Crazy Uncle Joe Facing a Mutiny Now

My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.

This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
If every thread like that just poofed one day, not many tears would be shed.

Most of threads here from the 2016 election would have vanished into a puff of smoke. It was hilarious watching the duopolist slaves deflect to the immoral and untoward behavior of the other whole making excuses and ir
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal? I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left..
Did tramp survive?
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.
This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
Trump has had around 20 to 30 women accuse him of the same thing, hasn’t hurt him...
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.

I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Actually i see how Trump has treated women in the past, disgusting. But you loons told me in the nineties, a mans sex life is none of my business. Your the hypocrite, liberals set the new rule on sex and .

Yeah, I was kid in the 90's and I said no such thing, but you can pretend otherwise if it allows you to feel better about your lack of integrity. Now back to work- that water won't carry itself.
Lol, liberals were even telling us a blow job wasn't even sex. Liberals set the new low for presidents sex lives.

Good for them. Seems odd you would follow a standard set by people you dislike so much. It’s a convenient tactic that unprincipled twats use to make excuses for their guy. You folks deserve each other.
So you're going to vote for Biden because he allegedly raped a woman? More evidence than Ford had.
"because"? My my...what your mind leads you to.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

I suggest you rewatch this and see if this OP makes you a Maher or a Crenshaw. As to your question. Biden will probably survive. The main reason being that Trump would have real problems weaponizing sexual assault considering his less than stellar record. Kind of the problem if you lowered the bar of acceptable behavior from an incumbent to not include credible allegations of sexual assault.

View attachment 329984

The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser. Saying an accusation being leveled decades after the event. Not that I don't understand the sentiment.

I do want to add one thing. What do you suggest woman do now? On the one hand, you have Biden who has one credible accusation leveled against him. On the other... Trump. Someone who has 25 different accusations against him. Someone who pushed through Kavanaugh although he could have appointed someone else after the accusation was leveled. Someone who endorsed Roy Moore who had a considerably worse accusation against him. What do you suggest? Stay home? This gives Biden one less vote and helps Trump. Vote third party? The same thing. It seems to me arguing that voting Biden is a betrail is not exactly an assessment that's without its drawbacks for women's rights.

There are 7 accusers on Biden. With Kavanaugh liberals said all accusers should be heard, but not now. Can i say hypocrites?

Sure you can, because they are. It doesn't change anything though.

Well with this liberals are proving they really care about women, if they can't use them. Personally i really don't believe this woman either.

That's amusing.....:iyfyus.jpg:
Trump survived over twenty sexual assaults, paid off porn stars while cheating on his wife, brags about grabbing pus_sy and you right wing tools are worried about Biden. You guys are trolls or fools or both. Your Pied Piper has great power over your values.
Fucking liar.

Ted Kennedy drowned his pregnant girlfriend and Bill Clinton logged 30+ trips on the Lolita Express with Pedophile

"Michelle" Obama is a reject from Ru Pauls Drag Race
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.

This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
If every thread like that just poofed one day, not many tears would be shed.

Most of threads here from the 2016 election would have vanished into a puff of smoke. It was hilarious watching the duopolist slaves deflect to the immoral and untoward behavior of the other whole making excuses and ir
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal? I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left..
Did tramp survive?
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.
This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
Trump has had around 20 to 30 women accuse him of the same thing, hasn’t hurt him...
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.

I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Actually i see how Trump has treated women in the past, disgusting. But you loons told me in the nineties, a mans sex life is none of my business. Your the hypocrite, liberals set the new rule on sex and .

Yeah, I was kid in the 90's and I said no such thing, but you can pretend otherwise if it allows you to feel better about your lack of integrity. Now back to work- that water won't carry itself.
Lol, liberals were even telling us a blow job wasn't even sex. Liberals set the new low for presidents sex lives.
Well long before slick willie was caught in his big lie another of their great heros JFK was using the White House as his personal cat house and turning young teen aides into his personal whores.
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump said he could, Biden justs grabs them all over. Including children.
You seem to push the "children" aspect..........
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Oh! Mighty fine questions the Trump loyalists should ask themselves. Oh wait, who am I kidding.
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump bragged about grabbing pussy. Where have you been? Oh, wait, in trumpoholic world, uninvited grabbing pussy is only flirting.

Trump bragged about his ability to get any woman he wants.

That's the opposite of your liberal soy boy superpower.
lard donnie bragged about being able to physically assault any woman he wants....a poor trumpanzee's vision of a manly man.
Link? Your link says they “let him” letting means it’s ok... do you understand? Take your time
And who says they "let him"?
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Oh! Mighty fine questions the Trump loyalists should ask themselves. Oh wait, who am I kidding.
I don't know if they realize how ridiculous they now look over this issue considering how they went all in on Lard donnie in 2016 and are worshipping him to this day.
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump bragged about grabbing pussy. Where have you been? Oh, wait, in trumpoholic world, uninvited grabbing pussy is only flirting.

