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Man's sin caused this choice to exist, it was not Gods doing. God provided the sacrifice for us to have this chance and bring mankind back to him. If you wish to blow off God because you don't like how he dealt with rebellious man you were never one of his sheep that knew his voice and obeyed.
since none of us are sheep (maybe you) it's a false comparison.
even if you were right, what god /Jesus did was street theatre, the so called sacrifice is a dog and pony show, Jesus was in no real danger,unless he was lying about resurrection.

It isn't a matter of danger. It is a matter of Christ being debased and to suffer for things He is incapable of doing. It is also a matter of Christ assuming a permanent human form for all eternity in order to accomplish what He accomplished. It might be sort of like becoming an ant, and to live as an ant. Would you enjoy giving up your humanity to assume the role of an ant? How much worse was it for God to become a human?
nonsense ..nice rationalizing though.
Man's sin caused this choice to exist, it was not Gods doing. God provided the sacrifice for us to have this chance and bring mankind back to him. If you wish to blow off God because you don't like how he dealt with rebellious man you were never one of his sheep that knew his voice and obeyed.
since none of us are sheep (maybe you) it's a false comparison.
even if you were right, what god /Jesus did was street theatre, the so called sacrifice is a dog and pony show, Jesus was in no real danger,unless he was lying about resurrection.

We are related to sheep if we were all the product of evolution :razz:
that is true as we are mammals and have a boney spine.
your mom never had to buy you a sweater, did she.
You must have slept through class by your post.
really? how's that false assumption man?
the atmosphere filters out some harmful radiation not all.
there is not enough oxygen above 30.000 feet to support much life.
air pressure hold us together.
none of theses fact are proof that a god did it.
so as always you have no real point ...

That atmosphere does much more then you're letting on.
really? still no proof god did it..
Don't believe the method makes assumptions but assumptions are used in the dating method.

Radiometric Dating: Problems with the Assumptions - Answers in Genesis
non credible site.

Say's who / an atheist like you who doesn't have a dog in the hunt :lol:
no not just me, actual science.
how do I not have a dog in the hunt?
if a "dog" translates to fact then I have all the dogs and you have none.
So did anyone ever figure where all the water went after the flood?

Where it came from.

Do you realize not counting the water under ground that there are spots in the ocean you could saw off mount everest and drop it in the ocean and when it hit bottom there would be a mile of water above the top of the mountain ?

71% of the earth's surface is covered by water. How did this planet end up with so much water ? and why is there no other planet like this one ?
bullshit Europa. Calisto and Ganymede. all have liquid water and are as large as earth.
there are other planets like this one. this like all your pseudoscience statements is false and ignorant.
Two things. According to your bible, god created adam and eve knowing they would eat of the tree.

He then created the rule saying they couldn't.

The most clear cut case of entrapment in sudo-history.

God has never acted on foreknowledge that I know of.

Upon farther perusal I just noticed this gem.

So god knows everything. Just forgets it when decision time comes along....


I do the same thing with my kids. Hide a bear trap in front of the cookie jar. I told em not to touch the damn cookies! They had it comin!
He gives us the key, and then allows us to use it, or not.

That's the way it works. You don't restrain your children physically to keep them from experiencing the world. You advise and guide them, and you realize that they will make mistakes; and you allow those mistakes knowing that they will grow through them.
He gives us the key, and then allows us to use it, or not.

That's the way it works. You don't restrain your children physically to keep them from experiencing the world. You advise and guide them, and you realize that they will make mistakes; and you allow those mistakes knowing that they will grow through them.

Yep, just don't believe those evil scientific facts all around you or you will go to hell for all eternity.

Loving god my ass.
He gives us the key, and then allows us to use it, or not.

That's the way it works. You don't restrain your children physically to keep them from experiencing the world. You advise and guide them, and you realize that they will make mistakes; and you allow those mistakes knowing that they will grow through them.

Yep, just don't believe those evil scientific facts all around you or you will go to hell for all eternity.

Loving god my ass.
of course she loves the god she fashioned.
He gives us the key, and then allows us to use it, or not.

That's the way it works. You don't restrain your children physically to keep them from experiencing the world. You advise and guide them, and you realize that they will make mistakes; and you allow those mistakes knowing that they will grow through them.

