Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

Good. The players likely couldn't care less. They were there to do their jobs which is to play.

To kneel in protest is their right as citizens and taxpayers.
Pence should have gone to see the Browns - it would have been much easier to get up and leave. Lol...
After all the scandals involving unnecessarily expensive travel by cabinet secretaries, how much taxpayer money was wasted on Crazy Mike's stunt?

He was there for another reason. Already posted it in this thread.

He had a prepared tweet using a picture of him at a game years ago. He had an agenda to go there to further Trump's fetish.
Huge win for Trump.He is lucky that there isnt much going on in the world or he would be pushed for time on this big issue.
He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. Just as no one made the players do anything they didn’t want to do.
"He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. "

You could not possibly know that. Therefore, you just made it up.

So people can make you do whatever they want you to do? Interesting, people can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do. I didn’t know I was the only one.
And now you are pulling a little bait-and-switch, removing the idea the president may have ordered Pence to do something and replacing it with the falsely equivalent idea of "Anyone can make anyone do whatever they want". then, you insist that the argument is about this, instead.

No you said Pence was made to leave and I am saying he isn’t made to do anything he doesn’t want to do and the fact you won’t answer it shows that I made my point. Thanks for the concession buttercup.
No, Trump said he was made to leave. Pay attention! And your childish argument to the contrary is, "Nobody can force anyone to do anything!". I will forward your deep thoughts to Trump.

"I asked @VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I am proud of him and @SecondLady Karen," Trump tweeted."

Pence leaves Colts game after protest during anthem - CNNPolitics

You lied yet again. Typical.
The greedy NFL Owners and racist NFL Players have not been contrite enough yet.
The dumb racist NFL Players need to beg the Fans for forgiveness
..........aaaand the NFL Boycott will continue
DIVISIVE is always the way to go , what good American wants to stand with scum OldLady ,
There's disagreement, Pismoe, and then there's intentional divisiveness. I know where you stand. I don't agree with it.

Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.
Correct. Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about "respecting the flag". He is using people to fellate himself.

We bow to your expertise in self-fellatio. Must me nice to be that flexible!
But that's just the doesn't take an expert to see it. Rather, it takes a moron or a brainwashed person NOT to see it.
Just further proof that Pence had his walk out planned before the game, they told the reporters following him to stay in the vans outside the stadium.
I'm proud of Pence too. But, the media is making up fake tweets, fake everything to go along with the fake story of Tillerson calling Trump a moron.

When Trump is reelected, this whole country is going to have a total melt down.

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