Crazy Uncle Joe Facing a Mutiny Now

NY Times:
Dem, activist rebellion budding over Reade allegation…

As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Ms. Reade’s allegation, the Biden campaign is facing attacks from the right and increasing pressure from the left to address the issue. And liberal activists find themselves in a tense standoff with a candidate they want to support but who they say has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base.
Pass the popcorn!
Hey, you can always get Hillary to take his place!
View attachment 329939
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
He also denied knowing his kid worked for a Ukrainian oil company.
No law against that
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
"Today I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault," Clinton said. "Don't let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed and we're with you."

"There is a big divide between survivors who do not want to seek the criminal justice system for different reasons and those who want to but are not sure that it would be responsive," Clinton said today. "So we need to do a much better job on the fairness of the response so that people feel like whichever route they go on campus or off they're going to be taken seriously, that doesn't mean that, you know, that there's no process. There has to be one."

Clinton said women should immediately be believed, starting a process to "determination as to what if anything should be done about the claim that was made."

"I think that when someone makes the claim, they come forward, they should be believed and that is what starts the process and then there is a determination as to what if anything should be done about the claim that was made," Clinton said.
This lists facts , not assumptions.

You said that Trump said to inject Lysol into your lungs.
has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base
he never shows leadership on anything, why are they surprised now?

the big question is, will Dems risk a run w Cuomo?

his "Republicans and Christians are not welcome in NY" statement AND his order to put people with Kung Flu in nursing homes makes him a risky candidate; Fredo violating his stay at home order also doesn't help...

could it happen, would they dare???

Hey, NY took decisive action to clean their subway cars - yesterday, 2 months after this shit storm started.
cleaning won't help because the homeless still lives there.
Ukraine joe is a dirty, demented, delusional man with mental and health disorders.
Like your messiah Trump?
Topic is Democrats pissed at Biden, shitforbrains.
Sure we wish.

If the Democrats think that Sleepy Joe is the most together, most qualified advocate for the Ultraliberal point of view in the 2020 Election cycle and that this Tara broad is lying about him, they should stick with him. If they don't, they should nominate the runner up , Crazy Bernie.
Biden is not ultra liberal, he is a moderate
Joe himself said to believe women who claim they have been sexually assaulted.

That’s good enough for me!
NY Times:
Dem, activist rebellion budding over Reade allegation…

As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Ms. Reade’s allegation, the Biden campaign is facing attacks from the right and increasing pressure from the left to address the issue. And liberal activists find themselves in a tense standoff with a candidate they want to support but who they say has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base.
Pass the popcorn!
Hey, you can always get Hillary to take his place!
View attachment 329939
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
Biden has never denied it, in fact he has not said anything
NY Times:
Dem, activist rebellion budding over Reade allegation…

As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Ms. Reade’s allegation, the Biden campaign is facing attacks from the right and increasing pressure from the left to address the issue. And liberal activists find themselves in a tense standoff with a candidate they want to support but who they say has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base.
Pass the popcorn!
Hey, you can always get Hillary to take his place!
View attachment 329939
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
He also denied knowing his kid worked for a Ukrainian oil company.
No law against that
Lying is okay with the left, right?

If so why not STFU about the so-called Trump lies?
Ukraine joe is a dirty, demented, delusional man with mental and health disorders.
Like your messiah Trump?
Topic is Democrats pissed at Biden, shitforbrains.
Sure we wish.

If the Democrats think that Sleepy Joe is the most together, most qualified advocate for the Ultraliberal point of view in the 2020 Election cycle and that this Tara broad is lying about him, they should stick with him. If they don't, they should nominate the runner up , Crazy Bernie.
Biden is not ultra liberal, he is a moderate

He's in favor of every extremist position out there, from Socialized medicine schemes, to Gay Marriage to Abortion for All and the New Green Deal. So, yes, he's an ultra lib, even if he doesn't realize it.
Al Franken actually resigned because of sexual allegations

Stupid ass......he should have just denied everything and said. Go fuk yourself

That is what Republicans do

There was Photographic Evidence of Sen. Franken's total depravity, RW.

He could hardly deny it with a straight face
I wonder what's going to happen to Biden for having his extortion offer to the Ukraine on tape? The dude is a rapist, an extortionist, a liar, a sniffer, a fondler and he's severely senile, yet Dems. chose him as their leader. You tell me what Dems. were thinking.

