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God sent a meteor just to get our attention? Guess he was telling me to remember to turn off the lights before I went to bed last week when I saw one streaking across the sky while I was sitting on my patio
Just how is this proof of god? :dunno:

What is the chance of a meteor of that size stricking the earth or exploding over a town or city and not killing hundreds if not thousands of people. As it is, this meteor was not even the one observed by scientists (yet they published that one would come close to the earth that very same day ---- but not hit it). Now, had this meteror come in at a steeper angle, it would have likely hit a populated area.

So, here we have a report that on a given day a meteor was going to come close to earth. So, there is a warning of sorts. Next another meteor (totally unforeseen) does come but misses landing on a populated area. The injuries are from broken glass and not a thermal explosion... And you don't see God in any of this?

The earth is mostly water and most of the land is unoccupied, so the chances of it hitting a populated are are really quite small, and this one did (most meteors don't hit the ground but explode over it, no matter what the angle of descent). 1000 or so people were injured. So what's your point? God saved them from being wiped out? You're nuts. It was a TOTALLY random event.
So you're saying that god wiped out the dinosaurs on purpose with a massive asteroid or didn't he see it coming? :D

No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
What is the chance of a meteor of that size stricking the earth or exploding over a town or city and not killing hundreds if not thousands of people. As it is, this meteor was not even the one observed by scientists (yet they published that one would come close to the earth that very same day ---- but not hit it). Now, had this meteror come in at a steeper angle, it would have likely hit a populated area.

So, here we have a report that on a given day a meteor was going to come close to earth. So, there is a warning of sorts. Next another meteor (totally unforeseen) does come but misses landing on a populated area. The injuries are from broken glass and not a thermal explosion... And you don't see God in any of this?

The earth is mostly water and most of the land is unoccupied, so the chances of it hitting a populated are are really quite small, and this one did (most meteors don't hit the ground but explode over it, no matter what the angle of descent). 1000 or so people were injured. So what's your point? God saved them from being wiped out? You're nuts. It was a TOTALLY random event.
So you're saying that god wiped out the dinosaurs on purpose with a massive asteroid or didn't he see it coming? :D

No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
again you're wrong totally wrong .
the yarn about the ark and dinosaurs is pure fantasy.
as to things happening for a reason... shit happens and we make up reason for why...and most of those are wrong .
yours is specious at best.
Yes I believe Hell is nothing more then the Grave some will go there for everlasting death and some will be resurrected from there to everlasting life.
still more propaganda

So youw, will god resurrect any muslims or jews, or just your favorite people?

God will resurrect all that he has not judged and put to death already. Some will be resurrected to face God for their everlasting punishment which is death. The others a resurrection to everlasting life. All men will see the one they eiither accepted or denied.
sorry, you must be looking in the mirror again. my statement stands.

OH YEAH, this meteor strike kinda blows the shit out of your closed system nonsense.

How do you figure lol ? we know meteors have passed through the atmosphere without burning completely up. What do you think metal detectors find all the time ? But I would like you to explain to me why this proves it's an open system ? Heck by your reasoning the sun would prove it was an open system. The atmoshere is there for several reasons but to complex to explain it to you it is there to protect Gods creation.
lol lol you've contradicted yourself yet again :

closed system
An isolated system that has no interaction with its external environment. Closed systems with outputs are knowable only thorough their outputs which are not dependent on the system being a closed or open system. Closed systems without any output are knowable only from within. See also entropy.

Read more: What is closed system? definition and meaning

the sun does proves it's an open system it's energy is what power the earth .
who's ignorant?

You are the one that is still ignorant and don't fully understand what the atmosphere does for this planet.
The earth is mostly water and most of the land is unoccupied, so the chances of it hitting a populated are are really quite small, and this one did (most meteors don't hit the ground but explode over it, no matter what the angle of descent). 1000 or so people were injured. So what's your point? God saved them from being wiped out? You're nuts. It was a TOTALLY random event.
So you're saying that god wiped out the dinosaurs on purpose with a massive asteroid or didn't he see it coming? :D

No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
again you're wrong totally wrong .
the yarn about the ark and dinosaurs is pure fantasy.
as to things happening for a reason... shit happens and we make up reason for why...and most of those are wrong .
yours is specious at best.

