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No it don't if this was the case you're depending on volcanoes distributing these fossils on mountain tops and that is not the case.

Amazing World: Massive Whale Fossil Graveyard In Chile

Massive Dinosaur "Graveyard" Discovered in Spain

Joel kontinen: Huge Fossil Graveyard Found in China

Fossils - Truth That Matters

How do you explain these massive fossil graveyards world wide ? the walls are closing in daws.

How do you explain your utter lack of knowledge regarding science?

I hold a degree in science how bout you ?
who'd I know you'd say that!
another example of slapdickery.
God's ways are higher than our ways.

There is no comparison to earthly experience or the man created scientific method to what exists in realms above ours.

Good luck with that.
(place laff track here)

Why would you laugh when you're getting thumped ? You're flailing and it is evident you're in over your head.
thumped by who? the laughter comes from knowing my opponents are drowning in sea of delusion..
you mean this steaming pile of rationalizing:

" Speaking of things that have been refuted thousands of times, you hierarchy of gawds argument has been refuted over and over and has proven to be based on bad logic and a false premise, but yet you persist in presenting it over and over as if repeating something a thousand times will legitimize it. Pathetic.

Let's repeat it one more time for those who just joined us, only a beginning necessitates a cause, like the beginning of the universe for instance. God has always existed and predates the universe. Since God has no beginning, he requires no cause. He claims in the Bible, "no gods were formed before me and none will be formed after me".-
Your weak argument is based on the false premise that God had a beginning. Of course I have no hope that you will respond to this valid, logical argument which refutes yours, nor will you cease repeating your tired, stupid, devoid of logic argument in the future, but one can dream.

thanks for the fine example of the false premise rule in action.
1."false premise that God had a beginning." wrong! the FP here is assuming that god has always been. There is no evidence for that argument.
to make this short and sweet.
anything you base on the assumption " god has ALWAYS existed" like theories or speculation are also by definition false because the basic premise is false.
any argument you make from that premise is subjective and unsupportable.

Daws, you just proved what a huge idiot you really are!! Do you see the absurdity of your flawed logic in the post above?? Why aren't you attacking Hollie's infinite regression argument then??? You just proved me right you buffoon!! You just proved that Hollie is arguing from a false premise stupid. Do you hear your self? Hollie is not using a false premise because she is using a false premise.

What you missed in your utter and complete ignorance is that Hollie's argument is made from the assumption that God exists. In order for her to make her stupid argument, she has to first assume that God exists. Otherwise, how can she argue some other god made god? She is attempting to deny God by putting forth an argument whose basis is God exists. Of course we would expect you to miss this. My point is, if you are going to attack the concept of the Judeo-Christian God, then you can't make up your own Judeo-Christian theology. You can make a different argument to attack other mythological gods, but if you are going to assume the Judeo-Christian God exists as the basis of your argument, then you should also follow with the stated and commonly accepted theology that accompanies that basis, i.e., 1.) God has always existed 2.) God predates the Universe (Bible reference) 3.) God claims in the Bible there are no gods before him.

So according to you, Hollie's argument is based on a false premise of a false premise. YOU FAIL, THESPIDOUCHE!!! This is what happens when make your bed with a liar.
I love when you rationalize...
there is only one false premise and it yours :anything you base on the assumption " god has ALWAYS existed" like theories or speculation are also by definition false because the basic premise is false.
any argument you make from that premise is subjective and unsupportable.[/QUOTE]any argument you make from that assumption is false.
thanks for the fine example of the false premise rule in action.
1."false premise that God had a beginning." wrong! the FP here is assuming that god has always been. There is no evidence for that argument.
to make this short and sweet.
anything you base on the assumption " god has ALWAYS existed" like theories or speculation are also by definition false because the basic premise is false.
any argument you make from that premise is subjective and unsupportable.

Daws, you just proved what a huge idiot you really are!! Do you see the absurdity of your flawed logic in the post above?? Why aren't you attacking Hollie's infinite regression argument then??? You just proved me right you buffoon!! You just proved that Hollie is arguing from a false premise stupid. Do you hear your self? Hollie is not using a false premise because she is using a false premise.

