Crazy Talk to Question the Election!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Oops. CNN forgot to delete this from their 2005 archives.


Meanwhile, Marc Elias, yes that Marc Elias, is attempting to have a Congressional race, NY 22, overturned because of the machines (the first lawsuit was just thrown out). He is also attempting to have Pelosi refuse to seat a Republican who very narrowly won a House seat in Iowa.

The left gives hypocrites a bad name.
If democrats didn't have a "double-standard" they wouldn't have any.
How dare Republicans challenge an election....

Dems and their media lapdogs don't even care anymore. They just laugh when this is pointed out.
Very true, so we ignore democrats and their media, and they wonder why their polls are always wrong.
Dem politicians claim voter fraud in their own primary races all of the time.
I have a friend high up in the food chain of the voting in a major California city. Two points he makes:
1. Unless you’re watched every minute it is easy to cheat.
2. Every time a Dem loses in a major race he is sued for election fraud. He’s never had a Rep sue.
Leave it to to twist Time's article about people doing everything they could do to ensure a valid election into a vast cabal aimed at making Trump lose.

But, they were trying to allow everyone to vote which pretty much guaranteed that trump was going to lose. They knew it, Donald knew it, only the die-hard trump supporters were surprised.
Meanwhile, Marc Elias, yes that Marc Elias, is attempting to have a Congressional race, NY 22, overturned because of the machines (the first lawsuit was just thrown out). He is also attempting to have Pelosi refuse to seat a Republican who very narrowly won a House seat in Iowa.

The left gives hypocrites a bad name.
You have to give him credit for pure unvarnished guts. The left is about as subtle as the iron rod Antifa used in Portland to smash into Andy Ngo's skull that sent him to the hospital with a brain injury.

He's written a book about Antifa, by the way, and they came after him and his family so hard he has moved
overseas from Portland, or Antifa-Land, as it's known to all.
Leave it to to twist Time's article about people doing everything they could do to ensure a valid election into a vast cabal aimed at making Trump lose.

But, they were trying to allow everyone to vote which pretty much guaranteed that trump was going to lose. They knew it, Donald knew it, only the die-hard trump supporters were surprised.
Got any of that whitewash left over? I'd like to do my fence.
Leave it to to twist Time's article about people doing everything they could do to ensure a valid election into a vast cabal aimed at making Trump lose.

But, they were trying to allow everyone to vote which pretty much guaranteed that trump was going to lose. They knew it, Donald knew it, only the die-hard trump supporters were surprised.
“In a letter to congressional leaders Wednesday, members of the group said they would take the action because a new report by Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee found "numerous, serious election irregularities," particularly in Ohio, that led to "a significant disenfranchisement of voters."

"How can we possibly tell millions of Americans who registered to vote, who came to the polls in record numbers, particularly our young people ... to simply get over it and move on?"
Leave it to to twist Time's article about people doing everything they could do to ensure a valid election into a vast cabal aimed at making Trump lose.

But, they were trying to allow everyone to vote which pretty much guaranteed that trump was going to lose. They knew it, Donald knew it, only the die-hard trump supporters were surprised.
“In a letter to congressional leaders Wednesday, members of the group said they would take the action because a new report by Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee found "numerous, serious election irregularities," particularly in Ohio, that led to "a significant disenfranchisement of voters."

"How can we possibly tell millions of Americans who registered to vote, who came to the polls in record numbers, particularly our young people ... to simply get over it and move on?"
I wonder which party suffered disenfranchised voters in Ohio?
Leave it to to twist Time's article about people doing everything they could do to ensure a valid election into a vast cabal aimed at making Trump lose.

But, they were trying to allow everyone to vote which pretty much guaranteed that trump was going to lose. They knew it, Donald knew it, only the die-hard trump supporters were surprised.
Wise people understand that the Democrat Party is totally corrupt and completely dishonest and that they use voter fraud to steal elections.
The problem is that the Democrat Cultist are in deep denial of this reality.

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