Crazy Uncle Joe Facing a Mutiny Now

Al Franken actually resigned because of sexual allegations

Stupid ass......he should have just denied everything and said. Go fuk yourself

That is what Republicans do
And Leftards being of little brain would believe his denial.
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I don’t see him touching her
Do you?

Just Locker Room Stuff
You know how guys are

:lol: just grab'em by the pussy....
Biden doesn't just talk about it.....he finger-fucks em.
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
But that doesn't matter, because Biden did stuff.
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump bragged about grabbing pussy. Where have you been? Oh, wait, in trumpoholic world, uninvited grabbing pussy is only flirting.
That's nothing, Biden did far worse.
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
"Today I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault," Clinton said. "Don't let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed and we're with you."

"There is a big divide between survivors who do not want to seek the criminal justice system for different reasons and those who want to but are not sure that it would be responsive," Clinton said today. "So we need to do a much better job on the fairness of the response so that people feel like whichever route they go on campus or off they're going to be taken seriously, that doesn't mean that, you know, that there's no process. There has to be one."

Clinton said women should immediately be believed, starting a process to "determination as to what if anything should be done about the claim that was made."

"I think that when someone makes the claim, they come forward, they should be believed and that is what starts the process and then there is a determination as to what if anything should be done about the claim that was made," Clinton said.
This lists facts , not assumptions.

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You do realize that is a photoshopped image right?
Or maybe you don't...after all...what's "truth" in Trumplandia?
Politifact :laughing0301:. There are plenty of pictures of Biden's hands all over little girls.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?
All Biden has to do is bring up all the lard donnie sexual assault accusations....and his affairs...and his paying hookers...and his rape of his first wife...and his creepy sexual fixation on his own daughter...and his walking in on underage girls in dressing rooms...and his BFF relationship with Jeffrey Epstein....etc.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Did tramp survive?
Not only survive....they love him for it.
A lot of AOC types will not be racing to the polls to vote for a dirty old man.....they will be washing their hair on Nov 3rd....
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

I suggest you rewatch this and see if this OP makes you a Maher or a Crenshaw. As to your question. Biden will probably survive. The main reason being that Trump would have real problems weaponizing sexual assault considering his less than stellar record. Kind of the problem if you lowered the bar of acceptable behavior from an incumbent to not include credible allegations of sexual assault.

View attachment 329984

The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser. Saying an accusation being leveled decades after the event. Not that I don't understand the sentiment.

I do want to add one thing. What do you suggest woman do now? On the one hand, you have Biden who has one credible accusation leveled against him. On the other... Trump. Someone who has 25 different accusations against him. Someone who pushed through Kavanaugh although he could have appointed someone else after the accusation was leveled. Someone who endorsed Roy Moore who had a considerably worse accusation against him. What do you suggest? Stay home? This gives Biden one less vote and helps Trump. Vote third party? The same thing. It seems to me arguing that voting Biden is a betrail is not exactly an assessment that's without its drawbacks for women's rights.
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
"Today I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault," Clinton said. "Don't let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed and we're with you."

"There is a big divide between survivors who do not want to seek the criminal justice system for different reasons and those who want to but are not sure that it would be responsive," Clinton said today. "So we need to do a much better job on the fairness of the response so that people feel like whichever route they go on campus or off they're going to be taken seriously, that doesn't mean that, you know, that there's no process. There has to be one."

Clinton said women should immediately be believed, starting a process to "determination as to what if anything should be done about the claim that was made."

"I think that when someone makes the claim, they come forward, they should be believed and that is what starts the process and then there is a determination as to what if anything should be done about the claim that was made," Clinton said.
This lists facts , not assumptions.

Unfortunately, the #metoo movement HAS become a
Ukraine joe is a dirty, demented, delusional man with mental and health disorders.
Like your messiah Trump?
Topic is Democrats pissed at Biden, shitforbrains.
Topic is rightist hypocrisy shitforbrains.
Reported for attempting to derail topic in violation of rules.
Ukraine joe is a dirty, demented, delusional man with mental and health disorders.
Like your messiah Trump?
Topic is Democrats pissed at Biden, shitforbrains.
Topic is rightist hypocrisy shitforbrains.
Are you saying women lie about these kinds of things?!

I have said the same thing for a while now, I am not going to repeat it. Look it up.
I'm too lazy. So women lie about these things then I guess.
Of course they do. Men lie. Women lie.
Yeah, now women lie. But then they didn't.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Did tramp survive?

When are you going to post evidence that Trump assaulted, raped women?

You made the claim in a different thread, got challenged on it by at least two people, YOU ran away.

You going to run away again?
Do confessions count as evidence?

These are all woman who accused him

They are normally called accusations.... you are that dumb?

How was Trump able to convince a woman to go to a Furniture store with him, AFTER he was already making his "moves" on her, the woman never claims he assaulted her, he never said he had his hands all over her body, probably asking for sexual encounter, which didn't happen.

When guys are said to be making "moves" on a woman, it means asking for a kiss, date, sex or similar. That is the usual understanding on what "moves" on a woman means. It has nothing to do with assaulting someone, only leftists fail to understand that.

Then you try the association guilt idea, which is stupid since NONE of them have gone beyond the accusation stage, no lawsuits or police reports posted.

