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So every person on the planet has heard that message?

Of course god kept it hidden. It was hidden when he made a world with no evidence of him. A world which leaves evidence of natural events excluding a guiding hand. The whole religion is based upon the tenant that you have to believe without evidence. That alone says it's hidden.

It's clear that if god exist, he is a masochist. He enjoys just fucking with human kind. Otherwise he could easily make himself known.

I want nothing to do with a deity that would do something like that to people. Any god who would send a child to hell for all eternity for simply denying something he can't see is a monster.

No, but God said he will judge the ignorant by the condition of their heart but everyone that has been introduced to the truth and either accepts it or rejects you are making your choice, In other words we sleep in the bed we make for ourselves.

So anyone who hears the truth but denies based upon factual evidence is bound for hell, regardless of how good they are. But a person who doesn't hear the message gets a pass if their heart is in the right place?

That hardly seems just.

Yes we all die and go to the grave whatever that grave is and stay there until the resurrection. Yes people that have good hearts and never hear the truth of Christ it is up to God to judge that person through their heart condition.
How do you know kangaroos did not migrate to Australia after the flood ? How did Kangaroos get to Australia in the first place ?

The scriptures say that the animals were brought to Noah by God. The bible does not say Noah went to the animals.

God brought all the animals that were in all the different parts of the world and then brought them back? Cmon man, get a grip. You actually believe that?

I have answered this before even evolutionist agree with my views animals and humans migrated on land bridges.

Not what you're saying. You said that god brought the animals to noah. Kinda cuckoo, don't you think?
So how did Noah get the kangaroos from Australia to his boat and then back again?

How do you know kangaroos did not migrate to Australia after the flood ? How did Kangaroos get to Australia in the first place ?

The scriptures say that the animals were brought to Noah by God. The bible does not say Noah went to the animals.
because there are no fossil remains or living kangaroos any where else on this planet except new Zealand.
there was no great flood and Australia shows no signs of being completely submerged in water and there is no actual evidence of a land bridge just a postulation:Definition of POSTULATE
a : to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary : depend upon or start from the postulate of

b : to assume as a postulate or axiom (as in logic or mathematics)
the correct answer is continental drift.
also kangaroos like all marsupials evolved from a common ancestor.
most all life in Australia evolved in isolation
Well daws you have a choice just like everyone else,everlasting life or everlasting death your choice and no one can make it for you.
a classic ywc non answer.
the question is : is the so called death before "judgment day" really death?
your own faith infers it's not. slapdick.

Don't try to infer your ignorance on Christianity when it is clear you're ignorant of the word of God. Sorry because many Christians are ignorant of the truth as well.

Because there is a resurrection of both the ones that did good and the ones that did evil The good will be resurrected to life and the ones that did evil to be judged.

Joh 5:29

(ASV) and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment.

(BBE) And they will come out; those who have done good, into the new life; and those who have done evil, to be judged.
so you don't have an answer?
Daws do you always make up crap ?

People have been intrigued for centuries by whether life could exist on other planets. While we now know that it is very unlikely that life as we know it could exist on other planets in our Solar System, many people do not know the surface conditions of these various planets.

Surface of the Planets

If they don't know the surface conditions of planets in our solar system what you said was total bullshit.
as always your willful ignorance shines"
Liquid water on Saturn moon could support life

Cassini spacecraft sees signs of geysers on icy Enceladus

Image: Enceladus
An enhanced-color image of Enceladus, based on data from the Cassini spacecraft, highlights dark "tiger stripes" in the south polar region. Those stripes are actually fissures that appear to be the source of the Saturnian moon's geysers.

By Alan Boyle Science editor

updated 3/9/2006 8:16:12 PM ET

Scientists have found evidence that cold, Yellowstone-like geysers of water are issuing from a moon of Saturn called Enceladus, apparently fueled by liquid reservoirs that may lie just tens of yards beneath the moon's icy surface.

The surprising discovery, detailed in Friday's issue of the journal Science, could shoot Enceladus to the top of the list in the search for life elsewhere in our solar system. Scientists described it as the most important discovery in planetary science in a quarter-century.

"I think this is important enough that we will see a redirection in the planetary exploration program," Carolyn Porco, head of the imaging team for the Cassini mission to Saturn, told "We've just brought Enceladus up to the forefront as a major target of astrobiological interest."

