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The don't get it right when they examine the material either.

What is it that they don't get right?
When specimens from a known dateable event are examined by labs that are not told this, the age of the specimens that are in fact only a hundred or so years old are dated to be millions. This should call into question the validity of all such "scientific" determinations.

What specimens? What labs?

I suspect you're just making this up as you go.

Try quoting real scientific studies, you'd look less foolish.

Try to comprehend that scientific investigation is not simply secular and you will look less of a bigot.

Right after you find some REAL scientists to base your scientific theories on. I wouldn't mind a "christian science" point of view if only they'd use real science to prove their christian points of view.

So my question still stands: where did all the water go after the 40 day flood?
Try quoting real scientific studies, you'd look less foolish.

Try to comprehend that scientific investigation is not simply secular and you will look less of a bigot.

Right after you find some REAL scientists to base your scientific theories on. I wouldn't mind a "christian science" point of view if only they'd use real science to prove their christian points of view.

So my question still stands: where did all the water go after the 40 day flood?

Is COSMOS your estimation of "real" scientists/science?

There are whole areas of the ocean that are presently 7 miles deep. Over 2/3rds of the earth is covered with water. Can you not understand that the land masses were once flatter and the oceans shallower? There was more subterranean water prior to the flood.
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Try to comprehend that scientific investigation is not simply secular and you will look less of a bigot.

Right after you find some REAL scientists to base your scientific theories on. I wouldn't mind a "christian science" point of view if only they'd use real science to prove their christian points of view.

So my question still stands: where did all the water go after the 40 day flood?

Is COSMOS your estimation of "real" scientists/science?

There are whole areas of the ocean that are presently 7 miles deep. Over 2/3rds of the earth is covered with water. Can you not understand that the land masses were once flatter and the oceans shallower? There was more subterranean water prior to the flood.

Where do you get these quack ideas from?

It seems to me that "... by magic", is all the explanation needed to explain what the gawds have done.
So are you suggesting creationist today are not men of science ?

Of course many aren't. But I'm suggesting a bit more than that. I think at least some of the founders were intellectuals first and held religion as a cultural nicety.

I spent a lot of time reading the writings of Jefferson and Franklin. Both rarely talked about god as anything more than a curiosity.

So I suspect they (and probably others) were christians as many people today are christians. They played the game, talked the talk as needed, but really didn't bother with it all that much.

This is why I don't buy the premise that they were a "godly bunch of men" in the strictest sense. Even Adams didn't really focus much on religion until later in life.

The forefathers had a plan and an effective plan for man to be free and proud,a people that would overcome oppression and be free to believe as they choose. Many of these forefathers were influenced by what is taught in the scriptures and possessed Christian view and values. Unfortunately because of the ones that did not heed the Teachings of Christ their actions are being used again'st Gods true followers.

God told us what to look for and how to Identify his people and how to know who are not his people. It's the works these people do in front of others. He started with the Pharisee's and saducee's but you can see these same hypocrites and blind guides at work in our society today. Jesus refers to them as being from their father the father of lies and Identifies him by the name of satan. Some Christians don't even realize that is who they are representing.

I find it interesting that you think God wanted people to be free to choose.

Of course he gives people a choice. But it's essentially a gun at your head. Choose me or eternal damnation. Not much of a choice. More like the choice the Romans in Constantines day gave those who chose the old gods. Or the choice the inquisitors gave heathens of their day.

I see what the founders did a bit differently. I see it as an attempt to limit the influence of the church in order to avoid histories mistakes. It's an effort to curtail the true believers, the fundamentalist, the extremist...
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Of course many aren't. But I'm suggesting a bit more than that. I think at least some of the founders were intellectuals first and held religion as a cultural nicety.

I spent a lot of time reading the writings of Jefferson and Franklin. Both rarely talked about god as anything more than a curiosity.

So I suspect they (and probably others) were christians as many people today are christians. They played the game, talked the talk as needed, but really didn't bother with it all that much.

