Crazy Uncle Joe Facing a Mutiny Now

The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser...
That would be in your opinion but as your drooling Pavlov's dog responses in this thread have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're a TDS-afflicted idiot. Very sad. :cool:

What makes you any different? You think Reade, despite inconsistencies and no real evidence is credible but Ford wasn't? Think it might be due to D's and M's?
NY Times:
Dem, activist rebellion budding over Reade allegation…

As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Ms. Reade’s allegation, the Biden campaign is facing attacks from the right and increasing pressure from the left to address the issue. And liberal activists find themselves in a tense standoff with a candidate they want to support but who they say has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base.
Pass the popcorn!
Hey, you can always get Hillary to take his place!
View attachment 329939
View attachment 330090
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump said he could, Biden justs grabs them all over. Including children.
Everyone knows you trumpoholics are prolific liars just like Trump.
I already spanked your ass earlier. Don't make me do it again.

If you voted for Trump, then you have no room to be critical of Biden on this.
I wasn't the one demanding all women should be heard a few years back. Now they don't care what a woman says. You loons could careless about the welfare of women.
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump bragged about grabbing pussy. Where have you been? Oh, wait, in trumpoholic world, uninvited grabbing pussy is only flirting.
he never said he did it,,he said they let you do it....
So...HE said they let you do it....of course HE would say that. Most rapists and sexual assaulters use that for an excuse.
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
OK, let’s presume she is telling the truth

So what?

Nobody cared about Thomas, Nobody cared about Clinton, Nobody cared about Trump, Nobody cared about Kavanaugh .... there anyone on this board with fewer morals than you, Winger? Practically EVERYONE on the left cared when it was Republicans being now nobody cares when the same type of charge is leveled against Joe Biden? There is a level of hypocrisy here that's amazing to watch! You idiots should have seen this coming when you decided it was fine to push the bullshit narrative against Brett Kavanaugh! But you didn't care...did you? So now the Me Too narrative had been turned on your side...and it's crickets from the left and the main stream media?
The left forced Weiner and Franken to resign after allegations.
The right forced Kavanaugh on us and elected Trump

I say ...fuk it
Let the voters decide if they want Biden
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump bragged about grabbing pussy. Where have you been? Oh, wait, in trumpoholic world, uninvited grabbing pussy is only flirting.
he never said he did it,,he said they let you do it....
So...HE said they let you do it....of course HE would say that. Most rapists and sexual assaulters use that for an excuse.
Do you have any evidence he raped anybody?
The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser...
That would be in your opinion but as your drooling Pavlov's dog responses in this thread have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're a TDS-afflicted idiot. Very sad. :cool:

What makes you any different? You think Reade, despite inconsistencies and no real evidence is credible but Ford wasn't? Think it might be due to D's and M's?
And repubs just ignored 25 women accusing Trump? The hypocrite party
The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser...
That would be in your opinion but as your drooling Pavlov's dog responses in this thread have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're a TDS-afflicted idiot. Very sad. :cool:

What makes you any different? You think Reade, despite inconsistencies and no real evidence is credible but Ford wasn't? Think it might be due to D's and M's?
There are people that backs Reade's story, even her mother called into CNN back then and mentioned it. Ford didn't know when, or where it happen. With all that i suspect the timing on this one too. But it was the metoo movement that demanded all women be heard and now since it's one of their own. They are silent.
The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser...
That would be in your opinion but as your drooling Pavlov's dog responses in this thread have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're a TDS-afflicted idiot. Very sad. :cool:

What makes you any different? You think Reade, despite inconsistencies and no real evidence is credible but Ford wasn't? Think it might be due to D's and M's?
And repubs just ignored 25 women accusing Trump? The hypocrite party
You Libs first ignored Biden's accuser so we accused you of being hypocrites.
The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser...
That would be in your opinion but as your drooling Pavlov's dog responses in this thread have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're a TDS-afflicted idiot. Very sad. :cool:

What makes you any different? You think Reade, despite inconsistencies and no real evidence is credible but Ford wasn't? Think it might be due to D's and M's?
And repubs just ignored 25 women accusing Trump? The hypocrite party
We didn't demand that all women be heard and then shut one up when you didn't agree with them.
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
OK, let’s presume she is telling the truth

So what?

