Crazy Jeff Sessions to rescind policy allowing legal marijuana in states w/out federal intervention

Wasn't it the conservatives who were howling about states rights when federal courts began overturning state bans on same sex marriage??

When did the federal government have a ban on gay marriage?

You are using an apples to watermelon comparison.

Defense of marriage act, signed by Wild willie.


Overturned by the aforementioned United States v. Windsor.


This was the question:
When did the federal government have a ban on gay marriage?
I answered it.

Wasn't it the conservatives who were howling about states rights when federal courts began overturning state bans on same sex marriage??

Yep, and it was you regressives claiming federal supremacy, now you want your cake and eat it too. Go to hell.

Federal supremacy of the 14th Amendment on a matter of civil rights Sparky. And I am not saying that the Feds don't have the right to enforce their laws, just pointing out the hypocrisy on the two issues.

Faghadist marriage was illegal at the time the 14th was passed, the only thing that changed was time and the opinions of 5 lawyers. Try reading Scalia's dissent.

Wasn't it the conservatives who were howling about states rights when federal courts began overturning state bans on same sex marriage??

When did the federal government have a ban on gay marriage?

You are using an apples to watermelon comparison.

Defense of marriage act, signed by Wild willie.


Overturned by the aforementioned United States v. Windsor.


This was the question:
When did the federal government have a ban on gay marriage?
I answered it.


Nice try, but no. It said that the federal government wouldn't recognize gay marriage for federal benefits and that was overturned by United States v. Windsor.

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) (Pub.L. 104–199, 110 Stat. 2419, enacted September 21, 1996, 1 U.S.C. § 7and 28 U.S.C. § 1738C) was a United States federal law that, prior to being ruled unconstitutional, defined marriage for federal purposes as the union of one man and one woman, and allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages granted under the laws of other states. Until Section 3 of the Act was struck down in 2013 (United States v. Windsor), DOMA, in conjunction with other statutes, had barred same-sex married couples from being recognized as "spouses" for purposes of federal laws, effectively barring them from receiving federal marriage benefits. DOMA's passage did not prevent individual states from recognizing same-sex marriage, but it imposed constraints on the benefits received by all legally married same-sex couples.

Defense of Marriage Act - Wikipedia
Wasn't it the conservatives who were howling about states rights when federal courts began overturning state bans on same sex marriage??

Yep, and it was you regressives claiming federal supremacy, now you want your cake and eat it too. Go to hell.

Federal supremacy of the 14th Amendment on a matter of civil rights Sparky. And I am not saying that the Feds don't have the right to enforce their laws, just pointing out the hypocrisy on the two issues.

Hypocrisy on the left. If the commerce clause hadn't been bastardized by the courts and regressives, this wouldn't be an issue, would it.

The Keebler Elf is creating uncertainty - in California people have hundreds of millions invested already and recreational weed now legal.
Fucker is dangerous - lock his ass up Mueller!
But thankfully for California, the AG Xavier Becerra is a Dem .. he ain't gonna do jack
Report: AG Sessions to rescind Cole Memo, creating uncertainty for marijuana businesses


Only a criminal like you would want to lock up an innocent person

Now lock up the people of California, this is awesome!! !!
Nothing has changed, the move simply reinforces federal law. In the event congress decides to rewrite the drug laws so be it. State law does not usurp federal law. The former clown in chief chose not to enforce the laws that were on the books. State rights begins and ends with filling the gaps between federal law and the wishes of the people, thus if there is not a federal law addressing xyz then the state can pass a law addressing xyz.
I think that cat is out of the bag
Too many states have already legalized or decriminalized marijuana

Little Sessions can do to reverse the trend
He would face a bigger challenge than securing the border

Wait so you saying by that asshole onama not enforcing federal law it's to late?

What kind of a assnine statement is that

So if Obama ignored legal murder you would say the same thing?
I'm wondering, what in the constitution gives the federal gvt the power to usurp state's rights on this issue? Anyone know?
Wasn't it the conservatives who were howling about states rights when federal courts began overturning state bans on same sex marriage??

Yep, and it was you regressives claiming federal supremacy, now you want your cake and eat it too. Go to hell.

Federal supremacy of the 14th Amendment on a matter of civil rights Sparky. And I am not saying that the Feds don't have the right to enforce their laws, just pointing out the hypocrisy on the two issues.

Hypocrisy on the left. If the commerce clause hadn't been bastardized by the courts and regressives, this wouldn't be an issue, would it.

