Crazy Uncle Joe Facing a Mutiny Now

Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Did tramp survive?

He did. Turned out it was just PROG-think.

PROG-think doesn't hold their own responsible. Sure they MIGHT report on their kind once or twice, but if a Republican a storied narration runs 24-7 until it's fully cooked in your head. You know, Kavanaugh rapped a young women because he pushed her onto a bed with no witnesses at a college party 30 years ago. She's just now coming out is all, thanks to the shucks Me-Too movement. It was so bad she now in her 60s speaks like a little girl. The Democrats found him guilty of course, they were quite entertained. Speak of, when can we expect the next impeachment so we can blame Trump for our problems?

Women are always to believed because they're mere victims of white male republicans to be kicked around, same with Latino's and blacks and criminals. Amazing how the left reduces people and induce division and get away with it. Vote Biden in November, it just makes sense to be a hypocrite and replace an effective POTUS with a senile member of the establishment.
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Trump survived over twenty sexual assaults, paid off porn stars while cheating on his wife, brags about grabbing pus_sy and you right wing tools are worried about Biden. You guys are trolls or fools or both. Your Pied Piper has great power over your values.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Did tramp survive?
He wouldn't of survived this,
View attachment 329977
You pedophile loving asshole.

Yeah, pedophiles are famous for accosting children IN PUBLIC and IN FRONT OF TELEVISION NETWORK CAMERAS FOR NATIONAL BROADCASTING.

You fucking idiots are being played by Trump and Parscale, who's getting his ass kicked by Trump for the latest polls showing Trump losing and losing badly.
Lol, you idiots put grown men in girls locker rooms. I can see why you see nothing wrong with Biden sexually assauting a little girl. Liberalism need to be taken out.
All you have is photoshop and lies. Trumpoholics can never be trusted. They lie like Trump.
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.

This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
If every thread like that just poofed one day, not many tears would be shed.

Most of threads here from the 2016 election would have vanished into a puff of smoke. It was hilarious watching the duopolist slaves deflect to the immoral and untoward behavior of the other whole making excuses and ir
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal? I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left..
Did tramp survive?
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.
This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
Trump has had around 20 to 30 women accuse him of the same thing, hasn’t hurt him...
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.

I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Actually i see how Trump has treated women in the past, disgusting. But you loons told me in the nineties, a mans sex life is none of my business. Your the hypocrite, liberals set the new rule on sex and .
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Did tramp survive?
He wouldn't of survived this,
View attachment 329977
You pedophile loving asshole.

Yeah, pedophiles are famous for accosting children IN PUBLIC and IN FRONT OF TELEVISION NETWORK CAMERAS FOR NATIONAL BROADCASTING.

You fucking idiots are being played by Trump and Parscale, who's getting his ass kicked by Trump for the latest polls showing Trump losing and losing badly.
Lol, you idiots put grown men in girls locker rooms. I can see why you see nothing wrong with Biden sexually assauting a little girl. Liberalism need to be taken out.
All you have is photoshop and lies. Trumpoholics can never be trusted. They lie like Trump.
So obama didn't put men in girls locker rooms? Yes or no question.
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
He didn't brag about assaulting women, he said that wealthy men like him can do anything they want with women. I know a lot of men who say a lot of "locker room" banter about women being hot, easy and more, 99% is just that, talk and nothing more. You can't be that ignorant.....
Yes he can and is.

The left and their dutiful media constantly spin. fold, bend, and mutilate the truth, and if all that fails to enrage their not-too-brights, they simply fabricate.

I suspect many of 'em know they are being fed BS but swallow anyway because it tastes good to them.

OTOH there likely are just as many who don't know what locker room banter is. You know ... :gay:
You responded with nonsense jibberish.
The standards set these days are at rock bottom as I recall it said, I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

I hope Biden makes it to the Presidential debates on Fox News hosted by Sean Hannity!
WWE RAW! lol
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.

This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
If every thread like that just poofed one day, not many tears would be shed.

Most of threads here from the 2016 election would have vanished into a puff of smoke. It was hilarious watching the duopolist slaves deflect to the immoral and untoward behavior of the other whole making excuses and ir
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal? I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left..
Did tramp survive?
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.
This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
Trump has had around 20 to 30 women accuse him of the same thing, hasn’t hurt him...
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.

I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Actually i see how Trump has treated women in the past, disgusting. But you loons told me in the nineties, a mans sex life is none of my business. Your the hypocrite, liberals set the new rule on sex and .

Yeah, I was kid in the 90's and I said no such thing, but you can pretend otherwise if it allows you to feel better about your lack of integrity. Now back to work- that water won't carry itself.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Accusation should be investigated and treated the same way as Trump scandals have been...

Now does that mean it will or will the MSM actually unhook their mouths from the DNC Tit?

Most likely not but the woman accusation should be fully investigated and if any truth to it then Biden should be given the boot...
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?
Looks like Fox News recent poll says he does, with Biden currently ahead of Trump by 10 points.
Read it and weep in your Wheaties, weiner.
August, 2016 - Clinton had 15 point lead over Trump:

October, 2016 - Clinton had 12 point lead lead over Trump

November, 2016 ... Trump won 304-227. Read 'em and weep.

Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Did tramp survive?
He wouldn't of survived this,
View attachment 329977
You pedophile loving asshole.

Yeah, pedophiles are famous for accosting children IN PUBLIC and IN FRONT OF TELEVISION NETWORK CAMERAS FOR NATIONAL BROADCASTING.