Nobody cared about Thomas, Nobody cared about Clinton, Nobody cared about Trump, Nobody cared about Kavanaugh .... there anyone on this board with fewer morals than you, Winger? Practically EVERYONE on the left cared when it was Republicans being now nobody cares when the same type of charge is leveled against Joe Biden? There is a level of hypocrisy here that's amazing to watch! You idiots should have seen this coming when you decided it was fine to push the bullshit narrative against Brett Kavanaugh! But you didn't care...did you? So now the Me Too narrative had been turned on your side...and it's crickets from the left and the main stream media?
The left forced Weiner and Franken to resign after allegations.
The right forced Kavanaugh on us and elected Trump

I say ...fuk it
Let the voters decide if they want Biden
And let there be write ins so Repubs won't cheat again
Trump survived over twenty sexual assaults, paid off porn stars while cheating on his wife, brags about grabbing pus_sy and you right wing tools are worried about Biden. You guys are trolls or fools or both. Your Pied Piper has great power over your values.
Fucking liar.

Ted Kennedy drowned his pregnant girlfriend and Bill Clinton logged 30+ trips on the Lolita Express with Pedophile

"Michelle" Obama is a reject from Ru Pauls Drag Race

You sound bit desperate Cultist. Triggered much? Trump is known to have cheated on his wife, and he has had and currently has a number of sexual assault claims against him. That is no lie, and all you can do is respond with dragging up Ted Kennedy from over fifty years ago, and Clinton and Epstein (bad choice on your part because Epstein was good buddies with Trump, who praised him on his taste in women)...and a shameless slur on Michelle Obama.
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
OK, let’s presume she is telling the truth

So what?

Nobody cared about Thomas, Nobody cared about Clinton, Nobody cared about Trump, Nobody cared about Kavanaugh .... there anyone on this board with fewer morals than you, Winger? Practically EVERYONE on the left cared when it was Republicans being now nobody cares when the same type of charge is leveled against Joe Biden? There is a level of hypocrisy here that's amazing to watch! You idiots should have seen this coming when you decided it was fine to push the bullshit narrative against Brett Kavanaugh! But you didn't care...did you? So now the Me Too narrative had been turned on your side...and it's crickets from the left and the main stream media?
The left forced Weiner and Franken to resign after allegations.
The right forced Kavanaugh on us and elected Trump

I say ...fuk it
Let the voters decide if they want Biden

There's a huge difference between Kavanaugh and the two Democrats, you buffoon! Both Weiner and Franken had definitive proof that they had done something improper. With Weiner it was him sending dick pictures to a minor. With Franken it was the pictures of him pretending to grope the breasts of a sleeping woman. What did Kavanaugh ever do? Other than get nominated to the Supreme Court by Trump of course!
And repubs just ignored 25 women accusing Trump? The hypocrite party

It's Dems who are claiming to be women's white knight and defender. Are you honestly excuse making now that because a Republican sexually assaulting a woman that its okay for Dems to sexually assault women?
Trump survived over twenty sexual assaults, paid off porn stars while cheating on his wife, brags about grabbing pus_sy and you right wing tools are worried about Biden. You guys are trolls or fools or both. Your Pied Piper has great power over your values.
Fucking liar.

Ted Kennedy drowned his pregnant girlfriend and Bill Clinton logged 30+ trips on the Lolita Express with Pedophile

"Michelle" Obama is a reject from Ru Pauls Drag Race

You sound bit desperate Cultist. Triggered much? Trump is known to have cheated on his wife, and he has had and currently has a number of sexual assault claims against him. That is no lie, and all you can do is respond with dragging up Ted Kennedy from over fifty years ago, and Clinton and Epstein (bad choice on your part because Epstein was good buddies with Trump, who praised him on his taste in women)...and a shameless slur on Michelle Obama.
With all due respect, Coyote...Epstein was good buddies with Trump until Trump found out what a sleaze Epstein was at which point Trump banned him from Mar A Lago! Epstein was still good buddies with Bill Clinton LONG after that happened!

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