Care to explain further . I'm not going to waste my time deciphering cryptic blather.Post a link or something.
Wasn't it the conservatives who were howling about states rights when federal courts began overturning state bans on same sex marriage??

Yep, and it was you regressives claiming federal supremacy, now you want your cake and eat it too. Go to hell.

Federal supremacy of the 14th Amendment on a matter of civil rights Sparky. And I am not saying that the Feds don't have the right to enforce their laws, just pointing out the hypocrisy on the two issues.

Hypocrisy on the left. If the commerce clause hadn't been bastardized by the courts and regressives, this wouldn't be an issue, would it.

Care to explain further . I'm not going to waste my time deciphering cryptic blather.Post a link or something.

For anyone who is reasonably constitutionally literate there's nothing cryptic about it. The Constitution gives the feds the authority to regulate commerce between the States. The courts have decided that would include anything the could even tangentially effect commerce whether it crosses State line or not. That power granted by the courts is being used as the authority for federals laws regulating marijuana, even if it is grown on your property for your own use.

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Wasn't it the conservatives who were howling about states rights when federal courts began overturning state bans on same sex marriage??

Yep, and it was you regressives claiming federal supremacy, now you want your cake and eat it too. Go to hell.

Federal supremacy of the 14th Amendment on a matter of civil rights Sparky. And I am not saying that the Feds don't have the right to enforce their laws, just pointing out the hypocrisy on the two issues.

Hypocrisy on the left. If the commerce clause hadn't been bastardized by the courts and regressives, this wouldn't be an issue, would it.

Care to explain further . I'm not going to waste my time deciphering cryptic blather.Post a link or something.

For anyone who is reasonably constitutionally literate there's nothing cryptic about it. The Constitution give the feds the authority to regulate commerce between the States. The courts have decided that would include anything the could even tangentially effect commerce whether it crosses State line or not. That power granted by the courts is being used as the authority for federals laws regulating marijuana, even if it is grown on your property for your own use.

OK, thank you. But how does that change the point that I made?? Hypocrisy . ...remember?
Yep, and it was you regressives claiming federal supremacy, now you want your cake and eat it too. Go to hell.

Federal supremacy of the 14th Amendment on a matter of civil rights Sparky. And I am not saying that the Feds don't have the right to enforce their laws, just pointing out the hypocrisy on the two issues.

Hypocrisy on the left. If the commerce clause hadn't been bastardized by the courts and regressives, this wouldn't be an issue, would it.

Care to explain further . I'm not going to waste my time deciphering cryptic blather.Post a link or something.

For anyone who is reasonably constitutionally literate there's nothing cryptic about it. The Constitution give the feds the authority to regulate commerce between the States. The courts have decided that would include anything the could even tangentially effect commerce whether it crosses State line or not. That power granted by the courts is being used as the authority for federals laws regulating marijuana, even if it is grown on your property for your own use.

OK, thank you. But how does that change the point that I made?? Hypocrisy . ...remember?

I've been consistent all along that the courts have been bastardizing the Constitution for ever, all being pushed by you regressives. Now you complain when it's your ox is gored. All I'm saying is enjoy the all powerful nanny state you dreamed of, the limited government envisioned by the founders is history.

He is the attorney general. His job is to enforce he law, not ignore ones that aren’t liked.

If you don’t like the law change it the proper way
He is the attorney general. His job is to enforce he law, not ignore ones that aren’t liked.

If you don’t like the law change it the proper way

Better yet, why not remove the power of the feds to regulate intrastate commerce in any manner.

He is the attorney general. His job is to enforce he law, not ignore ones that aren’t liked.

If you don’t like the law change it the proper way

Better yet, why not remove the power of the feds to regulate intrastate commerce in any manner.


The constitution already does that but it’s ignored.

Let’s do things the proper way though. If we have laws enforce them if you don’t like them change them
He is the attorney general. His job is to enforce he law, not ignore ones that aren’t liked.

If you don’t like the law change it the proper way

Better yet, why not remove the power of the feds to regulate intrastate commerce in any manner.

Why not tear up the constitution and reinstate the Articles of Confederation? Why not give Texas back to Mexico. We have enough problems.
He is the attorney general. His job is to enforce he law, not ignore ones that aren’t liked.

If you don’t like the law change it the proper way

Better yet, why not remove the power of the feds to regulate intrastate commerce in any manner.

Why not tear up the constitution and reinstate the Articles of Confederation? Why not give Texas back to Mexico. We have enough problems.

Well that’s random

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