This is why I don't buy the premise that they were a "godly bunch of men" in the strictest sense. Even Adams didn't really focus much on religion until later in life.

The forefathers had a plan and an effective plan for man to be free and proud,a people that would overcome oppression and be free to believe as they choose. Many of these forefathers were influenced by what is taught in the scriptures and possessed Christian view and values. Unfortunately because of the ones that did not heed the Teachings of Christ their actions are being used again'st Gods true followers.

God told us what to look for and how to Identify his people and how to know who are not his people. It's the works these people do in front of others. He started with the Pharisee's and saducee's but you can see these same hypocrites and blind guides at work in our society today. Jesus refers to them as being from their father the father of lies and Identifies him by the name of satan. Some Christians don't even realize that is who they are representing.

I find it interesting that you think God wanted people to be free to choose.

Of course he gives people a choice. But it's essentially a gun at your head. Choose me or eternal damnation. Not much of a choice. More like the choice the Romans in Constantines day gave those who chose the old gods. Or the choice the inquisitors gave heathens of their day.

I see what the founders did a bit differently. I see it as an attempt to limit the influence of the church in order to avoid histories mistakes. It's an effort to curtail the true believers, the fundamentalist, the extremist...

If one choice is offering you a perfect life under pefect conditons and everlasting life and the other choice is everlasting death you are right that is no choice, but many are choosing everlasting death why ?

Do we not teach our children if you continue to do wrong you will exp punishment ? this is life and it is full of choices but there are consequences for the choices we make sometimes good and sometimes bad things come to us because of our choices. God wants you to make the right choice but he is letting us decide for ourselves.

Would you rather God made that choice for all ?
The forefathers had a plan and an effective plan for man to be free and proud,a people that would overcome oppression and be free to believe as they choose. Many of these forefathers were influenced by what is taught in the scriptures and possessed Christian view and values. Unfortunately because of the ones that did not heed the Teachings of Christ their actions are being used again'st Gods true followers.

God told us what to look for and how to Identify his people and how to know who are not his people. It's the works these people do in front of others. He started with the Pharisee's and saducee's but you can see these same hypocrites and blind guides at work in our society today. Jesus refers to them as being from their father the father of lies and Identifies him by the name of satan. Some Christians don't even realize that is who they are representing.

I find it interesting that you think God wanted people to be free to choose.

Of course he gives people a choice. But it's essentially a gun at your head. Choose me or eternal damnation. Not much of a choice. More like the choice the Romans in Constantines day gave those who chose the old gods. Or the choice the inquisitors gave heathens of their day.

I see what the founders did a bit differently. I see it as an attempt to limit the influence of the church in order to avoid histories mistakes. It's an effort to curtail the true believers, the fundamentalist, the extremist...

If one choice is offering you a perfect life under pefect conditons and everlasting life and the other choice is everlasting death you are right that is no choice, but many are choosing everlasting death why ?

Two reasons.

First, because any god who would force people to make that kind of choice is an asshole and I want nothing to do with him.

And second, because I think it's all shit. There is no truth in it.

Do we not teach our children if you continue to do wrong you will exp punishment ? this is life and it is full of choices but there are consequences for the choices we make sometimes good and sometimes bad things come to us because of our choices. God wants you to make the right choice but he is letting us decide for ourselves.

I teach my children to do what is right. But I do not teach them to do what is right because otherwise they will face punishment. I teach them to do what is right because it is the best thing for them and society at large. It's called the golden rule. And it makes sense without having someone looking over your shoulder.

Would you rather God made that choice for all ?

Um, you mean the god I don't believe in?

But here is my question. If there is an all powerful god out there. Capable of great and wonderful things. Why would he create a system where people would have to set aside reason and logic and believe in him blindly in order that those people would spend eternity with him?