What you missed in your utter and complete ignorance is that Hollie's argument is made from the assumption that God exists. In order for her to make her stupid argument, she has to first assume that God exists. Otherwise, how can she argue some other god made god? She is attempting to deny God by putting forth an argument whose basis is God exists. Of course we would expect you to miss this. My point is, if you are going to attack the concept of the Judeo-Christian God, then you can't make up your own Judeo-Christian theology. You can make a different argument to attack other mythological gods, but if you are going to assume the Judeo-Christian God exists as the basis of your argument, then you should also follow with the stated and commonly accepted theology that accompanies that basis, i.e., 1.) God has always existed 2.) God predates the Universe (Bible reference) 3.) God claims in the Bible there are no gods before him.

So according to you, Hollie's argument is based on a false premise of a false premise. YOU FAIL, THESPIDOUCHE!!! This is what happens when make your bed with a liar.

Gee whiz. Thumpie stalker is drooling.

Here's a bit of enlightenment for you: you make no sense - as usual.

Go thump (and stalk), elsewhere.
gotta wonder how many times he had to wipe off the keyboard?
when he raves like that it's a sure sign you've hooked him by the scrotum.
If you wish in one hand and poop in the other hand which one fills up first ?

Yet another of the gems of wisdom offered by the fundie creationist crowd.

Would jeebus approve of your behavior?

Do you think he would approve of your behavior Atleast I am wise enough to ask for forgiveness.
so your conversion is only because you fear divine retribution?
just as I expected you are a fuckup and your belief is a thin veneer to cover you ass.
Sorry ask daws since you have a comprehension problem.

How curious that the entirety of your creationist claims derive from Christian creationist websites and oddly, from Harun Yahya, a moslem who steals ruthlessly from Christian creationists.

The coalition of dumb and dumber... and dumber'ers.

Once again you're a liar. The evidence exists and I am asking you for a rational explanation but I knew that would be a False premise lol. You know that you could be rational.
wrong that's not an example of an FP but this is" ask daws since you have a comprehension problem" -YWC
it's Ironic with all your yammering about your degree in science ,why is it you have no concept of what a FP is.?
as I recall it was part of science 101 in college.
have a nice day hollie.

this is where you bail out of the thread in hopeless attempts to avoid further embarrassment.

Shouldn't the other tag-team fundie creationist step in here?

all this nonsense between you and the jew and still neither of you addressed my questions.

You try to change the subject and deflect so you don't have answer the questions . Typical of you.

You tried to raise a hypothetical question concerning chemicals on other planets you answer my question then i will make you look silly on that halfhearted reach.

Bill nye and the other ideologues are your hero i get it but the guy is just another ideologue not wanting to face reality.
the jew?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

According to the creationists, all species (or basic kinds--whatever), living and extinct were created at the same time and the fossil record was laid down by the biblical flood.

If that were the case, you would find fossils of the approximately 5,000 present-day species of mammals, including humans, and of the approximately 10,000 present-day species of birds, mixed in with the fossils of, for example, dinosaurs. You do not and will never find such a mixture. That is because they are separated in time by more than 60 million years and the fossil record reflects that fact. The only fossils of mammals and birds that are found in the same strata as dinosaurs are primitive types quite unlike anything that exists today (even if you consider the "kinds" that creationists refer to as the source of present-day mammals and birds). And you will also not find those fossils of present-day mammals and birds in the same strata with trilobites, or of numerous other early types of animals.

And that scenario even continues after the demise of the dinosaurs. There are numerous strata which show that mammals became predominate for several tens of millions of years on up to today. But the strata that was laid down during the first half of that time contains a large number of fossils of mammals quite unlike anything that exists today, and again, none of the fossils are of present-day mammals, including humans, and present-day birds. As those strata get progressively younger, you begin to see more and more fossils of mammals and birds that are similar to the present-day species. That includes hominid fossils, which are present only in the strata laid down in the past few million years. Hominid fossils are totally absent in the vast number of earlier fossil-containing strata.

