Crazy Uncle Joe Sucks the Air Out of the Democrat Room in 3 New Polls

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Please, if there is a GOD, make it JoJo " The Worlds Dumbest Politician and Sexual ABUSER" Biden as the DEATHRAT candidate for 2020!

DB Daily Update ^

How weak is the 20-person Democrat field? – It’s so weak that a 76 year-old, miserable two-time loser in presidential politics who has been wrong about literally every major issue facing this nation over the last half-century is sucking all the air out of the room. That’s weak.

Three new polls released yesterday show Biden blowing away the rest of the Democrat field and getting close to eating up half the support among the Party’s mind-numbed voter base: He comes in at 44% support in the Harvard-Harris poll , 46% in the Hill-HarrisX online poll and 40% in the new poll from Morning Consult. The Commie lags far behind in 2nd place with just 14% support in both of the first two polls, and a little stronger 19% in Morning Consult. None of the 18 other candidates registers even in double digits in any of the polls.

That’s how weak the 20-person Democrat field is. Yikes.

Now, these are just three polls and as I pointed out in yesterday’s Campaign Update, Biden was always destined to have some really good polling numbers coming out of the gate in his carefully-scripted campaign launch. He is a two-term vice president, a guy who spent more than 30 years in the U.S. Senate, and the most known quantity out of all of the candidates in the field. He had lead the polls consistently before he even declared his candidacy, and that lead was inevitably going to grow once he finally jumped in. So that was all a given.

But, as unreliable as we all know that political polls are these days, there is no denying that a) three polls with fairly consistent results represents something of a trend, and b) some of the numbers posted by the other, supposedly “major” candidates in this race are stunningly weak.


The Hill ^

Progressives are taking shots at Joe Biden, seeking to blunt the former vice president’s rise in polls by arguing he is too conservative to be the party's presidential nominee.

The criticism has come from rivals to Biden on the campaign trail as well as liberal groups seeking to put a dent into his poll numbers.

They are casting Biden as an establishment figure out of touch with the grass roots of his party, highlighting his work on a Clinton-era crime bill and the Iraq War, among other issues.

The criticism suggests some angst on the part of progressives, who fear Biden might beat out candidates such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who have more liberal voting records than the former vice president.

The latest Hill-HarrisX poll released on Monday found Biden winning 46 percent support and holding a 32-point lead nationally over Sanders, who won 14 percent.

Progressives also say they are worried that Biden will lose to Trump, even as the former vice president makes electability the centerpiece of his campaign.

They argue a dyed-in-the-wool progressive has the best chance of energizing voters against Trump, and that Biden could fall to the wayside just as Hillary Clinton did in 2016.


He's probably the Dems' best chance.

He'd do far better than Hillary in the Rust Belt, and that was already close as hell in 2016.

He'd pick a PC-approved running mate, so the Dems will be fired up enough.

If Joe Biden is your "best chance", might be time to pack it in and start from scratch! The Democratic Party is FUBARED!
He's probably the Dems' best chance.
He'd do far better than Hillary in the Rust Belt, and that was already close as hell in 2016.
He'd pick a PC-approved running mate, so the Dems will be fired up enough.
If Joe Biden is your "best chance", might be time to pack it in and start from scratch! The Democratic Party is FUBARED!
Well, your crystal ball is much clearer than mine.
He's probably the Dems' best chance.

He'd do far better than Hillary in the Rust Belt, and that was already close as hell in 2016.

He'd pick a PC-approved running mate, so the Dems will be fired up enough.
Sounds like you would vote for the Groper Joe? Is that because moderates are liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals?
He's probably the Dems' best chance.
He'd do far better than Hillary in the Rust Belt, and that was already close as hell in 2016.
He'd pick a PC-approved running mate, so the Dems will be fired up enough.
If Joe Biden is your "best chance", might be time to pack it in and start from scratch! The Democratic Party is FUBARED!
Well, your crystal ball is much clearer than mine.
. doesn't need a crystal ball to know that Joe Biden is dumb as a stump, Mac! I've been watching that idiot try to run for President for the better part of 40 years now and it never works out for Joe because when you get right down to it...he's not a bright guy.
The good thing about creepy uncle joe is he can't be trusted with any information. Just go ask Seal Team Six, oh wait you can't.
He's probably the Dems' best chance.
He'd do far better than Hillary in the Rust Belt, and that was already close as hell in 2016.
Sounds like you would vote for the Groper Joe? Is that because moderates are liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals?
How nice it must be to live in a simple, binary world.
Every Democrat since Clinton including Bill Clinton, has had huge issues, that make them vulnerable to Foreign Influences. Whether it's sexual addictions, Greed, or Moral Corruption like Obama that comes from his background in ISLAM, Domestic Terrorism, Satanism and Marxism, that translated in to a Hatred for America, none of these people should be president.

But The GOP put up mainstream candidates who wanted to play nice instead of ask the hard questions, so it's their fault too.

Now you have a fighter in The White House and it drives Lefty Batshit Crazy.

