Creationists suffer another legal defeat

And it is just that. Evolution is a "belief" that belongs in the minds who choose to dream about it and nowhere else.

Wrong, evolution is a theory subject to the scientific method.
Beliefs can never be tested by any scientific method.
To date, NO test conducted to prove the theory of evolution, gravity and thousands of other scientific method has proved those theories false.
That is how science always works. Beliefs never stand up to the scientific method because they are not science. Theories can and do.

You have yet to offer anything to validate your point of view. So far, it appears you have a strong set of "beliefs."

Lightweight post. Show me the science in your so-called creationism.
You are free to believe whatever you would like.

As are you, but you have offered nothing to demonstrate creationism as science. Why? Because it is not, because you can't.

Well I have but you continue to ignore it. As for your evolution ideas, you have offered nothing to demonstrate them as science, however. Why would that be? Because it doesn't exist. Yes, I know you will say this or that, but they are completely irrelevant to what you actually believe.

Well, most of us probably believe that, as a breathing and supposedly thinking human being, you would understand what makes evolution a science but I guess you need to be shown.

First, it is based in observable fact and constructed as a way to explain those facts within a natural and OBSERVABLE framework.

It has been tested and proven that many single celled and simple organisms DO evolve.

There are SEVERAL predictions that evolution has postulated, such as the existence of a fused DNA strand that exists within humans but not within primates.

Most importantly, evolution CAN be observed and has changed itself when new evidence comes into play. That IS the basic tenant of scientific theory, they can be tested AND PROVED WRONG if indeed the evidence shows that it is incorrect. ID or creationism are not shbject to observation AND CAN NEVER BE PROVEN OR DISPROVEN. Evolution is and can.
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No, Allie, you bunch still wish to teach mythology in science classes.
Though it is as plausible a theory for the creation of the world as any other. If we're going to delve into fantasy, I don't see why we have to leave out the theory of a creator.
No, Allie, you bunch still wish to teach mythology in science classes.
Though it is as plausible a theory for the creation of the world as any other. If we're going to delve into fantasy, I don't see why we have to leave out the theory of a creator.

There was a time not too far in the past that earth was thought the center of the known universe by people just like you. Then most people thought they saw all planets and moons as pefectly formed spheres. Then with the first telescopes the theory that the stars we could see was the whole universe. Then Hubble discovered some other galaxies.

As you stated... the problem is what you do not or refuse to see.
No, Allie, you bunch still wish to teach mythology in science classes.
Though it is as plausible a theory for the creation of the world as any other. If we're going to delve into fantasy, I don't see why we have to leave out the theory of a creator.

Creation myths don't belong in science class. Try sociology of religion instead.

I agree myths don't belong in science class. We just differ on which one is the myth.
Though it is as plausible a theory for the creation of the world as any other. If we're going to delve into fantasy, I don't see why we have to leave out the theory of a creator.

Creation myths don't belong in science class. Try sociology of religion instead.

I agree myths don't belong in science class. We just differ on which one is the myth.

Differ? Faith is just another way of saying "scary stupid". Fortunately most people in this country are aware of the weakness in your reasoning and will never allow you back in the white house.
Creation myths don't belong in science class. Try sociology of religion instead.

I agree myths don't belong in science class. We just differ on which one is the myth.

Differ? Faith is just another way of saying "scary stupid". Fortunately most people in this country are aware of the weakness in your reasoning and will never allow you back in the white house.

How do I miss out on all this fun stuff. When was I in the white house and why don't I remember it. I knew I felt a little dizzy a couple of years back. Just don't rember that though...
Though it is as plausible a theory for the creation of the world as any other. If we're going to delve into fantasy, I don't see why we have to leave out the theory of a creator.

Creation myths don't belong in science class. Try sociology of religion instead.

I agree myths don't belong in science class. We just differ on which one is the myth.

And yet you present NO evidence that would make your side of the argument plausible. Not one iota of evidence for ID (since that is impossible anyway) and not one iota of evidence that supports evolutions as false. Where do you come up with these imaginary beliefs? If the bible is your only answer then THAT rests the case, your supposition is wrong since science does not use the bible or faith but rather refers to EVIDENCE.
If they are going to use stuff from the bible it should be
- Dragons
- Satyrs
- Unicorns
- Cockatrices
- Fiery serpents
- Giants
- Talking Snake
- Talking Donkey
I believe that evolution is science, which I know you cannot refute.

I know that creationism/ID is metaphysical analysis, which I know you cannot refute.

One belongs in the science room, the other belongs in the liberal arts or humanities class room.

Our beliefs, you and me, have nothing to do with the truth of my statement above.

And it is just that. Evolution is a "belief" that belongs in the minds who choose to dream about it and nowhere else.

You clearly have no idea of which you talk.
Though it is as plausible a theory for the creation of the world as any other. If we're going to delve into fantasy, I don't see why we have to leave out the theory of a creator.

Creation myths don't belong in science class. Try sociology of religion instead.

I agree myths don't belong in science class. We just differ on which one is the myth.

You have offered no empirical evidence and scientific experiment that validates ID and Creationism: you can't.

You have offered no evidence that evolution is not accurate: you can't.

You have trouble understanding one is metaphysical and the other physical.
Creation myths don't belong in science class. Try sociology of religion instead.

I agree myths don't belong in science class. We just differ on which one is the myth.

You have offered no empirical evidence and scientific experiment that validates ID and Creationism: you can't.

You have offered no evidence that evolution is not accurate: you can't.

You have trouble understanding one is metaphysical and the other physical.

Creation myths don't belong in science class. Try sociology of religion instead.

I agree myths don't belong in science class. We just differ on which one is the myth.

And yet you present NO evidence that would make your side of the argument plausible. Not one iota of evidence for ID (since that is impossible anyway) and not one iota of evidence that supports evolutions as false. Where do you come up with these imaginary beliefs? If the bible is your only answer then THAT rests the case, your supposition is wrong since science does not use the bible or faith but rather refers to EVIDENCE.

What evidence do you have to prove that ID is impossible?

What testable evidence do you have to prove Evolutionism?
I agree myths don't belong in science class. We just differ on which one is the myth.

And yet you present NO evidence that would make your side of the argument plausible. Not one iota of evidence for ID (since that is impossible anyway) and not one iota of evidence that supports evolutions as false. Where do you come up with these imaginary beliefs? If the bible is your only answer then THAT rests the case, your supposition is wrong since science does not use the bible or faith but rather refers to EVIDENCE.

What evidence do you have to prove that ID is impossible?

What testable evidence do you have to prove Evolutionism?
1 - None, as I said ID is a BELIEF and NOT science. It is based in FAITH and not facts. If it is scientific then WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE? You need to provide evidence FOR a theory to make it a scientific theory. The burden is on you.

2 - I DID provide said evidence, you ignored it. Evolution has made many predictions on what we should find that have been verified by observation. Here, I will give you a link that was originally posted here by geauxtohell that explain many of the false arguments that people have against evolution as well as some of the insights that we have gained from it:
[ame=]YouTube - Ken Miller on Intelligent Design[/ame]
Here is a 4 min excerpt that covers one of the more telling predictions that evolution has in regard to the human genome:
[ame=]YouTube - Ken Miller on Intelligent Design[/ame]
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Creationism/ID is faith based. Evolution is science based. One is a belief, the other is factual. Both beliefs and evaluation of facts can be in error, but neither can evaluate the other. Any denial of this basic premise reveals a mind shuttered to critical thinking.

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