Thus, if you look at the geological strata, you will find a changing representation of species through the oldest to the youngest strata, and those changes reflect an evolutionary process.

For example, in the Cambrian, you will find the initial appearance of most of the phyla, but they will be only very primitive species--none of which exist today--belonging to those phyla. You will not find one single amphibian, reptile, dinosaur, bird, mammal, or teleost fish. And as you progress through the strata you will find new forms, but still nothing like what you would find today until you get to relatively young strata. That is not what you would find if the fossil record had been laid down by a flood such as that described in the Bible. But it is what would be expected in an evolutionary scenario.

This is not a matter of interpreting things according to one's belief, as creationists usually say. It is a matter of honestly accepting the evidence for what it says. The Bible believer holds that all things must be interpreted according to the Bible. Therefore, they are are forced to be dishonest in interpreting the evidence.

The geological strata indicate an evolutionary progression. If there was no evolutionary progression, but all species (or kinds, whatever) had been created at the same time, then there would be no evolutionary progression in the strata. That is fact.

A flood such as described in the Bible would not leave stratified deposits on the tops of mountains. The material forming deposits would flow down the sides of the mountains. The same for marine fossil deposits. How would the shells of clams end up on the tops of mountains, even Mount Everest? Clams couldn't swim to the tops of the mountains, nor could they climb up the sides of mountains.

Plate tectonics explains why sea shells and other marine deposits are found on mountain tops. Sections, or plates, of the earth's crust are constantly moving, albeit very slowly, about an inch or so per year. This movement has been measured with scientific instruments and has been tracked in the analysis of paleomagnetism and other means. In areas where one plate impinges upon another, the movement forces the earth's crust to uplift, which is what causes mountains to build up over millions of years. If the area that was uplifted was originally a part of the sea floor, then any sea shells and other marine fossil deposits would be uplifted during the mountain building as well.…

one more time -----Plate tectonics explains why sea shells and other marine deposits are found on mountain tops.

No it don't if this was the case you're depending on volcanoes distributing these fossils on mountain tops and that is not the case.

Amazing World: Massive Whale Fossil Graveyard In Chile

Massive Dinosaur "Graveyard" Discovered in Spain

Joel kontinen: Huge Fossil Graveyard Found in China

Fossils - Truth That Matters

How do you explain these massive fossil graveyards world wide ? the walls are closing in daws.
3 out of the four sites you posted are not credible as they are based on the false premise that a great flood happened based on another false premise that god or an intelligent designer caused it. since the base premise is false ALL conclusions drawn from it are also false the natgeo site refutes all the others as it talks about millions of years not thousands.(The 70-million-year-old fossils show a stunning array of dinosaur diversity for a period that is very poorly known in Western Europe, said paleontologist José Luis Sanz of Autonomous University in Madrid.

"We are sure that in future, [once we have] studied the huge amount of fossil material recovered from the site, the diversity will increase," Sanz, who is in charge of the dig, said in an email.

The fossils date to some four million years before the dinosaurs went extinct, shedding new light "on these last European dinosaur ecosystems," Sanz said.)

proving YWC'S willful ignorance one post a at a time.
btw yes it's certain your walls are closing in.

False premise ? how do you know have you really considered the evidence ? not just your sides interpretation of the evidence that honestly needs a little faith to accept.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

According to the creationists, all species (or basic kinds--whatever), living and extinct were created at the same time and the fossil record was laid down by the biblical flood.

If that were the case, you would find fossils of the approximately 5,000 present-day species of mammals, including humans, and of the approximately 10,000 present-day species of birds, mixed in with the fossils of, for example, dinosaurs. You do not and will never find such a mixture. That is because they are separated in time by more than 60 million years and the fossil record reflects that fact. The only fossils of mammals and birds that are found in the same strata as dinosaurs are primitive types quite unlike anything that exists today (even if you consider the "kinds" that creationists refer to as the source of present-day mammals and birds). And you will also not find those fossils of present-day mammals and birds in the same strata with trilobites, or of numerous other early types of animals.

