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Seems that God had already headed off the infinite regression arguments over 2500 years ago. Can we just put the Gawds argument to rest??

Isaiah 43:10 (King James Version)

10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

It's pretty typical for the men who invent gawdz to claim that their gawdz are the "true" gawdz.

The inventors of religions never claim their gawds are secondary in comparison to the competing gawds. That workd dismantle the authority of their religion.

Do the Hindus say "well, we're sort of right, but you know, maybe those Greeks are really, right"

To the back of the line you go with your also-ran gawds.
Youwerecreated and other creationists,

Do you believe in the changing within the species or microevolution?
Seems that God had already headed off the infinite regression arguments over 2500 years ago. Can we just put the Gawds argument to rest??

Isaiah 43:10 (King James Version)

10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

It's pretty typical for the men who invent gawdz to claim that their gawdz are the "true" gawdz.

The inventors of religions never claim their gawds are secondary in comparison to the competing gawds. That workd dismantle the authority of their religion.

Do the Hindus say "well, we're sort of right, but you know, maybe those Greeks are really, right"

To the back of the line you go with your also-ran gawds.

Aside from the abramic religions, what religions make that claim?
More miracles for you to absorb.

1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.

Many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end. But here are a few:

The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.3 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.

The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day.

And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents.4

Water...colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it. Plants, animals and human beings consist mostly of water (about two-thirds of the human body is water). You'll see why the characteristics of water are uniquely suited to life:

It has an unusually high boiling point and freezing point. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature changes, while keeping our bodies a steady 98.6 degrees.

Water is a universal solvent. This property of water means that various chemicals, minerals and nutrients can be carried throughout our bodies and into the smallest blood vessels.5

Water is also chemically neutral. Without affecting the makeup of the substances it carries, water enables food, medicines and minerals to be absorbed and used by the body.

Water has a unique surface tension. Water in plants can therefore flow upward against gravity, bringing life-giving water and nutrients to the top of even the tallest trees.

Water freezes from the top down and floats, so fish can live in the winter.

Ninety-seven percent of the Earth's water is in the oceans. But on our Earth, there is a system designed which removes salt from the water and then distributes that water throughout the globe. Evaporation takes the ocean waters, leaving the salt, and forms clouds which are easily moved by the wind to disperse water over the land, for vegetation, animals and people. It is a system of purification and supply that sustains life on this planet, a system of recycled and reused water.6

The human brain...simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information. Your brain takes in all the colors and objects you see, the temperature around you, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the sounds around you, the dryness of your mouth, even the texture of your keyboard. Your brain holds and processes all your emotions, thoughts and memories. At the same time your brain keeps track of the ongoing functions of your body like your breathing pattern, eyelid movement, hunger and movement of the muscles in your hands.

The human brain processes more than a million messages a second.7 Your brain weighs the importance of all this data, filtering out the relatively unimportant. This screening function is what allows you to focus and operate effectively in your world. The brain functions differently than other organs. There is an intelligence to it, the ability to reason, to produce feelings, to dream and plan, to take action, and relate to other people.

The eye...can distinguish among seven million colors. It has automatic focusing and handles an astounding 1.5 million messages -- simultaneously.8 Evolution focuses on mutations and changes from and within existing organisms. Yet evolution alone does not fully explain the initial source of the eye or the brain -- the start of living organisms from nonliving matter.

2. Does God exist? The universe had a start - what caused it?

Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. This was the singular start to everything that exists: the beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself.

Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow, a self-described agnostic, stated, "The seed of everything that has happened in the Universe was planted in that first instant; every star, every planet and every living creature in the Universe came into being as a result of events that were set in motion in the moment of the cosmic explosion...The Universe flashed into being, and we cannot find out what caused that to happen."9

Steven Weinberg, a Nobel laureate in Physics, said at the moment of this explosion, "the universe was about a hundred thousands million degrees Centigrade...and the universe was filled with light."10

The universe has not always existed. It had a start...what caused that? Scientists have no explanation for the sudden explosion of light and matter.

