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When you look at life animals and humans it is very easy to detect design .
Only if you first presume a designer.

that is evidence of a designer.
No. Having first presumed a designer, calling that "evidence" is question-begging.

But let's just allow the fallacy to slide for a moment ... the only "designers" we have verifiable evidence of are human beings. The only "designers" we can legitimately propose (you know, without just imagining one for the purpose) are human beings. If we understand that the only "designers" we have evidence of could not have designed everything, then we must look elsewhere.

If we look, and we see natural causes for effects, but see no (other) designers about designing things, then the evidence and valid logic leads to a conclusion that the effects we see are the result of the natural causes we see. Making up some designer that has no other explanation than "that's what we believe", is not logically or evidentially valid.

Just to remind you, I'm not saying that this "proves" there is no Creator, I'm not saying that there is no Creator, I'm just saying there's no verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to honestly propose, let alone defend, the notion that there is a Creator.


So how would you explain evidence that shows that intelligence was required to create something ?
What evidence?

Or are you speaking hypothetically?

Yeah house,medicine,car,telephone,computer,launguages, and they were all designed by the brain. But the brain was not designed or programmed by intelligence according to your beliefs. That does not sound contradictory to you ?

Everything in the body serves a purpose how is that not evidence for design ?
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you ask, I gave you the most honest answer.
if you don't like the result ,don't ask.
since when is fact hateful?
no you did not ,it's implied .
as i SAID, you believe and that's all the proof you need.
but then again belief only proves belief.
it does not and can not prove the existence of the thing believed in.

it takes evidence for that.

Did I ask? I don't remember.

Anyway, I reiterate. I don't need proof, and I never said faith was proof.

i'll reintegrate ,you seem to be slow on the uptake.YOUR belife IS your proof.

No,i posted many reasons why we can trust that the bible is the word od of God,the bible strengthens our faith to believe. Circular reasoning somewhat but evolution requires circular reasoning for some of their beliefs to. By putting an age on a fossil because the strata it's found in.
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Argument from ignorance, also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam or "appeal to ignorance" (where "ignorance" stands for: "lack of evidence to the contrary"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false, it is "generally accepted" (or vice versa). This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes a third option, which is that there is insufficient investigation and therefore insufficient information to prove the proposition satisfactorily to be either true or false. Nor does it allow the admission that the choices may in fact not be two (true or false), but may be as many as four, (1) true, (2) false, (3) unknown between true or false, and (4) being unknowable (among the first three).[1] In debates, appeals to ignorance are sometimes used to shift the burden of proof.

Argument from ignorance may be used as a rationalization by a person who realizes that he has no reason for holding the belief that he does.

The fallaciousness of arguments from ignorance does not mean that one can never possess good reasons for thinking that something does not exist, an idea captured by philosopher Bertrand Russell's teapot, a hypothetical china teapot revolving about the sun between Earth and Mars; however this would fall more duly under the arena of pragmatism, wherein a position must be demonstrated or proven in order to be upheld, and therefore the burden of proof is on the argument's proponent.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Speak for yourself.
So you are not sure who we are descended from.

That's not what I said. Try again please.

The ol fossil tree again,someone putting a puzzle to gether in a back room. First you need to prove we descended from apelike creatures. That we have a common ancestor with the chimp.

Which we have. We've used molecular evidence to prove it.

These are inferred beliefs from your presuppositions not from the evidence.

See above. Keep in mind, you've never offered anything in the way of scientific evidence otherwise, or even a reply that actually addresses what my original posts were about.

What your side has done is found crossbreeding ape fossils and tried to build a tree that we humans came from. Saying we share a common ancestor is rediculous. You're saying we had to cross breed and there is no evidence of that.

Crossbreeding is a bullshit theory, and I've swatted it down before when you've said. Please stop continuing to act like it's correct, you're only showing how little you actually understand of genetics and biology.

There definitely is no evidence of gradualism that over time beneficial mutations spread through the population making us what we are today.

You'll find biologists split over gradualism or punctuated equilibrium. But, over time beneficial mutations spreading through a population does in fact happen. We know this occurs, the proof is purely mountainous.