What do you think science is ? You make crap up and hope it's not proven wrong,then when it is proven wrong you move the goalposts and present another explanation until it's proven wrong. This way they can use the claim it's both fact and theory. :lol:
What is the chance of a meteor of that size stricking the earth or exploding over a town or city and not killing hundreds if not thousands of people. As it is, this meteor was not even the one observed by scientists (yet they published that one would come close to the earth that very same day ---- but not hit it). Now, had this meteror come in at a steeper angle, it would have likely hit a populated area.

So, here we have a report that on a given day a meteor was going to come close to earth. So, there is a warning of sorts. Next another meteor (totally unforeseen) does come but misses landing on a populated area. The injuries are from broken glass and not a thermal explosion... And you don't see God in any of this?

The earth is mostly water and most of the land is unoccupied, so the chances of it hitting a populated are are really quite small, and this one did (most meteors don't hit the ground but explode over it, no matter what the angle of descent). 1000 or so people were injured. So what's your point? God saved them from being wiped out? You're nuts. It was a TOTALLY random event.
So you're saying that god wiped out the dinosaurs on purpose with a massive asteroid or didn't he see it coming? :D

No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?
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The earth is mostly water and most of the land is unoccupied, so the chances of it hitting a populated are are really quite small, and this one did (most meteors don't hit the ground but explode over it, no matter what the angle of descent). 1000 or so people were injured. So what's your point? God saved them from being wiped out? You're nuts. It was a TOTALLY random event.
So you're saying that god wiped out the dinosaurs on purpose with a massive asteroid or didn't he see it coming? :D

No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?

They (dinosaurs) are found in sediment that is dated older using uniformitarian logic. God created a fully complete universe and earth with a finished ecological system. The Flood buried these large creatures under mud etc. If I bury a body in what appears to be very ancient sediment, the body doesn't become millions of years old simply because its been there only 5000. God chose the animals to be on the ark. I'm sure He picked tame ones and dinosaur eggs are not that large. We have no idea how fast or even how big dinosaurs could grow. It is very possible that some dinosaurs scientists say were different kinds, actually were one in the same only very old. I have no idea what a 1000 year old dinosaur might look like. And you cannot say that dinosaurs couldn't have lived to be very old...
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The earth is mostly water and most of the land is unoccupied, so the chances of it hitting a populated are are really quite small, and this one did (most meteors don't hit the ground but explode over it, no matter what the angle of descent). 1000 or so people were injured. So what's your point? God saved them from being wiped out? You're nuts. It was a TOTALLY random event.
So you're saying that god wiped out the dinosaurs on purpose with a massive asteroid or didn't he see it coming? :D

No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?

You're are relying on fallible to determine the accurate age of sediment. They also want to claim it took millions of years for strata to form when there is evidence that layers of strata can form over a short period of time like during a catastrophic event.

Also fossils to be preserved they need rapid burial not gradual burial.
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No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
again you're wrong totally wrong .
the yarn about the ark and dinosaurs is pure fantasy.
as to things happening for a reason... shit happens and we make up reason for why...and most of those are wrong .
yours is specious at best.