I think if there was a god out there somewhere, he wouldn't want more faithful followers. After a few hundred years, hell, after a decade, that would get old. And if he does, if he is so vane that he needs legions of faithful praising his name for all eternity, I want nothing to do with him.
How do you figure lol ? we know meteors have passed through the atmosphere without burning completely up. What do you think metal detectors find all the time ? But I would like you to explain to me why this proves it's an open system ? Heck by your reasoning the sun would prove it was an open system. The atmoshere is there for several reasons but to complex to explain it to you it is there to protect Gods creation.
lol lol you've contradicted yourself yet again :

closed system
An isolated system that has no interaction with its external environment. Closed systems with outputs are knowable only thorough their outputs which are not dependent on the system being a closed or open system. Closed systems without any output are knowable only from within. See also entropy.

Read more: What is closed system? definition and meaning

the sun does proves it's an open system it's energy is what power the earth .
who's ignorant?

You are the one that is still ignorant and don't fully understand what the atmosphere does for this planet.
really? that's strange as I learned about the atmospheric strata in junior high..
No, I believe that there were at least baby dinosaurs on the Ark and they made it through the Flood. They just didn't do so well around St. George.:tongue:

And if a Meteor hit the ocean, well, let's say "Sandy" would have seemed like a sun shower... Injured is not dead. And God didn't design the flimsey glass windows. You're nuts because everything happens for a reason.
again you're wrong totally wrong .
the yarn about the ark and dinosaurs is pure fantasy.
as to things happening for a reason... shit happens and we make up reason for why...and most of those are wrong .
yours is specious at best.

What do you think science is ? You make crap up and hope it's not proven wrong,then when it is proven wrong you move the goalposts and present another explanation until it's proven wrong. This way they can use the claim it's both fact and theory. :lol:
ahh that what you do.. my pov stands .
Try to comprehend that scientific investigation is not simply secular and you will look less of a bigot.

Right after you find some REAL scientists to base your scientific theories on. I wouldn't mind a "christian science" point of view if only they'd use real science to prove their christian points of view.

So my question still stands: where did all the water go after the 40 day flood?

Is COSMOS your estimation of "real" scientists/science?

There are whole areas of the ocean that are presently 7 miles deep. Over 2/3rds of the earth is covered with water. Can you not understand that the land masses were once flatter and the oceans shallower? There was more subterranean water prior to the flood.
cosmos a thirty year old TV show. did carl Sagan turn you down for a date?
cosmos was a groundbreaking cutting edge series and has never been proven wrong by real science.
what flood? every culture has a flood have no actua proof for your assertion.
actual evidence proves you are talking out your ass..
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I find it interesting that you think God wanted people to be free to choose.

Of course he gives people a choice. But it's essentially a gun at your head. Choose me or eternal damnation. Not much of a choice. More like the choice the Romans in Constantines day gave those who chose the old gods. Or the choice the inquisitors gave heathens of their day.

I see what the founders did a bit differently. I see it as an attempt to limit the influence of the church in order to avoid histories mistakes. It's an effort to curtail the true believers, the fundamentalist, the extremist...

If one choice is offering you a perfect life under pefect conditons and everlasting life and the other choice is everlasting death you are right that is no choice, but many are choosing everlasting death why ?

Two reasons.

First, because any god who would force people to make that kind of choice is an asshole and I want nothing to do with him.

And second, because I think it's all shit. There is no truth in it.

Do we not teach our children if you continue to do wrong you will exp punishment ? this is life and it is full of choices but there are consequences for the choices we make sometimes good and sometimes bad things come to us because of our choices. God wants you to make the right choice but he is letting us decide for ourselves.

I teach my children to do what is right. But I do not teach them to do what is right because otherwise they will face punishment. I teach them to do what is right because it is the best thing for them and society at large. It's called the golden rule. And it makes sense without having someone looking over your shoulder.

Would you rather God made that choice for all ?

Um, you mean the god I don't believe in?