What? He isn't just gonna lay there and take what we are dishing out and he is actually going to fight back??


Joe Biden is Not a Sharp Tack. Has never accomplished anything in life but lived off of the Tax Payer and taken bribes from countries like China and The Ukraine, and is also beholden to Russia, and The UN.

Biden would be a worse president than just about anyone on that DEM Clown Stage.

In fact, they really have NOTHING to offer The American People that is not part of some Unrealistic Fantasy.
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He's probably the Dems' best chance.
He'd do far better than Hillary in the Rust Belt, and that was already close as hell in 2016.
Sounds like you would vote for the Groper Joe? Is that because moderates are liberals too ashamed to call themselves liberals?
How nice it must be to live in a simple, binary world.
When you live in the 50 shades of Grey, then you cant wonder why the world is all fucked up.
When you live in the 50 shades of Grey, then you cant wonder why the world is all fucked up.
I don't wonder. It's the partisan zealots, those who blindly and obediently succumb to a shallow, simplistic ideology.
It is the worthless moderates who gave US 8 sorry years of a 1/2 white faggot who almost turned this country into a 3rd world shithole. Dont fucking doubt me.
When you live in the 50 shades of Grey, then you cant wonder why the world is all fucked up.
I don't wonder. It's the partisan zealots, those who blindly and obediently succumb to a shallow, simplistic ideology.
It is the worthless moderates who gave US 8 sorry years of a 1/2 white faggot who almost turned this country into a 3rd world shithole. Dont fucking doubt me.
I'm sure you and your tribe are right.
When you live in the 50 shades of Grey, then you cant wonder why the world is all fucked up.
I don't wonder. It's the partisan zealots, those who blindly and obediently succumb to a shallow, simplistic ideology.
It is the worthless moderates who gave US 8 sorry years of a 1/2 white faggot who almost turned this country into a 3rd world shithole. Dont fucking doubt me.
I'm sure you and your tribe are right.
It wasn't the conservatives that put the brown turd into office...
"Air" doesn't even exist in not only an odd-numbered year but still the early half of it.

Acquire a GRIP already.
When you live in the 50 shades of Grey, then you cant wonder why the world is all fucked up.
I don't wonder. It's the partisan zealots, those who blindly and obediently succumb to a shallow, simplistic ideology.
It is the worthless moderates who gave US 8 sorry years of a 1/2 white faggot who almost turned this country into a 3rd world shithole. Dont fucking doubt me.
I'm sure you and your tribe are right.
It wasn't the conservatives that put the brown turd into office...

How revealing that you characterize people by their color when it's natural but ignore it when it's fake.
He'll have his Howard Dean moment. The early front runner in big fields usually does.
He's probably the Dems' best chance.

He'd do far better than Hillary in the Rust Belt, and that was already close as hell in 2016.

He'd pick a PC-approved running mate, so the Dems will be fired up enough.
The reason he is leading is because he is not a PC nutjob. The Democrat voters are making it crystal clear that they want none of the bullshit the other candidates are peddling.

A relief to be sure. The way things were going I was actually a bit concerned.

Biden is a doofus but he is not some commie loving bastard like all the others.
Please, if there is a GOD, make it JoJo " The Worlds Dumbest Politician and Sexual ABUSER" Biden as the DEATHRAT candidate for 2020!

DB Daily Update ^

How weak is the 20-person Democrat field? – It’s so weak that a 76 year-old, miserable two-time loser in presidential politics who has been wrong about literally every major issue facing this nation over the last half-century is sucking all the air out of the room. That’s weak.

Three new polls released yesterday show Biden blowing away the rest of the Democrat field and getting close to eating up half the support among the Party’s mind-numbed voter base: He comes in at 44% support in the Harvard-Harris poll , 46% in the Hill-HarrisX online poll and 40% in the new poll from Morning Consult. The Commie lags far behind in 2nd place with just 14% support in both of the first two polls, and a little stronger 19% in Morning Consult. None of the 18 other candidates registers even in double digits in any of the polls.

That’s how weak the 20-person Democrat field is. Yikes.

Now, these are just three polls and as I pointed out in yesterday’s Campaign Update, Biden was always destined to have some really good polling numbers coming out of the gate in his carefully-scripted campaign launch. He is a two-term vice president, a guy who spent more than 30 years in the U.S. Senate, and the most known quantity out of all of the candidates in the field. He had lead the polls consistently before he even declared his candidacy, and that lead was inevitably going to grow once he finally jumped in. So that was all a given.

But, as unreliable as we all know that political polls are these days, there is no denying that a) three polls with fairly consistent results represents something of a trend, and b) some of the numbers posted by the other, supposedly “major” candidates in this race are stunningly weak.



How weak the field is a guess however they are unknown. Biden in his previous runs did not have the name recognition he has now. Also Biden is center left which helps him.

He is hardly a Commie. Trump accepted help in 2016 from the Russians. Russian bots are pushing negative Republican stories about Biden. Trump and the Republican Party are Commie.

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