The readings from Enceladus' geyser plumes indicate that all the prerequisites for life as we know it could exist beneath Enceladus' surface, Porco said.

"Living organisms require liquid water and organic materials, and we know we have both on Enceladus now," she said. "The plumes through which Cassini flew last July contain methane, contain CO2, propane — they contain several organic materials."

The third necessary ingredient — energy for fueling life's processes — could exist around hydrothermal vents around the bottom of Enceladus' water reservoirs, just as it does around Earth's deep-ocean hydrothermal vents.

The results impressed University of Colorado planetary scientist Robert Pappalardo, who has studied Enceladus and other icy moons but was not involved in the newly published research.

Water on Saturn moon could support life - Technology & science - Space | NBC News

Is There Water on Saturn?

by Fraser Cain on July 3, 2008

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Saturn\'s moon Enceladus behind the rings. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI
Saturn is almost entirely hydrogen and helium, but it does have trace amounts of other chemicals, including water. When we look at Saturn, we’re actually seeing the upper cloud tops of Saturn’s atmosphere. These are made of frozen crystals of ammonia.

You can also check out these cool telescopes that will help you see the beauty of planet Saturn.

But beneath this upper cloud layer, astronomers think there’s a lower cloud deck made of ammonium hydrosulfide and water. There is water, but not very much.

Once you get away from Saturn itself, though, the nearby area has plenty of water. Saturn’s rings are almost entirely made of water ice, in chunks ranging in size from dust to house-sized boulders.

And all of Saturn’s moons have large quantities of water ice. For example, Saturn’s moon Enceladus is thought to have a mantle rich in water ice, surrounding a silicate core. Geysers of water vapor were detected by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, spraying out of cracks at Enceladus’ southern pole.

If you want to look for water at Saturn, don’t look at the planet itself, but there’s water all around it.

Here’s an article from Universe Today about the plume of water ice coming off of Enceladus, and how Saturn’s environment is driven by ice.

Here’s an article from NASA about the composition of ice at Saturn’s moon Rhea, and the discovery of liquid water on Enceladus.

We have recorded two episodes of Astronomy Cast just about Saturn. The first is Episode 59: Saturn, and the second is Episode 61: Saturn’s Moons.

Read more: Is There Water on Saturn?

exposing ywc willful ignorance one post at a time.
I even used same source as you did to refute your bullshit.

You're really, really dumb daws. The reality is,they know very little other then speculation when it comes to other planets.
no that would be you, and in denial too.
Just because the there are many, many,many,galaxies out there it does not make it probable that there is a planet just like ours out there. Just because I play and practice Golf everyday does not make it probable I will ever be able to play on the PGA.
your answer just proves you know dick about the science of probabilities.
probability science definition
A number expressing the likelihood of the occurrence of a given event, especially a fraction expressing how many times the event will happen in a given number of tests or experiments. For example, when rolling a six-sided die, the probability of rolling a particular side is 1 in 6, or 1/6 .

exposing ywc's willful ignorance one post at a time.

The only probability I concern myself with is the reality that non-living matter does not convert itself to living matter.

Non-life does not produce life get it ? Living organisms produce other living organisms can you prove otherwise ?
dodge !
How do you know kangaroos did not migrate to Australia after the flood ? How did Kangaroos get to Australia in the first place ?

The scriptures say that the animals were brought to Noah by God. The bible does not say Noah went to the animals.

God brought all the animals that were in all the different parts of the world and then brought them back? Cmon man, get a grip. You actually believe that?

I have answered this before even evolutionist agree with my views animals and humans migrated on land bridges.
wrong! taking credit for something you did not do.
btw there is only one proven land bridge between Russia and Alaska.
that means most all life was where it is now.
God brought all the animals that were in all the different parts of the world and then brought them back? Cmon man, get a grip. You actually believe that?

I have answered this before even evolutionist agree with my views animals and humans migrated on land bridges.

Not what you're saying. You said that god brought the animals to noah. Kinda cuckoo, don't you think?

The animals were scattered but I don't believe they were in all lands and if God had the ability to create all we see, surely, he can bring animals to Noah.
So how did Noah get the kangaroos from Australia to his boat and then back again?

How do you know kangaroos did not migrate to Australia after the flood ? How did Kangaroos get to Australia in the first place ?

