Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

The fans don`t have a problem with these players beating women or dodging rape long as they stand for that annoying song they are good citizens.
Beat a rape mean like your orange buddy?
The NFL players are just trying to tell NFL Fans that they hate the Soldiers and Policemen who gave their lives so that dumb racist NFL Players could be rich and famous. ........and the boycott continues.
You are confused. It was Trump that doesn't like POWs, trashed John McCain's service record & attacked a Gold Star family.

You voted for that jackass so shove your fake outrage about the anthem.

You people are disgusting fucks who are so easily duped.
Tell us, what "rights" do they not have?
The right to be black & unarmed & not get killed by the police?
No. Guess I didn't listen to the news long enough this a.m.

The less attention we pay to that scum, the better. I don’t want to give them the time of day.

What amazes me is we live in a country that allows disgusting scum like them the right to get a permit and demonstrate. More proof that we take our freedoms to heart.
I'm not so sure I like the idea of them congregating and lurking around in the middle of the night like that. One of these days they won't be playin' with those torches. Does it seem like they're taking a page straight from the Klan's book? Spooky, letting them get up to that nonsense again.

It is their right and if we stop them because we object to their message, then who is next? We have free speech and the right to assemble. It would be far more disturbing if the government didn’t allow anyone to do this.
Nope. Not buying it. That is exactly how the Nazi's and Hitler came to power. By politely allowing their right of free speech and all.

No it isn’t. It was the suppression of free speech that enabled Hitler to do what did. Once in power he demonized Jews, he demonized gays, he tried to take away guns, he tried to suppress speaking out against government. The Constitution is strong enough to allow the freedom of expression no how vile you think it is.

If we restrict freedom of speech and expression we will do exactly what Germany did while Hitler was in power.

Research Hitler, his control of the media led them do a dark road.

Sorry but you are very wrong on this point.
This journalist puts this issue exactly how I feel. You guys (And you know who you are) need to take a few minutes to read this. This part of his article is pretty funny though.

"Next up, Mike Pence will attend an R-rated movie and walk out in protest if there is any foul language, violence or adult situations. ( :rofl: )

If Pence was truly offended by the Niners and the Colts on Sunday, he was seeking the opportunity to be offended. And if he was seeking the opportunity to be offended, then he was doing it to create a dramatic moment where he could claim to be standing up for all those offended Americans.

Trump loves this wedge issue as a distraction. He knows blatantly trying to exploit the issue will earn cheers from his base. It always does in politics."

Vice President's NFL walkout is nothing more than political grandstanding

That is exactly what I said it is a PR stunt and he dhathright to do it.
"While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don't think it's too much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem" - Crazy Mike Pence
Tell us, what "rights" do they not have?
The right to be black & unarmed & not get killed by the police?

They already have that right. US prisons are full of blacks that were arrested without being killed.
Good. The players likely couldn't care less. They were there to do their jobs which is to play.

To kneel in protest is their right as citizens and taxpayers.

I agree, it was done to or for the general public, not the players. They as everyone else in this country have a right to peacefully protest and we, including the players have a right to respond peacefully the way we feel.
Second that! ^^

God Bless President Donald Trump and VP Mike Pence! :clap:
hope they both meet god ,,,,and soon

F off p---k
No asshole. Skye did not second your death wish on the Pres. And VP!
Look scumbag If I even had a fuck I wouldn't give it
Nice job admitting your limp dickedness! Hilarious!
Pence thinks it's improper to have a one on one dinner with a woman who is not your wife.

Libs think it is "personal" when you blow jizz all over an intern in the Oval Office.

I think we know who the misogynists are.

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