That is a dilemma.... you're not sure what side of the prison to house him. As a rapist and child molestor you'd put him in segregation because the convicts have their own way of dealing with those kind of lowlifes.... but for extorting hundreds of millions from various countries, that's more of a while collar crime - 30 years in medium security. Let the warden figure it out.

I guess Biden and Cosby can be cellies, maybe have pushup contests out on the yard
Cosby's waiting for trump for roomie.
NY Times:
Dem, activist rebellion budding over Reade allegation…

As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Ms. Reade’s allegation, the Biden campaign is facing attacks from the right and increasing pressure from the left to address the issue. And liberal activists find themselves in a tense standoff with a candidate they want to support but who they say has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base.
Pass the popcorn!
Hey, you can always get Hillary to take his place!
View attachment 329939
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
He also denied knowing his kid worked for a Ukrainian oil company.
No law against that
Lying is okay with the left, right?

If so why not STFU about the so-called Trump lies?
Cultists upset?
Al Franken actually resigned because of sexual allegations

Stupid ass......he should have just denied everything and said. Go fuk yourself

That is what Republicans do
And Leftards being of little brain would believe his denial.
View attachment 329947
I don’t see him touching her
Do you?

Just Locker Room Stuff
You know how guys are

:lol: just grab'em by the pussy....
Biden doesn't just talk about it.....he finger-fucks em.
The things that trumpanzees' thought processes bring them to.................
Ukraine joe is a dirty, demented, delusional man with mental and health disorders.
Like your messiah Trump?
Topic is Democrats pissed at Biden, shitforbrains.
Sure we wish.

If the Democrats think that Sleepy Joe is the most together, most qualified advocate for the Ultraliberal point of view in the 2020 Election cycle and that this Tara broad is lying about him, they should stick with him. If they don't, they should nominate the runner up , Crazy Bernie.
Biden is not ultra liberal, he is a moderate
Sure, and I'm Rosie O'Donnell.
Al Franken actually resigned because of sexual allegations

Stupid ass......he should have just denied everything and said. Go fuk yourself

That is what Republicans do
And Leftards being of little brain would believe his denial.
View attachment 329947
I don’t see him touching her
Do you?

Just Locker Room Stuff
You know how guys are

:lol: just grab'em by the pussy....
Biden doesn't just talk about it.....he finger-fucks em.
The things that trumpanzees' thought processes bring them to.................
You have a habit of opening your mouth and not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Tara Reade said Biden inserted his fingers into her coochie without permission, it has been reported. I didn't dream it up, bitch.

All Trump did was talk about how girls sometimes liked to grab his hand and place it there because he was rich.....but you can't tell the difference.
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NY Times:
Dem, activist rebellion budding over Reade allegation…

As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Ms. Reade’s allegation, the Biden campaign is facing attacks from the right and increasing pressure from the left to address the issue. And liberal activists find themselves in a tense standoff with a candidate they want to support but who they say has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base.
Pass the popcorn!
Hey, you can always get Hillary to take his place!
View attachment 329939
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump said he could, Biden justs grabs them all over. Including children.
Everyone knows you trumpoholics are prolific liars just like Trump.
I already spanked your ass earlier. Don't make me do it again.

If you voted for Trump, then you have no room to be critical of Biden on this.
NY Times:
Dem, activist rebellion budding over Reade allegation…

As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Ms. Reade’s allegation, the Biden campaign is facing attacks from the right and increasing pressure from the left to address the issue. And liberal activists find themselves in a tense standoff with a candidate they want to support but who they say has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base.
Pass the popcorn!
Hey, you can always get Hillary to take his place!
View attachment 329939
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
We don't believe women anymore?
Oh, we believe them

We just let them know that we don’t really care and elect the guy anyway
So she's not lying. Biden tried to finger her and then said "You're nothing to me" when she fought him off. Pretty brutal.
Ummm Biden didn't try. He shoved his fingers up into her body.
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
OK, let’s presume she is telling the truth

So what?

Nobody cared about Thomas, Nobody cared about Clinton, Nobody cared about Trump, Nobody cared about Kavanaugh .... there anyone on this board with fewer morals than you, Winger? Practically EVERYONE on the left cared when it was Republicans being now nobody cares when the same type of charge is leveled against Joe Biden? There is a level of hypocrisy here that's amazing to watch! You idiots should have seen this coming when you decided it was fine to push the bullshit narrative against Brett Kavanaugh! But you didn't care...did you? So now the Me Too narrative had been turned on your side...and it's crickets from the left and the main stream media?

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