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Yeah, but neither can you disprove the existence of any other gods nor disprove fairies, time-travelers, aliens, or time-traveling aliens.

I can provide evidence that shows there is little support for the belief in Santa Clause and that there's no evidence to show he exists, but I can't prove he doesn't.

Well you see, I don't need to disprove anything.

I know what I know. And if there are those that choose to ignore the existence of my Lord, then so be it.

What I don't understand is why there is such an intolerance to Christians.
"I know what I know"

The mantra of the fundie Christian.

We can modify that slightly: "I don't care what evidence you got, I ain't believin' it"

It's ok, God still loves you. I pray that you find peace and can shed yourself of your intolerance and hatred.
Well you see, I don't need to disprove anything.

I know what I know. And if there are those that choose to ignore the existence of my Lord, then so be it.

What I don't understand is why there is such an intolerance to Christians.
"I know what I know"

The mantra of the fundie Christian.

We can modify that slightly: "I don't care what evidence you got, I ain't believin' it"

It's ok, God still loves you. I pray that you find peace and can shed yourself of your intolerance and hatred.

Yes, Zeus loves me.

But more to the point: "I know what I know". So who, really, is the hateful, intolerant one?

It's OK. Jim Jones would still love you.
"I know what I know"

The mantra of the fundie Christian.

We can modify that slightly: "I don't care what evidence you got, I ain't believin' it"

It's ok, God still loves you. I pray that you find peace and can shed yourself of your intolerance and hatred.

Yes, Zeus loves me.

But more to the point: "I know what I know". So who, really, is the hateful, intolerant one?It's OK. Jim Jones would still love you.

You are.

Oh and yes, I know what I know. I'm guessing you don't know what you know or is it you know what you don't know?
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God is a personal experience and one must be willing to allow God to prove Himself on a personal level. That involves asking God to reveal Himself by the person seeking after God. If one isn't honestly seeking God, that one is lost to himself and no amount of imput by a believer will convince that one of anything. But the reality is that every older friend I know has found God when all other options were gone. So my prayer is that you soon run into that roadblock. However, one may also choose to take one's own life. I personally know of at least 2 cases of that nature...
so you're saying is, it's either god or death?
it must suck to be you..

We all will eventually die until the new kingdom comes in to power. Many are choosing everlasting death over everlasting life what is your point ?
as with all the shit you post and this is no exception ,you are projecting a fantasy there is no evidence of everlasting life, just a wish to placate the fear of death and the unknown.
the point O slapdick is you, despite all your proselytizing, you are no closer to knowing if there is life after death than the least complex creatures on earth.
I have seen enough evidence for me to believe. I was once a doubter like many here. from the evidence I have seen has brought me to my faith.

You guys talk a lot about evidence for creation, but when asked to present it, you never seem to be able to. Just the usual "oh it's there. Just look"

Arguments from ignorance and Bible passages are not evidence by the way.

Evidence of design in the heavens as well as here on this planet and throughout nature.

I have seen enough evidence for me to believe. I was once a doubter like many here. from the evidence I have seen has brought me to my faith.

So not having any real scientific facts to back up your beliefs doesn't matter to you?
So what's it like living in a fantasy world?

Fact is design in nature is observed.

What facts do you have to prove that design in nature is only an appearance as being designed claimed by evolutionist ? do admit things appear to have been designed.
THE APPEARANCE OF DESIGN is no proof of design

outward show or seeming; semblance.
Hollie do you understand the laws of probability ?

Here Basic Laws of Probability

Enjoy :D

Ima I'll ask you the same question as Hollie are your views the result of what fallible man say's or the evidence ?
funny you should say that as all your sources are observed and written about by fallible men including the bible.
you claim to have evidence in fact you don't.
evidence is only as good as it's interpretation. yours suck!
It's ok, God still loves you. I pray that you find peace and can shed yourself of your intolerance and hatred.

Yes, Zeus loves me.

But more to the point: "I know what I know". So who, really, is the hateful, intolerant one?It's OK. Jim Jones would still love you.

You are.

Oh and yes, I know what I know. I'm guessing you don't know what you know or is it you know what you don't know?
you may know what you know except everything you know is wrong.
Seems that God had already headed off the infinite regression arguments over 2500 years ago. Can we just put the Gawds argument to rest??

Isaiah 43:10 (King James Version)

10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
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