3. Does God exist? The universe operates by uniform laws of nature. Why does it?

Much of life may seem uncertain, but look at what we can count on day after day: gravity remains consistent, a hot cup of coffee left on a counter will get cold, the earth rotates in the same 24 hours, and the speed of light doesn't change -- on earth or in galaxies far from us.

How is it that we can identify laws of nature that never change? Why is the universe so orderly, so reliable?

"The greatest scientists have been struck by how strange this is. There is no logical necessity for a universe that obeys rules, let alone one that abides by the rules of mathematics. This astonishment springs from the recognition that the universe doesn't have to behave this way. It is easy to imagine a universe in which conditions change unpredictably from instant to instant, or even a universe in which things pop in and out of existence."11

Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics, said, "Why nature is mathematical is a mystery...The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle."12

4. Does God exist? The DNA code informs, programs a cell's behavior.

All instruction, all teaching, all training comes with intent. Someone who writes an instruction manual does so with purpose. Did you know that in every cell of our bodies there exists a very detailed instruction code, much like a miniature computer program? As you may know, a computer program is made up of ones and zeros, like this: 110010101011000. The way they are arranged tell the computer program what to do. The DNA code in each of our cells is very similar. It's made up of four chemicals that scientists abbreviate as A, T, G, and C. These are arranged in the human cell like this: CGTGTGACTCGCTCCTGAT and so on. There are three billion of these letters in every human cell!!

Well, just like you can program your phone to beep for specific reasons, DNA instructs the cell. DNA is a three-billion-lettered program telling the cell to act in a certain way. It is a full instruction manual.13

Why is this so amazing? One has to did this information program wind up in each human cell? These are not just chemicals. These are chemicals that instruct, that code in a very detailed way exactly how the person's body should develop.

Natural, biological causes are completely lacking as an explanation when programmed information is involved. You cannot find instruction, precise information like this, without someone intentionally constructing it.

Does God Exist - Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There - Existence of God - Proof of God

You listed a bunch of observations, none of which are evidence that they were created by a deity. It is question begging to conclude this, by throwing in a hidden premise that says "this observations are only explainable if a deity created it all. Therefore, a deity created it all." That's circular.

Miracle upon miracle for such a planet to exist that can sustain the very diverse life that exists here. Through probability naturalists fail. Like I said, you say it's not evidence so it must of been miracles for all these to happen. There is so much more that has not been brought up.I think most people when they consider such evidence just can't bring themselves to believe as you do I believe most people can and will use rationale for this evidence.

By definition, there haven't been any miracles since the beginning of space and time in a naturalistic universe. Everything arising naturally precludes miracles, by the definition o miracle. Just because you call something a miracle, doesn't mean it is.
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Youwerecreated and other creationists,

Do you believe in the changing within the species or microevolution?

The important distinction is that we observe changes that do not increase the genetic information in an organism.Such variation within created kinds of organisms is observable in nature and may be influenced by natural selection as well as other factors genetic drift, founder effects, etc. Creation scientists do not disagree that such change occurs and is even a way in which speciation sometimes occurs.
You listed a bunch of observations, none of which are evidence that they were created by a deity. It is question begging to conclude this, by throwing in a hidden premise that says "this observations are only explainable if a deity created it all. Therefore, a deity created it all." That's circular.

Miracle upon miracle for such a planet to exist that can sustain the very diverse life that exists here. Through probability naturalists fail. Like I said, you say it's not evidence so it must of been miracles for all these to happen. There is so much more that has not been brought up.I think most people when they consider such evidence just can't bring themselves to believe as you do I believe most people can and will use rationale for this evidence.

By definition, there haven't been any miracles since the beginning of space and time in a naturalistic universe. Everything arising naturally precludes miracles, by the definition o miracle. Just because you call something a miracle, doesn't mean it is.

