Crazy Jeff Sessions to rescind policy allowing legal marijuana in states w/out federal intervention

He is the attorney general. His job is to enforce he law, not ignore ones that aren’t liked.

If you don’t like the law change it the proper way

Better yet, why not remove the power of the feds to regulate intrastate commerce in any manner.


The constitution already does that but it’s ignored.

Let’s do things the proper way though. If we have laws enforce them if you don’t like them change them

That's the expedient way, not the proper way. The proper way is to take the power away from the feds to regulate intrastate commerce as the Constitution requires, that would prevent them form meddling in this issue and correct past mistakes.

">71% of Florida Voted for Cannabis Legalization
>Trump won Florida by 1.2%
>Puerto Ricans are flooding into Florida
>Republicans are looking into the demographic abyss
>Sessions pisses off 71% of Florida

Great Job!" - Wacky Ann Coulter
He is the attorney general. His job is to enforce he law, not ignore ones that aren’t liked.

If you don’t like the law change it the proper way

Better yet, why not remove the power of the feds to regulate intrastate commerce in any manner.

Why not tear up the constitution and reinstate the Articles of Confederation? Why not give Texas back to Mexico. We have enough problems.

Texas was independent when they joined the union, they didn't belong to Mexico. Also most of our problems could be solved by abiding by the Constitution as written, not as amended by the freaking courts. But I really enjoy the hypocrisy of the left, they lean on the courts and the courts would rip you an new one on this particular issue. LMAO

During the campaign, Trump said "you should leave it up to the states," with regard to marijuana.
I lean libertarian on drugs (I pretty much think they should all be legal except for meth), but we need Trump and Sessions to take down MS-13, illegal immigrants, treasonous liberals like Hillary Clinton and Jerry Brown, etc. Once America's borders are secure, we can transition to a more natural, libertarian, and free society.
Look at the big picture here. Californian and Leftists claim that EVERYBODY supports legalization, and EVERYBODY seems to agree, right?

But MJ remains illegal under federal law.

Well, if EVERYBODY supports legalization, then it should be EASY to get the law changed. In fact, that is the way it's supposed to work. If you want a new law, or a change to an existing law, then you get a legislator to introduce a bill, you put it through committee, and so forth.

Where is the Bill - as introduced by some California or Colorado, or Washington Congressperson? Does it exist? If this broad consensus actually existed, it would be no problem.

But Leftists don't think they should have to bother with such pedestrian processes as tnese. They think their policies should be implemented SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE SO SELF-EVIDENTLY ENLIGHTENED!

And rather than shrug at Jeff Sessions and say, "Well, I guess his hands are tied. He's just enforcing the law," They pretend that He is the problem, and not the fact that THERE IS NO NATIONAL CONSENSUS ON THIS ISSUE. Which is what is required in order to resolve this conflict.

IT IS THE SAME BASIC ISSUE AS ON IMMIGRATION: Leftists think their desires "trump" the law and legal processes. Anyone even suggesting that the immigration laws be enforced is a bigot, xenophobe, moron. Bull. Shit.
With all the shit going on, Sessions picks the least important matter upon which to waste resources.

He has done nothing of note since taking the job. I've joined the club. Fire his ass.
I’m more than willing to let marijuana be legalized on a federal level in exchange for a wall on the border
Are we going crazy or is there a faction of society that wants to eliminate cigarette smoking while legalizing marijuana? Do pot head lefties understand that "booze" is so highly regulated that it's against the law to possess equipment used for the manufacture of liquor without about a hundred state and federal permits? The dirty little secret is that marijuana is a weed that anybody can grow and smoke until their freaking brains run out of their ears. The joke now is that all the people who required prescription for marijuana for a variety of ailments have now miraculously recovered since "recreational marijuana" use was legalized. What the pot heads really crave more than the cheap high is the big bucks they get for selling the gateway drug to a million high school kids.
Time for sessions to regulate what private citizens do in their homes....I thought the hop is for freedom......
Are we going crazy or is there a faction of society that wants to eliminate cigarette smoking while legalizing marijuana? Do pot head lefties understand that "booze" is so highly regulated that it's against the law to possess equipment used for the manufacture of liquor without about a hundred state and federal permits? The dirty little secret is that marijuana is a weed that anybody can grow and smoke until their freaking brains run out of their ears. The joke now is that all the people who required prescription for marijuana for a variety of ailments have now miraculously recovered since "recreational marijuana" use was legalized. What the pot heads really crave more than the cheap high is the big bucks they get for selling the gateway drug to a million high school kids.

Hey stupid...............marijuana isn't a gateway drug, but alcohol sure as hell is.

Why is alcohol a gateway drug and pot isn't? Simple..............alcohol will reduce your inhibitions after only a few drinks. If you wouldn't do something sober, then you wouldn't do it high. Marijuana doesn't have any effect on your inhibitions. In some cases, it makes people paranoid, but that is only in places where it is illegal.
Oregon legalized pot with promises that hundreds of millions of dollars generated as tax revenue would be used for education.

Well the taxes have been paid..and now nobody knows where that money went.

Dems are racketeers. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sessions should have never been confirmed in the first place. He was a terrible pick for AG

His avid support for civil asset forfeiture was an automatic deal-breaker for me.
Civil asset forfeture has stolen more money from americans than all crime put together in the past couple of years. Where is the constatutionalists on this one. All about second ammendment as am I but I remember why we have the second amendment. To protect our other amendments like no unreasonable search and seziure.l Funny how the right wnants cops to be able to shoot you and take your shit, until they investigate a republican then all of a sudden the FBI are the bad guys! This right winger absolutely doesn't want cops shooting and taking.

I think cops should stay in their shops until they're called.
GOP Senator Cory Gardner on Attorney General Jeff Sessions' marijuana policy change: "I will be holding all nominations for the Department of Justice. The people of Colorado deserve answers."
The Keebler Elf is creating uncertainty - in California people have hundreds of millions invested already and recreational weed now legal.
Fucker is dangerous - lock his ass up Mueller!
But thankfully for California, the AG Xavier Becerra is a Dem .. he ain't gonna do jack
Report: AG Sessions to rescind Cole Memo, creating uncertainty for marijuana businesses


The congress has to do the right thing and repeal the part of the Controlled Substances Act that includes pot.

Obama's rule was just an end run, congress needs to act.

I have a feeling Trump would sign a bill doing this, maybe this is an issue both parties can get behind.
Oregon legalized pot with promises that hundreds of millions of dollars generated as tax revenue would be used for education.

Well the taxes have been paid..and now nobody knows where that money went.

Dems are racketeers. Nothing more, nothing less.
It sat at the Liquor Control Board for three years until finally distributed in Oct 2017. Sure took long enough.

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