These beliefs are merely Inferences of the mind not evidence so it falls under the faith category.

It's based on hard evidence. Which you've never provided a shred of for creationism. Please stop wasting everyone's time if you're just going to ignore someone every time they present evidence to you.
When you look at life animals and humans it is very easy to detect design .
Only if you first presume a designer.

No. Having first presumed a designer, calling that "evidence" is question-begging.

But let's just allow the fallacy to slide for a moment ... the only "designers" we have verifiable evidence of are human beings. The only "designers" we can legitimately propose (you know, without just imagining one for the purpose) are human beings. If we understand that the only "designers" we have evidence of could not have designed everything, then we must look elsewhere.

If we look, and we see natural causes for effects, but see no (other) designers about designing things, then the evidence and valid logic leads to a conclusion that the effects we see are the result of the natural causes we see. Making up some designer that has no other explanation than "that's what we believe", is not logically or evidentially valid.

Just to remind you, I'm not saying that this "proves" there is no Creator, I'm not saying that there is no Creator, I'm just saying there's no verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to honestly propose, let alone defend, the notion that there is a Creator.


So how would you explain evidence that shows that intelligence was required to create something ?
What evidence?

Or are you speaking hypothetically?

Yeah house,medicine,car,telephone,computer,launguages, and they were all designed by the brain.
Presented as if I didn't address this, so ... ?

But the brain was not designed or programmed by intelligence according to your beliefs.
I'll just bet you find these beliefs you say I have very convenient.

That does not sound contradictory to you ?
Contradictory to what?

Everything in the body serves a purpose how is that not evidence for design ?
Your question has Texas Sharpshooting and question-begging premises.
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That's not what I said. Try again please.

The ol fossil tree again,someone putting a puzzle to gether in a back room. First you need to prove we descended from apelike creatures. That we have a common ancestor with the chimp.

Which we have. We've used molecular evidence to prove it.

See above. Keep in mind, you've never offered anything in the way of scientific evidence otherwise, or even a reply that actually addresses what my original posts were about.

Crossbreeding is a bullshit theory, and I've swatted it down before when you've said. Please stop continuing to act like it's correct, you're only showing how little you actually understand of genetics and biology.

There definitely is no evidence of gradualism that over time beneficial mutations spread through the population making us what we are today.

You'll find biologists split over gradualism or punctuated equilibrium. But, over time beneficial mutations spreading through a population does in fact happen. We know this occurs, the proof is purely mountainous.

These beliefs are merely Inferences of the mind not evidence so it falls under the faith category.

It's based on hard evidence. Which you've never provided a shred of for creationism. Please stop wasting everyone's time if you're just going to ignore someone every time they present evidence to you.

No we havn't. Are you referring to chromosome #2 ?

If not what molecular evidence are you referring to ?

Are genes what determine the offspring yes or no ?

No it is not,because you don't know if the information came through mutations or was already present in the genepool.

What evidence have you presented ? you have presented what you read from books and never actually looked at yourself.

You're insulting my professor to say i don't understand what he taught. I just don't hide behind lies and i call it how i see it.
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Only if you first presume a designer.

No. Having first presumed a designer, calling that "evidence" is question-begging.

But let's just allow the fallacy to slide for a moment ... the only "designers" we have verifiable evidence of are human beings. The only "designers" we can legitimately propose (you know, without just imagining one for the purpose) are human beings. If we understand that the only "designers" we have evidence of could not have designed everything, then we must look elsewhere.

If we look, and we see natural causes for effects, but see no (other) designers about designing things, then the evidence and valid logic leads to a conclusion that the effects we see are the result of the natural causes we see. Making up some designer that has no other explanation than "that's what we believe", is not logically or evidentially valid.

Just to remind you, I'm not saying that this "proves" there is no Creator, I'm not saying that there is no Creator, I'm just saying there's no verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to honestly propose, let alone defend, the notion that there is a Creator.


What evidence?

Or are you speaking hypothetically?

Yeah house,medicine,car,telephone,computer,launguages, and they were all designed by the brain.
Presented as if I didn't address this, so ... ?

I'll just bet you find these beliefs you say I have very convenient.