And that scenario even continues after the demise of the dinosaurs. There are numerous strata which show that mammals became predominate for several tens of millions of years on up to today. But the strata that was laid down during the first half of that time contains a large number of fossils of mammals quite unlike anything that exists today, and again, none of the fossils are of present-day mammals, including humans, and present-day birds. As those strata get progressively younger, you begin to see more and more fossils of mammals and birds that are similar to the present-day species. That includes hominid fossils, which are present only in the strata laid down in the past few million years. Hominid fossils are totally absent in the vast number of earlier fossil-containing strata.

Thus, if you look at the geological strata, you will find a changing representation of species through the oldest to the youngest strata, and those changes reflect an evolutionary process.

For example, in the Cambrian, you will find the initial appearance of most of the phyla, but they will be only very primitive species--none of which exist today--belonging to those phyla. You will not find one single amphibian, reptile, dinosaur, bird, mammal, or teleost fish. And as you progress through the strata you will find new forms, but still nothing like what you would find today until you get to relatively young strata. That is not what you would find if the fossil record had been laid down by a flood such as that described in the Bible. But it is what would be expected in an evolutionary scenario.

This is not a matter of interpreting things according to one's belief, as creationists usually say. It is a matter of honestly accepting the evidence for what it says. The Bible believer holds that all things must be interpreted according to the Bible. Therefore, they are are forced to be dishonest in interpreting the evidence.

The geological strata indicate an evolutionary progression. If there was no evolutionary progression, but all species (or kinds, whatever) had been created at the same time, then there would be no evolutionary progression in the strata. That is fact.

A flood such as described in the Bible would not leave stratified deposits on the tops of mountains. The material forming deposits would flow down the sides of the mountains. The same for marine fossil deposits. How would the shells of clams end up on the tops of mountains, even Mount Everest? Clams couldn't swim to the tops of the mountains, nor could they climb up the sides of mountains.

Plate tectonics explains why sea shells and other marine deposits are found on mountain tops. Sections, or plates, of the earth's crust are constantly moving, albeit very slowly, about an inch or so per year. This movement has been measured with scientific instruments and has been tracked in the analysis of paleomagnetism and other means. In areas where one plate impinges upon another, the movement forces the earth's crust to uplift, which is what causes mountains to build up over millions of years. If the area that was uplifted was originally a part of the sea floor, then any sea shells and other marine fossil deposits would be uplifted during the mountain building as well.…

one more time -----Plate tectonics explains why sea shells and other marine deposits are found on mountain tops.

No it don't if this was the case you're depending on volcanoes distributing these fossils on mountain tops and that is not the case.

Amazing World: Massive Whale Fossil Graveyard In Chile

Massive Dinosaur "Graveyard" Discovered in Spain

Joel kontinen: Huge Fossil Graveyard Found in China

Fossils - Truth That Matters

How do you explain these massive fossil graveyards world wide ? the walls are closing in daws.
3 out of the four sites you posted are not credible as they are based on the false premise that a great flood happened based on another false premise that god or an intelligent designer caused it. since the base premise is false ALL conclusions drawn from it are also false the natgeo site refutes all the others as it talks about millions of years not thousands.(The 70-million-year-old fossils show a stunning array of dinosaur diversity for a period that is very poorly known in Western Europe, said paleontologist José Luis Sanz of Autonomous University in Madrid.

"We are sure that in future, [once we have] studied the huge amount of fossil material recovered from the site, the diversity will increase," Sanz, who is in charge of the dig, said in an email.

The fossils date to some four million years before the dinosaurs went extinct, shedding new light "on these last European dinosaur ecosystems," Sanz said.)

proving YWC'S willful ignorance one post a at a time.
btw yes it's certain your walls are closing in.

