the line, and demand action!

Remember------>his job is to ENFORCE federal law, not what he wants to do, not what you want him to do, not what I want him to do.

BINGO! Well stated!

This is not about Jeff Sessions. Those of you who want to mock how he looks or talks, that's all good and well, it speaks to your level of maturity. Those of you who want to get upset with him over some perceived authoritarian policy he up and decided to enforce, you're just plain ignorant of the law and what Sessions' job is supposed to be.

This is not a new position, he has said this all along. It remains a federal offense and until Congress enacts legislation otherwise, Sessions is responsible for upholding the law. And ACTUALLY... this is probably a GOOD thing for those who seek legalization nationwide because it is going to force legislative action. Maybe we will finally get federal decriminalization?
Attorney General Sessions to end Obama-era policy that let legal pot flourish

Come on Jeff Sessions. Leave marijuana alone. Leave it up to the states. If booze is legal, weed should be legal.

All you people have to do is LEGALIZE it in congress. You can do that also with open borders, amnesty for illegals, sanctuary cities/states. JUST DO IT, and quit whining.

If you don't like federal laws. then change them! It doesn't take rocket science! Get your peeps in congress together, have them put their political careers on the line, and demand action!

Remember------>his job is to ENFORCE federal law, not what he wants to do, not what you want him to do, not what I want him to do.

BINGO! Well stated!

This is not about Jeff Sessions. Those of you who want to mock how he looks or talks, that's all good and well, it speaks to your level of maturity. Those of you who want to get upset with him over some perceived authoritarian policy he up and decided to enforce, you're just plain ignorant of the law and what Sessions' job is supposed to be.

This is not a new position, he has said this all along. It remains a federal offense and until Congress enacts legislation otherwise, Sessions is responsible for upholding the law. And ACTUALLY... this is probably a GOOD thing for those who seek legalization nationwide because it is going to force legislative action. Maybe we will finally get federal decriminalization?
yep....and i seen him say in one of the hearings he was in when questioned about pot....if you want it legalized, change the law,and then he said,and that is your job,not mine...
Seems like some people took “Reefer Madness” just a bit too seriously.

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