That does not sound contradictory to you ?
Contradictory to what?

Everything in the body serves a purpose how is that not evidence for design ?
Your question has Texas Sharpshooting and question-begging premises.

If you can't see the contradiction in your reasoning i can't help you.
Only if you first presume a designer.

No. Having first presumed a designer, calling that "evidence" is question-begging.

But let's just allow the fallacy to slide for a moment ... the only "designers" we have verifiable evidence of are human beings. The only "designers" we can legitimately propose (you know, without just imagining one for the purpose) are human beings. If we understand that the only "designers" we have evidence of could not have designed everything, then we must look elsewhere.

If we look, and we see natural causes for effects, but see no (other) designers about designing things, then the evidence and valid logic leads to a conclusion that the effects we see are the result of the natural causes we see. Making up some designer that has no other explanation than "that's what we believe", is not logically or evidentially valid.

Just to remind you, I'm not saying that this "proves" there is no Creator, I'm not saying that there is no Creator, I'm just saying there's no verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to honestly propose, let alone defend, the notion that there is a Creator.


What evidence?

Or are you speaking hypothetically?

Yeah house,medicine,car,telephone,computer,launguages, and they were all designed by the brain.
Presented as if I didn't address this, so ... ?

I'll just bet you find these beliefs you say I have very convenient.

That does not sound contradictory to you ?
Contradictory to what?

Everything in the body serves a purpose how is that not evidence for design ?
Your question has Texas Sharpshooting and question-begging premises.

You really need me to point out the contradiction ?
That's not what I said. Try again please.

The ol fossil tree again,someone putting a puzzle to gether in a back room. First you need to prove we descended from apelike creatures. That we have a common ancestor with the chimp.

Which we have. We've used molecular evidence to prove it.

See above. Keep in mind, you've never offered anything in the way of scientific evidence otherwise, or even a reply that actually addresses what my original posts were about.

Crossbreeding is a bullshit theory, and I've swatted it down before when you've said. Please stop continuing to act like it's correct, you're only showing how little you actually understand of genetics and biology.

There definitely is no evidence of gradualism that over time beneficial mutations spread through the population making us what we are today.

You'll find biologists split over gradualism or punctuated equilibrium. But, over time beneficial mutations spreading through a population does in fact happen. We know this occurs, the proof is purely mountainous.

These beliefs are merely Inferences of the mind not evidence so it falls under the faith category.

It's based on hard evidence. Which you've never provided a shred of for creationism. Please stop wasting everyone's time if you're just going to ignore someone every time they present evidence to you.

So who has been more successful with predictions concerning mutations ,creationist or evolutionist ?
It fits perfectly with creation,we believe in microevolution which adds up to microadaptations which brings about variations within a family,not macroevolution that means new family.

Cross breeding and parental traits, i answered this before . I guess it didn't sink in.

You're amazing :lol:

How exactly do you propose a mechanism that forces the mutations to keep the organism within a certain set of characteristics?

DNA is just a long sequence of Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Adenine, The order of those determine the proteins expressed. Mutations change one of those to another. That changes the protein express.

If mutations are random how do you exactly expect the organism to just vary?

imagine a bacteria a billion years ago with the DNA sequence "ACGTACGTACGT". In one generation, a single mutation might take place. Maybe the offspring looks like "TCGTACGTACGT". Adenine was replaced with Thymine. It reproduces over and over and small variations begin to build up. after a billion years, how can you guarantee that those random variations have not changed it to something like "TGCATGCATGCA".

And if two organisms have totally dissimilar genomes, how can you possibly consider them the same species

Because animals from the same family have different genetic data does not mean they are no longer from that family why must they be classified as a different species ?

Do you seriously not fucking understand genetics??!?!?!

Every humans genome is over 99% identical....If two genomes are 0% similar, like the ones above, they have to be a different species. they dont even code for the same genes. They code for totally different structures.

Your human analogy is horrible. Every human is 99% identical.

That is why I prefer kind or family as a description. But it the best way to do it is name them by breeds. Do we know the difference between a wolf,coyote,and fox. What's the point of defining a new species when breed pretty much covers it.

