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So after the flood, how did all the animals get back to Australia, Hawaii and other far off places from where the boat landed?

This has been addressed already but the question should be answered by your side as well. The creationist actually agree with evolutionist on this answer :razz:
So after the Flood, how did all the animals get back to Australia, Hawaii and other far off places from where the boat landed?
After the actual Flood came an Ice Age. This caused ocean depths to drop. Likely such animals lived elsewhere originally and migrated to places prone to support their kind in the brave new Post Flood environment. Scientists say a land bridge once connected Asia to North America. So, there were likely others.

Good answer.
no that's not what Underhill was saying.. Underhill was however pointing out the huge differences between you bigoted, bible thumping, ignorant propagandists and the founding fathers.
to answer your provocation, no creationists are not men or women of science.

Take a close look at yourself and your posts you could be the real propagandists. Showing your hatred for people who merely believe in a higher power where does the hatred and contempt come from daws ? What have believers done to you for you to feel this way about them ? You are wrong there are many of us educated in the sciences and believe in the creator and creation.
lol ... the basis of your whole belief system is if you don't do as we tell you to do then you are going to hell...please not shit about free choice

if that's not propaganda and hubris .then there is none .

You're stereotyping daws,I do not believe that hell is the kind of place that many Christians and atheists take it as. A careful study shows what kind of place Hell really is.
really slapdick? what you fail epically and constantly to understand is your false comparisons are meaningless so instead of answering that inane question,"Now if they could only demonstrate that a bacterium could evolve in to something other then a bacterium"- ywc (btw other than is not the same as non! ) I presented actually proof that bacteria do evolve.

also micro adaptations and macro-evolution are bullshit creationist pseudoscience AND are not actual scientific terms .
apes and men had a common ancestor that's WHERE.

I am asking you what did humans evolve from ? what did apes evolve from ? What did the common ancestor evolve from ?

Those terms were actually coined by evolutionist please don't force me to continue repeating myself.

From one of your favorite sites.

"Antievolutionists argue against macroevolution so loudly that some people think they invented the term in order to dismiss evolution. But this is not true; scientists not only use the terms, they have an elaborate set of models and ideas about it, which of course antievolutionists gloss over or treat as being somehow problems for evolutionary biology."

Macroevolution: Its definition, Philosophy and History

What they don't share with their readers there is much debate on what constitutes a completely new species.

Sure you have different kinds within a species but that hardly constitutes macroevolution or speciation. We want to know how a Microbe winds up a Microbiologist. They extrapolate from microadaptations to suggest macroevolution but this is what they can't demonstrate that an accumulation of microadaptations leads to a microbe evolving all the way to the Microbiololgist.
how the fuck is we? if you are not a paid or recognized representative of this imaginary WE then speak for yourself only...almost forgot your oft repeated "question" has been asked and answered like all slapdicks DON'T LIKE THE ANSWER...
OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

Are you trying to duck and avoid that your ignorance was on clear display once again ? I even showed it from one of your favorite sites you run to when the questions get to tough for you to answer.
Take a close look at yourself and your posts you could be the real propagandists. Showing your hatred for people who merely believe in a higher power where does the hatred and contempt come from daws ? What have believers done to you for you to feel this way about them ? You are wrong there are many of us educated in the sciences and believe in the creator and creation.
lol ... the basis of your whole belief system is if you don't do as we tell you to do then you are going to hell...please not shit about free choice

if that's not propaganda and hubris .then there is none .

You're stereotyping daws,I do not believe that hell is the kind of place that many Christians and atheists take it as. A careful study shows what kind of place Hell really is.
are you really this fucking dumb, no I'm not stereotyping the fact is you believe in hell no matter how you try to candy coat it. so my statements stands
I am asking you what did humans evolve from ? what did apes evolve from ? What did the common ancestor evolve from ?

Those terms were actually coined by evolutionist please don't force me to continue repeating myself.