What do you think science is ? You make crap up and hope it's not proven wrong,then when it is proven wrong you move the goalposts and present another explanation until it's proven wrong. This way they can use the claim it's both fact and theory. :lol:
Oh please, :eusa_eh: uniformitarians have been making things up for years. They need to prove life is the end result of a natural process --- no matter want. When I was in the fifth grade, we were taught that the moon pulled out of what is now the Pacific Ocean. I told the teacher that the theory was bunk and that God made the moon. The teacher said that this was a scientific theory with lots of scientific research behind it. The scientists then knew that the moon is moving away from the earth at a measurable rate and if the earth is a old as they believe, that is proof that the moon pulled out of the earth. Today, scientists no longer believe this ---- they were proven wrong when they got to the moon. Yet my belief is firm.
And I do believe that the movement of the moon is valid proof of a young earth, but of course this involves a Creator. So we are at a stale mate. However, science has nothing to do with it. The fact of a CREATOR does not eliminate science. And the fact that we have science does not disprove the existance God. But one needs to accept that if GOD created the universe, there is no rational logic to insisting that it took billions of years. If God made Adam, there is no reason to presuppose that Adam was nursed from an infant and not created a fully grown and mature man. So, I am of the firm belief (since I know God exists) that God created everything in 6 days (as He revealed in His Word) more like an artist than a demolition expert. And I accept His word because Jesus is the Word made flesh --- the only son emanating directly from the Father.
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No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?

They (dinosaurs) are found in sediment that is dated older using uniformitarian logic. God created a fully complete universe and earth with a finished ecological system. The Flood buried these large creatures under mud etc. If I bury a body in what appears to be very ancient sediment, the body doesn't become millions of years old simply because its been there only 5000. God chose the animals to be on the ark. I'm sure He picked tame ones and dinosaur eggs are not that large. We have no idea how fast or even how big dinosaurs could grow. It is very possible that some dinosaurs scientists say were different kinds, actually were one in the same only very old. I have no idea what a 1000 year old dinosaur might look like. And you cannot say that dinosaurs couldn't have lived to be very old...

Uniformitarian logic? You mean like yesterday being the same as today?That's not a contestable notion unless you introduce a demonstrable mechanism that would cause things to be non-uniformitarian. Considering your reason for needing a non-uniformitarian universe is as an ad hoc theory to have your young universe theory make sense, I am certain you will never find any evidence to support this, especially since evidence already confirms and supports uniformity, such as the speed of light being constant everywhere, and there being no known model that would explain it slowing down ever, or being non-uniformitarian.
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again you're wrong totally wrong .
the yarn about the ark and dinosaurs is pure fantasy.
as to things happening for a reason... shit happens and we make up reason for why...and most of those are wrong .
yours is specious at best.

What do you think science is ? You make crap up and hope it's not proven wrong,then when it is proven wrong you move the goalposts and present another explanation until it's proven wrong. This way they can use the claim it's both fact and theory. :lol:
Oh please, :eusa_eh: uniformitarians have been making things up for years. They need to prove life is the end result of a natural process --- no matter want. When I was in the fifth grade, we were taught that the moon pulled out of what is now the Pacific Ocean. I told the teacher that the theory was bunk and that God made the moon. The teacher said that this was a scientific theory with lots of scientific research behind it. The scientists then knew that the moon is moving away from the earth at a measurable rate and if the earth is a old as they believe, that is proof that the moon pulled out of the earth. Today, scientists no longer believe this ---- they were proven wrong when they got to the moon. Yet my belief is firm.
And I do believe that the movement of the moon is valid proof of a young earth, but of course this involves a Creator. So we are at a stale mate. However, science has nothing to do with it. The fact of a CREATOR does not eliminate science. And the fact that we have science does not disprove the existance God. But one needs to accept that if GOD created the universe, there is no rational logic to insisting that it took billions of years. If God made Adam, there is no reason to presuppose that Adam was nursed from an infant and not created a fully grown and mature man. So, I am of the firm belief (since I know God exists) that God created everything in 6 days (as He revealed in His Word) more like an artist than a demolition expert. And I accept His word because Jesus is the Word made flesh --- the only son emanating directly from the Father.

Maybe you misunderstood my point and maybe I chose a poor way to make my point. Now that I read what I posted I am kinda slapping the science community and it was the wrong road to take. Many good things have come from real science and their research. The problem I have is the numbers that are being fed a line of bull with some of the theories that are being taught to our children and because these teachers are in a position to be respected and trusted they are indoctrinating our children with theories they call science and by looking at the evidence it can easily be seen that it is not real science. The scientific method takes a back seat when it comes to the theory of naturalism.