"breed" - A breed is a group of domestic animals or plants with a homogeneous appearance, behavior, and other characteristics that distinguish it from other animals or plants of the same species. Despite the centrality of the idea of "breeds" to animal husbandry, there is no scientifically accepted definition of the term.

Because the situation is much more complex than you even understand!

How exactly do you apply that to a bacteria?!?!?!

Creationists always apply the top-down fallacy.

EVOLUTION TAKES PLACE ON A GENETIC LEVEL! The mutation doesnt care what the animal looks like now, its just going to mutate one of those A's, C's, G's, or T's.
And based on your definition of breed, can i ask you a few things? Or maybe make a few assumptions about what you might believe, based on this idea of a breed.

So take the idea of darwins finches. The idea being that they originated on the mainland and spread out to each island. They then diversified, microevolved if u must use that term, independently. That is, the populations on each island would be slightly different because they have no way of "microevolving" together since theyre separated.

Science classifies these birds as different species. I assume you would view this classification as more or less pointless, because the animals are still within the same "breed". correct?

(I feel like you couldnt define breed more accurately and thats why generalized, but ok...)

Am i basically right about the finches though????
and genomes are similar because the structures are similar, and DNA is like the hammer with which god constructs the house. So obviously god gave every animal a set of "heart genes", and such, because they need a heart.

This is similar to your belief about the similarity between the genomes of different species, correct?
How exactly do you propose a mechanism that forces the mutations to keep the organism within a certain set of characteristics?

DNA is just a long sequence of Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Adenine, The order of those determine the proteins expressed. Mutations change one of those to another. That changes the protein express.

If mutations are random how do you exactly expect the organism to just vary?

imagine a bacteria a billion years ago with the DNA sequence "ACGTACGTACGT". In one generation, a single mutation might take place. Maybe the offspring looks like "TCGTACGTACGT". Adenine was replaced with Thymine. It reproduces over and over and small variations begin to build up. after a billion years, how can you guarantee that those random variations have not changed it to something like "TGCATGCATGCA".

And if two organisms have totally dissimilar genomes, how can you possibly consider them the same species

Because animals from the same family have different genetic data does not mean they are no longer from that family why must they be classified as a different species ?

Do you seriously not fucking understand genetics??!?!?!

Every humans genome is over 99% identical....If two genomes are 0% similar, like the ones above, they have to be a different species. they dont even code for the same genes. They code for totally different structures.

Your human analogy is horrible. Every human is 99% identical.

That is why I prefer kind or family as a description. But it the best way to do it is name them by breeds. Do we know the difference between a wolf,coyote,and fox. What's the point of defining a new species when breed pretty much covers it.

"breed" - A breed is a group of domestic animals or plants with a homogeneous appearance, behavior, and other characteristics that distinguish it from other animals or plants of the same species. Despite the centrality of the idea of "breeds" to animal husbandry, there is no scientifically accepted definition of the term.

Because the situation is much more complex than you even understand!

How exactly do you apply that to a bacteria?!?!?!

Creationists always apply the top-down fallacy.

EVOLUTION TAKES PLACE ON A GENETIC LEVEL! The mutation doesnt care what the animal looks like now, its just going to mutate one of those A's, C's, G's, or T's.

Is this another claim like the claim if a human does not have 46 chromosomes it's not a human ?

So spare me do i understand genetics.

Do you understand kind or breed ?
And based on your definition of breed, can i ask you a few things? Or maybe make a few assumptions about what you might believe, based on this idea of a breed.

So take the idea of darwins finches. The idea being that they originated on the mainland and spread out to each island. They then diversified, microevolved if u must use that term, independently. That is, the populations on each island would be slightly different because they have no way of "microevolving" together since theyre separated.

Science classifies these birds as different species. I assume you would view this classification as more or less pointless, because the animals are still within the same "breed". correct?

(I feel like you couldnt define breed more accurately and thats why generalized, but ok...)

Am i basically right about the finches though????

They are all of the same family and yes there are different breeds of finches. But when the drought was over the shorter beaked finch made a come back because they did not evolve,but simply were being hurt by natural selection because the other finches were better adapted to drought conditions.
I like the example of protein composition to refute this one.