From one of your favorite sites.

"Antievolutionists argue against macroevolution so loudly that some people think they invented the term in order to dismiss evolution. But this is not true; scientists not only use the terms, they have an elaborate set of models and ideas about it, which of course antievolutionists gloss over or treat as being somehow problems for evolutionary biology."

Macroevolution: Its definition, Philosophy and History

What they don't share with their readers there is much debate on what constitutes a completely new species.

Sure you have different kinds within a species but that hardly constitutes macroevolution or speciation. We want to know how a Microbe winds up a Microbiologist. They extrapolate from microadaptations to suggest macroevolution but this is what they can't demonstrate that an accumulation of microadaptations leads to a microbe evolving all the way to the Microbiololgist.
how the fuck is we? if you are not a paid or recognized representative of this imaginary WE then speak for yourself only...almost forgot your oft repeated "question" has been asked and answered like all slapdicks DON'T LIKE THE ANSWER...
OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

Are you trying to duck and avoid that your ignorance was on clear display once again ? I even showed it from one of your favorite sites you run to when the questions get to tough for you to answer.
sorry, you must be looking in the mirror again. my statement stands.

OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.
how the fuck is we? if you are not a paid or recognized representative of this imaginary WE then speak for yourself only...almost forgot your oft repeated "question" has been asked and answered like all slapdicks DON'T LIKE THE ANSWER...
OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

Are you trying to duck and avoid that your ignorance was on clear display once again ? I even showed it from one of your favorite sites you run to when the questions get to tough for you to answer.
sorry, you must be looking in the mirror again. my statement stands.

OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

Closed smosed! The entire Universe is God's domain. It all is one and the same. Every part needs the other. There is nothing independent of GOD.
I am asking you what did humans evolve from ? what did apes evolve from ? What did the common ancestor evolve from ?

Those terms were actually coined by evolutionist please don't force me to continue repeating myself.

From one of your favorite sites.

"Antievolutionists argue against macroevolution so loudly that some people think they invented the term in order to dismiss evolution. But this is not true; scientists not only use the terms, they have an elaborate set of models and ideas about it, which of course antievolutionists gloss over or treat as being somehow problems for evolutionary biology."

Macroevolution: Its definition, Philosophy and History

What they don't share with their readers there is much debate on what constitutes a completely new species.

Sure you have different kinds within a species but that hardly constitutes macroevolution or speciation. We want to know how a Microbe winds up a Microbiologist. They extrapolate from microadaptations to suggest macroevolution but this is what they can't demonstrate that an accumulation of microadaptations leads to a microbe evolving all the way to the Microbiololgist.
Your confusion and ignorance deries from not reading the link you posted.

Speciation has been observed. This has been explained to you and other creationist multiple times.

Are you dense?

Your lack of comprehension of my argument causes ignorant statements from you. Speciation is a tough argument for your side when the community is divided over what constitutes a species. If you want to call the many different dog breeds macroevolution or speciation that is fine and that is what you're in a sense doing but you will never see any breed of canine be a non-canine get it ?

You're asking the one that holds a degree in molecular biology if he is dense :cuckoo: Like I said I will ignore your posts again. Listen to me really good,I agree with very little of that sites opinions, I was just merely pointing out the ignorance of daws and the others here that don't know what they are talking about.

The problem you’re having is that you don’t have an argument. Speciation is a not a “tough argumenr” at all. Obviously, it presents a great deal of difficulty for “your side” (the side that needs to invoke magic and supermagical forces), because that is all that that fundie zealots can produce. Additionally, it's quite evident that like so many of the lies you post, your claim to holding a degree in molecular biology is a farce. The vocabulary you possess in those rare circumstances when you attempt to define biological terms in your own words is a joke. Your copying and pasting from Harun Yaya makes your weak attempts at discussion regarding biology a total fraud.