I love science and that is why it was my major and I worked in the field for several years. It just became to difficult trying to work along side of the agenda driven. I can verify that a majority of the scientific labs have been highjacked by Idelogical,agenda driven, atheistic evolutionists. They are not a pleasant crowd they seem down right angry and a very bitter crowd. you can see what I am saying on display in this thread.
No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?

You're are relying on fallible to determine the accurate age of sediment. They also want to claim it took millions of years for strata to form when there is evidence that layers of strata can form over a short period of time like during a catastrophic event.

Also fossils to be preserved they need rapid burial not gradual burial.

You're relying on nonsense furthered by creationist.

CH210: Age of the Earth

Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition

Relying on creationist quacks such as Henry Morris for earth science will only result in your further embarrassment.
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?

They (dinosaurs) are found in sediment that is dated older using uniformitarian logic. God created a fully complete universe and earth with a finished ecological system. The Flood buried these large creatures under mud etc. If I bury a body in what appears to be very ancient sediment, the body doesn't become millions of years old simply because its been there only 5000. God chose the animals to be on the ark. I'm sure He picked tame ones and dinosaur eggs are not that large. We have no idea how fast or even how big dinosaurs could grow. It is very possible that some dinosaurs scientists say were different kinds, actually were one in the same only very old. I have no idea what a 1000 year old dinosaur might look like. And you cannot say that dinosaurs couldn't have lived to be very old...

Uniformitarian logic? You mean like yesterday being the same as today?That's not a contestable notion unless you introduce a demonstrable mechanism that would cause things to be non-uniformitarian. Considering your reason for needing a non-uniformitarian universe is as an ad hoc theory to have your young universe theory make sense, I am certain you will never find any evidence to support this, especially since evidence already confirms and supports uniformity, such as the speed of light being constant everywhere, and there being no known model that would explain it slowing down ever, or being non-uniformitarian.

Charles Lyell created a new paradigm for geology in 1830 by emphasizing a radical uniformity in nature. Though remarkably successful for over 150 years, his system has fallen into disfavor, partly because as Gould (1987) noted, he conjoined distinct concepts into what was soon dubbed “uniformitarianism” by William Whewell. Though Whewell did not mean it favorably, the term became a symbol of pride and for 150 years geologists trumpeted it as “the fundamental principle of geology” (Challinor 1968, p. 331).

But things have changed. By the late twentieth century, many geologists rejected uniformitarianism and some were calling for eliminating the term (Austin 1979; Shea 1982). Much of the clamor can be traced back to the semantic confusion begun by Lyell. Thanks to historians of science, that confusion has been lessened by a rigorous examination of the multiple concepts subsumed for many years under “uniformitarianism,” although many appear to believe that the conflicts are resolved by the mere explication of these definitions.

If this were not enough, another layer of complexity is added by the often-unstated metaphysical battle between Christianity and Naturalism. An early manifestation of this conflict was the mythology—also begun by Lyell—that recast the origin of the science of geology as a simplistic saga. Even today, the public is told that geology began when “scientific” uniformitarians (the good guys) finally triumphed over “religious” catastrophists (the bad guys) and claimed the soul of geology. This cartoonish distortion can be traced to the propaganda of Enlightenment apologists, and is, amazingly, echoed today (for example, Repcheck 2003). Though the polemic trick of pitting “religion” against “science” proved helpful to non-theistic elements in both the earth and life sciences during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the logic of that position fails under scrutiny, and its propaganda is more widely recognized as such (for example, Stark 2003).


Untangling Uniformitarianism - Answers in Genesis
No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?

They (dinosaurs) are found in sediment that is dated older using uniformitarian logic. God created a fully complete universe and earth with a finished ecological system. The Flood buried these large creatures under mud etc. If I bury a body in what appears to be very ancient sediment, the body doesn't become millions of years old simply because its been there only 5000. God chose the animals to be on the ark. I'm sure He picked tame ones and dinosaur eggs are not that large. We have no idea how fast or even how big dinosaurs could grow. It is very possible that some dinosaurs scientists say were different kinds, actually were one in the same only very old. I have no idea what a 1000 year old dinosaur might look like. And you cannot say that dinosaurs couldn't have lived to be very old...