If you believe everything is the result of accidents and copying errors yes you believe in miracles.
Miracle upon miracle for such a planet to exist that can sustain the very diverse life that exists here. Through probability naturalists fail. Like I said, you say it's not evidence so it must of been miracles for all these to happen. There is so much more that has not been brought up.I think most people when they consider such evidence just can't bring themselves to believe as you do I believe most people can and will use rationale for this evidence.

By definition, there haven't been any miracles since the beginning of space and time in a naturalistic universe. Everything arising naturally precludes miracles, by the definition o miracle. Just because you call something a miracle, doesn't mean it is.

If you believe everything is the result of accidents and copying errors yes you believe in miracles.

Please explain how this is a miracle, by the definition. I sense an argument from ignorance.
Miracle upon miracle for such a planet to exist that can sustain the very diverse life that exists here. Through probability naturalists fail. Like I said, you say it's not evidence so it must of been miracles for all these to happen. There is so much more that has not been brought up.I think most people when they consider such evidence just can't bring themselves to believe as you do I believe most people can and will use rationale for this evidence.

By definition, there haven't been any miracles since the beginning of space and time in a naturalistic universe. Everything arising naturally precludes miracles, by the definition o miracle. Just because you call something a miracle, doesn't mean it is.

If you believe everything is the result of accidents and copying errors yes you believe in miracles.
That is another rather embarrassing admission on your part to a basic failure to understand the mechanisms of the biological life sciences. Fitness for survival explains the methodology for reproductive success whereby those attributes which provide an advantage for survival are passed along during reproduction.

That is one of the most basic principles of evolutionary theoy.

Your gawds failed that course.
By definition, there haven't been any miracles since the beginning of space and time in a naturalistic universe. Everything arising naturally precludes miracles, by the definition o miracle. Just because you call something a miracle, doesn't mean it is.

If you believe everything is the result of accidents and copying errors yes you believe in miracles.

Please explain how this is a miracle, by the definition. I sense an argument from ignorance.

You sense nothing of the sort there is nothing to debate here if you're a naturalist you believe in miracles.
By definition, there haven't been any miracles since the beginning of space and time in a naturalistic universe. Everything arising naturally precludes miracles, by the definition o miracle. Just because you call something a miracle, doesn't mean it is.

If you believe everything is the result of accidents and copying errors yes you believe in miracles.

Please explain how this is a miracle, by the definition. I sense an argument from ignorance.

What kind of rationale is used by the naturalist to believe that important things needed for good health such as;

Sodium,potassium,fiber,sugars,protein,vitamin A,Vitamin C,Iron, Vitamin D3,Vitamin E, Thiamin B1, Riboflavin B2, Niacin, Vitamin B6,Folic Acid, Vitamin B12,Biotin, Pantothenic Acid,Phosphrous, Magnesium,Zinc,Manganese,Tocotrienols, Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids,Inositol Ip6, Gamma Oryzanol,Phyto Sterols,Beta Sitosterol. All provided to us through plants and minerals that our body needs for health and wellness and good cell reproduction.

What kind of rationale do you people use to believe all of this just came naturally that a designer did not proivide these things to us.

You people say you use logic but do you really ?
A naturalistic universe precludes miracles.

Then you should be able to answer these questions if that is what you believe. Explain this without violating known laws.

Where did the matter come from? what caused the explosion ?

Not knowing these questions doesn't automatically point to an invisible superbeing.

Then why would you think it just happened by chance ? Look at my last post the designer has provided things to us to help most of us with good health while we are alive. It is a bit much to think all of this happened by chance.
If you believe everything is the result of accidents and copying errors yes you believe in miracles.

Please explain how this is a miracle, by the definition. I sense an argument from ignorance.

What kind of rationale is used by the naturalist to believe that important things needed for good health such as;

Sodium,potassium,fiber,sugars,protein,vitamin A,Vitamin C,Iron, Vitamin D3,Vitamin E, Thiamin B1, Riboflavin B2, Niacin, Vitamin B6,Folic Acid, Vitamin B12,Biotin, Pantothenic Acid,Phosphrous, Magnesium,Zinc,Manganese,Tocotrienols, Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids,Inositol Ip6, Gamma Oryzanol,Phyto Sterols,Beta Sitosterol. All provided to us through plants and minerals that our body needs for health and wellness and good cell reproduction.