You fucking idiots are being played by Trump and Parscale, who's getting his ass kicked by Trump for the latest polls showing Trump losing and losing badly.
Lol, you idiots put grown men in girls locker rooms. I can see why you see nothing wrong with Biden sexually assauting a little girl. Liberalism need to be taken out.
All you have is photoshop and lies. Trumpoholics can never be trusted. They lie like Trump.
So obama didn't put men in girls locker rooms? Yes or no question.
But, but, what about Obama! Someone call a whammmblance for the trumpoholic.
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.

This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
If every thread like that just poofed one day, not many tears would be shed.

Most of threads here from the 2016 election would have vanished into a puff of smoke. It was hilarious watching the duopolist slaves deflect to the immoral and untoward behavior of the other whole making excuses and ir
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal? I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left..
Did tramp survive?
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.
This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
Trump has had around 20 to 30 women accuse him of the same thing, hasn’t hurt him...
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.

I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Actually i see how Trump has treated women in the past, disgusting. But you loons told me in the nineties, a mans sex life is none of my business. Your the hypocrite, liberals set the new rule on sex and .

Yeah, I was kid in the 90's and I said no such thing, but you can pretend otherwise if it allows you to feel better about your lack of integrity. Now back to work- that water won't carry itself.
Lol, liberals were even telling us a blow job wasn't even sex. Liberals set the new low for presidents sex lives.
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal?

I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left, I would make this thread about Trump so we could discuss Biden.

So does he get past this storm? Does the media continue to do his bidding?

Did tramp survive?
He wouldn't of survived this,
View attachment 329977
You pedophile loving asshole.

Yeah, pedophiles are famous for accosting children IN PUBLIC and IN FRONT OF TELEVISION NETWORK CAMERAS FOR NATIONAL BROADCASTING.

You fucking idiots are being played by Trump and Parscale, who's getting his ass kicked by Trump for the latest polls showing Trump losing and losing badly.
Lol, you idiots put grown men in girls locker rooms. I can see why you see nothing wrong with Biden sexually assauting a little girl. Liberalism need to be taken out.
All you have is photoshop and lies. Trumpoholics can never be trusted. They lie like Trump.
So obama didn't put men in girls locker rooms? Yes or no question.
But, but, what about Obama! Someone call a whammmblance for the trumpoholic.
A simple yes would've done it. So i wasn't lying. Thanks for proving my point.

Oh, and this is still your man. Lol
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.

This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
If every thread like that just poofed one day, not many tears would be shed.

Most of threads here from the 2016 election would have vanished into a puff of smoke. It was hilarious watching the duopolist slaves deflect to the immoral and untoward behavior of the other whole making excuses and ir
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal? I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left..
Did tramp survive?
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.
This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
Trump has had around 20 to 30 women accuse him of the same thing, hasn’t hurt him...
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.

I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Actually i see how Trump has treated women in the past, disgusting. But you loons told me in the nineties, a mans sex life is none of my business. Your the hypocrite, liberals set the new rule on sex and .

Yeah, I was kid in the 90's and I said no such thing, but you can pretend otherwise if it allows you to feel better about your lack of integrity. Now back to work- that water won't carry itself.
Lol, liberals were even telling us a blow job wasn't even sex. Liberals set the new low for presidents sex lives.

Good for them. Seems odd you would follow a standard set by people you dislike so much. It’s a convenient tactic that unprincipled twats use to make excuses for their guy. You folks deserve each other.
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.
I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Your whimpering is hardly "harsh truth" but you have managed to unequivocally validate Grumps' harsh truth ... just post "Slo Joe B and Tara Reade" and not-too-bright Pavlov's dogs will instantly scream "but ... but Trump!"
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.

This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
If every thread like that just poofed one day, not many tears would be shed.

Most of threads here from the 2016 election would have vanished into a puff of smoke. It was hilarious watching the duopolist slaves deflect to the immoral and untoward behavior of the other whole making excuses and ir
Will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal? I figure since every thread about Biden only gets Trump responses from the left..
Did tramp survive?
My creepy old poon hound is better than your creepy old poon hound.
This is the best the duopoly can muster. :lol:
Trump has had around 20 to 30 women accuse him of the same thing, hasn’t hurt him...
And as if on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dogs respond to Grumps' question "will Biden survive the sexual assault scandal" with "but ... but Trump..."

Well done Grumps ... you snapped your fingers and the pathetic dogs drooled.

I am sorry if my harsh truth triggered you. You'll make excuses for your creep b/c he has the right letter after is name like all servile tools. I choose to defend neither b/c I have uncompromising integrity. Perhaps if you had some you would understand, but alas.
Actually i see how Trump has treated women in the past, disgusting. But you loons told me in the nineties, a mans sex life is none of my business. Your the hypocrite, liberals set the new rule on sex and .

Yeah, I was kid in the 90's and I said no such thing, but you can pretend otherwise if it allows you to feel better about your lack of integrity. Now back to work- that water won't carry itself.
Lol, liberals were even telling us a blow job wasn't even sex. Liberals set the new low for presidents sex lives.

Good for them. Seems odd you would follow a standard set by people you dislike so much. It’s a convenient tactic that unprincipled twats use to make excuses for their guy. You folks deserve each other.
So you're going to vote for Biden because he allegedly raped a woman? More evidence than Ford had.

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