The observance of speciation isn't a problem for biologists and the study of evolution. Evolution actually is observed in the present with living species. Being ignorant of science and refusing to allow for science to supplant ancient myths is a problem for the fundie zealot. It’s a well understood field of science. Fundie zealots hear the word species and copy /paste siliness from creationist websites Species can be many biological organisms such as fruit flies, or daffodils. Look at Observed Instances ofSpeciation: Observed Instances of Speciation and Some More Instances of Speciation: Some More Observed Speciation Events

Your frantic anti-science agenda is rife with falsehoods perpetuated by creationist, who believe it is okay to lie, deceive and promote fear and superstition in order to "save souls".
In order to disprove evolution, (macroevolution or otherwise), critics (fundie christians) need to demonstrate that the sorts of changes to organisms cannot and have not occurred. This will be impossible for creationist, since we have observed, in human, not geologic timeframes, speciation happening, morphological changes and the genetic changes are understood and in many cases reproducible.

As with all frantic creationist anti-science rhetoric intended to discredit hard, scientific evidence, your efforts are an abysmal failure. You say that design requires a designer. Quite clearly, it then falls to creationist to demonstrate what evidence they have to require that the world was designed not just by any “designer” but your specific, alleged “designer”. The natural world is certainly complex, and complexity requires explanations, not hand-me-down, invented designer gawds.
Are you trying to duck and avoid that your ignorance was on clear display once again ? I even showed it from one of your favorite sites you run to when the questions get to tough for you to answer.
sorry, you must be looking in the mirror again. my statement stands.

OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

Closed smosed! The entire Universe is God's domain. It all is one and the same. Every part needs the other. There is nothing independent of GOD.

Of course it is dear.

Here, have a cookie.
So after the Flood, how did all the animals get back to Australia, Hawaii and other far off places from where the boat landed?
After the actual Flood came an Ice Age. This caused ocean depths to drop. Likely such animals lived elsewhere originally and migrated to places prone to support their kind in the brave new Post Flood environment. Scientists say a land bridge once connected Asia to North America. So, there were likely others.

Good answer.

Pointless babble.

The christian bibles tales of a global flood have been thoroughly debunked.
lol ... the basis of your whole belief system is if you don't do as we tell you to do then you are going to hell...please not shit about free choice

if that's not propaganda and hubris .then there is none .

You're stereotyping daws,I do not believe that hell is the kind of place that many Christians and atheists take it as. A careful study shows what kind of place Hell really is.
are you really this fucking dumb, no I'm not stereotyping the fact is you believe in hell no matter how you try to candy coat it. so my statements stands

Yes I believe Hell is nothing more then the Grave some will go there for everlasting death and some will be resurrected from there to everlasting life.
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how the fuck is we? if you are not a paid or recognized representative of this imaginary WE then speak for yourself only...almost forgot your oft repeated "question" has been asked and answered like all slapdicks DON'T LIKE THE ANSWER...
OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

Are you trying to duck and avoid that your ignorance was on clear display once again ? I even showed it from one of your favorite sites you run to when the questions get to tough for you to answer.
sorry, you must be looking in the mirror again. my statement stands.

OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

How do you figure lol ? we know meteors have passed through the atmosphere without burning completely up. What do you think metal detectors find all the time ? But I would like you to explain to me why this proves it's an open system ? Heck by your reasoning the sun would prove it was an open system. The atmoshere is there for several reasons but to complex to explain it to you it is there to protect Gods creation.

What is the chance of a meteor of that size stricking the earth or exploding over a town or city and not killing hundreds if not thousands of people. As it is, this meteor was not even the one observed by scientists (yet they published that one would come close to the earth that very same day ---- but not hit it). Now, had this meteror come in at a steeper angle, it would have likely hit a populated area.

