Crazy Trump supporter Ronny Jackson (R-TX) loses it at the rodeo

My son is an EMT. He would have no problem if a doctor was already on scene assisting one of his patients. None of the interaction between Dr. Jackson and the EMTs is on the bodycam, even though the Sheriff claims he was the one advising the doctor to back off. Makes me a bit suspicious.
Now thats a big load of BS. No excuses. Damn.
My son is an EMT. He would have no problem if a doctor was already on scene assisting one of his patients. None of the interaction between Dr. Jackson and the EMTs is on the bodycam, even though the Sheriff claims he was the one advising the doctor to back off. Makes me a bit suspicious.

You're right. An EMT would have no problem if a doctor was already on scene assisting someone with a problem. However......when the EMT arrived on scene, a competent doctor would give them the information needed about the patients status up until the EMT arrived, then stand back and let the EMT take over from there.

Ask your son if he would let a doctor with zero equipment tell him what to do with his (your son's) equipment, how things should be handled and how he was supposed to get them stabilized and to the hospital. I'm guessing your son would tell you that he would appreciate the help, but once he shows up on scene, then it's his situation to deal with, only using the doctor for advice and possibly assistance if needed, and not as a primary care person.
You're right. An EMT would have no problem if a doctor was already on scene assisting someone with a problem. However......when the EMT arrived on scene, a competent doctor would give them the information needed about the patients status up until the EMT arrived, then stand back and let the EMT take over from there.

Ask your son if he would let a doctor with zero equipment tell him what to do with his (your son's) equipment, how things should be handled and how he was supposed to get them stabilized and to the hospital. I'm guessing your son would tell you that he would appreciate the help, but once he shows up on scene, then it's his situation to deal with, only using the doctor for advice and possibly assistance if needed, and not as a primary care person.
OK. You're speculating. I find it odd that the Sheriff's office didn't release the bodycam footage of him asking Dr. Jackson to back off when the EMTs arrived.
You're right. An EMT would have no problem if a doctor was already on scene assisting someone with a problem. However......when the EMT arrived on scene, a competent doctor would give them the information needed about the patients status up until the EMT arrived, then stand back and let the EMT take over from there.

Ask your son if he would let a doctor with zero equipment tell him what to do with his (your son's) equipment, how things should be handled and how he was supposed to get them stabilized and to the hospital. I'm guessing your son would tell you that he would appreciate the help, but once he shows up on scene, then it's his situation to deal with, only using the doctor for advice and possibly assistance if needed, and not as a primary care person.

Chris and Jodi Jordan said they were at the rodeo in White Deer, a small town outside the Panhandle city of Amarillo, and witnessed some of what happened. They said Jackson was trying to help the girl before medics arrived and that the deputies were needlessly rough in pulling him away.

"We were just appalled," said Chris Jordan, 48, of Hereford. "The slamming to the ground, I didn't understand whatsoever."

OK. You're speculating. I find it odd that the Sheriff's office didn't release the bodycam footage of him asking Dr. Jackson to back off when the EMTs arrived.

Actually, in the OP's link (the news story), at the 17 second point, it shows the sheriff saying that he asked him to get back, with Jackson responding "no you didn't", then launching into a swear word filled tirade. That was from the bodycam footage and the sheriff told Jackson that he had already asked him to get back.

At around the 27 second point in the OP's link, the news anchor even states as part of the report that Jackson had been asked repeatedly by not only the officers, but bystanders as well to move out of the way so that the EMTs could do their job.

Watch the link. Jackson was acting like a total ass, and doing his best "I know people" (he threatened to call the governor) and "don't you know who I am" routine.
Actually, in the OP's link (the news story), at the 17 second point, it shows the sheriff saying that he asked him to get back, with Jackson responding "no you didn't", then launching into a swear word filled tirade. That was from the bodycam footage and the sheriff told Jackson that he had already asked him to get back.

At around the 27 second point in the OP's link, the news anchor even states as part of the report that Jackson had been asked repeatedly by not only the officers, but bystanders as well to move out of the way so that the EMTs could do their job.

Watch the link. Jackson was acting like a total ass, and doing his best "I know people" (he threatened to call the governor) and "don't you know who I am" routine.
Oh, a reporter said it, it's gotta be true. Jeeze.

It's all on the Sheriff's bodycam footage, but he didn't release it. He only released the part of the video with "Jackson was acting like a total ass." For me - that says it all.

FYI from your link....................

Shortly after the encounter, Carson County Sheriff Tam Terry talked with Jackson by phone. According to the sheriff's written report, Jackson repeatedly told Terry that there needed to be consequences for the deputies who had handcuffed him. After Terry responded that he didn't need to be threatened, Jackson said that "he would pull hell and high water and come and 'bury me in the next election,' " the sheriff wrote.

Jackson threatened the sheriff because the sheriff didn't see any need for the deputies to be disciplined.