The scriptures say that the animals were brought to Noah by God. The bible does not say Noah went to the animals.
because there are no fossil remains or living kangaroos any where else on this planet except new Zealand.
there was no great flood and Australia shows no signs of being completely submerged in water and there is no actual evidence of a land bridge just a postulation:Definition of POSTULATE
a : to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary : depend upon or start from the postulate of

b : to assume as a postulate or axiom (as in logic or mathematics)
the correct answer is continental drift.
also kangaroos like all marsupials evolved from a common ancestor.
most all life in Australia evolved in isolation

It was hard to believe all things evolved from the first cell and now you believe everything in Australia evolved on their own as well :eusa_eh:

Wrong, I already posted an article that said Australia was submerged back in time.
a classic ywc non answer.
the question is : is the so called death before "judgment day" really death?
your own faith infers it's not. slapdick.

Don't try to infer your ignorance on Christianity when it is clear you're ignorant of the word of God. Sorry because many Christians are ignorant of the truth as well.

Because there is a resurrection of both the ones that did good and the ones that did evil The good will be resurrected to life and the ones that did evil to be judged.

Joh 5:29

(ASV) and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment.

(BBE) And they will come out; those who have done good, into the new life; and those who have done evil, to be judged.
so you don't have an answer?

To what ?
your answer just proves you know dick about the science of probabilities.
probability science definition
A number expressing the likelihood of the occurrence of a given event, especially a fraction expressing how many times the event will happen in a given number of tests or experiments. For example, when rolling a six-sided die, the probability of rolling a particular side is 1 in 6, or 1/6 .

exposing ywc's willful ignorance one post at a time.

The only probability I concern myself with is the reality that non-living matter does not convert itself to living matter.

Non-life does not produce life get it ? Living organisms produce other living organisms can you prove otherwise ?
dodge !

Didn't dodge anything, I stated a fact.
God brought all the animals that were in all the different parts of the world and then brought them back? Cmon man, get a grip. You actually believe that?

I have answered this before even evolutionist agree with my views animals and humans migrated on land bridges.
wrong! taking credit for something you did not do.
btw there is only one proven land bridge between Russia and Alaska.
that means most all life was where it is now.

There were extensive land bridges between islands in present-day Indonesia, connected them to the southeast Asian mainland. These made it possible for early humans to travel from Africa to islands like Borneo. In what is the first confirmed instance of humans traveling over a significant stretch of open ocean, early man built rafts and made it across the present-day Wallace Line, a deep sea channel in central Indonesia that separates the fauna of west Indonesia (which is more Asian) from east Indonesia (more Australian). From the east side of the Wallace Line, these people reached New Guinea and Australia, which were also connected by land bridges.

What is a Land Bridge?

I have a trivia question for you. Cynognathus Lystrosaurus, how can this dinosaur be found on almost every continent but it can't swim ?
I have answered this before even evolutionist agree with my views animals and humans migrated on land bridges.
wrong! taking credit for something you did not do.
btw there is only one proven land bridge between Russia and Alaska.
that means most all life was where it is now.

There were extensive land bridges between islands in present-day Indonesia, connected them to the southeast Asian mainland. These made it possible for early humans to travel from Africa to islands like Borneo. In what is the first confirmed instance of humans traveling over a significant stretch of open ocean, early man built rafts and made it across the present-day Wallace Line, a deep sea channel in central Indonesia that separates the fauna of west Indonesia (which is more Asian) from east Indonesia (more Australian). From the east side of the Wallace Line, these people reached New Guinea and Australia, which were also connected by land bridges.

What is a Land Bridge?

I have a trivia question for you. Cynognathus Lystrosaurus, how can this dinosaur be found on almost every continent but it can't swim ?
The land masses are in constant movement. Are you saying that in Noah's day, there were land bridges connecting everything and that in the space of a week or so, all the animals walked to where Noah was? And only 2 of each animal? And none died on the way? And then after the water magically disappeared, they all walked back?
wrong! taking credit for something you did not do.
btw there is only one proven land bridge between Russia and Alaska.
that means most all life was where it is now.

There were extensive land bridges between islands in present-day Indonesia, connected them to the southeast Asian mainland. These made it possible for early humans to travel from Africa to islands like Borneo. In what is the first confirmed instance of humans traveling over a significant stretch of open ocean, early man built rafts and made it across the present-day Wallace Line, a deep sea channel in central Indonesia that separates the fauna of west Indonesia (which is more Asian) from east Indonesia (more Australian). From the east side of the Wallace Line, these people reached New Guinea and Australia, which were also connected by land bridges.

