Crazy Liberals calling for a total confiscation of firearms


You get all the bolt action rifles, revolvers and pump action shotguns you want. You don't get any semi-automatic firing systems, high capacity magazines or bump stocks. Those weapons can be bought back and then prohibited from sale, manufacture, distribution, possession and importation. You get self defense, but not assault weapons. You don't need them.

I have a couple of dozen AR-15s and assorted other "assault" weapons. I also have several hundred standard capatity magazines.

I am like 99% of all firearm owners. I have never committed a crime with any of the firearms. I have no intentions of ever committing a crime with the firearms. I keep them locked up. I am a certified NRA firearms instructor and certified range officer.

Why should my Constitutional rights be infringed because somebody else commits crimes? Where is the justice in that? Aren't you Moon Bats always claiming that you are for fair treatment? Why punish me for the crimes of other people?

Shouldn't we punish those that commit the crimes with firearms rather than taking firearms away from the responsible gun owners in this country?

Do you even think about things like this are you simply a stupid Moon Bat that always parrots the idiotic Libtard talking points of the day?

You didn't vote for Crooked Hillary, did you? She ran on a platform to demonize the NRA and to advocate taking away the right to keep and bear arms, didn't you? It would have been really dumb to have voted for somebody like that, wouldn't it?
You don't need that arsenal, Earl. And you don't need a Lamborghini either. There is a speed limit and that car is designed to be driven well over it. Otherwise, it's an impractical mode of transportation.

All those locked up guns are a means to commit a mass shooting. What puts the "mass" in mass shooting? Guns like the ones you have locked up.

And calling me names does not engender any respect. You look childish, boorish and stupid. That's why you support Trump, isn't it? Birds of a feather...

You right to bear arms is already infringed, unless you actually have a flamethrower, a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a mortar or two and an Abrams A-1 tank in the driveway. Your rights could stand a little more infringement because there is no need for an assault rifle.

Is that the best you have? "You are fucked by the filthy government so you should be fucked more?"

Really, Moon Bat?

You get all the bolt action rifles, revolvers and pump action shotguns you want. You don't get any semi-automatic firing systems, high capacity magazines or bump stocks. Those weapons can be bought back and then prohibited from sale, manufacture, distribution, possession and importation. You get self defense, but not assault weapons. You don't need them.

I have a couple of dozen AR-15s and assorted other "assault" weapons. I also have several hundred standard capatity magazines.

I am like 99% of all firearm owners. I have never committed a crime with any of the firearms. I have no intentions of ever committing a crime with the firearms. I keep them locked up. I am a certified NRA firearms instructor and certified range officer.

Why should my Constitutional rights be infringed because somebody else commits crimes? Where is the justice in that? Aren't you Moon Bats always claiming that you are for fair treatment? Why punish me for the crimes of other people?

Shouldn't we punish those that commit the crimes with firearms rather than taking firearms away from the responsible gun owners in this country?

Do you even think about things like this are you simply a stupid Moon Bat that always parrots the idiotic Libtard talking points of the day?

You didn't vote for Crooked Hillary, did you? She ran on a platform to demonize the NRA and to advocate taking away the right to keep and bear arms, didn't you? It would have been really dumb to have voted for somebody like that, wouldn't it?
You don't need that arsenal, Earl. And you don't need a Lamborghini either. There is a speed limit and that car is designed to be driven well over it. Otherwise, it's an impractical mode of transportation.

All those locked up guns are a means to commit a mass shooting. What puts the "mass" in mass shooting? Guns like the ones you have locked up.

And calling me names does not engender any respect. You look childish, boorish and stupid. That's why you support Trump, isn't it? Birds of a feather...

I don't give a shit what you think I need. You don't get a vote.

What else you got Moon Bat?

You right to bear arms is already infringed, unless you actually have a flamethrower, a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a mortar or two and an Abrams A-1 tank in the driveway. Your rights could stand a little more infringement because there is no need for an assault rifle.

Is that the best you have? "You are fucked by the filthy government so you should be fucked more?"

Really, Moon Bat?
The second amendment is not a suicide pact. No rights are absolute. Assault weapons have no virtue. Can you cite one?

And calling me names does not engender any respect. You come off as childish, boorish and Trump-like in comportment. That's a pity.

You get all the bolt action rifles, revolvers and pump action shotguns you want. You don't get any semi-automatic firing systems, high capacity magazines or bump stocks. Those weapons can be bought back and then prohibited from sale, manufacture, distribution, possession and importation. You get self defense, but not assault weapons. You don't need them.

