Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

The kneeling narrative has nothing to do with the military or the flag. Some wanna make the narrative to be about those issues, that's Fake NEWS. The narrative is is about Justice for ALL. I'M from a military family with members that served in all 4 branches with 30 years and less. Crazy Mike Pence made a choice and left the game, the players made their Choice and took a knee. First amendment rights is FOR ALL.
God bless the President and VP. They make a stand against political correctness. Bravo, screw the NFL.

Mac, you ought to be happy with them going against PC.

Trump: I am 'proud' of Pence for leaving the Colts game
Except Pence should not have gone in the first place!

HOLY SHIT!!!!!! Willow Tree and I agree on something!

Yeah, I agree, Pence shouldn't have gone to the game, because he and Trump have been screaming about the player protests for the past couple of weeks. Pence KNEW that they would be taking a knee, and still went, just so he could make some kind of empty gesture.

If he REALLY wanted to protest, he should have stayed home and saved the taxpayers the money on his flights. He could have tweeted from his living room and gotten more accomplished than walking out of the game just as it starts.


And if this is "winning", tell Trump I'm already tired of it.
The kneeling narrative has nothing to do with the military or the flag. Some wanna make the narrative to be about those issues, that's Fake NEWS. The narrative is is about Justice for ALL. I'M from a military family with members that served in all 4 branches with 30 years and less. Crazy Mike Pence made a choice and left the game, the players made their Choice and took a knee. First amendment rights is FOR ALL.

Cool, and I agree with you. I won't have any problem as soon as Pence writes a check for the quarter of a million dollars his stunt to exercise his rights cost tax payers.
Exactly and you fell for it to because here you are talking about it. Congrats! He got us all.

Uh no? I'm only talking about it because it was obviously planned, which means him and Trump are actually spending time thinking about this instead of doing their jobs running the country... and the fact they used TAX DOLLARS to do it. How many of your tax dollars were wasted by the players kneeling?

Since the DOD pays the NFL to have players out there for the National anthem? I’m not sure but is does cost us taxpayers.

Excuse me what? The DoD pays the players to be out there for the anthem? The NFL used to charge the DoD to be able to come out and do their thing, but they got called out for that last year and changed it.

Do you have any idea how much money it costs for the VP to travel and then have security to and from the game, and at the game?

No I don’t know what it cost, nor do I care. Every President has gone to events and have gone on vacations and I believe that is their right and we pay for it because it is part of the deal. The fact you don’t like how they spend it, is mute. Obama and Biden campaigned every day during their eight years in office and they traveled and traveled and used their travels to promote their agenda, what Pence did was no difference, he promoted his agenda.

It was WASTED money just so him and Trump can further they ridiculous agenda against fucking NFL football players.

You fucking people are so fucking stupid to the point of ridiculousness. You are comparing professional athletes and their responsibilities to that of the President and VP of the United States. I'm totally amazed that you can't fucking discern how this should be about number #185 on the list of importances for Pence and Trump on the list of top 100 things they should be paying attention to.

I didn’t say I agreed with it, I quit watching the NFL, quit watching newscasts and listening to sports shows because of this silly crap.

They have every right to respond to the protests as the athletes or you or I.

It doesn’t rate 185 on my list and you say you don’t care, but here we all are taking time out on a Sunday talking about it, so we seem to care a lot more about than we should.

Government wasting money? Why is it no one cares unless we object to what it’s used for? So, I have n issue with a President spending money, we waste a lot more money in government than on Presidents.
Maybe he was too busy to know that Luck wasn't going to play...and he left because Brissett is black.
Uh no? I'm only talking about it because it was obviously planned, which means him and Trump are actually spending time thinking about this instead of doing their jobs running the country... and the fact they used TAX DOLLARS to do it. How many of your tax dollars were wasted by the players kneeling?

Since the DOD pays the NFL to have players out there for the National anthem? I’m not sure but is does cost us taxpayers.

Excuse me what? The DoD pays the players to be out there for the anthem? The NFL used to charge the DoD to be able to come out and do their thing, but they got called out for that last year and changed it.

Do you have any idea how much money it costs for the VP to travel and then have security to and from the game, and at the game?

No I don’t know what it cost, nor do I care. Every President has gone to events and have gone on vacations and I believe that is their right and we pay for it because it is part of the deal. The fact you don’t like how they spend it, is mute. Obama and Biden campaigned every day during their eight years in office and they traveled and traveled and used their travels to promote their agenda, what Pence did was no difference, he promoted his agenda.

