Creating jobs 101 for dummies (Obama)

Sorry your strawman was debunked so quickly. Want to try again with a situation that is based in reality?
My "straw man" was a generality, not literal....The economic concept still stands, your flimsy attempt at derailing notwithstanding.

Move those goal posts.

The purchasing power of the job creators (middle class) would not be hit with tax hikes. Happy?
The purchasing power of the middle class is currently being sacked by the Fed and its "quantitative easing" (i.e. printing up of money out of thin air), which the current regime completely approves of.

Also, if you're such a dope to believe that only the detested "wealthy" are going to see their taxes go up, you're and even bigger dope than I had ever imagined...Which is saying something.
My "straw man" was a generality, not literal....The economic concept still stands, your flimsy attempt at derailing notwithstanding.

Move those goal posts.

The purchasing power of the job creators (middle class) would not be hit with tax hikes. Happy?
The purchasing power of the middle class is currently being sacked by the Fed and its "quantitative easing" (i.e. printing up of money out of thin air), which the current regime completely approves of.

Also, if you're such a dope to believe that only the detested "wealthy" are going to see their taxes go up, you're and even bigger dope than I had ever imagined...Which is saying something.

Hey, as long as your corporate masters make out like bandits, that's all you care about, right?
And what better way to create jobs then to cut taxes for people who already have money.

Its not a cut. Its the current rate. And its their fucking money to begin with.

So where are the jobs if they have been enjoying that rate for years now?

They were lost in the crash. Decades old tax rates are not incentives when you've lost tons in the crash. My idea was to be added on top of the current rates
Its not a cut. Its the current rate. And its their fucking money to begin with.

So where are the jobs if they have been enjoying that rate for years now?

They were lost in the crash. Decades old tax rates are not incentives when you've lost tons in the crash. My idea was to be added on top of the current rates
In the world of the lolberal hack, the tax rates exist in a vacuum...That's why they can claim that the tax rates from the early 1950s, when America was about the only nation in the world building any consumer goods, could be applied in the here and now and everything would be sunshine, peace and love beads.

Despite all their claims to being the smartest assholes in the room, they really are simple minded creatures. :lol:
Lower the corporate rates and Deregulate. That will do the trick.
Quote from Jobs act of 2011:

First, the American Jobs Act of 2011 provides a tax cut
for small businesses, to help them hire and expand now, and an
additional tax cut to any business that hires or increases
In addition, the American Jobs Act of 2011 puts more
money in the pockets of working and middle class Americans by
cutting in half the payroll tax that comes out of the paycheck
of every worker, saving typical families an average of $1,500 a

Bet you hated the idea at the time.
You really don't know shit about shit, do you?

No employer hires new people just to get a measly tax break from doing so....They hire more in anticipation of producing more.
wait, so you mean tax breaks dont create jobs? then the job creators can't be upset about losing their tax breaks.
Quote from Jobs act of 2011:

First, the American Jobs Act of 2011 provides a tax cut
for small businesses, to help them hire and expand now, and an
additional tax cut to any business that hires or increases
In addition, the American Jobs Act of 2011 puts more
money in the pockets of working and middle class Americans by
cutting in half the payroll tax that comes out of the paycheck
of every worker, saving typical families an average of $1,500 a

Bet you hated the idea at the time.
You really don't know shit about shit, do you?

No employer hires new people just to get a measly tax break from doing so....They hire more in anticipation of producing more.
wait, so you mean tax breaks dont create jobs? then the job creators can't be upset about losing their tax breaks.
What I mean to say is that tax breaks that nobody in their right mind would take just to get it create nothing....And that this one in particular is the ultimate in form over substance.

You might as well propose that a tax credit (which isn't the same as a tax rate cut, BTW) to ski areas to hire SCUBA instructors not getting any takers, disproves the overall concept of leaving more money in my pocket to do dispose of the way I best see fit is better for the economy in general.
You really don't know shit about shit, do you?

No employer hires new people just to get a measly tax break from doing so....They hire more in anticipation of producing more.
wait, so you mean tax breaks dont create jobs? then the job creators can't be upset about losing their tax breaks.
What I mean to say is that tax breaks that nobody in their right mind would take just to get it create nothing....And that this one in particular is the ultimate in form over substance.

You might as well propose that a tax credit (which isn't the same as a tax rate cut, BTW) to ski areas to hire SCUBA instructors not getting any takers, disproves the overall concept of leaving more money in my pocket to do dispose of the way I best see fit is better for the economy in general.
the tax breaks that were proposed were for hiring individuals and increasing salaries. it did not single out specific business to include some and exclude others. but still by your own words you basically agreed that tax cuts do not promote hiring. so tell me again why these so called "job creators" are gonna be upset of losing their tax breaks?

how many jobs did Romney create with the $14M he made last year? yet he paid a 14% tax rate while i paid near 28% on $100k. hmm that makes sense, a guy makes 140 times more than a guy working an job by sitting on his ass and letting his "blind trust" do the work, and he pays half the rate me. totally fair, i couldve used that extra $14k and spent it on goods and services that would have stimulated the local economy.
Tax credits and tax rate cuts aren't the same thing.