I have a couple of dozen AR-15s and assorted other "assault" weapons. I also have several hundred standard capatity magazines.

I am like 99% of all firearm owners. I have never committed a crime with any of the firearms. I have no intentions of ever committing a crime with the firearms. I keep them locked up. I am a certified NRA firearms instructor and certified range officer.

Why should my Constitutional rights be infringed because somebody else commits crimes? Where is the justice in that? Aren't you Moon Bats always claiming that you are for fair treatment? Why punish me for the crimes of other people?

Shouldn't we punish those that commit the crimes with firearms rather than taking firearms away from the responsible gun owners in this country?

Do you even think about things like this are you simply a stupid Moon Bat that always parrots the idiotic Libtard talking points of the day?

You didn't vote for Crooked Hillary, did you? She ran on a platform to demonize the NRA and to advocate taking away the right to keep and bear arms, didn't you? It would have been really dumb to have voted for somebody like that, wouldn't it?
You don't need that arsenal, Earl. And you don't need a Lamborghini either. There is a speed limit and that car is designed to be driven well over it. Otherwise, it's an impractical mode of transportation.

All those locked up guns are a means to commit a mass shooting. What puts the "mass" in mass shooting? Guns like the ones you have locked up.

And calling me names does not engender any respect. You look childish, boorish and stupid. That's why you support Trump, isn't it? Birds of a feather...

I don't give a shit what you think I need. You don't get a vote.

What else you got Moon Bat?
Explain the virtues of assault weapons. Why are they necessary? Why are they good? And why should they be available to everyone?
I guess there are "crazy" liberals who want your guns.( they are not the majority) there are crazy right wingers who think they need there guns to defend against the government. who not only have more guns but tanks, fighter jets, drones,& every weapon known to man. good luck with that one.
Liberals are absolutely batshit crazy. They say they are only for "reasonable" gun control laws but then you see that their definition of reasonable includes total firearm confiscation.

Then they wonder why they have no credibility and we can't trust them with our Constitutional rights and they wonder why ridicule them so much.

Hand over your weapons - The Boston Globe

Hand over your weapons

Democrats have even let the word “confiscation” slip out, on occasion. After the shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. in 2012, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a radio interview that when it came to assault weapons “confiscation could be an option, mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”

Ultimately, if gun-control advocates really want to stanch the blood, there’s no way around it: They’ll have to persuade more people of the need to confiscate millions of those firearms, as radical as that idea may now seem.

You're the one that is spinning :bsflag: Liberals want gun control in order to keep weapons out of the hands of crazies and a ban on military assault weapons that are nothing more than people killers.

In fact 9 out of 10 gun owners in this country want extended background checks. The only people that don't want them are the ones that couldn't pass one.
90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?


You right to bear arms is already infringed, unless you actually have a flamethrower, a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a mortar or two and an Abrams A-1 tank in the driveway. Your rights could stand a little more infringement because there is no need for an assault rifle.

Is that the best you have? "You are fucked by the filthy government so you should be fucked more?"

Really, Moon Bat?
The second amendment is not a suicide pact. No rights are absolute. Assault weapons have no virtue. Can you cite one?

And calling me names does not engender any respect. You come off as childish, boorish and Trump-like in comportment. That's a pity.

The Second Amendment is pretty damn clear on one thing you stupid Moon Bat. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Is simple wording like that too difficult for your confused Libtard mind to understand?

The government always fucks us when it takes away our Liberties and Constitutional rights. Is that also too difficult for your stupid confused Libtard mind to comprehend?
I guess there are "crazy" liberals who want your guns.( they are not the majority) there are crazy right wingers who think they need there guns to defend against the government. who not only have more guns but tanks, fighter jets, drones,& every weapon known to man. good luck with that one.
Here's what I find curious. There are gun nuts who want to fight the government. Those are the same gun nuts who wrap the second amendment around themselves as if it were a bulletproof blanket. Fear the government on one hand, rely on the government to protect their rights to an arsenal with the other.

You right to bear arms is already infringed, unless you actually have a flamethrower, a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a mortar or two and an Abrams A-1 tank in the driveway. Your rights could stand a little more infringement because there is no need for an assault rifle.

Is that the best you have? "You are fucked by the filthy government so you should be fucked more?"

Really, Moon Bat?
The second amendment is not a suicide pact. No rights are absolute. Assault weapons have no virtue. Can you cite one?