It was WASTED money just so him and Trump can further they ridiculous agenda against fucking NFL football players.

You fucking people are so fucking stupid to the point of ridiculousness. You are comparing professional athletes and their responsibilities to that of the President and VP of the United States. I'm totally amazed that you can't fucking discern how this should be about number #185 on the list of importances for Pence and Trump on the list of top 100 things they should be paying attention to.

I didn’t say I agreed with it, I quit watching the NFL, quit watching newscasts and listening to sports shows because of this silly crap.

They have every right to respond to the protests as the athletes or you or I.

It doesn’t rate 185 on my list and you say you don’t care, but here we all are taking time out on a Sunday talking about it, so we seem to care a lot more about than we should.

Government wasting money? Why is it no one cares unless we object to what it’s used for? So, I have n issue with a President spending money, we waste a lot more money in government than on Presidents.

I've complained quite a bit about the government wasting money, and Trump and his crew have to be quite stupid to pull this stunt in the middle of all the controversy surrounding his cabinet members wasting tax payer dollars on private plane trips.
So people can make you do whatever they want you to do? Interesting, people can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do. I didn’t know I was the only one.
And now you are pulling a little bait-and-switch, removing the idea the president may have ordered Pence to do something and replacing it with the falsely equivalent idea of "Anyone can make anyone do whatever they want". then, you insist that the argument is about this, instead.

No you said Pence was made to leave and I am saying he isn’t made to do anything he doesn’t want to do and the fact you won’t answer it shows that I made my point. Thanks for the concession buttercup.
No, Trump said he was made to leave. Pay attention! And your childish argument to the contrary is, "Nobody can force anyone to do anything!". I will forward your deep thoughts to Trump.

Again, if Pence didn’t want to go, he didn’t have to. Good grief are you a kid or are you just that dense?
Haha, okay. Nah, i think I'll go with Pence felt he had little choice, as he was asked by his boss. And you can go with, "Nobody can force anyone to do anything!". fine by me.

Pence may have felt he had no choice, we don’t know but that is far from being “forced”. Sorry you don’t know the meanings of phrases and words.
White supremacy is the power to define kneeling as more disrespectful than the murder of black lives.
I'm not so sure I like the idea of them congregating and lurking around in the middle of the night like that. One of these days they won't be playin' with those torches. Does it seem like they're taking a page straight from the Klan's book? Spooky, letting them get up to that nonsense again.

Letting them? So you are saying that certain people should be deprived of their rights based on... what?
Burning, hanging and otherwise terrrorizing the black community. Now I guess we can add the Jewish community to the list.
Since you asked, that's maybe what they ought to have their rights deprived to do. I don't think we have to stand back and do nothing. They are dangerous people with hate in their bellies.

We allowed rioting when Trump was elected, the President at the time said and did nothing. Were you afraid then? They were violent and destroyed private property. I’m not sure why racists are scarier than ELF, they actually crippled people for life.

If they are protesting peacefully, why are you afraid?
And now you are pulling a little bait-and-switch, removing the idea the president may have ordered Pence to do something and replacing it with the falsely equivalent idea of "Anyone can make anyone do whatever they want". then, you insist that the argument is about this, instead.

No you said Pence was made to leave and I am saying he isn’t made to do anything he doesn’t want to do and the fact you won’t answer it shows that I made my point. Thanks for the concession buttercup.
No, Trump said he was made to leave. Pay attention! And your childish argument to the contrary is, "Nobody can force anyone to do anything!". I will forward your deep thoughts to Trump.

Again, if Pence didn’t want to go, he didn’t have to. Good grief are you a kid or are you just that dense?
Haha, okay. Nah, i think I'll go with Pence felt he had little choice, as he was asked by his boss. And you can go with, "Nobody can force anyone to do anything!". fine by me.

Pence may have felt he had no choice, we don’t know but that is far from being “forced”. Sorry you don’t know the meanings of phrases and words.

Did you see what Trump's own son said once? He said Trump Sr. never really "asks" anyone to do something. Even when he does "ask" someone to do something, there is no choice, he is actually telling to do it.
Crazy Mike wasn't only person to walk-out of a Football Game, Cincinnati Bengals Stadium Is HALF-EMPTY

Crazy Mike wasn't only person to walk-out of a Football Game, Cincinnati Bengals Stadium Is HALF-EMPTY


Uh... the stadium was half empty because it was raining the entire game, and the team was 1-3 going into today. However actual ticket sales it was sold out, how do I know? It wasn't blacked out where I live.

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