But here is my question. If there is an all powerful god out there. Capable of great and wonderful things. Why would he create a system where people would have to set aside reason and logic and believe in him blindly in order that those people would spend eternity with him?

I think if there was a god out there somewhere, he wouldn't want more faithful followers. After a few hundred years, hell, after a decade, that would get old. And if he does, if he is so vane that he needs legions of faithful praising his name for all eternity, I want nothing to do with him.
I find it interesting that you think God wanted people to be free to choose.

Of course he gives people a choice. But it's essentially a gun at your head. Choose me or eternal damnation. Not much of a choice. More like the choice the Romans in Constantines day gave those who chose the old gods. Or the choice the inquisitors gave heathens of their day.

I see what the founders did a bit differently. I see it as an attempt to limit the influence of the church in order to avoid histories mistakes. It's an effort to curtail the true believers, the fundamentalist, the extremist...

If one choice is offering you a perfect life under pefect conditons and everlasting life and the other choice is everlasting death you are right that is no choice, but many are choosing everlasting death why ?

Two reasons.

First, because any god who would force people to make that kind of choice is an asshole and I want nothing to do with him.

And second, because I think it's all shit. There is no truth in it.

Do we not teach our children if you continue to do wrong you will exp punishment ? this is life and it is full of choices but there are consequences for the choices we make sometimes good and sometimes bad things come to us because of our choices. God wants you to make the right choice but he is letting us decide for ourselves.

I teach my children to do what is right. But I do not teach them to do what is right because otherwise they will face punishment. I teach them to do what is right because it is the best thing for them and society at large. It's called the golden rule. And it makes sense without having someone looking over your shoulder.

Would you rather God made that choice for all ?

Um, you mean the god I don't believe in?

But here is my question. If there is an all powerful god out there. Capable of great and wonderful things. Why would he create a system where people would have to set aside reason and logic and believe in him blindly in order that those people would spend eternity with him?

I think if there was a god out there somewhere, he wouldn't want more faithful followers. After a few hundred years, hell, after a decade, that would get old. And if he does, if he is so vane that he needs legions of faithful praising his name for all eternity, I want nothing to do with him.

Man's sin caused this choice to exist, it was not Gods doing. God provided the sacrifice for us to have this chance and bring mankind back to him. If you wish to blow off God because you don't like how he dealt with rebellious man you were never one of his sheep that knew his voice and obeyed.
lol lol you've contradicted yourself yet again :

closed system
An isolated system that has no interaction with its external environment. Closed systems with outputs are knowable only thorough their outputs which are not dependent on the system being a closed or open system. Closed systems without any output are knowable only from within. See also entropy.

Read more: What is closed system? definition and meaning

the sun does proves it's an open system it's energy is what power the earth .
who's ignorant?

You are the one that is still ignorant and don't fully understand what the atmosphere does for this planet.
really? that's strange as I learned about the atmospheric strata in junior high..

You must have slept through class by your post.
If one choice is offering you a perfect life under pefect conditons and everlasting life and the other choice is everlasting death you are right that is no choice, but many are choosing everlasting death why ?

Two reasons.

First, because any god who would force people to make that kind of choice is an asshole and I want nothing to do with him.

And second, because I think it's all shit. There is no truth in it.

I teach my children to do what is right. But I do not teach them to do what is right because otherwise they will face punishment. I teach them to do what is right because it is the best thing for them and society at large. It's called the golden rule. And it makes sense without having someone looking over your shoulder.

Would you rather God made that choice for all ?

Um, you mean the god I don't believe in?

But here is my question. If there is an all powerful god out there. Capable of great and wonderful things. Why would he create a system where people would have to set aside reason and logic and believe in him blindly in order that those people would spend eternity with him?

I think if there was a god out there somewhere, he wouldn't want more faithful followers. After a few hundred years, hell, after a decade, that would get old. And if he does, if he is so vane that he needs legions of faithful praising his name for all eternity, I want nothing to do with him.