Is it just me or is what daws posted full of conjecture ? oh and if there is more diversity that is more supporting of a graveyard due to catastrophe.
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Since none of you are willing to say what theory you believe in let's move on. How did the dinosaurs die ? should be a simple enough question.
No it don't if this was the case you're depending on volcanoes distributing these fossils on mountain tops and that is not the case.

Amazing World: Massive Whale Fossil Graveyard In Chile

Massive Dinosaur "Graveyard" Discovered in Spain

Joel kontinen: Huge Fossil Graveyard Found in China

Fossils - Truth That Matters

How do you explain these massive fossil graveyards world wide ? the walls are closing in daws.
3 out of the four sites you posted are not credible as they are based on the false premise that a great flood happened based on another false premise that god or an intelligent designer caused it. since the base premise is false ALL conclusions drawn from it are also false the natgeo site refutes all the others as it talks about millions of years not thousands.(The 70-million-year-old fossils show a stunning array of dinosaur diversity for a period that is very poorly known in Western Europe, said paleontologist José Luis Sanz of Autonomous University in Madrid.

"We are sure that in future, [once we have] studied the huge amount of fossil material recovered from the site, the diversity will increase," Sanz, who is in charge of the dig, said in an email.

The fossils date to some four million years before the dinosaurs went extinct, shedding new light "on these last European dinosaur ecosystems," Sanz said.)

proving YWC'S willful ignorance one post a at a time.
btw yes it's certain your walls are closing in.

False premise ? how do you know have you really considered the evidence ? not just your sides interpretation of the evidence that honestly needs a little faith to accept.
yes slap dick I do know as your side HAS NOT produced a ANY evidence.. what you have produced is based on a false premise "GOD DID IT" ANY THING BASED ON THAT PREMISE IS ALSO FALSE.
as is your assumption about the need for faith.
3 out of the four sites you posted are not credible as they are based on the false premise that a great flood happened based on another false premise that god or an intelligent designer caused it. since the base premise is false ALL conclusions drawn from it are also false the natgeo site refutes all the others as it talks about millions of years not thousands.(The 70-million-year-old fossils show a stunning array of dinosaur diversity for a period that is very poorly known in Western Europe, said paleontologist José Luis Sanz of Autonomous University in Madrid.

"We are sure that in future, [once we have] studied the huge amount of fossil material recovered from the site, the diversity will increase," Sanz, who is in charge of the dig, said in an email.

The fossils date to some four million years before the dinosaurs went extinct, shedding new light "on these last European dinosaur ecosystems," Sanz said.)

proving YWC'S willful ignorance one post a at a time.
btw yes it's certain your walls are closing in.

False premise ? how do you know have you really considered the evidence ? not just your sides interpretation of the evidence that honestly needs a little faith to accept.
yes slap dick I do know as your side HAS NOT produced a ANY evidence.. what you have produced is based on a false premise "GOD DID IT" ANY THING BASED ON THAT PREMISE IS ALSO FALSE.
as is your assumption about the need for faith.

The walls are closing in daws. How did the dinosaurs die ? I have produced evidence and I will produce more. You still have not named the theory you believe in.
Last edited:
No it don't if this was the case you're depending on volcanoes distributing these fossils on mountain tops and that is not the case.

Amazing World: Massive Whale Fossil Graveyard In Chile

Massive Dinosaur "Graveyard" Discovered in Spain

Joel kontinen: Huge Fossil Graveyard Found in China

Fossils - Truth That Matters

How do you explain these massive fossil graveyards world wide ? the walls are closing in daws.
3 out of the four sites you posted are not credible as they are based on the false premise that a great flood happened based on another false premise that god or an intelligent designer caused it. since the base premise is false ALL conclusions drawn from it are also false the natgeo site refutes all the others as it talks about millions of years not thousands.(The 70-million-year-old fossils show a stunning array of dinosaur diversity for a period that is very poorly known in Western Europe, said paleontologist José Luis Sanz of Autonomous University in Madrid.