So review: DNA is composed of nucleotides, three nuclotides form a codon, a codon codes for an amino acid, amino acids form proteins. Single mutations mutate amino acids. Most amino acid mutations dont change the overall structure of the protein, because a protein is thousands of amino acids long.

So these random mutations in the amino acid composition of certain proteins builds up as time goes on. The variation in non-essential amino acids in two samples can therefore be used to infer the amount of time (number of generations, number of DNA replications, however you want to look at it). between them.

What we find when we look at certain proteins are just this. For example, Cytochrome C in every human has a nearly identical amino acid sequence. The similarities follow the evolutionary pattern, primates are slightly more varied, bacteria are much more varied.

So this isnt a case of god having to change the structure for new function, the amino acid variations are useless. But the frequency of them can be used to determine how many generations have passed.

So....Is god just fucking with us?
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I mean seriously? God gave the entire universe to humans on earth???

There are billions of stars in this galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe. Even the stars you see at night are only a fraction of the stars in our local neighborhood within our galaxy.

We've even found planets outside of our own solar system. Hundreds in fact.

How exactly does that match up to your biblical story? Why did god give us a different solar system 7 billion light years away??

I can certainly accept the idea of a god, but he didnt just make people and animals as they are.
Because animals from the same family have different genetic data does not mean they are no longer from that family why must they be classified as a different species ?

Do you seriously not fucking understand genetics??!?!?!

Every humans genome is over 99% identical....If two genomes are 0% similar, like the ones above, they have to be a different species. they dont even code for the same genes. They code for totally different structures.

Your human analogy is horrible. Every human is 99% identical.

That is why I prefer kind or family as a description. But it the best way to do it is name them by breeds. Do we know the difference between a wolf,coyote,and fox. What's the point of defining a new species when breed pretty much covers it.

"breed" - A breed is a group of domestic animals or plants with a homogeneous appearance, behavior, and other characteristics that distinguish it from other animals or plants of the same species. Despite the centrality of the idea of "breeds" to animal husbandry, there is no scientifically accepted definition of the term.

Because the situation is much more complex than you even understand!

How exactly do you apply that to a bacteria?!?!?!

Creationists always apply the top-down fallacy.

EVOLUTION TAKES PLACE ON A GENETIC LEVEL! The mutation doesnt care what the animal looks like now, its just going to mutate one of those A's, C's, G's, or T's.

Is this another claim like the claim if a human does not have 46 chromosomes it's not a human ?

So spare me do i understand genetics.

Do you understand kind or breed ?

Omg will you please address the example i provided? How is that impossible? By what mechanism do mutations not change certain characteristics that define a breed.

and genomes are similar because the structures are similar, and DNA is like the hammer with which god constructs the house. So obviously god gave every animal a set of "heart genes", and such, because they need a heart.

This is similar to your belief about the similarity between the genomes of different species, correct?

God formed things out of similar substances and gave the substances different abilities and different looks.

Some hearts beat faster,some heart are bigger,some hearts pump more blood.

Wings,some wings cause flight, some wings are bigger,some wings flap faster,some wings don't allow flight.

Same with eyes,arms,and legs.

Everything points to design not chance.
And based on your definition of breed, can i ask you a few things? Or maybe make a few assumptions about what you might believe, based on this idea of a breed.

So take the idea of darwins finches. The idea being that they originated on the mainland and spread out to each island. They then diversified, microevolved if u must use that term, independently. That is, the populations on each island would be slightly different because they have no way of "microevolving" together since theyre separated.

Science classifies these birds as different species. I assume you would view this classification as more or less pointless, because the animals are still within the same "breed". correct?

(I feel like you couldnt define breed more accurately and thats why generalized, but ok...)

Am i basically right about the finches though????

They are all of the same family and yes there are different breeds of finches. But when the drought was over the shorter beaked finch made a come back because they did not evolve,but simply were being hurt by natural selection because the other finches were better adapted to drought conditions.

Um what? Your example had nothing to do with evolution. Are darwins finches all eventually descended from a single type of bird or not? Is genetic variation of that extent possible or did god create them separate????
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