Man's sin caused this choice to exist, it was not Gods doing. God provided the sacrifice for us to have this chance and bring mankind back to him. If you wish to blow off God because you don't like how he dealt with rebellious man you were never one of his sheep that knew his voice and obeyed.
since none of us are sheep (maybe you) it's a false comparison.
even if you were right, what god /Jesus did was street theatre, the so called sacrifice is a dog and pony show, Jesus was in no real danger,unless he was lying about resurrection.
You are the one that is still ignorant and don't fully understand what the atmosphere does for this planet.
really? that's strange as I learned about the atmospheric strata in junior high..

You must have slept through class by your post.
really? how's that false assumption man?
the atmosphere filters out some harmful radiation not all.
there is not enough oxygen above 30.000 feet to support much life.
air pressure hold us together.
none of theses fact are proof that a god did it.
so as always you have no real point ...
Two reasons.

First, because any god who would force people to make that kind of choice is an asshole and I want nothing to do with him.

And second, because I think it's all shit. There is no truth in it.

I teach my children to do what is right. But I do not teach them to do what is right because otherwise they will face punishment. I teach them to do what is right because it is the best thing for them and society at large. It's called the golden rule. And it makes sense without having someone looking over your shoulder.

Um, you mean the god I don't believe in?

But here is my question. If there is an all powerful god out there. Capable of great and wonderful things. Why would he create a system where people would have to set aside reason and logic and believe in him blindly in order that those people would spend eternity with him?

I think if there was a god out there somewhere, he wouldn't want more faithful followers. After a few hundred years, hell, after a decade, that would get old. And if he does, if he is so vane that he needs legions of faithful praising his name for all eternity, I want nothing to do with him.

Man's sin caused this choice to exist, it was not Gods doing. God provided the sacrifice for us to have this chance and bring mankind back to him. If you wish to blow off God because you don't like how he dealt with rebellious man you were never one of his sheep that knew his voice and obeyed.
since none of us are sheep (maybe you) it's a false comparison.
even if you were right, what god /Jesus did was street theatre, the so called sacrifice is a dog and pony show, Jesus was in no real danger,unless he was lying about resurrection.

It isn't a matter of danger. It is a matter of Christ being debased and to suffer for things He is incapable of doing. It is also a matter of Christ assuming a permanent human form for all eternity in order to accomplish what He accomplished. It might be sort of like becoming an ant, and to live as an ant. Would you enjoy giving up your humanity to assume the role of an ant? How much worse was it for God to become a human?
Two reasons.

First, because any god who would force people to make that kind of choice is an asshole and I want nothing to do with him.

And second, because I think it's all shit. There is no truth in it.

I teach my children to do what is right. But I do not teach them to do what is right because otherwise they will face punishment. I teach them to do what is right because it is the best thing for them and society at large. It's called the golden rule. And it makes sense without having someone looking over your shoulder.

Um, you mean the god I don't believe in?

But here is my question. If there is an all powerful god out there. Capable of great and wonderful things. Why would he create a system where people would have to set aside reason and logic and believe in him blindly in order that those people would spend eternity with him?

I think if there was a god out there somewhere, he wouldn't want more faithful followers. After a few hundred years, hell, after a decade, that would get old. And if he does, if he is so vane that he needs legions of faithful praising his name for all eternity, I want nothing to do with him.

Man's sin caused this choice to exist, it was not Gods doing. God provided the sacrifice for us to have this chance and bring mankind back to him. If you wish to blow off God because you don't like how he dealt with rebellious man you were never one of his sheep that knew his voice and obeyed.
since none of us are sheep (maybe you) it's a false comparison.
even if you were right, what god /Jesus did was street theatre, the so called sacrifice is a dog and pony show, Jesus was in no real danger,unless he was lying about resurrection.

We are related to sheep if we were all the product of evolution :razz:
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