Yep, just don't believe those evil scientific facts all around you or you will go to hell for all eternity.

Loving god my ass.

There is no science that negates the existence of God. Besides which, you lie when you imply that I have ever suggested that science is evil, or that it is incompatible with faith. Some of the greatest scientific and mathematical minds in the world were and are devout Christians. It's only people who don't understand science who think that there is *proof* that God doesn't exist. In fact, it's evidence of your lack of scholarship that you even utter such idiocy.

This is where I send you to the illiteracy or the stupid people threads. You claim to be all about science, but your actual skills are pathetic.
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He gives us the key, and then allows us to use it, or not.

That's the way it works. You don't restrain your children physically to keep them from experiencing the world. You advise and guide them, and you realize that they will make mistakes; and you allow those mistakes knowing that they will grow through them.

Yep, just don't believe those evil scientific facts all around you or you will go to hell for all eternity.

Loving god my ass.
of course she loves the god she fashioned.

I didn't fashion God. He fashioned me.
So where did the water come from? Because no matter how deep the ocean is, you still would have needed more water to cover all the land masses.

And you don't know that there aren't other planets like ours out there in the universe.

The bible said rain and the great fountains of the deep. We know for sure we have not observed any planets like ours at this time. So what makes you think we will find a planet like ours ?

The number of galaxies containing billions of stars make it probable.

No it doesn't only in your mind is it probable. I play Golf every day surely I will one day be playing on the PGA tour by your reasoning.
So where did the water come from? Because no matter how deep the ocean is, you still would have needed more water to cover all the land masses.

And you don't know that there aren't other planets like ours out there in the universe.

The bible states God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form yet.

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form and empty. And darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters.

Sounds like to me the land was covered with water.

Gen 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together to one place, and let the dry land appear; and it was so.
Gen 1:10 And God called the dry land, Earth. And He called the gathering together of the waters, Seas. And God saw that it was good.
The person who wrote genesis made all that shit up, there's zero proof for any of it. It's one thing to believe in a creator, it's quite another to believe the unsubstanciated nonsense in the bible.

How do you know it's only fantasy ?
So did anyone ever figure where all the water went after the flood?

Where it came from.

Do you realize not counting the water under ground that there are spots in the ocean you could saw off mount everest and drop it in the ocean and when it hit bottom there would be a mile of water above the top of the mountain ?

71% of the earth's surface is covered by water. How did this planet end up with so much water ? and why is there no other planet like this one ?
bullshit Europa. Calisto and Ganymede. all have liquid water and are as large as earth.
there are other planets like this one. this like all your pseudoscience statements is false and ignorant.

Prove it daws ?
Two things. According to your bible, god created adam and eve knowing they would eat of the tree.

He then created the rule saying they couldn't.

The most clear cut case of entrapment in sudo-history.

God has never acted on foreknowledge that I know of.

Upon farther perusal I just noticed this gem.

So god knows everything. Just forgets it when decision time comes along....


I do the same thing with my kids. Hide a bear trap in front of the cookie jar. I told em not to touch the damn cookies! They had it comin!

God has not kept it hidden. What do you think his followers message is to all ? you have a choice and have been warned of the coming judgement you have the choice of everlasting life or everlasting death.
He gives us the key, and then allows us to use it, or not.

That's the way it works. You don't restrain your children physically to keep them from experiencing the world. You advise and guide them, and you realize that they will make mistakes; and you allow those mistakes knowing that they will grow through them.

Yep, just don't believe those evil scientific facts all around you or you will go to hell for all eternity.

Loving god my ass.

Do you understand there are different interpretations of the same evidence within the science community and outside the science community ?
So basically the official story of where the flood water came from and went is that god moved the land masses around so that the water would cover them all? Did I get that right?
The bible said rain and the great fountains of the deep. We know for sure we have not observed any planets like ours at this time. So what makes you think we will find a planet like ours ?

The number of galaxies containing billions of stars make it probable.

No it doesn't only in your mind is it probable. I play Golf every day surely I will one day be playing on the PGA tour by your reasoning.
just when I think you can't get more ignorant you post total shit.
just because you play every day does not guarantee you are any good at it.
to put it into evolutionary terms you've not evolved the skills to survive the rigors of the pga.
nor will you since , even with everyday practice you've not gotten more proficient.
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