By what mechanism(s) can uniformitarian logic be used to date sedimentary layers?
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?

You're are relying on fallible to determine the accurate age of sediment. They also want to claim it took millions of years for strata to form when there is evidence that layers of strata can form over a short period of time like during a catastrophic event.

Also fossils to be preserved they need rapid burial not gradual burial.

You're relying on nonsense furthered by creationist.

CH210: Age of the Earth

Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition

Relying on creationist quacks such as Henry Morris for earth science will only result in your further embarrassment.

Why do you continue to quote me ?

Some of my views are based in faith but I can admit to it. Some is based on actual evidence. Your problem is you are unwilling to admit the faith needed to believe many of the things you believe. Believe as you wish but until you can provide actual evidence supporting all your views you are no different from the believer in the creator.
Dinosaurs are found in layers of sediment that are far older than 4 or 5000 years. How long ago was the Noah thing supposed to have happened? Anyways, some baby dinosaurs were massive and couldn't fit on his boat. Plus they'd eat all the other animals in 40 days.
I have another question: if the world was covered in water, where did all the water go after 40 days?

They (dinosaurs) are found in sediment that is dated older using uniformitarian logic. God created a fully complete universe and earth with a finished ecological system. The Flood buried these large creatures under mud etc. If I bury a body in what appears to be very ancient sediment, the body doesn't become millions of years old simply because its been there only 5000. God chose the animals to be on the ark. I'm sure He picked tame ones and dinosaur eggs are not that large. We have no idea how fast or even how big dinosaurs could grow. It is very possible that some dinosaurs scientists say were different kinds, actually were one in the same only very old. I have no idea what a 1000 year old dinosaur might look like. And you cannot say that dinosaurs couldn't have lived to be very old...

By what mechanism(s) can uniformitarian logic be used to date sedimentary layers?

Uniformitarianism: Charles Lyell

Discrete rock layers containing different fossils reinforced the idea that the Earth's history could be divided into ages marked by catastrophic change. However, gradual change, like that caused by erosion, has also played an important role in the Earth's history.
Thanks to the pioneering work of researchers such as William Smith, geologists in the early 1800s were able to swiftly organize rock formations into a single colossal record of Earth's history. Many geologists saw in this record a stormy epic, one in which our planet had been convulsed repeatedly by abrupt changes. Mountains were built in catastrophic instants, and in the process whole groups of animals became extinct and were replaced by new species. Giant tropical plants, for example, left their fossils in northern Europe during the Carboniferous Period, never to be seen there again. Earth's history might not fit a strict Biblical narrative any longer, but these revolutions seemed to be a sign that it did have a direction. From its formation, catastrophes altered the planet’s surface step by step leading towards the present Earth. Life, likewise, had its own arrow through time.

Uniformitarianism: Charles Lyell

This is evidence that could support the creationist view no ? sounds like global flood if you ask me.
You're are relying on fallible to determine the accurate age of sediment. They also want to claim it took millions of years for strata to form when there is evidence that layers of strata can form over a short period of time like during a catastrophic event.

Also fossils to be preserved they need rapid burial not gradual burial.

You're relying on nonsense furthered by creationist.

CH210: Age of the Earth

Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition

Relying on creationist quacks such as Henry Morris for earth science will only result in your further embarrassment.

Why do you continue to quote me ?

Some of my views are based in faith but I can admit to it. Some is based on actual evidence. Your problem is you are unwilling to admit the faith needed to believe many of the things you believe. Believe as you wish but until you can provide actual evidence supporting all your views you are no different from the believer in the creator.

I think it’s important to counter creationist lies with fact. For example, you state “…you are unwilling to admit the faith needed to believe many of the things you believe”. That is an obvious falsehood as there is no “faith” required to understand natural forces. In order to believe biblical tales and fables, you are forced to accept outrageously silly tales of supernatural events that are utterly contrary to our understanding of the natural world. Without such “belief” in supermagical events, biblical tales and fables devolve into tales designed to promote fear and superstition.