What kind of rationale do you people use to believe all of this just came naturally that a designer did not proivide these things to us.

You people say you use logic but do you really ?

posts like this are why they're telling you that you don't seem to have studied the science.


you wouldn't have asked, if you had.
If you believe everything is the result of accidents and copying errors yes you believe in miracles.

Please explain how this is a miracle, by the definition. I sense an argument from ignorance.

What kind of rationale is used by the naturalist to believe that important things needed for good health such as;

Sodium,potassium,fiber,sugars,protein,vitamin A,Vitamin C,Iron, Vitamin D3,Vitamin E, Thiamin B1, Riboflavin B2, Niacin, Vitamin B6,Folic Acid, Vitamin B12,Biotin, Pantothenic Acid,Phosphrous, Magnesium,Zinc,Manganese,Tocotrienols, Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids,Inositol Ip6, Gamma Oryzanol,Phyto Sterols,Beta Sitosterol. All provided to us through plants and minerals that our body needs for health and wellness and good cell reproduction.

What kind of rationale do you people use to believe all of this just came naturally that a designer did not proivide these things to us.

You people say you use logic but do you really ?
All of the basic building blocks of life occur naturally in the universe. All of the simpler, lighter elements readily combine to form more complicated structures.

Those are basic principles that any high school chemistry student would know. You have been indoctrinated with the belief that only through magic and mysticism can the natural world be explained. You shouldn't feel a need to impose your superstitious ignorance on others.
Then you should be able to answer these questions if that is what you believe. Explain this without violating known laws.

Where did the matter come from? what caused the explosion ?

Not knowing these questions doesn't automatically point to an invisible superbeing.

Then why would you think it just happened by chance ? Look at my last post the designer has provided things to us to help most of us with good health while we are alive. It is a bit much to think all of this happened by chance.

I never said that it happened by chance, those are your words. But you still have no proof of a designer, just a theory.
Then you should be able to answer these questions if that is what you believe. Explain this without violating known laws.

Where did the matter come from? what caused the explosion ?

Not knowing these questions doesn't automatically point to an invisible superbeing.

Then why would you think it just happened by chance ? Look at my last post the designer has provided things to us to help most of us with good health while we are alive. It is a bit much to think all of this happened by chance.
You're not paying attention. "Chance", is a term you hurl falsely and ignorantly.
Please explain how this is a miracle, by the definition. I sense an argument from ignorance.

What kind of rationale is used by the naturalist to believe that important things needed for good health such as;

Sodium,potassium,fiber,sugars,protein,vitamin A,Vitamin C,Iron, Vitamin D3,Vitamin E, Thiamin B1, Riboflavin B2, Niacin, Vitamin B6,Folic Acid, Vitamin B12,Biotin, Pantothenic Acid,Phosphrous, Magnesium,Zinc,Manganese,Tocotrienols, Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids,Inositol Ip6, Gamma Oryzanol,Phyto Sterols,Beta Sitosterol. All provided to us through plants and minerals that our body needs for health and wellness and good cell reproduction.

What kind of rationale do you people use to believe all of this just came naturally that a designer did not proivide these things to us.

You people say you use logic but do you really ?

posts like this are why they're telling you that you don't seem to have studied the science.


you wouldn't have asked, if you had.

Sorry I am not understanding your point forgive me it is early in the morning where I am.
Not knowing these questions doesn't automatically point to an invisible superbeing.

Then why would you think it just happened by chance ? Look at my last post the designer has provided things to us to help most of us with good health while we are alive. It is a bit much to think all of this happened by chance.
You're not paying attention. "Chance", is a term you hurl falsely and ignorantly.

Everything is the result of chance if there was no designer. Naturalists believe everything is the result of natural processes with having no explanation how it happened naturally.
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