So, here we have a report that on a given day a meteor was going to come close to earth. So, there is a warning of sorts. Next another meteor (totally unforeseen) does come but misses landing on a populated area. The injuries are from broken glass and not a thermal explosion... And you don't see God in any of this?
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What is the chance of a meteor of that size stricking the earth or exploding over a town or city and not killing hundreds if not thousands of people. As it is, this meteor was not even the one observed by scientists (yet they published that one would come close to the earth that very same day ---- but not hit it). Now, had this meteror come in at a steeper angle, it would have likely hit a populated area.

So, here we have a report that on a given day a meteor was going to come close to earth. So, there is a warning of sorts. Next another meteor (totally unforeseen) does come but misses landing on a populated area. The injuries are from broken glass and not a thermal explosion... And you don't see God in any of this?

The earth is mostly water and most of the land is unoccupied, so the chances of it hitting a populated are are really quite small, and this one did (most meteors don't hit the ground but explode over it, no matter what the angle of descent). 1000 or so people were injured. So what's your point? God saved them from being wiped out? You're nuts. It was a TOTALLY random event.
So you're saying that god wiped out the dinosaurs on purpose with a massive asteroid or didn't he see it coming? :D
Are you trying to duck and avoid that your ignorance was on clear display once again ? I even showed it from one of your favorite sites you run to when the questions get to tough for you to answer.
sorry, you must be looking in the mirror again. my statement stands.

OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

Closed smosed! The entire Universe is God's domain. It all is one and the same. Every part needs the other. There is nothing independent of GOD.
ywc would disagree.
but as always you have no proof that it's your god or any other god's domain.
just a wish!
You're stereotyping daws,I do not believe that hell is the kind of place that many Christians and atheists take it as. A careful study shows what kind of place Hell really is.
are you really this fucking dumb, no I'm not stereotyping the fact is you believe in hell no matter how you try to candy coat it. so my statements stands

Yes I believe Hell is nothing more then the Grave some will go there for everlasting death and some will be resurrected from there to everlasting life.
still more propaganda
are you really this fucking dumb, no I'm not stereotyping the fact is you believe in hell no matter how you try to candy coat it. so my statements stands

Yes I believe Hell is nothing more then the Grave some will go there for everlasting death and some will be resurrected from there to everlasting life.
still more propaganda

So youw, will god resurrect any muslims or jews, or just your favorite people?
Are you trying to duck and avoid that your ignorance was on clear display once again ? I even showed it from one of your favorite sites you run to when the questions get to tough for you to answer.
sorry, you must be looking in the mirror again. my statement stands.

OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

How do you figure lol ? we know meteors have passed through the atmosphere without burning completely up. What do you think metal detectors find all the time ? But I would like you to explain to me why this proves it's an open system ? Heck by your reasoning the sun would prove it was an open system. The atmoshere is there for several reasons but to complex to explain it to you it is there to protect Gods creation.
lol lol you've contradicted yourself yet again :

closed system
An isolated system that has no interaction with its external environment. Closed systems with outputs are knowable only thorough their outputs which are not dependent on the system being a closed or open system. Closed systems without any output are knowable only from within. See also entropy.

Read more: What is closed system? definition and meaning

the sun does proves it's an open system it's energy is what power the earth .
who's ignorant?

What is the chance of a meteor of that size stricking the earth or exploding over a town or city and not killing hundreds if not thousands of people. As it is, this meteor was not even the one observed by scientists (yet they published that one would come close to the earth that very same day ---- but not hit it). Now, had this meteror come in at a steeper angle, it would have likely hit a populated area.

So, here we have a report that on a given day a meteor was going to come close to earth. So, there is a warning of sorts. Next another meteor (totally unforeseen) does come but misses landing on a populated area. The injuries are from broken glass and not a thermal explosion... And you don't see God in any of this?
lol.... you did know that there are only a handful of observatories that scan then sky for asteroids.
together all of them can only scan 10% of the sky at any time.
so the odds of seeing all potential asteroid strikes is (pun intended ) astronomical!
your specious conjecture about it being gods work is just silly.
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