Since these women didn't push their accusations loudly UNTIL he runs for the White House, it smacks of partisan politics, just like that miserable liar Dr. Ford did.

You are trying too hard to convict him, sounds like TDS in full bloom.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

I suggest you rewatch this and see if this OP makes you a Maher or a Crenshaw. As to your question. Biden will probably survive. The main reason being that Trump would have real problems weaponizing sexual assault considering his less than stellar record. Kind of the problem if you lowered the bar of acceptable behavior from an incumbent to not include credible allegations of sexual assault.

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Angry, bitter, hypocritical leftards aren't just the lowest form of human life, they may well be the lowest form of life ... "period."

I see? I'm hypocritical? So I'm guessing you didn't vote for Trump in 2016 despite 2 confessions and 25 accusations?
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

I suggest you rewatch this and see if this OP makes you a Maher or a Crenshaw. As to your question. Biden will probably survive. The main reason being that Trump would have real problems weaponizing sexual assault considering his less than stellar record. Kind of the problem if you lowered the bar of acceptable behavior from an incumbent to not include credible allegations of sexual assault.

View attachment 329984

The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser. Saying an accusation being leveled decades after the event. Not that I don't understand the sentiment.

I do want to add one thing. What do you suggest woman do now? On the one hand, you have Biden who has one credible accusation leveled against him. On the other... Trump. Someone who has 25 different accusations against him. Someone who pushed through Kavanaugh although he could have appointed someone else after the accusation was leveled. Someone who endorsed Roy Moore who had a considerably worse accusation against him. What do you suggest? Stay home? This gives Biden one less vote and helps Trump. Vote third party? The same thing. It seems to me arguing that voting Biden is a betrail is not exactly an assessment that's without its drawbacks for women's rights.

There are 7 accusers on Biden. With Kavanaugh liberals said all accusers should be heard, but not now. Can i say hypocrites?
It's stunning to see the amount of Democrats suddenly OK with sexual assault against women. Anything to get Biden elected.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Did tramp survive?

When are you going to post evidence that Trump assaulted, raped women?

You made the claim in a different thread, got challenged on it by at least two people, YOU ran away.

You going to run away again?
Do confessions count as evidence?

These are all woman who accused him

They are normally called accusations.... you are that dumb?

How was Trump able to convince a woman to go to a Furniture store with him, AFTER he was already making his "moves" on her, the woman never claims he assaulted her, he never said he had his hands all over her body, probably asking for sexual encounter, which didn't happen.

When guys are said to be making "moves" on a woman, it means asking for a kiss, date, sex or similar. That is the usual understanding on what "moves" on a woman means. It has nothing to do with assaulting someone, only leftists fail to understand that.

Then you try the association guilt idea, which is stupid since NONE of them have gone beyond the accusation stage, no lawsuits or police reports posted.

Since NONE of them said a word UNTIL he runs for the White House, it smacks of partisan politics, just like that miserable liar Dr. Ford did.

You are trying too hard to convict him, sounds like TDS in full bloom.

When someone says he grabs a woman by the pussy further specifying he "doesn't even wait" He's doing considerably more than making moves I'm familiar with. When he says he walks into girls dressing rooms as a "perk" he's doing far more than what I consider normal behavior.

By the way
NONE of them have gone beyond the accusation stage, no lawsuits or police reports posted.

Since NONE of them said a word UNTIL he runs for the White House, it smacks of partisan politics, just like that miserable liar Dr. Ford did.

Explain to me hows that not exactly the situation Biden finds himself in? An accusation leveled without a lawsuit or even police report when he's running for president?

There's a difference between me and you. I don't feel the need to defend Biden and I believe his accuser knowing full well that that woman will not get the justice she deserves. You, on the other hand, hide behind some partisan spin and defend Trump. I'm left with 2 crappy choices so have to decide which one is the least crappy. Having lived through the shitshow that is the Trump presidency I don't think that's a hard choice.

This brings me to my original point. Biden will survive and get a free pass. Because you guys gave one to Trump when faced with similar circumstances. Arguably worse since it's not hard to find audio tape confirming the alleged behavior.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

I suggest you rewatch this and see if this OP makes you a Maher or a Crenshaw. As to your question. Biden will probably survive. The main reason being that Trump would have real problems weaponizing sexual assault considering his less than stellar record. Kind of the problem if you lowered the bar of acceptable behavior from an incumbent to not include credible allegations of sexual assault.

View attachment 329984

The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser. Saying an accusation being leveled decades after the event. Not that I don't understand the sentiment.

I do want to add one thing. What do you suggest woman do now? On the one hand, you have Biden who has one credible accusation leveled against him. On the other... Trump. Someone who has 25 different accusations against him. Someone who pushed through Kavanaugh although he could have appointed someone else after the accusation was leveled. Someone who endorsed Roy Moore who had a considerably worse accusation against him. What do you suggest? Stay home? This gives Biden one less vote and helps Trump. Vote third party? The same thing. It seems to me arguing that voting Biden is a betrail is not exactly an assessment that's without its drawbacks for women's rights.

There are 7 accusers on Biden. With Kavanaugh liberals said all accusers should be heard, but not now. Can i say hypocrites?

Sure you can, because they are. It doesn't change anything though.

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