Also, the bystanders from your link said they only saw Jackson being slammed to the ground, they didn't see much of what happened before when the deputies told Jackson (seen in the body cam footage from the news report in the OP's link) to back off and let the EMTs do their job.

Nope. Jackson was wrong.
Oh, a reporter said it, it's gotta be true. Jeeze.

It's all on the Sheriff's bodycam footage, but he didn't release it. He only released the part of the video with "Jackson was acting like a total ass." For me - that says it all.

That's why I broke my post into 2 paragraphs. At the 17 second point in the news report, there IS body cam footage, and it shows the sheriff telling Jackson that he'd already told him to back away.

At the 27 second point in the OP's link, that is where the reporter said that Jackson had already been told by deputies and by others there to back off and let the EMTs do their jobs.

The body cam footage is there at the 17 second point. Not my fault if you don't watch it.
FYI from your link....................

Shortly after the encounter, Carson County Sheriff Tam Terry talked with Jackson by phone. According to the sheriff's written report, Jackson repeatedly told Terry that there needed to be consequences for the deputies who had handcuffed him. After Terry responded that he didn't need to be threatened, Jackson said that "he would pull hell and high water and come and 'bury me in the next election,' " the sheriff wrote.

Jackson threatened the sheriff because the sheriff didn't see any need for the deputies to be disciplined.

Also, the bystanders from your link said they only saw Jackson being slammed to the ground, they didn't see much of what happened before when the deputies told Jackson (seen in the body cam footage from the news report in the OP's link) to back off and let the EMTs do their job.

Let me type it again, slowly this time "They said Jackson was trying to help the girl before medics arrived and that the deputies were needlessly rough in pulling him away."
I guarantee that if RJ was a (D), you guys would be screaming for letting the trained EMT's do their job.

This is how low you RWI's have sunk.

You now think the following are bad.

Cops...especially Capitol Police
My son is an EMT. He would have no problem if a doctor was already on scene assisting one of his patients. None of the interaction between Dr. Jackson and the EMTs is on the bodycam, even though the Sheriff claims he was the one advising the doctor to back off. Makes me a bit suspicious.
Why was EMT called?
Once called they have a job to do.
They are trained professionals with proper equipment on hand.
You believe your son would arrive to a call, and just let the bystanders say, I got this, we don't need you.
That's NOT how it works.

If someone is preforming CPR and another calls 911, it is your duty to continue CPR until the Medics arrive. Then you step aside. No Questions Asked.
Now thats a big load of BS. No excuses. Damn.
That's why I broke my post into 2 paragraphs. At the 17 second point in the news report, there IS body cam footage, and it shows the sheriff telling Jackson that he'd already told him to back away.

At the 27 second point in the OP's link, that is where the reporter said that Jackson had already been told by deputies and by others there to back off and let the EMTs do their jobs.

The body cam footage is there at the 17 second point. Not my fault if you don't watch it.
I watched it. Which of my words are you having trouble understanding? At the 17 second point is after they yanked him away from the patient. They did not release the video of them allegedly telling him to back off and yanking him away.
Why was EMT called?
Girl was having seizures.
Once called they have a job to do.
They are trained professionals with proper equipment on hand.
You believe your son would arrive to a call, and just let the bystanders say, I got this, we don't need you.

That's what I believe huh? Any other insights into what I believe, perhaps on life after death?
I bet the politician performs CPR everyday. Just like 1st responders do. GFY
He is a medical doctor you idiot. Like completing medical school, doing internship, working in an ER, getting Board certified and being so good at medicine that he became the Physician for the White House.
He is a doctor who was helping a girl who was having a medical emergency and some idiot fucking sheriff throws him onto the concrete. I would have that motherfuckers badge before sun up. I hope he burns that sheriff.
Of course, this is all a dumbass cult lie.

When the actual, NOT drunk first responders arrived, Jackson refused to get out of the way.
He is a medical doctor you idiot. Like completing medical school, doing internship, working in an ER, getting Board certified and being so good at medicine that he became the Physician for the White House.
Don't try and feed me anymore of your fucking bullshit. Now go take a fn nap or soak your big fat head.
My father in law had a business but also did basketball coaching.

A few years ago one of his former players got inducted into the Indiana Sports Hall of Fame. I can't tell you who it was but he requested that FIL present him with the award.

The award ceremony had about 300 attendees. It was a big annual event.

As my FIL was speaking he had a heart attack on the podium. He collapsed.

Fortunately there were a half dozen MDs in the audience. They rushed to the staged and were able to save his life. He was told later that if he would waited until the EMTs arrived then he would have died.

The doctors being there saved his life and he lived for another ten years after that. Doctors like Randy Jackson are trained to respond to medical emergencies.

If I have medical issue I would much rather have a MD tend to me than an EMT.

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