What is a Land Bridge?

I have a trivia question for you. Cynognathus Lystrosaurus, how can this dinosaur be found on almost every continent but it can't swim ?
The land masses are in constant movement. Are you saying that in Noah's day, there were land bridges connecting everything and that in the space of a week or so, all the animals walked to where Noah was? And only 2 of each animal? And none died on the way? And then after the water magically disappeared, they all walked back?

No I'm saying the land bridges were used after the flood I believe all animals were not scattered over the whole earth prior to the flood.
I have answered this before even evolutionist agree with my views animals and humans migrated on land bridges.
wrong! taking credit for something you did not do.
btw there is only one proven land bridge between Russia and Alaska.
that means most all life was where it is now.

There were extensive land bridges between islands in present-day Indonesia, connected them to the southeast Asian mainland. These made it possible for early humans to travel from Africa to islands like Borneo. In what is the first confirmed instance of humans traveling over a significant stretch of open ocean, early man built rafts and made it across the present-day Wallace Line, a deep sea channel in central Indonesia that separates the fauna of west Indonesia (which is more Asian) from east Indonesia (more Australian). From the east side of the Wallace Line, these people reached New Guinea and Australia, which were also connected by land bridges.

What is a Land Bridge?

I have a trivia question for you. Cynognathus Lystrosaurus, how can this dinosaur be found on almost every continent but it can't swim ?

You do realize you have refuted your own young earth position by introducing timelines far older than 6,000 years, right?
There were extensive land bridges between islands in present-day Indonesia, connected them to the southeast Asian mainland. These made it possible for early humans to travel from Africa to islands like Borneo. In what is the first confirmed instance of humans traveling over a significant stretch of open ocean, early man built rafts and made it across the present-day Wallace Line, a deep sea channel in central Indonesia that separates the fauna of west Indonesia (which is more Asian) from east Indonesia (more Australian). From the east side of the Wallace Line, these people reached New Guinea and Australia, which were also connected by land bridges.

What is a Land Bridge?

I have a trivia question for you. Cynognathus Lystrosaurus, how can this dinosaur be found on almost every continent but it can't swim ?
The land masses are in constant movement. Are you saying that in Noah's day, there were land bridges connecting everything and that in the space of a week or so, all the animals walked to where Noah was? And only 2 of each animal? And none died on the way? And then after the water magically disappeared, they all walked back?

No I'm saying the land bridges were used after the flood I believe all animals were not scattered over the whole earth prior to the flood.

So polar bears and penguins were living near enough to Noah to get to him fairly quickly? And basically all the species animals of the world were all close enough to Noah and then walked back , some halfway around the world? Geez, you're fucking hopeless. Do you realize what an idiot you are? Seriously.
wrong! taking credit for something you did not do.
btw there is only one proven land bridge between Russia and Alaska.
that means most all life was where it is now.

There were extensive land bridges between islands in present-day Indonesia, connected them to the southeast Asian mainland. These made it possible for early humans to travel from Africa to islands like Borneo. In what is the first confirmed instance of humans traveling over a significant stretch of open ocean, early man built rafts and made it across the present-day Wallace Line, a deep sea channel in central Indonesia that separates the fauna of west Indonesia (which is more Asian) from east Indonesia (more Australian). From the east side of the Wallace Line, these people reached New Guinea and Australia, which were also connected by land bridges.

What is a Land Bridge?

I have a trivia question for you. Cynognathus Lystrosaurus, how can this dinosaur be found on almost every continent but it can't swim ?

You do realize you have refuted your own young earth position by introducing timelines far older than 6,000 years, right?
You can't prove when this took place nor can you prove when the one super continent broke up and gave us the many different continents.
No group IMO has contributed more to the myth of religion than the Blacks of faith.

Aretha Franklin - People Get Ready - YouTube

Clearly you don't know much about religion then. It all depends on location, but globally they are low single digits as a percentage of the religious populations. Even in this country they would struggle to get above 20%.

I'm not refering to the black population. I am refering to the gospel influence on music in general and the gereral population. Much black music afferms a god and that affermation is imbedded in a lot of music because of the gospel influence which extends all thruout the musical experience of just about everyone with a pair of ears. Elvis Presley was highly influenced by black gospel music as well as other popular entertainers and his god message was delivered with a sexy stage presence.
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