Trump bragged about his ability to get any woman he wants.

That's the opposite of your liberal soy boy superpower.
lard donnie bragged about being able to physically assault any woman he wants....a poor trumpanzee's vision of a manly man.
Link? Your link says they “let him” letting means it’s ok... do you understand? Take your time
And who says they "let him"?
Your link
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.

This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
If every thread like that just poofed one day, not many tears would be shed.

Most of threads here from the 2016 election would have vanished into a puff of smoke. It was hilarious watching the duopolist slaves deflect to the immoral and untoward behavior of the other whole making excuses and ir
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal? I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left..
Did tramp survive?
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.
This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
Trump has had around 20 to 30 women accuse him of the same thing, hasn’t hurt him...
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.

I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Actually i see how Trump has treated women in the past, disgusting. But you loons told me in the nineties, a mans sex life is none of my business. Your the hypocrite, liberals set the new rule on sex and .

Yeah, I was kid in the 90's and I said no such thing, but you can pretend otherwise if it allows you to feel better about your lack of integrity. Now back to work- that water won't carry itself.
Lol, liberals were even telling us a blow job wasn't even sex. Liberals set the new low for presidents sex lives.
Well long before Slick Willie was caught in his big lie another of the left's great heros JFK turned the Whitehouse into his personal cathouse and was making young teen aides into his personal whores.
And I'm sure Slick Willie will eventually be proven to have been in the middle of Epstiens bullshit and why he a was suicided in the traditional Clinton Arkansas fashion.
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
OK, let’s presume she is telling the truth

So what?

Nobody cared about Thomas, Nobody cared about Clinton, Nobody cared about Trump, Nobody cared about Kavanaugh ....

So that makes it ok. You are filled to the brim with logical fallacies aren't you?
If you don’t think of t is OK, then don’t vote for him

Look how it worked out for Trump
NY Times:
Dem, activist rebellion budding over Reade allegation…

As two more women have come forward to corroborate part of Ms. Reade’s allegation, the Biden campaign is facing attacks from the right and increasing pressure from the left to address the issue. And liberal activists find themselves in a tense standoff with a candidate they want to support but who they say has made little attempt to show leadership on an issue that resonates deeply with their party’s base.
Pass the popcorn!
Hey, you can always get Hillary to take his place!
View attachment 329939
I'm sure you wish.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?
Every thread about trump turns to what about Obama or Hillary. You trump supporters don't want to make sexual assault an issue.
Ukraine joe is a dirty, demented, delusional man with mental and health disorders.
Like your messiah Trump?
Topic is Democrats pissed at Biden, shitforbrains.
Topic is rightist hypocrisy shitforbrains.
Reported for attempting to derail topic in violation of rules.
Cool. Do so. You have a topic that includes Biden, sexual assault, dementia, Al Franken, and Dem attitudes. Pick your scene. Oh were the one who brought in Franken.
You should be canned as a mod. Your attempts to derail threads with your TDS is a stain on USMB as a moderator.
Ah...going personal. That desperate?
Ukraine joe is a dirty, demented, delusional man with mental and health disorders.
Like your messiah Trump?
Topic is Democrats pissed at Biden, shitforbrains.
Sure we wish.

If the Democrats think that Sleepy Joe is the most together, most qualified advocate for the Ultraliberal point of view in the 2020 Election cycle and that this Tara broad is lying about him, they should stick with him. If they don't, they should nominate the runner up , Crazy Bernie.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

I suggest you rewatch this and see if this OP makes you a Maher or a Crenshaw. As to your question. Biden will probably survive. The main reason being that Trump would have real problems weaponizing sexual assault considering his less than stellar record. Kind of the problem if you lowered the bar of acceptable behavior from an incumbent to not include credible allegations of sexual assault.

View attachment 329984

The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser. Saying an accusation being leveled decades after the event. Not that I don't understand the sentiment.

I do want to add one thing. What do you suggest woman do now? On the one hand, you have Biden who has one credible accusation leveled against him. On the other... Trump. Someone who has 25 different accusations against him. Someone who pushed through Kavanaugh although he could have appointed someone else after the accusation was leveled. Someone who endorsed Roy Moore who had a considerably worse accusation against him. What do you suggest? Stay home? This gives Biden one less vote and helps Trump. Vote third party? The same thing. It seems to me arguing that voting Biden is a betrail is not exactly an assessment that's without its drawbacks for women's rights.

There are 7 accusers on Biden. With Kavanaugh liberals said all accusers should be heard, but not now. Can i say hypocrites?

Sure you can, because they are. It doesn't change anything though.

Well with this liberals are proving they really care about women, if they can't use them. Personally i really don't believe this woman either.

That's amusing.....:iyfyus.jpg:
A picture says it all.
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump said he could, Biden justs grabs them all over. Including children.
You seem to push the "children" aspect..........
You seem to support him doing it.

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