Giving an employer a $2,000 tax credit to hire an employee that is going to cost him $40,000 to employ, with no corresponding increase in production to offset those costs, isn't an incentive, it's a joke....And anyone who knows their ass form a hot rock, which apparently excludes both the prez and you, can figure that one out.
Tax credits and tax rate cuts aren't the same thing.

Giving an employer a $2,000 tax credit to hire an employee that is going to cost him $40,000 to employ, with no corresponding increase in production to offset those costs, isn't an incentive, it's a joke....And anyone who knows their ass form a hot rock, which apparently excludes both the prez and you, can figure that one out.
apparently not the GOP. this is the proposal they are pushing which is tax credits and tax cuts for small business. if tax credits and tax cuts dont create jobs, then why are they bitching about losing that which they dont use anyways?
Not to anyone with any business or common sense...Which obviously excludes both the prez and you.

Sorry I can't draw a pretty picture in crayon for you to make you understand, but that's just how the basic math works out.
Not to anyone with any business or common sense...Which obviously excludes both the prez and you.

Sorry I can't draw a pretty picture in crayon for you to make you understand, but that's just how the basic math works out.
and there it is. just insult me because you no longer have a decent argument.

youve already agreed that tax cuts and credits dont create jobs, so again they shouldnt be bitching about losing that which they dont use anyways.
Insults are all that are left when someone is too thick-headed to allow themselves to understand the most basic of business models and business accounting.

But then again, I never met a hyper-partisan who wasn't dumber than a bag of hammers in the first place.
its your inability to understand basic tax policy that is the problem here. giving tax credits or breaks to someone who isnt using them anyway, provides no help to anyone.

and just keep insulting me, it continues to reinforce the point that you have nothing intelligent to say after all.
its your inability to understand basic tax policy that is the problem here. giving tax credits or breaks to someone who isnt using them anyway, provides no help to anyone.

and just keep insulting me, it continues to reinforce the point that you have nothing intelligent to say after all.

Meet Oddball. He's never wrong, even when he is.
its your inability to understand basic tax policy that is the problem here. giving tax credits or breaks to someone who isnt using them anyway, provides no help to anyone.

and just keep insulting me, it continues to reinforce the point that you have nothing intelligent to say after all.
I understand the policy just fine...What you refuse to understand is that giving someone a "tax break" that's useless to them is a fucking waste of time and effort.

I also understand how the policy of claiming a "benefit" that isn't beneficial to anyone with half a brain plays, to hyper-partisan ignoramuses....Y'all lap it up and decry those not sucked in by the stupid shell game as too stupid to know what's in their own best interests.

Y'all insult peoples' intelligence, then get all huffy when your insults are returned in kind.
its your inability to understand basic tax policy that is the problem here. giving tax credits or breaks to someone who isnt using them anyway, provides no help to anyone.

and just keep insulting me, it continues to reinforce the point that you have nothing intelligent to say after all.
I understand the policy just fine...What you refuse to understand is that giving someone a "tax break" that's useless to them is a fucking waste of time and effort.

I also understand how the policy of claiming a "benefit" that isn't beneficial to anyone with half a brain plays, to hyper-partisan ignoramuses....Y'all lap it up and decry those not sucked in by the stupid shell game as too stupid to know what's in their own best interests.

Y'all insult peoples' intelligence, then get all huffy when your insults are returned in kind.
so again, you have reinforced the simple fact that giving businesses tax breaks and credits does not lead to job creation.

thanks again for the great lesson in basic tax policy.
Lower the corporate rates and Deregulate. That will do the trick.

Wait a minute. You are saying that I will hire more people if corporate tax rates are lowered? Why? That doesn't make any sense. Marginal tax rates do not effect hiring reponse to business fluctuations--if you need more labor to meet demand, you hire more people--even if the marginal rate goes to 95%. Do you understand what marginal tax rates are?

And what SPECIFICALLY do you propose to "deregulate" that will cause an immediate orgy of hiring? Because I have no idea what you refer to.
its your inability to understand basic tax policy that is the problem here. giving tax credits or breaks to someone who isnt using them anyway, provides no help to anyone.

and just keep insulting me, it continues to reinforce the point that you have nothing intelligent to say after all.
I understand the policy just fine...What you refuse to understand is that giving someone a "tax break" that's useless to them is a fucking waste of time and effort.

I also understand how the policy of claiming a "benefit" that isn't beneficial to anyone with half a brain plays, to hyper-partisan ignoramuses....Y'all lap it up and decry those not sucked in by the stupid shell game as too stupid to know what's in their own best interests.

Y'all insult peoples' intelligence, then get all huffy when your insults are returned in kind.
so again, you have reinforced the simple fact that giving businesses tax breaks and credits does not lead to job creation.

thanks again for the great lesson in basic tax policy.
All I've done is pointed out that people won't move to act on a disingenuous "tax break" that is of no benefit whatsoever to them.

Nonetheless, how do the resources of any company or person belong to politicians, bureaucrats or even you to dispose of, before they belong to the people who earned them?

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