"We are sure that in future, [once we have] studied the huge amount of fossil material recovered from the site, the diversity will increase," Sanz, who is in charge of the dig, said in an email.

The fossils date to some four million years before the dinosaurs went extinct, shedding new light "on these last European dinosaur ecosystems," Sanz said.)

proving YWC'S willful ignorance one post a at a time.
btw yes it's certain your walls are closing in.

Is it just me or is what daws posted full of conjecture ? oh and if there is more diversity that is more supporting of a graveyard due to catastrophe.
it just you! the site you're quoting from does not hint at or infer a great catastrophe. that's you wishing it did.
however there was a localized catastrophe 70 million years that created that "graveyard."
it is no proof of a great flood 5000 years ago.
False premise ? how do you know have you really considered the evidence ? not just your sides interpretation of the evidence that honestly needs a little faith to accept.
yes slap dick I do know as your side HAS NOT produced a ANY evidence.. what you have produced is based on a false premise "GOD DID IT" ANY THING BASED ON THAT PREMISE IS ALSO FALSE.
as is your assumption about the need for faith.

The walls are closing in daws. How did the dinosaurs die ? I have produced evidence and I will produce more. You still have not named the theory you believe in.
repeating yourself is a symptom.
as stated before all of what you've presented is based on an FP so it's not valid.
to say it is, only compounds it's lack of credibility.
now look, who's trying to change the subject....
yes slap dick I do know as your side HAS NOT produced a ANY evidence.. what you have produced is based on a false premise "GOD DID IT" ANY THING BASED ON THAT PREMISE IS ALSO FALSE.
as is your assumption about the need for faith.

The walls are closing in daws. How did the dinosaurs die ? I have produced evidence and I will produce more. You still have not named the theory you believe in.
repeating yourself is a symptom.
as stated before all of what you've presented is based on an FP so it's not valid.
to say it is, only compounds it's lack of credibility.
now look, who's trying to change the subject....

How did the dinosaurs die out daws ?
3 out of the four sites you posted are not credible as they are based on the false premise that a great flood happened based on another false premise that god or an intelligent designer caused it. since the base premise is false ALL conclusions drawn from it are also false the natgeo site refutes all the others as it talks about millions of years not thousands.(The 70-million-year-old fossils show a stunning array of dinosaur diversity for a period that is very poorly known in Western Europe, said paleontologist José Luis Sanz of Autonomous University in Madrid.

"We are sure that in future, [once we have] studied the huge amount of fossil material recovered from the site, the diversity will increase," Sanz, who is in charge of the dig, said in an email.

The fossils date to some four million years before the dinosaurs went extinct, shedding new light "on these last European dinosaur ecosystems," Sanz said.)

proving YWC'S willful ignorance one post a at a time.
btw yes it's certain your walls are closing in.

Is it just me or is what daws posted full of conjecture ? oh and if there is more diversity that is more supporting of a graveyard due to catastrophe.
it just you! the site you're quoting from does not hint at or infer a great catastrophe. that's you wishing it did.
however there was a localized catastrophe 70 million years that created that "graveyard."
it is no proof of a great flood 5000 years ago.

There are graveyards of mixed fossils all over the world daws.
Is it just me or is what daws posted full of conjecture ? oh and if there is more diversity that is more supporting of a graveyard due to catastrophe.
it just you! the site you're quoting from does not hint at or infer a great catastrophe. that's you wishing it did.
however there was a localized catastrophe 70 million years that created that "graveyard."
it is no proof of a great flood 5000 years ago.

There are graveyards of mixed fossils all over the world daws.
all of them older then your fantasy allows.
that in it's self proves the great flood was a non event.!
it just you! the site you're quoting from does not hint at or infer a great catastrophe. that's you wishing it did.
however there was a localized catastrophe 70 million years that created that "graveyard."
it is no proof of a great flood 5000 years ago.

There are graveyards of mixed fossils all over the world daws.
all of them older then your fantasy allows.
that in it's self proves the great flood was a non event.!

Maybe not, why are you not answering my question ?
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