And calling me names does not engender any respect. You come off as childish, boorish and Trump-like in comportment. That's a pity.

The Second Amendment is pretty damn clear on one thing you stupid Moon Bat. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Is simple wording like that too difficult for your confused Libtard mind to understand?

The government always fucks us when it takes away our Liberties and Constitutional rights. Is that also too difficult for your stupid confused Libtard mind to comprehend?
That stuff about a well regulated militia always seems to be overlooked.

Read that constitution and tell us about the Army and funding for it. Then consider the need for well regulated militias.

Well regulated. Not four of your beer buddies cruising around in a Dodge Durango.

Explain the virtues of assault weapons. Why are they necessary? Why are they good? And why should they be available to everyone?

I like to own them.

That is all you need to know. If you don't like them then don't buy one. Problem solved. In the meantime stop advocating taking away my Constitutional rights. It just makes you an asshole.

You right to bear arms is already infringed, unless you actually have a flamethrower, a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a mortar or two and an Abrams A-1 tank in the driveway. Your rights could stand a little more infringement because there is no need for an assault rifle.

Is that the best you have? "You are fucked by the filthy government so you should be fucked more?"

Really, Moon Bat?
The second amendment is not a suicide pact. No rights are absolute. Assault weapons have no virtue. Can you cite one?

And calling me names does not engender any respect. You come off as childish, boorish and Trump-like in comportment. That's a pity.

The Second Amendment is pretty damn clear on one thing you stupid Moon Bat. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Is simple wording like that too difficult for your confused Libtard mind to understand?

The government always fucks us when it takes away our Liberties and Constitutional rights. Is that also too difficult for your stupid confused Libtard mind to comprehend?

They worded it plain and simple for a reason. Some people still just don't get it.

That stuff about a well regulated militia always seems to be overlooked.

Read that constitution and tell us about the Army and funding for it. Then consider the need for well regulated militias.

Well regulated. Not four of your beer buddies cruising around in a Dodge Durango.

No you are confused Moon Bat.

It was not overlooked. The Heller case determined the right to keep and bear arms an individual right just like all the other right protected in the Bill of Rings.

What else are you confused about Moon Bat?

Explain the virtues of assault weapons. Why are they necessary? Why are they good? And why should they be available to everyone?

I like to own them.

That is all you need to know. If you don't like them then don't buy one. Problem solved. In the meantime stop advocating taking away my Constitutional rights. It just makes you an asshole.
I would like to own a 650 pound bengal tiger. But that does not automatically make a 650 pound bengal tiger a safe or appropriate pet.

They worded it plain and simple for a reason. Some people still just don't get it.

Oh they get it alright. Nobody is as stupid as to not understand what "shall not be infringed" means. Even these stupid Moon Bats that are confused about a great many things really understand what that simple statement means. Thy just don't like it so they go into their uneducated denial mode. They do that quite often.

I would like to own a 650 pound bengal tiger. But that does not automatically make a 650 pound bengal tiger a safe or appropriate pet.

If you don't want a tiger don't buy one. If you do buy one use it for legal purposes. For instance, don't teach it to eat Negroes or anything. Don't do something either illegal or stupid with it. The NRA preaches the same thing about firearms. You agree with that, don't you?
Flash has a class 3, no?

I have a Class III M-16. Funny thing, I never used it in a crime. Nether have I used any of the other 50 firearms I own in a crime nor do I have any intentions of doing so.

Why do these stupid Moon Bats want to take them away from me? Are they idiots?
Flash has a class 3, no?

I have a Class III M-16. Funny thing, I never used it in a crime. Nether have I used any of the other 50 firearms I own in a crime nor do I have any intentions of doing so.

Why do these stupid Moon Bats want to take them away from me? Are they idiots?

idk. I have no need for all that when every squeeze of my trigger could be a headshot.

My cousin has a class III and a full-auto Tommy gun with a drum.

I'm not sure why this is, but M1's (like he had in the war) are hard to get/expensive.

I plan on finding one and giving it to him if I can find one. He can't find one.

I have a certain amount to expend on that. :rolleyes:

It's not an "unlimited" thing.
As gun lovers offer no solution to the flow of blood, as they refuse to take any responsibility for the weaponry available to mass murderers, as gun lovers fail to see the carnage wrought by gun violence, perhaps it's time to talk about mandatory buy backs.

You can talk about it all you want, but since it's unconstitutional that's about all you can do.

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