The acceptance of various tales and fables is merely a matter of choosing to accept the stories (tales and fables) without regard to authenticity or accuracy. It's remarkable that you and others will bicker about - and even defend - the relative strength of such hearsay claims yet you will dismiss facts describing the natural world accepted without such critique.

As for evidences, evidence for gawd(s) is non-existent. It has been part of human culture to invent supernatural agents to explain that which could not already be explained. Whenever there is a gap in our knowledge, it was tempting for cultures and societies to simply throw up their hands in defeat and say 'Gawdidit' (or more frequently 'Thegawdsdidit'). Kings, rulers, pharaohs and "scholars" etc made use of this idea, by claiming for themselves a special ability to receive messages or to translate the true meaning from a divine supernatural ruler, even though the best evidence for their existence was simply the fact that there were some things we didn't understand. Societies grew, codified rituals, passed on these ideas from parent to child with severe warnings for not believing - such as eternal burning and torment and unrealistic 'carrots' for believing e.g an eternity of sensual gratification and so giant structures and substructures grew which evolved (yes, evolved) into the religions we see today.

Monotheism is currently in vogue for many religions. Multi-gawd religions have been replaced by a one-stop-shopping god of convenience.

Such deistic minimalism is wrong, of course, and it will eventually go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religion that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.
They (dinosaurs) are found in sediment that is dated older using uniformitarian logic. God created a fully complete universe and earth with a finished ecological system. The Flood buried these large creatures under mud etc. If I bury a body in what appears to be very ancient sediment, the body doesn't become millions of years old simply because its been there only 5000. God chose the animals to be on the ark. I'm sure He picked tame ones and dinosaur eggs are not that large. We have no idea how fast or even how big dinosaurs could grow. It is very possible that some dinosaurs scientists say were different kinds, actually were one in the same only very old. I have no idea what a 1000 year old dinosaur might look like. And you cannot say that dinosaurs couldn't have lived to be very old...

By what mechanism(s) can uniformitarian logic be used to date sedimentary layers?

Uniformitarianism: Charles Lyell

Discrete rock layers containing different fossils reinforced the idea that the Earth's history could be divided into ages marked by catastrophic change. However, gradual change, like that caused by erosion, has also played an important role in the Earth's history.
Thanks to the pioneering work of researchers such as William Smith, geologists in the early 1800s were able to swiftly organize rock formations into a single colossal record of Earth's history. Many geologists saw in this record a stormy epic, one in which our planet had been convulsed repeatedly by abrupt changes. Mountains were built in catastrophic instants, and in the process whole groups of animals became extinct and were replaced by new species. Giant tropical plants, for example, left their fossils in northern Europe during the Carboniferous Period, never to be seen there again. Earth's history might not fit a strict Biblical narrative any longer, but these revolutions seemed to be a sign that it did have a direction. From its formation, catastrophes altered the planet’s surface step by step leading towards the present Earth. Life, likewise, had its own arrow through time.

Uniformitarianism: Charles Lyell

This is evidence that could support the creationist view no ? sounds like global flood if you ask me.

The biblical tale of a global flood has been thoroughly debunked.

Secondly, your "quotes", being from creationist sites are typically unreliable.
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No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
again you're wrong totally wrong .
the yarn about the ark and dinosaurs is pure fantasy.
as to things happening for a reason... shit happens and we make up reason for why...and most of those are wrong .
yours is specious at best.

What do you think science is ? You make crap up and hope it's not proven wrong,then when it is proven wrong you move the goalposts and present another explanation until it's proven wrong. This way they can use the claim it's both fact and theory. :lol:

Yeah, that Renaissance thing was such a shame.

"There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world."

-Pat Robertson

Uh, sorry Pat. Your christian pals already tried that.

The Christian church managed to keep Europe in the Dark Ages and literally set back humanity by 800 years.
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